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...When I find myself unhappy in Thailand or indeed in England its usually because I am under occupied. For me the secret of happiness is having something meaningful and constructive to do ...

World of wisdom there! Thanks :rolleyes:

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I somewhat believe what pigeonjake is saying. There are negative people, positive people and realistic people. Most people are just realistic about what goes on around them and accept it with the normal amount of grumbling. Nothing is perfect or terrible all the time. With the help of an elderly man who has more wisdom than me I've trained myself to be positive person. It is difficult to maintain a positive outlook about everything, but it is gradually working. I now take everything that happens to me as a learning experience.

The other day I was caught in a traffic jamb because of construction and instead of getting home in time to make supper I went out to eat. And, in so doing I ran into an old friend that I had lost contact with and we renewed our friendship. That never would have happened without my traffic delay. I don't know if it is karma or something else, but everything seems to happen for a reason.


bloody hell im not saying i dont moan,, you can ask my wife,

but ive learned over the years that moaning dosnt get you anywere, put it right yourself,

ive been waiting for the builder to come and had a moan when they ring to say they cant come,

ive gone to buy pig food and when ive got there they dont have any, i used to say how can a food merchant run out,

if we went for a meal and mine came first of macs came first i used to moan, now i just took into hers,,lol,

life were ever you are is what you make of it,

ive had days when my finger were just about bleading from laying blocks all day, day in and day out, but i loved it,

someone else said on here you are better keeping busy, ive allways been known as a good grafter,and i do the same in thailand,

all i was trying to say was that if people are sick of the drunks, scamers, cheaters, trafic, what ever there sick of, its in there hands,

do something about it,


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being a member of this forum for about 5 years now, and I have less than a thousand posts, why? because I have learned to ignore the negative, and benefit for the positive this forum has to offer. Easy to skip over all the "why are Thais so bad and not more like as" threads

The reaction of the OP is not unusual, it was my reaction when I first got here, and I have seen it from others numerous times, it is a reasonable reaction, and it does not hurt to vent and make your opinion heard , but it is in vain .there will always be negative people in this world, and in Thailand it seems we have more than our fair share.

There are a lot of good people in this forum, in my time of need their advise has being of value and comfort, my advise to the OP,

concentrate on the good and ignore the rest.

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To be honest, I'd be mortified if my girlfriend ever read some of the comments posted here on TV about Thailand, Thai culture, Thai people, etc. [Though she'd heartily agree with a lot of the comments made about the BIB]. It's ok to highlight the shortcomings of a society--every place has them--but some people here seem to see nothing positive and make quite offensive remarks about the nation and people (calling them "ignorant", "backward" etc etc). Those are the people that really mystify me... why they choose to remain in such a horrific place.

Can you imagine how you would feel about immigrants in your home country (UK, US, etc.) constantly bad-mouthing you and your culture? [i'm sure someone will say this happens, but the point is how do you feel about it? Do you think it's ok?]

  • Like 2

OP and anyone else who feels the need to tell others what opinions are acceptable try this test.

Do what I do..... get out of bed, spend your day doing whatever it is you do, at the end of the day go back to bed and ask yourself 'did the opinions anyone else express have any impact on how I personally experienced the day that just past?"

My guess is they have not.

If they have then perhaps those opinions are expressing something you yourself know to be true but do not want to face.

Either way, the opinions in and of themselves are mere words - harmless to anyone who is truly comfortable with the choices they themselves have made.

"If they have then perhaps those opinions are expressing something you yourself know to be true but do not want to face"

So is that why the OP's opinions motivated you to write two posts in a row about how unaffected you are by his opinions?

When you hear/read people talking rubbish it can be disturbing when you know it to be untrue. It isn't only when you hear some startling truth you've hidden away in a state of denial.

I agree it would probably make more sense to avoid reading most opinion/news threads on TV since they either start out with or end up with a lot of sound & fury that signifies less than nothing, but if you do read all the negativity generally expressed by people who are exceedingly unhappy with their sordid lives, it can be depressing or aggravating. As someone once wrote concerning "grunt and sweat under a weary life (as well as the fardels we all have to put up with):"

For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,

The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,

The pangs of despised love, the law's delay,

The insolence of office and the spurns

That patient merit of the unworthy takes,

When he himself might his quietus make

With a bare bodkin? who would fardels bear,

To grunt and sweat under a weary life,

But that the dread of something after death,

The undiscover'd country from whose bourn

No traveller returns, puzzles the will

And makes us rather bear those ills we have

Than fly to others that we know not of?

Thus conscience does make cowards of us all;

And thus the native hue of resolution

Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,


But you forget that some of us are whinging Brit's and we moan about everything day in and day out no matter where we are, even when our Cricket team is thrashing the Aussies. We even moan about you moaning about us.

Seriously though; Life is what you make it wherever you may be, it's an individual thing and some people are just miserable gits and enjoy being so.....live and let live.

Good post Jake, apart from the bit about speeding, if you think it is OK to speed because BiB are bent, and you will only pay 4 GBP, the you are wrong. Speeding puts other people at risk as well as yourself. I you are thinking about a little bit over the speed limit at times, then I would think we all do that.


OP and anyone else who feels the need to tell others what opinions are acceptable try this test.

Do what I do..... get out of bed, spend your day doing whatever it is you do, at the end of the day go back to bed and ask yourself 'did the opinions anyone else express have any impact on how I personally experienced the day that just past?"

My guess is they have not.

If they have then perhaps those opinions are expressing something you yourself know to be true but do not want to face.

Either way, the opinions in and of themselves are mere words - harmless to anyone who is truly comfortable with the choices they themselves have made.

You sure have a lot of posts for some one who dosen't really listen to what others opinions are.

The whole thing reminds me of a couple I met a few years back. They had been here a year and a half and loved it. They were going back to the states. ( a younger couple) I asked them why and they said the country was so beautiful and there was so much negativity by the farong community that they started to get negative and wanted to leave before they became hypocritical like so many of the other farongs.

You might pretend that other people's opinion's don't affect you but over a period of time they do. It is up to you how you take them you can just shrug them off or reason your way out of them but if you do not have an opinion your self and stand behind it you will eventually find yourself agreeing with them.sad.png


OP, why did you leave your home country?

Found fault with it?

Just curious.

This should be intersting.

Don't hold your breath, though ....

There is a possibility that many posters are happy with there home country but are more happy in Thailand.

I don't think that will apply to Brits.


OP, why did you leave your home country?

Found fault with it?

Just curious.

my home country is england,

the reason i left it,

first i will say i was happy in england, and still am when i go back, as some will know im from farming stock and my mum still has a small place with just over 5 achre with 2 horses which i still enjoy riding, so i do miss that when im in thailand

there are many things i miss when im in thailand, i miss the craic with the lads, miss taking my son fishing, lots of things,

but im happier in thailand,

there is no reason why i left the uk, im not running away from anything, i pass all police checks for visas when i work i different countrys, so im not running away,

its a hard question though,

see if i start saying i love to look after my animals, without the restraint of the british government saying i cant do that and i cant move that,

im not saying we wouldnt move to the uk as a family of course, my mum has been asking if we would move back, take on the small holding,but im happy in thailand,

yes i do repeat it,, so what, if that upsets some like guesthouse and soi 41, dont have to read what i put,

there there isnt a reason why i left the uk, apart from i met my wife fell head over heals in love and thought, thats were im going to live, i can still do my work and base myself in thailand, dosnt matter were i live, i work all over the world,

so i sold my house, and here i am, nice and settled in thailand,


There was a thread yesterday where a Englishman had to get permission to paint his front door and put a garden in his front yard. Seemed a bit over bearing for a government to me.


OP, why did you leave your home country?

Found fault with it?

Just curious.

my home country is england,

the reason i left it,

first i will say i was happy in england, and still am when i go back, as some will know im from farming stock and my mum still has a small place with just over 5 achre with 2 horses which i still enjoy riding, so i do miss that when im in thailand

there are many things i miss when im in thailand, i miss the craic with the lads, miss taking my son fishing, lots of things,

but im happier in thailand,

there is no reason why i left the uk, im not running away from anything, i pass all police checks for visas when i work i different countrys, so im not running away,

its a hard question though,

see if i start saying i love to look after my animals, without the restraint of the british government saying i cant do that and i cant move that,

im not saying we wouldnt move to the uk as a family of course, my mum has been asking if we would move back, take on the small holding,but im happy in thailand,

yes i do repeat it,, so what, if that upsets some like guesthouse and soi 41, dont have to read what i put,

there there isnt a reason why i left the uk, apart from i met my wife fell head over heals in love and thought, thats were im going to live, i can still do my work and base myself in thailand, dosnt matter were i live, i work all over the world,

so i sold my house, and here i am, nice and settled in thailand,


You dont have to justify yourself to anybody on this forum " up to you" as the Thai's say.

Rise above it my Son.

And mind your eyes.

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What is wrong with expressing opinions? Why are people afraid of constructive critcism? It is a good way to learn.

  • Like 2

I will go along with constructive critcism when it is justified in a debate but a lot of posters are just making general observations and in reality how many people actually change there minds.



OP, why did you leave your home country?

Found fault with it?

Just curious.

my home country is england,

the reason i left it,

first i will say i was happy in england, and still am when i go back, as some will know im from farming stock and my mum still has a small place with just over 5 achre with 2 horses which i still enjoy riding, so i do miss that when im in thailand

there are many things i miss when im in thailand, i miss the craic with the lads, miss taking my son fishing, lots of things,

but im happier in thailand,

there is no reason why i left the uk, im not running away from anything, i pass all police checks for visas when i work i different countrys, so im not running away,

its a hard question though,

see if i start saying i love to look after my animals, without the restraint of the british government saying i cant do that and i cant move that,

im not saying we wouldnt move to the uk as a family of course, my mum has been asking if we would move back, take on the small holding,but im happy in thailand,

yes i do repeat it,, so what, if that upsets some like guesthouse and soi 41, dont have to read what i put,

there there isnt a reason why i left the uk, apart from i met my wife fell head over heals in love and thought, thats were im going to live, i can still do my work and base myself in thailand, dosnt matter were i live, i work all over the world,

so i sold my house, and here i am, nice and settled in thailand,


Good answer.



OP, why did you leave your home country?

Found fault with it?

Just curious.

my home country is england,

the reason i left it,

first i will say i was happy in england, and still am when i go back, as some will know im from farming stock and my mum still has a small place with just over 5 achre with 2 horses which i still enjoy riding, so i do miss that when im in thailand

there are many things i miss when im in thailand, i miss the craic with the lads, miss taking my son fishing, lots of things,

but im happier in thailand,

there is no reason why i left the uk, im not running away from anything, i pass all police checks for visas when i work i different countrys, so im not running away,

its a hard question though,

see if i start saying i love to look after my animals, without the restraint of the british government saying i cant do that and i cant move that,

im not saying we wouldnt move to the uk as a family of course, my mum has been asking if we would move back, take on the small holding,but im happy in thailand,

yes i do repeat it,, so what, if that upsets some like guesthouse and soi 41, dont have to read what i put,

there there isnt a reason why i left the uk, apart from i met my wife fell head over heals in love and thought, thats were im going to live, i can still do my work and base myself in thailand, dosnt matter were i live, i work all over the world,

so i sold my house, and here i am, nice and settled in thailand,


There was a thread yesterday where a Englishman had to get permission to paint his front door and put a garden in his front yard. Seemed a bit over bearing for a government to me.

Front door? That's outside.laugh.png

I had a friend in Kenneth City, Florida. A few years back, the city passed an ordinance that you have to get color permission to paint the inside of your house, as in your bedroom walls.

He's died since then, so I don't know if it's enforced or been challenged.


I will go along with constructive critcism when it is justified in a debate but a lot of posters are just making general observations and in reality how many people actually change there minds.


Well, if I had previously made up my mind, PJ's sincere reply would have changed it.

Shame right back, for having made up your mind, that I had made up mine.



I will go along with constructive critcism when it is justified in a debate but a lot of posters are just making general observations and in reality how many people actually change there minds.


Well, if I had previously made up my mind, PJ's sincere reply would have changed it.

Shame right back, for having made up your mind, that I had made up mine.


The shame was'nt for you it was just general observation.

My point being it's a shame that some people will never change there minds i am happy to see that others have a open mind.

Your thanks to Jake is what i mean, Well done.

  • Like 1

The great Thai conspiracy theory rears it's speculative head again.

90% of posts are the same person in a room 24/7 banging out 100 words a min on the keyboard.

Back on topic ....


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I suspect you do not understand Thailand as of yet.

My first clue to your comments is you cannot spell. Either you are drunk or you have difficulties with the language which speaks volumes about your point of view.

We, as human beings, react to what we are exposed to. Many of us complain because we have negative experiences. In general, I would say that all of us have negative experiences in Thailand thus the negative comments. We stay here because of the few experiences that we value. Wife, gf, etc.

Thais have as a genetic/cultural disposition of xenophobic behavior which explains our negative response. To simple say we need to be positive about Thailand is a total misunderstanding of the problem.

Put simply, Thais hate us but we stay because of the small positives that we create for ourselves. Thailand is a hostile environment for foreigners but if you have the adaptability to create that small environment for yourself to flourish, then you can survive here or better yet, be happy here.

  • Like 1
Either you are drunk or you have difficulties with the language which speaks volumes about your point of view.

Speaks volumes about you this sentence; volumes that place you nowhere near the realm of kindness and happiness.

  • Like 2

to read this last page....and without quoting anybody.

Some post here who are very intelligent perhaps, they just try to reply at the level others can comprehend!!!thumbsup.gif

Good on ya PIDGEON JAKE....I enjoy ya posts "n" replies. So do a great many other posters...


I would love to see a "Don't Like" button on this site. People should be aware that most don't like what they have to say. If we have a "Like" button, I don't see the problem with an "Don't Like" button. Balances out the playing field. This isn't FaceBook, but a forum to express, from both sides.

  • Like 2
Either you are drunk or you have difficulties with the language which speaks volumes about your point of view.

Speaks volumes about you this sentence; volumes that place you nowhere near the realm of kindness and happiness.

Kindness and happiness.

What realm might that be? Naive? Foolish? Uninformed? In denial? Out of touch? Daffy? Flaky? Hysterical? Unbalanced? Nonsensical?

Your choice.

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