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It's To Big...


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Hi there,

Yesterday me and my girlfriend found some pimpels or scratches, just really small but itchy on my penis. I won't run to a docter but my girlfriend insisted! As i'm pretty unfamiliar with the Thai health system i just followed my gf to a clinic on Rama4. The doc inspected it and came to the conclusion i had herpes. I don't know a lot about std's but it worried me to say quit a lot! So i got stuffed with some pills and creme payed 300b and hurried back to my apartment to do some internet research on herpes. As my sex life is limited to my girlfriend it did not take long to put the blame on her, she have had 'in my opinion' a lot of sex partners. The next problem is that she's pregnant. We found out just a week ago. And the internet research learned me that herpes can have huge effects on baby's, even kill it. So here i was today, got myself a std, got a pregnant gf, she has herpes as well, got stuffed with medicine, lost a couple of hundred baht and we ended up fighting to make the day complete. After we both cooled down a little we kept worry about her pregnancy. The website advised to seek a docter. So here we went for the second time today, this time to a hospital. After doing some intensive research (much longer than the clinic) the doc came to the conlusion:"Yours to big!" It's not herpes! It doesn't even look like it the doc said. So it ended as a big relief, having nothing, no baht's as well. To come to the point. It's not the size that matters but how about the clinic vs hospital? Did i just ran into the wrong clinic? Where do you go? Next time directly to a hospital? What are your experiences with clinics?

P.s. the hospital bill stayed under 300 baht and we took a hour of the doc's time instead of the 2 minute clinic.

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Try a hospital that will do a swab and culture (while you're still fresh and wounded of course.... herpes will look just like any other scar once it's healed) instead of just looking at your johnson.


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Try a hospital that will do a swab and culture (while you're still fresh and wounded of course.... herpes will look just like any other scar once it's healed) instead of just looking at your johnson.


You have one doctor that says you have herpes and you have one doctor that says that it is not herpes.

You not only need a third opinion, you need a third opinion based on tests.

The "Its too big" is pure BS (water buffalo feces.) Herpes sores can be very large.

One more thing for the sake of the baby.

In most countries if the mother has herpes and it is active (sores present) when it is delivery time they perform a "C Section" so the baby does not get exposed to the herpes during delivery.

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please check out my posts on herpes:

had three good regular births , babies got blood checks as follow up.... no prob...

u could also have got it ten years ago and just now, due to psychological pressure, they come out ... so dont blame.... just deal!!!!

they have to do blood titre check not just swab to identify which herpes u have....

and she if pregnant will do blood titers from week 34 on (cant remember actually she should check with the hospital she is planning to give birth in.... if the titre is over a certain amount (herpes active) then the doc may opt for a c section.... planned.... it takes two weeks for a swab to give the same results so no good for last weeks of pregnancy.... and if she has herpes, she would be feeling it since women tend to though not always, feel it more......and the babies dont die in utero, the herpes causes rare disorders when getting the virus while passing thru the birth canal so relax and do better research and talk to a viral specialist /and /ob/gyn who is used to dealing with high risk pregnancys

good luck


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i actually had to read it twice to understand what exactly you meant by the doctor saying it was "too big". but i get it now ...anyways, go to a good international hospital like bumrungrad and get a complete check-up for your girlfriend and yourself. i did it about 6 months ago for my now-wife and myself, including hiv test and all the other nasty diseases.

when you get the tests for both you know where you're at and what you need to do. you'll have a much clearer view and feel safer.

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Anonymous clinic at the Red Cross .... will do a rapid HIV etc ... I am 85% sure they do Herpes tests as well ... I know they do the rest ....

Not free ... but cheap cheap!

And Herpes is VERY common

Edited by jdinasia
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OP looks like a troll:

"So i got stuffed with some pills and creme payed 300b" against herpes only aids medicaments helps.

"As my sex life is limited to my girlfriend it did not take long to put the blame on her, she have had 'in my opinion' a lot of sex partners."

a male virgin???? take a bitch out of the bar??? Troll alert!!!

"And the internet research learned me that herpes can have huge effects on baby's, even kill it."

we are dinos close to the die.....

"lost a couple of hundred baht" serious worry about the child but even more about the money.

"Yours to big!" 99.5 % troll

mod close it!!

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