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Blood on the bus -- I suffer my first injury on a baht bus -- learn from my mistakes?

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Now just what is it you learnt from your mistakes Jingthing?

Not much yet.

I was HOPING for some intelligent and knowledgeable feedback related to the idea that locals would have pressed the driver for compensation and that I should have as well.

JT - I thought that it was common knowledge that a local would have pressed for compensation. I asked the missus and she said anywhere from 2k to 10k depending on how much blood and how bad the injury was - unconscious, broken bones, trip to the hospital, police involved etc.

EDIT. Although she did qualify it by saying it depends which cops the bus driver knows, etc......TIT

That's a good point. Obviously I realize if there are serious injuries there might be some legal implications for the driver. So to amend my thoughts, I suppose this is more about the grey area types of incidents, like my recent incident, where you really don't know for sure how serious the injury may be, just guessing really.

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I'd say you handled it ok. If you cell phone is video recorder capable, you could have recorded the driver and vehicle numbers (yeah, I know blood was envolved and could have been messy.) Compensation issues are difficult here, but my hunch is that for minor injuries many Thais would have handled it much as you did. For any hope of reimbursement for your expenses, I would think the police would need to be involved in the claims process. Oh joy...

Hope you are better soon!


It just occurred to me that even recording the baht bus number and U.S. I.D. sign (if there) might not be very convincing evidence of anything LATER if you failed to make a police report about at the time of the accident. For example, a week later you realize you've got a more serious problem than you thought and go to the police with the baht bus number. I think that would be seen as very weak, wouldn't it?


Padded cells are quite safe havens....

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Well if you're hospitalized, the compulsory insurance on all vehicles would take care of that, Places like Bangkok Pattaya Hospital used to advertise that they accept accident victims without charge, and the hospital would chase up the payment from the compulsory insurance scheme themselves. Most other hospital would require you to pay out of your own pocket first and chase it up with the insurance afterwards. (This is the compulsory insurance for third parties that you must produce at the land transport office when renewing a vehicle's registration for the year, the maximum payment is very low, most people just won't bother chasing up the paperwork for small injuries, claiming 400-500 Baht pharmacy bill is probably too much hassle, might need accompanying police or doctor's report)

If the Songtaew is legal, it would have a big yellow licence plate, that means it's registered as for hire by public carriage, (even the motorcycle taxis have yellow plates too) this means they will have extra insurance for this purpose, and the driver when he got his taxi licence should have extra training and vetting (background checks by police) and at least some extra paperwork compared to normal driver., So when looking to hire a taxi, be it motorcycle or Baht Bus, look for the yellow plate This, however doesn't stop the guy with the yellow plate bikes lending his bike out to his brother.


If I was still alive and conscious after an accident like this I would have asked the driver for a small compensation , 1000 baht or more. It would cover some of my expenses.

I am sure the driver would have agreed, if not I would call the police.


I will add my 2 cents. When I'm in A song thew I pay attention up front. I'm A curious person. No stitches just scratches. You'll live, things happen.


Yesterday a large SUV loudly scraped against a baht bus I was in, really close to where I was sitting. Not sure watching traffic would have helped me if the collision was worse. Interestingly, neither vehicle stopped to even inspect for damage.

For the sake of truth in advertising, the incident from the OP occurred several days ago. I didn't feel like posting about it until now.


It is always easy to be wise after an event! I think you reacted the way most people would however, one issue of living here is that any trip to a hospital or clinic has to be paid for and I suspect that would be the reason locals seek compensation.

But we do not always think with a clear head immediately after an incident and again being wise after the event it would have been useful to use your phone camera to take a picture of the offending bus and the wound but how many of us would have. Thought of that at the time?


seeing the title of the thread I rushed to click on it, to get all the gory details. Little bit of a let down, if u ask me!

'Blood On The Bus' would be an excellent book title, just as good a title as 'Death On The Nile', so forgive me if i was expecting dead bodies everywhere, or body parts at least.

Hopefully you are ok, and the cut will heal fast and well, JT!

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seeing the title of the thread I rushed to click on it, to get all the gory details. Little bit of a let down, if u ask me!

'Blood On The Bus' would be an excellent book title, just as good a title as 'Death On The Nile', so forgive me if i was expecting dead bodies everywhere, or body parts at least.

Hopefully you are ok, and the cut will heal fast and well, JT!

Yeah, I love the title too!

Almost made a little blood letting worth it.


seriously tho,

what else could you have done than walk away and get wound looked after as fast as possible. Yell at the driver, raise a drama and get 500 baht? 1000 at the most? Put up an act and try to make it look like you are dying, and only 10 000 baht can save your life, a common strategy here? Not worth it.

Just hang on to railings more firmly next time when driver is showing off his breaking skills


That's what you get for trying to look up the Russian girls skirt biggrin.png

Things like this happen in Thailand, you won't change it, so it's better to just forget it and move on.

I was thrown from one side of the baht bus to the other a few years back on the same stretch of road, when the driver swerved sharply to avoid a soi dog that wandered out. He was flying along as well, as they do there when they have open road ahead of them. Luckily no injuries, but if I had been standing on the back I would have been thrown off for sure.


For your injuries (from what you've indicated) and less = handle exactly as you did. A few quid out of pocket, but you (we) can afford it and maybe the driver couldn't. All ends well. Extreme end = hospital trip involved / emergency services, etc. = takes care of itself. Anything in between, ideally, I would take photos of bus, driver, injuries and see how it goes - would the taking of such photos cause the driver to get violent though? If nothing comes of the injuries = same result as you had, maybe slightly more out of pocket, but ultimately still around to tell the tale, with no permanent damage done.


Aside from the more flippant comments, glad to hear you didn't get a concussion or fracture. I always hold on to rail, seat bottom, or overhead. Thanks for reminding me and TV readers of the hazards we often overlook. Be safe and good luck all.


Falling over comes with age. It will happen more often.

Accept it and move on.

That was super rude.

Jingthing, this cab-driver probably was able to read English and logged on to the TV forum and read all of your not very positive stories about song taews.

He just got back to you. whistling.gif


I am now going to divulge some relevant information about the accident that I neglected to mention before.

Keep in mind during the day of the accident I hadn't even thought about the compensation, blame, or prevention aspect of this.

Only later after talking about it did I wonder about compensation and blame.

Well, here goes.

Think of this like Baht Bus Confidential (a pulp novel).


By bad luck at the time of the sudden stop I was NOT sitting firmly in my seat. Instead I was LEANING FORWARD a bit, fiddling with my change purse getting out the fare, so my hands were in front of me so yes I was not in prepared in that position for a sudden stop. I am pretty sure (though who can really know) that if I had been sitting as usual, firmly in back of seat that I wouldn't have been thrown onto the floor. I'm sure I would have been thrown somewhat but probably not on the floor.

So given all that, in a grander moral sense, a case could be made that I did indeed share some of the "blame" for this injury.

Back to you, judges!

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As long as we're on this general topic, I'm going to mention a medical concern with accidents of this nature (exposure to dirty stuff in opened wounds)

In case you don't know, you should be getting period TETANUS shots throughout your life.

If you have a laceration event and have not been getting periodic shots you should rush to the docs and get a shot right away.

It's no guarantee but better than doing nothing.


Fortunately you are thrown to front and hit the cab. Imagine if you were thrown out the back and landed pop on car behind. Would have damaged windscreen & paint work of car.

I am told that in case of accidents one must take baht bus number, remember time & route and have immediate police report - so that compensation claim can be made. Phone up insurance company after you've got stitched up, bandaged or whatever. Then smile and say TIT.

I have never been inside baht bus but think there must be some place to hold onto in speeding bus.

As for speeding driver I know what he get from me - Not 10 baht but slap in the face and a kick in the bxxls.


Perhaps it's time to invest in a ride of your own. With doors. thumbsup.gif

When flying pig presidents convert to the Baha'i faith ...

Remember the driver of your baht ride has your life in his hands bah.gif .

Can we have a JT vote here, baht bus driver or take your life into your own hands ride. thumbsup.gif


I did read the OPBasically, you are getting old and your balance and reaction times are degrading.

At your age you need to be more careful, falls can be dangerous, use the handholds.

That isn't what this is about. Its about how to deal with it in the event of injury accidents on baht buses which can happen to anyone at any age.

Of all the grumpy old men in Thailand, AnotherOneAmerican is the grumpiest.

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Apart from the OP's injury and discomfort, I find this a reassuringly positive story.

The driver was sympathetic, offered water and was happy to forego the fare (I could imagine it very differently)

The Russsian passengers were equally helpful and sympathetic (again, I could imagine a very different reaction)

The pharmacist was professional and helpful.

I'm surprised more baht bus accidents don't happen.

My first assumption was that you would have been screamed at and then slapped around by the driver and in addition that you would have been robbed, beaten and verbally abused by the Russians.

So I would say you got off very lightly.

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I did read the OPBasically, you are getting old and your balance and reaction times are degrading.

At your age you need to be more careful, falls can be dangerous, use the handholds.

That isn't what this is about. Its about how to deal with it in the event of injury accidents on baht buses which can happen to anyone at any age.

Of all the grumpy old men in Thailand, AnotherOneAmerican is the grumpiest.

Think your wrong. Those with eyes wide open should give and do give food for thought. thumbsup.gif

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