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Kasikorn - Fraud/Theft - Do I have ANY protection?!

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The boyfriend must be pretty dumb, if the account had 150K in it why take 60K? I would have taken 149,950Bt.

As my old accountant used to say, "Might as well be hung for a Cow as a pig"


The traditional saying was 'might as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb', but I prefer the variation 'might as well be hung for a sheep as a goat'.

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Once OP noticed the money was taken out, why not change the password?

Also another rather puzzling matter, i also have K bank and use firefox and it does not store the password for internet banking.

As a matter of fact no banks i ever used stored password and many sites that do, store it as ***** not the actual letters or numbers, so "friend" would need to be using same computer to access the account

Edited by lemoncake
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Once OP noticed the money was taken out, why not change the password?

Also another rather puzzling matter, i also have K bank and use firefox and it does not store the password for internet banking.

As a matter of fact no banks i ever used stored password and many sites that do, store it as ***** not the actual letters or numbers, so "friend" would need to be using same computer to access the account

Maybe he sent an email to himself, subject 'My Kasikorn Password' and left his email account open on the laptop for his friend to see.

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Your browser doesn't retain the password, so that's not how it became known to the thief.

You'd better check your computer for a keylogger or spyware.

If the password was obtained by a keylogger then you did not make your password available to the thief, and may have a valid claim of fraud against the thief.

However, you notified the bank after the fact, so that will be their defence - same as most banks rules, they are only responsible for claims after notification.

Unless of course you had a MSword file on your desktop called "my bank login and passwords.docx". In that case, you haven't got a leg to stand on with Kbank.

Expensive lesson - but a reminder to keep your laptop/smartphone login suitably password protected and if you aren't using it, make sure it's logged off. And do regular scans to check for keyloggers that might have been installed by a guest in your bedroom, or indeed installed remotely.

Also make sure Bluetooth access and sharing service is stopped - that's another way somebody can cruise around your computer while you think they're playing farcebook on their smartphone.

Edited by Gsxrnz
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Actually many people do use password programs, such as Last Pass, on there home computers where access by another could result in them obtaining any password which is why additional security is enforced. The key was having the sim card to obtain the OTP for entry to set up the new transfer account. Any computer could likely have been used (although my US Banks would require extra verification if I use a different computer or even browser).

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Seems more like bank protection than consumer protection don't it. You might want to give the Bank of Thailand Financial Consumer Protection Center which opened in 2012 a try...here is their web page.

Thank you for your assistance with the link. Funny how 20 months have gone by and not the police nor the bank advised be that such agency existed. I have contacted the FCC per your link and suggestion and should I recover my funds after all this time, as all these readers are your witness, allow me to offer you a lunch at FUJI or a place of your liking... Thank you again.

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Your browser doesn't retain the password, so that's not how it became known to the thief.

You'd better check your computer for a keylogger or spyware.

If the password was obtained by a keylogger then you did not make your password available to the thief, and may have a valid claim of fraud against the thief.

However, you notified the bank after the fact, so that will be their defence - same as most banks rules, they are only responsible for claims after notification.

Alright, hey, I may be a "Newbie" on here as a poster but by no means am I a newbie to the computer world as I have much experience in building/operating/various mainframes/IT support/assistance and currently remotely fix/repair issues from customers/friends in the USA from Thailand. My Mozilla Firefox browser DOES save passwords with my permission TOOLS-OPTIONS-SECURITY-SAVED PASSWORDS-SHOW PASSWORDS and there you have it. Every log-in, every account you have is stored right there if you select it to do so.

Yes I notified the bank AFTER the fact... Uhhh How could I notify the bank BEFORE the fact.. Oh allow me to call the police BEFORE a crime is commited, call the fire department BEFORE theres a fire, file an insurance claim BEFORE an accident, seek medical attention BEFORE I'm sick. Almost as far-fetched as insurance companies wanting you to pre-approve the cost of an ambulance as you lay bloodied and sprawled on the highway from a motorvehicle accident.

I notified KASIKORN as soon as I was aware and possibly could after landing in Seoul, Korea from departing Bangkok. Kasikorn "dropped the ball" by not freezing that customers account amid my allegations that the transfer was Fraudulent/Not Authorized. They could have recouped some of the funds as they had not all been withdrawn by that time. But then again, why do so if no where along the line a Thai bank is liable for such, why ruin a relationship with another depositor?

Its truly a shame that many of you are so fixed on the fact that I allowed myself to become a victim that you can't see the forest through the trees. A crime was commited regardless of how my password, wallet was lost/stolen. I'm actually saddened to hear some of the commentary on here because it only tells me that many of you have been taken advantage of or led to believe that though you are the victim, it is still your fault and you have no recourse. I also have worked in Fraud/Loss Prevention and credit card disputes for various credit card companies, American Express being one of them. We had what was called "Goods and Services" department where we handled cardmembers who say for example went to a restaurant, ate the food, drank the drinks then later disputed the charge because they got sick from the food or had a complaint about the waitor or maybe booked a tour package which was all "non-refundable" and missed a connecting flight, which caused their arrival to the hotel late and to find their room was given away, their day trip the following day left without them and so forth...Well in your eyes it was "non-refundable" and they signed the contract on the dotted line. It doesn't always work that way so cut and dry.

Yea hell I took a shower before a 22hour duration flight and didn't bring my mobile phone in the shower so it could absorb steam and be ruined and left it within the reach of who/what I believed to be a "friend", family member, wife, lover, boyfriend or what have you.

Again, I put my business on here to gather information, comments, solutions, conclusions, reactions and so forth and don't intend to react to every post defensively, however I guess I may have been expecting too much from "the general public" and my fellow farang.

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I've just tried to replicate a password storing option on my own Kasikorn cyber banking.. using Firefox, IE, Chrome and even Safari on my Mac.. It just don't seem possible.

Are you using latest versions of these browsers?

edit: Maybe there is a plug-in installed on your browser that may allow this..

Edited by Satcommlee
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The boyfriend must be pretty dumb, if the account had 150K in it why take 60K? I would have taken 149,950Bt.

As my old accountant used to say, "Might as well be hung for a Cow as a pig"


It's truly a shame how strangers of the general public would rather make jokes and a mockery of a persons situation rather than offer support.

However allow me to humor you and respond..

1. "boyfriend" Oh ok so because I hugged someone goodbye at the airport then its assumed that such display of public emotion/affection equates to an intimate relationship. I'll remember that when you hug and kiss your children goodbye.

2. Unless you contact your bank and raise the limit of your ATM withdrawals/transfers there is a default limit placed when you open your account. Some people don't have the means or never need to withdraw/transfer 20000b or more.

3. Perhaps the criminal didn't want to raise flags by transferring it all at once and had intentions of slowly draining my account while I was out of the country for a month, not taking in account I would ever receive emails from Kasikorn upon landing in Seoul, Korea

Also it is unfortunate to learn by your own admission that you "would have" taken another persons money leaving them with 50b from 150,000b, how generous of you. Unfortunately there are more of you out there than people like believe. Times have changed and are not getting better.

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The boyfriend must be pretty dumb, if the account had 150K in it why take 60K? I would have taken 149,950Bt.

As my old accountant used to say, "Might as well be hung for a Cow as a pig"


It's truly a shame how strangers of the general public would rather make jokes and a mockery of a persons situation rather than offer support.

Don't pay any attention to them! Some people thrive on taking the P*** out of others misfortunes.. and if anyone wants to know I also hugged a bloke last week!

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I've just tried to replicate a password storing option on my own Kasikorn cyber banking.. using Firefox, IE, Chrome and even Safari on my Mac.. It just don't seem possible.

You appear to be an intelligent man and are correct. The only thing I can offer at this point is, now we know why you are often warned to not use the same password for multiple websites and change your passwords every 3-6 months.

Im sure you have gone to FIREFOX tools-options-security-saved passwords-show passwords and it shows every log-in name and password that you have from facebook, twitter, google, bangkok post, thaivisa, other banks and sites you belong too.

As with most people and my own personal experience, people usually use a variation of 3 or so of the SAME passwords, rarely using an upper-case or symbols making it a "difficult" password...and many use the defaults "admin" "password" and never change those on their routers. I remember the old days of people allowing PCAnywhere to automatically start when windows starts allowing ANYONE to remotely connect and watch them as they were online and never realize it.

Again we are fixated on the passwords/sim card to receive the OTP rather than the actual theft of funds that i had no knowledge, partake or benefit from. Proof by filing of a police report which is sufficient enough for other banks/credit card companies around the world except Thailand.

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I've always used 3 passwords, I call them level 1, level 2 and level 3

Level 1 is my main email account which is used for password recovery from any other account, this is never replicated.

Level 2 are for other important things such as Internet Banking and my works email etc..

Level 3 is for crap like facebook etc..

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Once OP noticed the money was taken out, why not change the password?

Also another rather puzzling matter, i also have K bank and use firefox and it does not store the password for internet banking.

As a matter of fact no banks i ever used stored password and many sites that do, store it as ***** not the actual letters or numbers, so "friend" would need to be using same computer to access the account

Change the password AFTER I noticed the theft not to return to Thailand for a month or more? I did one better, I FROZE the account from any further debits.

And any website that uses ***** "astericks" so you can't view the actual sign on/password well again only an advanced person would know this..... GO ahead and google "behind the asterisks", its a free-ware program that allows you to move your mouse over any "******" and reveal what is "BEHIND THE ASTERICKS"

Neat Huh?

I'm not too fond of lemoncake or spongecake but if you were a lemon meringue pie I might be interested. =P

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I've always used 3 passwords, I call them level 1, level 2 and level 3

Level 1 is my main email account which is used for password recovery from any other account, this is never replicated.

Level 2 are for other important things such as Internet Banking and my works email etc..

Level 3 is for crap like facebook etc..

Amen! You truly are an intelligent person, glad to meet your acquaintance

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On Nov 2, 2011 an hour before my departure to the USA, I hugged my Filipino good-bye. Unbeknownst to me an hour before he had stolen my SIM card from my mobile phone and replaced it with one that wasn't working, while I was in the shower preparing for the airport. That was the last piece of the puzzle he needed to pull off his scam/heist from my KASIKORN account. Being a "friend" he must have had 10-30 seconds at one point in time to access my Firefox browser and see my stored passwords on my laptop which nobody else uses to see my sign on/password into the Kasikorn site. Who knows how long he had this information.

I didn't think anything of it while on the way to the airport that my mobile wasn't working and just wrote it off as TIT. Upon landing in Incheon Airport Seoul, Korea I had WIFI access as I waited for my connecting flight. In my email I had 4 emails from Kasikorn advising me that my request to ADD a payee has been received and approved, and my request to transfer 60,000. baht was received and approved.

I immediately called KASIKORN via skype to tell them this was NOT authorized, I was out of the country and not to return for a month and to FREEZE my account. Also suggesting it would be good idea to recover the funds and FREEZE the account of the person the funds had been transferred too until this allegation was sorted out. (Kasikorn would not FREEZE the Filipino's account solely based on my allegation for his protection) I contacted a Thai friend in teh wee hours of the morning to do some legwork for me and goto the Police station and file a complaint. This was unsuccessful since the Thai wasn't listed on my account even though I provided him with all the information he needed. SO I could not initiate any legal action/complaint until I returned to Thailand, a month later.

Upon returning, I closed that account, openned a new one and went to the Police station to file complaint. This was a big deal because it was done on the internet and they needed to determine which district, station, province should take this complaint. Was totally ridiculous in my eyes as crime is crime and they should take the report and if need forward/fax it to the best department/Police station to handle it. After an extended period of time, with "'PETER" a farang translator working in Lumpini Police Station and me losing my patience it was determined that since my SIM card, valued at 50b which led to the theft of 60000b was taken while in my Condo located in Huai Kwang, that it would be the Huai Kwang Police to take the report.

Peter the traqnslator, met me there,we got the report filed, I was advised the next day that the report would be taken to a judge, a warrant will be issued and the case will proceed until the subject is arrested.

I have seen the Filipino on various social websites in the past year, I've considered vigilante justice which would probably lead back to me very easily. I've done what I could YET Kasikorn hasn't refunded me the money. I've been told it doesn't work that way here and that the only way I'd see that money is if an arrest is made. Even then, that Filipino would not have 60000b just laying around.

Just recently I decided to breathe life back into this case and brought the issue back up again. Now KASIKORN told me that the police report is "too old" and that I needed a new one. This was socking and almost sounded illegal. 2 police reports for the same crime?? Thats like filing 2 insurance claims for the same accident. I told Kasikorn I wanted them to give me a letter on their letterhead requesting what they want. They did. Back to Huai Kwang police station again 19 months after the first report. They typed up some letter in Thai language that said something to the affect of the case is still being investigated (no arrest made yet) and that the original person who took this report has left and the case was transferred to a new person within the department (as if that matters?)

SO, I ask:

Am I not protected from FRAUND/THEFT by KASIKORN that I would be elsewhere?

Shouldn't KASIKORN, reimburse me for the THEFT? regardless if an arrest is made or not?

Let me offer other points:

If I had withdrawn 60000b from a KASIKORN ATM and then got robbed walking down the street, then NO, I wouldn't expect KASIKORN to refund me.

If someone stole my KASIKORN DEBIT card and charged 60000b in a mall and I alerted KASIKORN as soon as I was aware, then YES I'd expect to be protected and reimbursed for those charges.

If my child/relative were to steal my DEBIT/CREDIT card from my wallet and make unauthorized charges, I'd be given 2 options 1)Pay/be responsible for the charges of that family member 2) File criminal charges against that family member, THEN the bank will hold me not liable and credit me for those charges, since the filing of criminal charges/report shows that I am not in kahootz with that family member to defraud the bank.


I alerted KASIKORN as soon as I was aware of the FRAUD/THEFT.

I filed a Police report against the Filipino (who also has a Kasikorn account)

I waited 19 months.

I went to the police station again and was given a letter that the case is still open/active.

Am I protected?

Will I get a refund?

How does it work here in Thailand?

KASIKORN seems unwilling and stalling to give me any money back as if it isn't their fault or they shouldn't protect ME, yet they protected the THIEF and could have done their own pro-active police work and froze that account as soon as I told them until this was sorted out.

Oh to add INSULT to INJURY, KASIKORN had the nerve to charge me 150b for a NEW ATM card when I openned up a new account and closed the old one due to the FRAUD/THEFT. So my time, transportation, atm card fee puts me at greater loss and ZERO recovery. As if they couldn't waive it due to the circumstances and put customer service FIRST before their profits.

Can't you chase your friend up.

Why would he or she we don't know which? let's just say they have been shafted by each other.

The truth of that is, I have monitored this persons sign on/off various social websites within Bangkok for the last 21 months and there have been friends who have told me of sightings, I am truly afraid of what I may do or may happen if I confront this individual without police presence. I might wind up in jail myself as it seems had I gone thru channels of vigilante justice and hired soi mafias for a fraction of what I lost, this matter would have been settled by now.

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If the bank paid out for cases like this it would be the ordinary customers who would end up paying. Why should I pay for your inability to protect your bank details from your Filipino boyfriend (who you hug in a non-gay way)?

And dare me catch you hug your children (in a non-pedophilia way)

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Seems more like bank protection than consumer protection don't it. You might want to give the Bank of Thailand Financial Consumer Protection Center which opened in 2012 a try...here is their web page.

Thank you for your assistance with the link. Funny how 20 months have gone by and not the police nor the bank advised be that such agency existed. I have contacted the FCC per your link and suggestion and should I recover my funds after all this time, as all these readers are your witness, allow me to offer you a lunch at FUJI or a place of your liking... Thank you again.

for some reason I don't believe you will get the help you think. Let us know if in fact you get your money back .

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Your browser doesn't retain the password, so that's not how it became known to the thief.

You'd better check your computer for a keylogger or spyware.

If the password was obtained by a keylogger then you did not make your password available to the thief, and may have a valid claim of fraud against the thief.

However, you notified the bank after the fact, so that will be their defence - same as most banks rules, they are only responsible for claims after notification.

I notified KASIKORN as soon as I was aware and possibly could after landing in Seoul, Korea from departing Bangkok. Kasikorn "dropped the ball" by not freezing that customers account amid my allegations that the transfer was Fraudulent/Not Authorized. They could have recouped some of the funds as they had not all been withdrawn by that time. But then again, why do so if no where along the line a Thai bank is liable for such, why ruin a relationship with another depositor?

You must be as thick as 2 planks of wood. Why would any bank freeze someone's account on allegation from a person on the phone that i'm missing some money. If the bank froze my account on allegation from a no body they would lose my business. You for sure are a Newbie and don't belong on here with your B/S.

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Your browser doesn't retain the password, so that's not how it became known to the thief.

You'd better check your computer for a keylogger or spyware.

If the password was obtained by a keylogger then you did not make your password available to the thief, and may have a valid claim of fraud against the thief.

However, you notified the bank after the fact, so that will be their defence - same as most banks rules, they are only responsible for claims after notification.

I notified KASIKORN as soon as I was aware and possibly could after landing in Seoul, Korea from departing Bangkok. Kasikorn "dropped the ball" by not freezing that customers account amid my allegations that the transfer was Fraudulent/Not Authorized. They could have recouped some of the funds as they had not all been withdrawn by that time. But then again, why do so if no where along the line a Thai bank is liable for such, why ruin a relationship with another depositor?

You must be as thick as 2 planks of wood. Why would any bank freeze someone's account on allegation from a person on the phone that i'm missing some money. If the bank froze my account on allegation from a no body they would lose my business. You for sure are a Newbie and don't belong on here with your B/S.

AND I can't even figure out what kind of an idiot you are...You know nothing of the banking world and seem to be a SHEEP like some kind of typical American...I AM A CUSTOMER. I AM CLAIMING AN UNAUTHORIZED TRANSFER/DEBIT/CHARGE WAS MADE. The BANK better do what they can until the matter is clarified and settled. And dollar for dollar speaking, this Filipino FLIP doesnt have 2 satang to rub together except what he steals from others through their kindness. SO go smoke dem apples in your hat. Or perhaps you are a FLIP (ilthy ittle sland erson) Fill in da blanxxxx

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I have to admit, I knew posting on a public forum I would encounter opinions or remarks from all walks of life, hell I'm dealing with the general public after all. So comments, remarks, advice a little left, a little right fine.. but the arrogance, ignorance, stupidity and judgmental assumptions is far more than I expected from what I assumed was a pool of my peers and fellow expats. Your "boyfriend" comments concluded because I hugged someone in an airport appears more like you want to fuel the fire of someones misfortune rather than offer something helpful and constructive. Your fixation on the who's why's how's of my password being ascertained rather than the bigger issue at hand. How about Someone walked into your room, GUN TO YOUR HEAD, forced YOU to sign on, add them as a payee, transfer funds to their account, then they FLEE your room to the closest ATM and withdraw it. NOW WHAT? Oh and the person with a gun to your head was seen "hugging" you in the lobby earlier that day... Well its your fault huh? ANd you cant possibly expect the Bank or the rest of us account holders to pay for your loss because after all maybe it was a toy gun.

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I have to admit, I knew posting on a public forum I would encounter opinions or remarks from all walks of life, hell I'm dealing with the general public after all. So comments, remarks, advice a little left, a little right fine.. but the arrogance, ignorance, stupidity and judgmental assumptions is far more than I expected from what I assumed was a pool of my peers and fellow expats. Your "boyfriend" comments concluded because I hugged someone in an airport appears more like you want to fuel the fire of someones misfortune rather than offer something helpful and constructive. Your fixation on the who's why's how's of my password being ascertained rather than the bigger issue at hand. How about Someone walked into your room, GUN TO YOUR HEAD, forced YOU to sign on, add them as a payee, transfer funds to their account, then they FLEE your room to the closest ATM and withdraw it. NOW WHAT? Oh and the person with a gun to your head was seen "hugging" you in the lobby earlier that day... Well its your fault huh? ANd you cant possibly expect the Bank or the rest of us account holders to pay for your loss because after all maybe it was a toy gun.

Well big mouth start attaching some of the e-mail's, police report and other relevant document you have sent to the bank to back up your story.just black out your name that will be fine. If you can't do this I will say again if not you are full of B/S.

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Actually, even if he did hold a gun to your head and made you do the transaction, the bank is still not liable.

Oh Shush you! Although I do believe you are mistaken. This blog must be filled with pro-bankers. =P

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I have to admit, I knew posting on a public forum I would encounter opinions or remarks from all walks of life, hell I'm dealing with the general public after all. So comments, remarks, advice a little left, a little right fine.. but the arrogance, ignorance, stupidity and judgmental assumptions is far more than I expected from what I assumed was a pool of my peers and fellow expats. Your "boyfriend" comments concluded because I hugged someone in an airport appears more like you want to fuel the fire of someones misfortune rather than offer something helpful and constructive. Your fixation on the who's why's how's of my password being ascertained rather than the bigger issue at hand. How about Someone walked into your room, GUN TO YOUR HEAD, forced YOU to sign on, add them as a payee, transfer funds to their account, then they FLEE your room to the closest ATM and withdraw it. NOW WHAT? Oh and the person with a gun to your head was seen "hugging" you in the lobby earlier that day... Well its your fault huh? ANd you cant possibly expect the Bank or the rest of us account holders to pay for your loss because after all maybe it was a toy gun.

Well big mouth start attaching some of the e-mail's, police report and other relevant document you have sent to the bank to back up your story.just black out your name that will be fine. If you can't do this I will say again if not you are full of B/S.

? Wait a minute ? Is that why I'm receiving all this resistance and mockery because there is a lingering doubt that my story isn't real and I just came into this forum with some story to waste peoples time?

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Maybe the lingering doubt stems from the fact that not many (if any at all) agree that Kasikorn did anything wrong.

Yet you seem to be insisting they handled the case wrong, where likely they actually couldn't do anything anyway.

Security was breached at your side not theirs.

If you withdraw 100,000 baht, nicely wrapped in a Kasikorn wrapper, and it gets stolen, Kasikorn can't do anything, even if you can tell them who stole it, and that said person (the thief) deposited the stolen funds into another Kasikorn account.

You'll have to inform the cops and then let them handle it.

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I have to admit, I knew posting on a public forum I would encounter opinions or remarks from all walks of life, hell I'm dealing with the general public after all. So comments, remarks, advice a little left, a little right fine.. but the arrogance, ignorance, stupidity and judgmental assumptions is far more than I expected from what I assumed was a pool of my peers and fellow expats. Your "boyfriend" comments concluded because I hugged someone in an airport appears more like you want to fuel the fire of someones misfortune rather than offer something helpful and constructive. Your fixation on the who's why's how's of my password being ascertained rather than the bigger issue at hand. How about Someone walked into your room, GUN TO YOUR HEAD, forced YOU to sign on, add them as a payee, transfer funds to their account, then they FLEE your room to the closest ATM and withdraw it. NOW WHAT? Oh and the person with a gun to your head was seen "hugging" you in the lobby earlier that day... Well its your fault huh? ANd you cant possibly expect the Bank or the rest of us account holders to pay for your loss because after all maybe it was a toy gun.

Well big mouth start attaching some of the e-mail's, police report and other relevant document you have sent to the bank to back up your story.just black out your name that will be fine. If you can't do this I will say again if not you are full of B/S.

? Wait a minute ? Is that why I'm receiving all this resistance and mockery because there is a lingering doubt that my story isn't real and I just came into this forum with some story to waste peoples time?

I have no doubt if you can't provide any proof on here to show you have filed a report or anything I will not say you are B/S I will just call you a liar and are slandering Kasikorn bank.

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I have to admit, I knew posting on a public forum I would encounter opinions or remarks from all walks of life, hell I'm dealing with the general public after all. So comments, remarks, advice a little left, a little right fine.. but the arrogance, ignorance, stupidity and judgmental assumptions is far more than I expected from what I assumed was a pool of my peers and fellow expats. Your "boyfriend" comments concluded because I hugged someone in an airport appears more like you want to fuel the fire of someones misfortune rather than offer something helpful and constructive. Your fixation on the who's why's how's of my password being ascertained rather than the bigger issue at hand. How about Someone walked into your room, GUN TO YOUR HEAD, forced YOU to sign on, add them as a payee, transfer funds to their account, then they FLEE your room to the closest ATM and withdraw it. NOW WHAT? Oh and the person with a gun to your head was seen "hugging" you in the lobby earlier that day... Well its your fault huh? ANd you cant possibly expect the Bank or the rest of us account holders to pay for your loss because after all maybe it was a toy gun.

Well big mouth start attaching some of the e-mail's, police report and other relevant document you have sent to the bank to back up your story.just black out your name that will be fine. If you can't do this I will say again if not you are full of B/S.

? Wait a minute ? Is that why I'm receiving all this resistance and mockery because there is a lingering doubt that my story isn't real and I just came into this forum with some story to waste peoples time?

I have no doubt if you can't provide any proof on here to show you have filed a report or anything I will not say you are B/S I will just call you a liar and are slandering Kasikorn bank.

By all means I had no idea that was the protocol when starting a blog. Ok for s&g (shits and giggles), let me get the police report, Kasikorns letter to the police asking for a new report because the old report is "too old", and Huai Khwang Police letter responding to Kasikorn... I gotta edit out my name.

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As a "Newbie" I had no idea that it was protocol to upload any supporting documents to this forum when I was merely seeking feedback/opinions/knowledge on a situation or topic or otherwise I would be considered a "liar" or "bs" with malice intent to defame another.

So here are 3 documents. Depending on what order they are uploaded


The Kasikorn document is telling HUAI KHWANG POLICE that the report is too old, they want another

The Huai Khwang Police letterhead is telling Kasikorn the case is still open, being investigated by new ofcr




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