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Kasikorn - Fraud/Theft - Do I have ANY protection?!

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On Nov 2, 2011 an hour before my departure to the USA, I hugged my Filipino good-bye. Unbeknownst to me an hour before he had stolen my SIM card from my mobile phone and replaced it with one that wasn't working, while I was in the shower preparing for the airport. That was the last piece of the puzzle he needed to pull off his scam/heist from my KASIKORN account. Being a "friend" he must have had 10-30 seconds at one point in time to access my Firefox browser and see my stored passwords on my laptop which nobody else uses to see my sign on/password into the Kasikorn site. Who knows how long he had this information.

I didn't think anything of it while on the way to the airport that my mobile wasn't working and just wrote it off as TIT. Upon landing in Incheon Airport Seoul, Korea I had WIFI access as I waited for my connecting flight. In my email I had 4 emails from Kasikorn advising me that my request to ADD a payee has been received and approved, and my request to transfer 60,000. baht was received and approved.

I immediately called KASIKORN via skype to tell them this was NOT authorized, I was out of the country and not to return for a month and to FREEZE my account. Also suggesting it would be good idea to recover the funds and FREEZE the account of the person the funds had been transferred too until this allegation was sorted out. (Kasikorn would not FREEZE the Filipino's account solely based on my allegation for his protection) I contacted a Thai friend in teh wee hours of the morning to do some legwork for me and goto the Police station and file a complaint. This was unsuccessful since the Thai wasn't listed on my account even though I provided him with all the information he needed. SO I could not initiate any legal action/complaint until I returned to Thailand, a month later.

Upon returning, I closed that account, openned a new one and went to the Police station to file complaint. This was a big deal because it was done on the internet and they needed to determine which district, station, province should take this complaint. Was totally ridiculous in my eyes as crime is crime and they should take the report and if need forward/fax it to the best department/Police station to handle it. After an extended period of time, with "'PETER" a farang translator working in Lumpini Police Station and me losing my patience it was determined that since my SIM card, valued at 50b which led to the theft of 60000b was taken while in my Condo located in Huai Kwang, that it would be the Huai Kwang Police to take the report.

Peter the traqnslator, met me there,we got the report filed, I was advised the next day that the report would be taken to a judge, a warrant will be issued and the case will proceed until the subject is arrested.

I have seen the Filipino on various social websites in the past year, I've considered vigilante justice which would probably lead back to me very easily. I've done what I could YET Kasikorn hasn't refunded me the money. I've been told it doesn't work that way here and that the only way I'd see that money is if an arrest is made. Even then, that Filipino would not have 60000b just laying around.

Just recently I decided to breathe life back into this case and brought the issue back up again. Now KASIKORN told me that the police report is "too old" and that I needed a new one. This was socking and almost sounded illegal. 2 police reports for the same crime?? Thats like filing 2 insurance claims for the same accident. I told Kasikorn I wanted them to give me a letter on their letterhead requesting what they want. They did. Back to Huai Kwang police station again 19 months after the first report. They typed up some letter in Thai language that said something to the affect of the case is still being investigated (no arrest made yet) and that the original person who took this report has left and the case was transferred to a new person within the department (as if that matters?)

SO, I ask:

Am I not protected from FRAUND/THEFT by KASIKORN that I would be elsewhere?

Shouldn't KASIKORN, reimburse me for the THEFT? regardless if an arrest is made or not?

Let me offer other points:

If I had withdrawn 60000b from a KASIKORN ATM and then got robbed walking down the street, then NO, I wouldn't expect KASIKORN to refund me.

If someone stole my KASIKORN DEBIT card and charged 60000b in a mall and I alerted KASIKORN as soon as I was aware, then YES I'd expect to be protected and reimbursed for those charges.

If my child/relative were to steal my DEBIT/CREDIT card from my wallet and make unauthorized charges, I'd be given 2 options 1)Pay/be responsible for the charges of that family member 2) File criminal charges against that family member, THEN the bank will hold me not liable and credit me for those charges, since the filing of criminal charges/report shows that I am not in kahootz with that family member to defraud the bank.


I alerted KASIKORN as soon as I was aware of the FRAUD/THEFT.

I filed a Police report against the Filipino (who also has a Kasikorn account)

I waited 19 months.

I went to the police station again and was given a letter that the case is still open/active.

Am I protected?

Will I get a refund?

How does it work here in Thailand?

KASIKORN seems unwilling and stalling to give me any money back as if it isn't their fault or they shouldn't protect ME, yet they protected the THIEF and could have done their own pro-active police work and froze that account as soon as I told them until this was sorted out.

Oh to add INSULT to INJURY, KASIKORN had the nerve to charge me 150b for a NEW ATM card when I openned up a new account and closed the old one due to the FRAUD/THEFT. So my time, transportation, atm card fee puts me at greater loss and ZERO recovery. As if they couldn't waive it due to the circumstances and put customer service FIRST before their profits.

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Kasikorn, nor would most banks, refund if your boyfriend was able to access your passwords on your computer; your liability.

No option but for RTP to persue with a fraud case

Edited by simple1
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This looks more like a script for a new James Bond movie...

If you were a bank employee at Kasikorn and somebody would tell you this storey would you believe him???

I would say "lesson learn and move on"...

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Customer protection on banking in Thailand is rather poor, we all know this.

However, in this case, I'd say the bank acted correct, and pretty much any bank anywhere else in the world would have acted exactly the same.

Security was breached entirely on your side, somehow a third part had access to your passwords (i.e. had access to your unprotected computer on which the passwords were saved in an unprotected manner).

Additionally the third party had access to your secondary level of security, namely the simcard through which the OTP's are transmitted.

The bank's security systems performed exactly as advertised, and somewhere you agreed to use the system with said security features.

There are only two parties to blame, firstly you for letting somebody have access to your banking tools, and secondly, the RTP to maybe not talking the investigation very seriously.

You can easily compare it to an insurance company refusing to pay out for the theft of your car which you left running (obviously with the key in there) while quickly popping into the store to buy your newspaper.

You left your guard down and got bitten, nothing to with the bank, only a case between you and the thief, and the police trying to decide if you are telling the truth. For them, with the thief having such easy access to your security codes and systems which protect your account, it might just as well have been a relationship gone sour and you getting back at your ex-partner.

Edited by geordieman2
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Hmmm, if I call the bank and tell them the four transfers were not initiated by me and to freeze my account, they should do that and void the transactions no questions asked ( obviously after verifying I am the owner ). It usually takes about a day for a transaction to post...and the "theft" was reported within hours of the "crime". I don't understand why the transfer wasn't reversed.

That they didn't freeze the Filipinos bank account is understandable however.

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Online transactions are instant.

Your funds get debitted instantly, and the reciever gets credited instantly. He/she can withdraw the funds instantly.

Even if they wanted to, if the transfer is to another bank, they cannot reverse the transaction.

Even if to an account within the same bank, the funds would probably have been withdrawn instantly leaving nothing to reverse.

The guy breached standard accepted security protocols.

You secure your access details to your banking system as if they were cash.

Customers of online banking get warned again and again, through emails and whatever, on proper security such as securing your pc, don't give anybody access, virus protection etc.

The thief stole his details, much the same as if he would have stolen.cash out of a wallet. Can't hold the bank responsible if you do not protect systems alliwing instant transfers.

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What if he would have said "I received E-Mails about 4 transactions and I did not authorize them and have no idea how this could have happened".

Basically not saying/admitting that he knows his password was stolen by "a friend".

I remember this with my creditcards...about every other year I had unauthorized purchases. I would sometimes even get a phonecall asking "Did you purchase at xxx for $xx.xx?" They cancelled the transactions and issued me a new card right away...no extra expenses. I don't know how the people got a hold of my credit card information and made those charges ( I am assuming some insecure website that got creditcard information stolen ).

Couldn't / shouldn't this also apply in the OPs case ( assuming he didn't know how those transactions were done )?

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Credit cards by their very nature are insecure.

No passwords, no pincodes, nothing more needed for online purchases then the numbers printed on the cards.

Hence why they are much more on the ball trying to intercept potential fraudulent purchases, by calling you or by checking geolocation through IP addresses etc.

If however an atm withdrawal has been made (with pin code), and you cannot show the bank the actual card (i.e. you lost the card and pin code together), the bank will not refund if the withdrawal has been made before you report the card lost.

If it's a purchase in a shop (no pin) then you'll likely be refunded, even for charges before you reported as it'll likely be a genuine theft/loss.

Any transactions done needing a pin or password, especially if secondary verification was needed and supplied such as otp, will be very hard to get refunded as only your sloppyness can make this happen.

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Kasikorn were not responsible, the money was transferred using your log-in credentials and your OTP, you agreed to the terms of online banking, the money would have landed in his account instantly, the account may even be fraudulent, you know yourself how easy it is to open a Kasikorn Bank account.

Kasikorn Bank are not responsible for the key logging of your username/password, and are not responsible for the theft of your sim card. If I got robbed walking away from an ATM, I can't blame the bank.

You may get your money back by police settlement if he ever gets arrested and can afford it, they will take their cut too.

Alternatively he may go to jail and you will be awarded the 60K by a judge but enforcing the payment is almost impossible.

I think you have to put this one down to experience, how can you prove all this beyond reasonable doubt at the end of the day?

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Customer protection on banking in Thailand is rather poor, we all know this.

However, in this case, I'd say the bank acted correct, and pretty much any bank anywhere else in the world would have acted exactly the same.

Security was breached entirely on your side, somehow a third part had access to your passwords (i.e. had access to your unprotected computer on which the passwords were saved in an unprotected manner).

Additionally the third party had access to your secondary level of security, namely the simcard through which the OTP's are transmitted.

The bank's security systems performed exactly as advertised, and somewhere you agreed to use the system with said security features.

There are only two parties to blame, firstly you for letting somebody have access to your banking tools, and secondly, the RTP to maybe not talking the investigation very seriously.

You can easily compare it to an insurance company refusing to pay out for the theft of your car which you left running (obviously with the key in there) while quickly popping into the store to buy your newspaper.

You left your guard down and got bitten, nothing to with the bank, only a case between you and the thief, and the police trying to decide if you are telling the truth. For them, with the thief having such easy access to your security codes and systems which protect your account, it might just as well have been a relationship gone sour and you getting back at your ex-partner.

Agreed! Security was breeched on my side, by my unlocked computer and by the final second level theft of my SIM card. Is that the answer? Blame the victim? Its the victims fault for being a victim. The theft of my SIM card to receive my OTP was as good as stealing a credit card and useing it. This is no "boyfriend" or "relationship gone sour" as previously mentioned. Regardless, I am a victim of a crime, verifiable by the filing of a police report, of unauthuorizes charges/transfers being made at the time I was leaving the country.

As for the example of an insurance company not paying out on a car theft with keys left in the car running, it wouldnt matter if I had a red carpet leading to the drivers door with a glass of wine and chocolate and a note "please steal my car"..that insurance company better damn well pay out on that claim regardless.

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This looks more like a script for a new James Bond movie...

If you were a bank employee at Kasikorn and somebody would tell you this storey would you believe him???

I would say "lesson learn and move on"...

I assume your response was based on the fact that my post was rather long winded and very detail oriented. If I were a bank employee would I believe a customer, who withdrew 500,000b that day leaving an even balance of 150,000b, a boarding pass, call logs to call center 5:30ICT (3:30KCT)to freeze the account, a police report upon returning to Bangkok.. Uhhh Yes I'd see some credibility here

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Customer protection on banking in Thailand is rather poor, we all know this.


However, in this case, I'd say the bank acted correct, and pretty much any bank anywhere else in the world would have acted exactly the same.


Security was breached entirely on your side, somehow a third part had access to your passwords (i.e. had access to your unprotected computer on which the passwords were saved in an unprotected manner).

Additionally the third party had access to your secondary level of security, namely the simcard through which the OTP's are transmitted.


The bank's security systems performed exactly as advertised, and somewhere you agreed to use the system with said security features.


There are only two parties to blame, firstly you for letting somebody have access to your banking tools, and secondly, the RTP to maybe not talking the investigation very seriously.


You can easily compare it to an insurance company refusing to pay out for the theft of your car which you left running (obviously with the key in there) while quickly popping into the store to buy your newspaper.


You left your guard down and got bitten, nothing to with the bank, only a case between you and the thief, and the police trying to decide if you are telling the truth. For them, with the thief having such easy access to your security codes and systems which protect your account, it might just as well have been a relationship gone sour and you getting back at your ex-partner.



Agreed! Security was breeched on my side, by my unlocked computer and by the final second level theft of my SIM card.  Is that the answer? Blame the victim? Its the victims fault for being a victim.  The theft of my SIM card to receive my OTP was as good as stealing a credit card and useing it. This is no "boyfriend" or "relationship gone sour" as previously mentioned. Regardless, I am a victim of a crime, verifiable by the filing of a police report, of unauthuorizes charges/transfers being made at the time I was leaving the country.

As for the example of an insurance company not paying out on a car theft with keys left in the car running, it wouldnt matter if I had a red carpet  leading to the drivers door with a glass of wine and chocolate and a note "please steal my car"..that insurance company better dam_n well pay out on that claim regardless.


No question you are a victim!

But this is an issue between you and the thief, which can only be enforced by the police and the courts.

Once the transfers have been done, using all required credentials, it has nothing to do with the bank anymore.

The only thing they could do is supply you and/or the police with the details of the account the money got transferred to.

Regarding the insurance claim, good luck if you're in that scenario.

I can virtually guarantee the small print in your policy will ensure the insurance company doesnt need to pay.

Claim on a stolen car and pretty much always the first question they will ask is give us the keys and all spares, and you better still have them!

Next thing you'll say they even have to pay your claim even if the thiefs have given you cash for the keys and access to your garage?

Can't compare with credit cards, thise are items carrying insurance paid for by you through (expensive) usage/yearly fees/interest charges.

Internet banking is not an insured product.

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Kasikorn, nor would most banks, refund if your boyfriend was able to access your passwords on your computer; your liability.

No option but for RTP to persue with a fraud case

"boyfriend"? Perhaps its best you stick with reading Harry Potter books than real life postings if thats what you comprehended from my post.

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Oh, definitely not defending Thai banks, they are notoriously bad protecting customers!

Especially with credit cards which.most people expect to be properly insured.

But in your case, they could not be held responsible for any refunds/reversals, I doubt they even can freeze an account unless ordered by a court (freezing of assets).

They should have blocked your account the moment you informed them though, not sure from your post if further fraudulent transfers happened after you informed. That definitely should not have happened.

And charging you for the new card, well thats the local customer service for you, drives me up the wall as well, little things like that!

But hey, if I misplace/lose my atm card, on which I have written my pin code, I can't claim my money back from the bank if withdrawals are made before I ask them to block said card...

Even if the card is stolen! Pin code should not be there!

Edited by geordieman2
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Just think of it all as an expensive short-time.

I assume by putting out a serious and rather personal issue online that I open myself up to all forms of public commentary like this.

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Kasikorn were not responsible, the money was transferred using your log-in credentials and your OTP, you agreed to the terms of online banking, the money would have landed in his account instantly, the account may even be fraudulent, you know yourself how easy it is to open a Kasikorn Bank account.

Kasikorn Bank are not responsible for the key logging of your username/password, and are not responsible for the theft of your sim card. If I got robbed walking away from an ATM, I can't blame the bank.

You may get your money back by police settlement if he ever gets arrested and can afford it, they will take their cut too.

Alternatively he may go to jail and you will be awarded the 60K by a judge but enforcing the payment is almost impossible.

I think you have to put this one down to experience, how can you prove all this beyond reasonable doubt at the end of the day?

ILMW your answer is here. Bank is not t fault at all period.

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Sorry but this is no ones fault but your own, if you are storing passwords in your PC for anyone to see then it was only a matter of time before something was likely to happen,

It is certainly NOT the Banks fault as they did what was instructed of them and they assumed that the person giving the instructions was yourself based on the fact your correct password was given when the transactions happened

Your only option is a criminal prosecution but this will cost you a lot more than 60k in Lawyers fees and will take years

Again the Bank is not at fault here, you are for letting someone have access to your password

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I bank with Kasikorn. I remember reading something about they are not responsible for events that occur before it is reported. They are only responsible for events after you report the problem to them. Not much different than any other bank in Thailand.

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Kasikorn, nor would most banks, refund if your boyfriend was able to access your passwords on your computer; your liability.

No option but for RTP to persue with a fraud case

"boyfriend"? Perhaps its best you stick with reading Harry Potter books than real life postings if thats what you comprehended from my post.

Boyfriend or a friend is irrelevant. You are liable for protecting your logon & password details. Your comment on an insurance claim for a car, if leaving keys in the car, leads me to conclude you have zero understanding of your liability in a claims process.

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On Nov 2, 2011 an hour before my departure to the USA, I hugged my Filipino good-bye. Unbeknownst to me an hour before he had stolen my SIM card from my mobile phone and replaced it with one that wasn't working, while I was in the shower preparing for the airport. That was the last piece of the puzzle he needed to pull off his scam/heist from my KASIKORN account. Being a "friend" he must have had 10-30 seconds at one point in time to access my Firefox browser and see my stored passwords on my laptop which nobody else uses to see my sign on/password into the Kasikorn site. Who knows how long he had this information.

I didn't think anything of it while on the way to the airport that my mobile wasn't working and just wrote it off as TIT. Upon landing in Incheon Airport Seoul, Korea I had WIFI access as I waited for my connecting flight. In my email I had 4 emails from Kasikorn advising me that my request to ADD a payee has been received and approved, and my request to transfer 60,000. baht was received and approved.

I immediately called KASIKORN via skype to tell them this was NOT authorized, I was out of the country and not to return for a month and to FREEZE my account. Also suggesting it would be good idea to recover the funds and FREEZE the account of the person the funds had been transferred too until this allegation was sorted out. (Kasikorn would not FREEZE the Filipino's account solely based on my allegation for his protection) I contacted a Thai friend in teh wee hours of the morning to do some legwork for me and goto the Police station and file a complaint. This was unsuccessful since the Thai wasn't listed on my account even though I provided him with all the information he needed. SO I could not initiate any legal action/complaint until I returned to Thailand, a month later.

Upon returning, I closed that account, openned a new one and went to the Police station to file complaint. This was a big deal because it was done on the internet and they needed to determine which district, station, province should take this complaint. Was totally ridiculous in my eyes as crime is crime and they should take the report and if need forward/fax it to the best department/Police station to handle it. After an extended period of time, with "'PETER" a farang translator working in Lumpini Police Station and me losing my patience it was determined that since my SIM card, valued at 50b which led to the theft of 60000b was taken while in my Condo located in Huai Kwang, that it would be the Huai Kwang Police to take the report.

Peter the traqnslator, met me there,we got the report filed, I was advised the next day that the report would be taken to a judge, a warrant will be issued and the case will proceed until the subject is arrested.

I have seen the Filipino on various social websites in the past year, I've considered vigilante justice which would probably lead back to me very easily. I've done what I could YET Kasikorn hasn't refunded me the money. I've been told it doesn't work that way here and that the only way I'd see that money is if an arrest is made. Even then, that Filipino would not have 60000b just laying around.

Just recently I decided to breathe life back into this case and brought the issue back up again. Now KASIKORN told me that the police report is "too old" and that I needed a new one. This was socking and almost sounded illegal. 2 police reports for the same crime?? Thats like filing 2 insurance claims for the same accident. I told Kasikorn I wanted them to give me a letter on their letterhead requesting what they want. They did. Back to Huai Kwang police station again 19 months after the first report. They typed up some letter in Thai language that said something to the affect of the case is still being investigated (no arrest made yet) and that the original person who took this report has left and the case was transferred to a new person within the department (as if that matters?)

SO, I ask:

Am I not protected from FRAUND/THEFT by KASIKORN that I would be elsewhere?

Shouldn't KASIKORN, reimburse me for the THEFT? regardless if an arrest is made or not?

Let me offer other points:

If I had withdrawn 60000b from a KASIKORN ATM and then got robbed walking down the street, then NO, I wouldn't expect KASIKORN to refund me.

If someone stole my KASIKORN DEBIT card and charged 60000b in a mall and I alerted KASIKORN as soon as I was aware, then YES I'd expect to be protected and reimbursed for those charges.

If my child/relative were to steal my DEBIT/CREDIT card from my wallet and make unauthorized charges, I'd be given 2 options 1)Pay/be responsible for the charges of that family member 2) File criminal charges against that family member, THEN the bank will hold me not liable and credit me for those charges, since the filing of criminal charges/report shows that I am not in kahootz with that family member to defraud the bank.


I alerted KASIKORN as soon as I was aware of the FRAUD/THEFT.

I filed a Police report against the Filipino (who also has a Kasikorn account)

I waited 19 months.

I went to the police station again and was given a letter that the case is still open/active.

Am I protected?

Will I get a refund?

How does it work here in Thailand?

KASIKORN seems unwilling and stalling to give me any money back as if it isn't their fault or they shouldn't protect ME, yet they protected the THIEF and could have done their own pro-active police work and froze that account as soon as I told them until this was sorted out.

Oh to add INSULT to INJURY, KASIKORN had the nerve to charge me 150b for a NEW ATM card when I openned up a new account and closed the old one due to the FRAUD/THEFT. So my time, transportation, atm card fee puts me at greater loss and ZERO recovery. As if they couldn't waive it due to the circumstances and put customer service FIRST before their profits.

Can't you chase your friend up.

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On Nov 2, 2011 an hour before my departure to the USA, I hugged my Filipino good-bye. Unbeknownst to me an hour before he had stolen my SIM card from my mobile phone and replaced it with one that wasn't working, while I was in the shower preparing for the airport. That was the last piece of the puzzle he needed to pull off his scam/heist from my KASIKORN account. Being a "friend" he must have had 10-30 seconds at one point in time to access my Firefox browser and see my stored passwords on my laptop which nobody else uses to see my sign on/password into the Kasikorn site. Who knows how long he had this information.

I didn't think anything of it while on the way to the airport that my mobile wasn't working and just wrote it off as TIT. Upon landing in Incheon Airport Seoul, Korea I had WIFI access as I waited for my connecting flight. In my email I had 4 emails from Kasikorn advising me that my request to ADD a payee has been received and approved, and my request to transfer 60,000. baht was received and approved.

I immediately called KASIKORN via skype to tell them this was NOT authorized, I was out of the country and not to return for a month and to FREEZE my account. Also suggesting it would be good idea to recover the funds and FREEZE the account of the person the funds had been transferred too until this allegation was sorted out. (Kasikorn would not FREEZE the Filipino's account solely based on my allegation for his protection) I contacted a Thai friend in teh wee hours of the morning to do some legwork for me and goto the Police station and file a complaint. This was unsuccessful since the Thai wasn't listed on my account even though I provided him with all the information he needed. SO I could not initiate any legal action/complaint until I returned to Thailand, a month later.

Upon returning, I closed that account, openned a new one and went to the Police station to file complaint. This was a big deal because it was done on the internet and they needed to determine which district, station, province should take this complaint. Was totally ridiculous in my eyes as crime is crime and they should take the report and if need forward/fax it to the best department/Police station to handle it. After an extended period of time, with "'PETER" a farang translator working in Lumpini Police Station and me losing my patience it was determined that since my SIM card, valued at 50b which led to the theft of 60000b was taken while in my Condo located in Huai Kwang, that it would be the Huai Kwang Police to take the report.

Peter the traqnslator, met me there,we got the report filed, I was advised the next day that the report would be taken to a judge, a warrant will be issued and the case will proceed until the subject is arrested.

I have seen the Filipino on various social websites in the past year, I've considered vigilante justice which would probably lead back to me very easily. I've done what I could YET Kasikorn hasn't refunded me the money. I've been told it doesn't work that way here and that the only way I'd see that money is if an arrest is made. Even then, that Filipino would not have 60000b just laying around.

Just recently I decided to breathe life back into this case and brought the issue back up again. Now KASIKORN told me that the police report is "too old" and that I needed a new one. This was socking and almost sounded illegal. 2 police reports for the same crime?? Thats like filing 2 insurance claims for the same accident. I told Kasikorn I wanted them to give me a letter on their letterhead requesting what they want. They did. Back to Huai Kwang police station again 19 months after the first report. They typed up some letter in Thai language that said something to the affect of the case is still being investigated (no arrest made yet) and that the original person who took this report has left and the case was transferred to a new person within the department (as if that matters?)

SO, I ask:

Am I not protected from FRAUND/THEFT by KASIKORN that I would be elsewhere?

Shouldn't KASIKORN, reimburse me for the THEFT? regardless if an arrest is made or not?

Let me offer other points:

If I had withdrawn 60000b from a KASIKORN ATM and then got robbed walking down the street, then NO, I wouldn't expect KASIKORN to refund me.

If someone stole my KASIKORN DEBIT card and charged 60000b in a mall and I alerted KASIKORN as soon as I was aware, then YES I'd expect to be protected and reimbursed for those charges.

If my child/relative were to steal my DEBIT/CREDIT card from my wallet and make unauthorized charges, I'd be given 2 options 1)Pay/be responsible for the charges of that family member 2) File criminal charges against that family member, THEN the bank will hold me not liable and credit me for those charges, since the filing of criminal charges/report shows that I am not in kahootz with that family member to defraud the bank.


I alerted KASIKORN as soon as I was aware of the FRAUD/THEFT.

I filed a Police report against the Filipino (who also has a Kasikorn account)

I waited 19 months.

I went to the police station again and was given a letter that the case is still open/active.

Am I protected?

Will I get a refund?

How does it work here in Thailand?

KASIKORN seems unwilling and stalling to give me any money back as if it isn't their fault or they shouldn't protect ME, yet they protected the THIEF and could have done their own pro-active police work and froze that account as soon as I told them until this was sorted out.

Oh to add INSULT to INJURY, KASIKORN had the nerve to charge me 150b for a NEW ATM card when I openned up a new account and closed the old one due to the FRAUD/THEFT. So my time, transportation, atm card fee puts me at greater loss and ZERO recovery. As if they couldn't waive it due to the circumstances and put customer service FIRST before their profits.

Can't you chase your friend up.

Why would he or she we don't know which? let's just say they have been shafted by each other.

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