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Thai police shootout with drug dealer kills university student


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Police Shootout With Drug Dealer Kills University Student


CHONBURI: -- A botched attempt of the police to arrest a drug smuggler in Chonburi province has led to car chase and shootout that left 1 university student dead, reportedly by the police gunfire.

Ms. Sunisa Dokdue, a 22-year-old student of Burapha University, was on the backseat of the car driven by Mr. Santisuk Yindeesuk, a drug dealer wanted by the police, as he drove to meet with undercover agents in Mueang District to sell them his drugs.

According to the police, Pol.Sgt.Suriyan Nilmatr and Pol.Sgt. Wattana Noonoi, members of police anti-drug team, approached Mr. Santisuk′s vehicle during the staged dealing to arrest him, but Mr. Santisuk suddenly caught the wind and drove away.

The 2 policemen then gave chase, firing at Mr. Santisuk’s car several times. The passengers in the car back seat, according to the pair, also shot at the police car to shake the police loose from the chase.

Eventually, Mr. Santisuk pulled over and ran off with other passengers. Once the police searched the car, they found the body of Ms. Sunisa, who suffered the death from a gun shot at her neck. The investigators concluded that the police gunfire killed her.

Pol.St. Suriyan and Pol.Sgt. Wattana initially fled the scene but later gave themselves up today at a local police station. They were charged with intentional manslaughter and reckless execution of duty.

The victim’s mother, Ms. Nongnuch Dokduea, 42, said she would press charge against the police on behalf of her daughter. She said she had lit up an incense stick to summon her daughter′s spirit and communicated with Ms. Sunisa that she would seek justice for her.

It is not immediately clear how Ms. Sunisa is related to Mr. Santisuk, who is currently on the run, and why she was in the car at the time.

Police records show that Mr. Santisuk had been previously serving jail term for drug dealing, and had been released from prison only 3 months prior to the shootout incident.

Source: http://www.khaosod.co.th/en/view_newsonline.php?newsid=TVRNM05USTJPVEF6Tmc9PQ==

-- KHAOSOD English 2013-08-01

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I thought I had heard it all before but in so many ways I have not with this story. Police flee after being shot at, police being charged with a crime because they tried to protect themselves and they had to surrender themselves at the police station. Shouldn't it be the drug dealers in trouble not the police!

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The saying " if you fly with the crows" comes to mind. tbh I find it hard to be sympathetic towards anyone who kicks around with a known drug dealer

It would appear the two in custody claim the passengers in the back seat shot at them the big question is did they?

As the driver and the other passengers ran away I imagine they took their weapons with them.

No weapons no proof of any gunfire being returned until ballistics check the car out or find those who ran off...Gotta charge them but will the charges stick?

What gets me is why show these guys faces? They are undercover cops who's careers as such just flew out the window and they haven't even accumulated all the evidence yet.

Why they ran away? who knows?-- Guilt? To protect their ID's? To avoid confrontation with locals when they discovered a girl had been shot?

Edited by Tanlic
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The saying " if you fly with the crows" comes to mind. tbh I find it hard to be sympathetic towards anyone who kicks around with a known drug dealer

It would appear the two in custody claim the passengers in the back seat shot at them the big question is did they?

As the driver and the other passengers ran away I imagine they took their weapons with them.

No weapons no proof of any gunfire being returned until ballistics check the car out or find those who ran off...Gotta charge them but will the charges stick?

What gets me is why show these guys faces? They are undercover cops who's careers as such just flew out the window and they haven't even accumulated all the evidence yet.

Why they ran away? who knows?-- Guilt? To protect their ID's? To avoid confrontation with locals when they discovered a girl had been shot?

To get their story straight?

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it was a shake down on these drug dealers but sounds like the police were operating out of there area of duty, killed the passenger and ran away.thai police like all police everywhere work in defined districts. first question to these police why where you there out side of your zone?

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According to our recalcitrant police sergeants, passengers in the back seat of the car fired at them. GSR on Ms Sunisa's hands or clothing will determine her involvement, or if the claim is true.

Assuming that test is carried out.

You are of course assuming that the local police have watched CSI and actually have any clue as to what GSR is.thumbsup.gif

And to the earlier poster that stated that the police were returning fire, it says they started the shooting and the occupants of the car returned fire so it seems the 2 cops were being overzealous to say the least and is why they did a runner.

This is certainly one of the more bizarre police stories... even by Thai standards.

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The third bungled drug bust in a row. Quite an impressive record. I can understand that "Smiley" (Yinglucks favourite police officer) is this time reluctant to show up and grin at the cameras.

Maybe he should inform the public that these outstanding displays of incompetence and recklessness towards the lives of innocent bystanders are the sad results of his attempts to "show off".

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Let me get this straight... the cops ran away after what seems like a justified shootout?? People were shooting at them from the backseat of the car why wouldn't they return fire?

Crazy Thailand and just goes to show you the Thai Police are a joke.

It's the Thai mentality to run away from everything at first. especially accidents! the police should have known better, if the eventnt's happen as printed they were within their rights to shoot! can't figure this one out. normally the Thai police could not give a dam about the public attitude!

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According to the report, the police shot first. From behind. What did they think would happen? They would shoot any passengers in the back seats before touching the driver.

How irresponsible is that? That is murder, plain and simple. No wonder they ran away in panic, they just murdered a girl.

No responsible police force on the planet would train officers to behave like this. You give chase, radio for assistance, you don't shoot randomly at a car from behind.

Drug dealing is bad. Being a police officer without regard for human life is just beyond words. They shouldn't have guns if they can't use them at the right times.

And by the way, its not just Thais that ran away from accidents they cause. Yesterday a farang swerved into my gf on her motorbike, knocked her off, said "you ok", then jumped back onto his bike and sped off. We were both disgusted. I have seen lots of minor accidents like this. Thais wouldn't behave do that. They would stop, help you up, say sorry, call an ambulance, offer to help with doctor bils.

So no, "running away from things you cause" is not just a Thai disease. Does happen with Thais of course, but us "perfect" farangs do it as well.

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No sympathy at all, that's what happens when you hang out with drug dealing scum. Should choose your friends more carefully....

She was young and was friends with someone in the car (may not have been the alleged drug dealer). She did not deserve to be murdered for that and deserves as much sympathy as anyone who dies because of the stupidity of those who use guns with no thought of the consequences.

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What the hell is an "innocent" university student doing in the car of an alleged drug dealer and his accomplices (on the backseat) while they're supposedly on their rounds delivering illicit merchandise?

As the saying goes: "Caught together, hung together".

No sympathy from me, because I suspect she knew exactly who they were and what they were doing.

Oh, and now poor mom is up in arms and wants to sue for - probably - millions of baht. Perhaps she should have taught her daughter not to associate with drug dealers in the first place.

As per the fleeing police officers, it really doesn't get much more absurd than that.

Edited by Misterwhisper
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History is repeating itself. Could it be that the police are attempting to set a new record, over and above the 2004-05. Killings of innocent people in the name of drug eradication. Last put was over 2500 murdered. ph34r.pngph34r.png

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