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Like some of those already commented, you can remove yourself from the moaners and not be associated with them.... That's easy.

One element that perhaps should not be confused with moaning is a justified complaint for bad service or poor workmanship or dangerous driving etc etc ...... Smiling at them will not help in the long run; Thailand really does need to catch up with their ASEAN neighbours.

The worst moaners are some of the idiots who post on TV, especially the ones who create posts deliberately designed to aggravate others. Worse still if the idiots don't even live in Thailand!

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Most men I meet have just two types of monologues disguised as conversation:

1. They boast about their achievements, intellect, wealth;

2. They moan.

In both cases, when trapped by one of these bores, you have several options:

- Avoid eye contact.

- Fiddle with your phone as if you've just received some important messages.

- Suddenly change the topic, for example from their whinge about Thailand to yesterday's sports results. That will shock them into realising that you haven't been paying any attention throughout their speech.

- Touch them on the elbow and ask them a completely unrelated question. It's very effective for jolting them out of their ego bubble.


The best thing to do when faced with a whiner is to agree profusely with the whiner and praise their home country profusely. Then, jobs done; offer to help them book a one way flight to their home country.


One of my friends is a dollar millionaire and pays 45,000 baht for a serviced apartment overlooking the sea but finds one thing after another to moan about. One day it'll be that there's too many westerners around and the next day it'll be that there's not enough people to talk to.

Nothing is ever fine for him. Seeing people wearing flip flops and shorts makes them western trash and that's coming from a man with a long ponytail, scruffy goatie beard and a world class beer gut.

Why don't people just enjoy their retirement as they're luckier than most.


I have been in Chiang rai for a long time now and after reading this page for years I thought I would join in and ask a few questions of what people really think?

Why when you go out for a beer and a bit of food do you get moan after moan from xpats who have a fantastic life compared to people living on the bread line in US, UK Aus, and many places world wide.. Example.

It is too hot, too cold, the foods not western enough, the beers not as good as back home, the traffic is too busy, Chiang rai is not what it was, the bars are empty, no night life, nothing to do, I hate him over there and her over there, the Thai people are cheats, they just don't understand what I want(after 15 small beers), quality of everything I buy is not as good as back home, It is just so boring and horrible to here this not all the time but you get it 1 or 2 times a week off people who have been here YEARS, Please go home and stop moaning on and on about a place where you live and most of us LOVE... Rant over...

It's called the human condition and in many cases it is due to the fact that people have far too little to occupy their lives.

In other cases it may simply be meant as a comment with no real offence implied. So many of the falangs who come to Thailand for retirement forgot the old adage, be careful what you wish for. Going home would change little.

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It appears to me as has been noted by others that the person that posted this mixes with the wrong crowd and appears to visit the lady type bars rather than being more selective. If he was more selective he would find many decent people in Chiang Rai with a very positive outlook.


It appears to me as has been noted by others that the person that posted this mixes with the wrong crowd and appears to visit the lady type bars rather than being more selective. If he was more selective he would find many decent people in Chiang Rai with a very positive outlook.

Do you mean gay bars? I suspect people who go to lady bars don't go for intelligent conversation?

I would like to thank the OP for starting this thread. The well mannered majority can often be drowned out by the awful din of the forum hooligans. It is necessary to have a little positive reinforcement from time to time, I think.

It lets people know they are not alone and may even encourage posters, who are scared off by the vocal minority, to contribute more knowing they are in the presence of likeminded individuals.smile.png

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The best way to curb the groaning and complaining is to continuously emphasize the positives (and there are many)! Telling them to go home is not the answer, they need to be "enlightened" (no Buddhist thing intended here). I think that is what our forum attempts to do everyday and I think all the posters do a very good job of it. When meeting the occasional groaner in the wild, counter their gripes with evidences of the good you know to be here in CR. Encourage the groaners to contribute here on TV and share their insights with others. If they become too negative, I am sure that there will be many who will gladly enumerate 10 goods for every negative.

I am not saying there are not negatives! Heck, even Hawaii is not perfect! But by and large, CR is a wonderful town with wonderful sights and many wonderful things to see and do. Don't believe it? Just read the many posts on this CR forum.

So to the groaners, I say, "Stay!" "Look around with your eyes open!" "Do it in the early day before visiting your favorite watering hole." " "Share with us your insights, photos and feelings about this beautiful province." Find a Thai person in the wild and show them and smile and share a hello with them."

Finally, let them who are perfect, who are faultless, cast stones. Me thinks there will be no broken windows!

Excellent thread idea Rai, thumbsup.gif

I am in agreement with Fiddle sticks and several other posters here.

We have all chosen to be here for various reasons and will enjoy our new home (or not) based on how we see the world and and interact with it.

If an individual presents themselves in a positive manner and treats people with respect, that will generally encourage a like response.

Yeah, I know......not always. I prefer not to let those that are stuck in negativity control my day and how I chose to live it.

There are situations that can be frustrating, but if you have no control or influence....let it go.

Or at least let it eventually amuse you. (I'm still astounded by the driving, but there's a different thread for that. At least now I just look on in wonder and smile when I see extreme driving "stuff" w00t.gif. After I stop screaming and change my pants of course. cheesy.gif ).

If you can control or influence what ever is getting under your skin, do so! Then let it go.

Thailand is amazing. So is the country I came from. I hope we all feel that way.

My wife is here. My life is here. This is by my choice.

Regarding TV, open discussion must include all view points of course. Healthy debate can be informative and fun.

It's those that constantly rant and bash that have my sympathy. sad.png

Please spend a little time each day thinking about what is good in your life. Share that with somebody.

Life is too short to spend it thinking everything sucks.

Cheers from here. wai.gif

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I dislike it when some members say " if you don't like it go home", it comes across as self opinionated and to a large extent arrogant and ignorant of what is around them.

These people are foreigners in this country just like you are; and remember a great many Thais would say the same about you " farang go home, if you are so successful why are you here!!".

People have a right to moan, but I don't see it or hear it like the op states, this country is not that bloody wonderful ( like most) it has plenty of warts but it has been my home for 30 years i have a family here,but my friends in the uk have very good lives so the initial premise is wrong, not all people have better lives here than at home..

If you can't have a better life here, why are you here..? Surely that must be the main reason for staying here..otherwise you are doomed to be unhappy once the novelty wears off.

I will re- emphasis the same premise from another thread there are too many ill equipped old men moving here for the wrong reason.The frustration in their lives is expressed through their moaning about trivia..it's more deep rooted than just he weather, the food etc..

The place has been ruined by too many farangs moaners or not..but the " if you don't like it go home brigade on this visa" are the worst.

I would like to thank the OP for starting this thread. The well mannered majority can often be drowned out by the awful din of the forum hooligans. It is necessary to have a little positive reinforcement from time to time, I think.
It lets people know they are not alone and may even encourage posters, who are scared off by the vocal minority, to contribute more knowing they are in the presence of likeminded individuals.smile.png

The original post looked like a paid effort to start a controversial subject like many posts on TV are. TV makes money from advertisements which proliferate in posts. Therefore it is economically rational for TV to pay employees to post.

A number of posts unrelated to news items are often just a revenue harvesting effort by TV.

Are you employed by TV?


I have not been employed by anyone for a very long time. Even my blog is a non-commercial enterprise and a labor of love. You seem to have a very active imagination.laugh.png


The original post looked like a paid effort to start a controversial subject like many posts on TV are. TV makes money from advertisements which proliferate in posts. Therefore it is economically rational for TV to pay employees to post.

A number of posts unrelated to news items are often just a revenue harvesting effort by TV.

Are you employed by TV?

Really ... Really ... Not that I know. TV has plenty of genuine traffic and does not need to 'manufacture' more.


The original post looked like a paid effort to start a controversial subject like many posts on TV are. TV makes money from advertisements which proliferate in posts. Therefore it is economically rational for TV to pay employees to post.

A number of posts unrelated to news items are often just a revenue harvesting effort by TV.

Are you employed by TV?

Really ... Really ... Not that I know. TV has plenty of genuine traffic and does not need to 'manufacture' more.

Do you receive any benefit from TV for your services?


One of the main reasons I left Australia was because of the people (the country is far more beautiful than Thailand). I was telling one of my customers in Australia how westerners love to complain and make their lives miserable. This is not my moan but an obvious observation. She summed it up quite well when she said "If you complain here all you will get is someone trying to compete with you".

It is true - just like the Monty Python sketch where the old pommy moaners try to beat each other into submission with escalating stories of how negative their lives have been. That sketch is based on reality.

That is not to say I do not love Australians - they have many wonderful qualities - but they do like to moan.

You know what really gets me? When the farang here (a good example being one of my Australian mates here who is a nice guy) COMPLAIN THAT THE THAIS DO NOT COMPLAIN AND THAT IS WHY THIS COUNTRY IS IN SUCH A BAD WAY. Why should he complain if the Thais not complaining gives him so much more to complain about - so that he can complain about them not complaining and all the effects that there not complaining have on the country that he can complain about? haha A great example of how complaining is addictive, almost always leads to absolutely nothing except depression and is to be avoided as much as possible.

Get away from Farangs - you will find a people who are so much more lovable, happy and who can teach a farang more than he is usually willing to learn.


I have not been employed by anyone for a very long time. Even my blog is a non-commercial enterprise and a labor of love. You seem to have a very active imagination.laugh.png

He was refering to the origininal poster. Was that you under an alias? smile.png

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I love people who start a topic berating moaners and then moans about them as do most of the replies.

What can be better than a whiney post about whiners?


IMO I think it sometimes depends on who I talk to. I've lived in Chiang Mai now for 2 years and I've met a variety of expats living here. It seems that if I'm talking to an expat who's really settled down here, then I hear less bitchin' and moanin'. By that, I mean guys who have married a Thai woman, bought a house, and maybe have a job and kids here. Sure, they still complain about some things but all in all, they seem content and positive about being here. On the other hand, when I talk to many single expats in bars or restaurants here I think I hear more moaning and groaning about what's wrong in Thailand and how they should fix this and fix that...and it's not this way back home and blah, blah, blah It's one reason I don't frequent some bars/restaurants in Chiang Mai much anymore where they seem to "reside". I'm also single and I admit can also be guilty of too much complaining too at times but I try to catch myself and tell myself I chose to be here so I can either like it and enjoy it the best I can or I can just make myself miserable being here.


I never understand, why unhappy expats continue to stay in LoS, when everything is so bad compared to home and/or other places. facepalm.gif
Go home or go to one of the other “better” places. thumbsup.gif


I never understand, why unhappy expats continue to stay in LoS, when everything is so bad compared to home and/or other places. facepalm.gif

Go home or go to one of the other “better” places. thumbsup.gif

I agree, but my guess is that they would just start up bitchin' and moanin' about that place after they got there because "that's what they do"! But at least I (and you) wouldn't have to listen to them.

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I have not been employed by anyone for a very long time. Even my blog is a non-commercial enterprise and a labor of love. You seem to have a very active imagination.laugh.png

He was refering to the origininal poster. Was that you under an alias? smile.png

If he was talking to the OP, harry, then why in the world was he quoting me?


Lol. Cihuahua, I like your comment. . You are accumulating money and must complain of course.

Some of my Thai friends do not complain. They tell me to enjoy enjoy and to forget it when I start complaining


I have not been employed by anyone for a very long time. Even my blog is a non-commercial enterprise and a labor of love. You seem to have a very active imagination.laugh.png

He was refering to the origininal poster. Was that you under an alias? smile.png

If he was talking to the OP, harry, then why in the world was he quoting me?

The original post looked like a paid effort to start a controversial subject like many posts on TV are. TV makes money from advertisements which proliferate in posts. Therefore it is economically rational for TV to pay employees to post.

A number of posts unrelated to news items are often just a revenue harvesting effort by TV.

This is the words of the post. I and I am sure others took him as refering to the OP.


The worst whinge I ever heard was from an American - apparently the humidity here takes 20 yards of his golf drive. Thought he was saying it in jest, but he got visibly angry when I choked on my beer with laughter.

The dude was serious, but as I listened more it was apparently just the tip of his "complaint iceberg".


I enjoy having a listen to the moaners now and then. Not too often as it gets a bit depressing but always gives me a chuckle when I venture away from the village. One group I avoid like the plague though are the hard core drug addicts. I usually manage to spot them early enough and vacate quickly.

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