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Wayne Rooney

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For those who have been following the EPL, you could not help hearing about the 700,000 GBP that Rooney is reported to have run up in gambling debts. To make matters worse, Michael Owens company appears to be the bookmakers involved.

So baby faced Owen may not be the nice kid that he appears, however if his actions are within the law then so be it.

In the case of Rooney, I see it from a different side. The "boy" is without doubt a terrific sportsman, but his inability to string three words together to form a cohesive statement is an embarrassment to the youth of the UK.The fact that a cockroach high on Singha is better able to be understood, plus the fact that Rooney has a rather expensive girl friend who sees it her duty to milk him for what she can and it will be understood that his reputed 50,000 GBP a week is not that helpful. But lets not forget the millions he has made from sponsorship deals !

It now emerges that Rooney is a very angry little boy as no one tried to stop him from trying to regroup his previous losses thus leading to the huge debts of 700k. What a strange world we live in, a 20 year old multi millionaire whose face is emblazoned across every tabloid in the world is angry that he was allowed to blow his money and no one tried to stop him.

Ok so again in my opinion his mental capacity as well as his obnoxious attitude is now brought into question and I would ask, with this brain dead attitude is it safe let alone sensible to put so much faith and media hype into him being the messiah for England in the World Cup.

Before anyone enters the fray and flames me and says that he is young etc etc blah blah - forget it as it doesnt wear with me.

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Wow , the Brits are going to bury you in this thread!.

700k pounds is just a few months wages to a modern footballer , not going to bankrupt him.

The press paint him as a whoremongering , foul mouthed chav but the after match interviews I've seen lately he makes a good verbal account of himself and is fairly humble. I think his is maturing as the expletive filled ref sprays he did constantly last season are going out his game.

He ain't the brightest lad and I'm no Man U supporter but his sublime touch and work rate win you over.

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Whatever wears with you or not is not relevant because when discussing Rooney you can not deny the fact that he is a young lad from a poor background who has suddenly found himself with incredible riches. I do wonder sometimes if people think that footballers should swan around in smoking jackets quoting Noel Coward and Oscar Wilde. Most of them have had little education having chosen to concentrate on football.

At least Rooney has a talent unlike some of the co called 'celebrities' who plaque our TV screens and newspapers in the UK.

He is a footballer first and foremost. As long as he performs on the pitch with the three lions on his chest this Summer I for one couldn't give a rats arse what he does off the pitch.

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I for one couldn't give a rats arse what he does off the pitch.

you should give a rats arse what he does off the pitch , at least the stuff that gets reported.

he is one of the many irresponsible sportsmen who have become role models to the yoof of britain , and whether they are gang banging equally brain dead starlets who sell the lurid details of their affairs to the equally irresponsible press or they are gambling away fortunes and then trying to avoid paying their debts , the impressionable kids from equally dismal backgrounds just see that kind of behaviour as ok , think little wrong with it , just 'avin a larf kind of stuff.

they should accept that with such high salaries and high profiles they should act at least in public with some responsibility and be setting higher standards , not lowering them.

the constant lowering of standards , and the general acceptance of the lower standards , in all walks of life in the uk is one of the things i find saddest about that country.

thats why people should give a rats arse.

theyre just 'avin a fakkin larf , innit.

//edited by PeaceBlondie for objectionable language and language inappropriate to the rest of the post///

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Guest endure

He's paid well to play football which apparently he does very well (I'm no footy fan). What he does in his private life is his business and no-one elses. If people adopt him as a role model then they've chosen the wrong man, someothing over which Rooney has no control. They're responsible for their own actions, not Rooney.

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For those who have been following the EPL, you could not help hearing about the 700,000 GBP that

It now emerges that Rooney is a very angry little boy as no one tried to stop him from trying to regroup his previous losses thus leading to the huge debts of 700k.

I know the feeling well. My first job, when I was that age paid 4pounds a week and I blew it all on the horses as well. Bastards didn't stop me either. :o

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is it safe let alone sensible to put so much faith and media hype into him being the messiah for England in the World Cup

well, I dont think England would have a hope in hel_l without him tbh :D.

the British tabloid press will always try to grind down successful Brits. unfortunately, Rooney's no exception, :o .

who cares if he gambles or shags grannies?

his life, his money, his choice.


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Reading some of these responses, all I can say is that its "Horses For Courses".

"As long as he does his job etc etc I dont care how he spends his money or what he does"

Guess that should apply to all the rest of the UK retards who are now turning Pattaya into a Asian version of any UK city, Binge drinking, unacceptable behaviour, fighting, causing trouble. But what the shit ,what they do with their money is not your problem.

As I live in Bangkok and not Pattaya its not my problem neither !!

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Unfortunately, the notion that his off-field life and on-field life are seperate don't apply in this instance because he's is having the dispute with someone linked very closely to his most likely strike partner, Michael Owen.

If there is bad blood between them, then it is very much relevant to the public domain.

Much as I admire Rooney's skill, he comes across as an unlikeable little oik and that view is reinforced by the fact that he's now bleating that noone tried to stop him from accumulating losses.

Tried to stop him my a**e. Get a grip man. You're not a kid. You're old enough to take responsibility for your own life.

Pay up, shut up, and learn your lesson.

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On the field over the last year, I think Rooney behavior has improved rapidly. He doesn't appear to get involved in many spats with opposition players and after his sending off when he sarcasticly applauded Danish ref, Kim Neilson, Rooney is even more respectful towards the officials.

The lad might not be the Brain of Britain but there's no doubting that he is the best English player at this moment. He was outstanding against Arsenal last weekend.

I'm sure Fergie will be having a quiet word in Wayne's ear after this latest newspaper revelation. How much of it has been blown out of preportion, we will never know.

For every football fans sake, I just hope that Rooney can keep out of trouble off the pitch and not go down the same troubled road as Gazza and Best did.

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For every football fans sake, I just hope that Rooney can keep out of trouble off the pitch and not go down the same troubled road as Gazza and Best did.

well said , and i agree that his on the pitch behaviour has improved recently.

having said that though , his off the pitch behaviour is irresponsible , as is that of the press who will make a story out of nothing.

at his age , on his salary and with all the praise he gets for his skills , its probably no wonder that he behaves as he does , and questions should be asked of those who advise him and look after his interests and image.

i can recommend a good book

broken dreams , vanity , greed and the souring of british football , by tom bowyer (no relation to lee bowyer , by the way) , it deals with the glorious game , its managers , players , agents , and other peripheral pond life. it makes for remarkable reading , the corruption , the lack of control by the authorities , the bullying by vested interests , its almost like reading about thailand.

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Parents and teachers are responsible for the way kids behave, not Premiership footballers.

The fact that the UK has absolutely zero discipline in the classroom and laws which let unruly behaviour go unpunished are at the root of British social ills.

Its easy to make a scapegoat of someone like Rooney, especially to deflect the blame from the true source.

If you have a true gripe about the behaviour of Brits in Pattaya and wish to offer a solution then I suggest you contact Tony Blair not Wayne Rooney.

The Address is

The office of the Prime Minister of Great Britain

10 Downing Street





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Tony Blair is responsible for loutish Brit behaviour in Pattaya ?????

What a load of crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Footballers are not responsible for the behaviour of youth. Parents and teachers are!

What a load of crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Teachets are beseiged by the yobs called students because the parents dont care a <deleted> and in a lot of cases are actually physically frightened of their offspring.

Of course the yobs of today have to look up to somebody and with "brain deads" face on every tabloid its got to be relatively simple to see where the idolisation goes. So whats good for Wayne has got to be good for me is the attitude. If Wayne can swear at officials its got to be OK. If Wayne can go granny shagging it has to be OK. etc etc

What a load of crap !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh before I forget do you have Tony's number please ?? :o

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700k pounds is just a few months wages to a modern footballer , not going to bankrupt him.

Not much more than the average bar fine in Soi Diamond nowadays:huh: ...over "ere son...over "er

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How do you link British 'louts' in Pattaya to Wayne Rooney? You're clutching at straws there mate. :o

The majority of these 'louts' (as you put it) would be older than Rooney for starters so how could they be influenced by him? and, correct me if im wrong, but I've yet to see Rooney in the papers for 'binge drinking, fighting and causing trouble'.

Why do the general public consider it their business if he wants to gamble or shag prostitutes anyway? He's not harming anyone else, it's his money and his life. :D

Besides, the tabloids exaggerate and twist anything to get a story. How do we know for sure its £700k he owes? or that he blames other people for it? or any of the other crap that's written about him is true. I've lost count of tabloid articles apologising to the latest 'celebrity' for printing blatant lies.

Maybe the press link his style of play to being a thug, i dont know, but England were in desperate need of someone to 'get stuck in' as it were. Beckham, for example, is too scared to tackle incase he breaks a nail.

Rooney is a superb footballer and IMO presents himself reasonably well in interviews for a 20yo (considering his every move is scrutinised on and off the field).

Time for the press and UK in general to lay off him.


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Not quite sure what all the fuss is about. It's just the classic British media treatment.

Build someone up to be a hero, then knock him down. It's what sells papers. Rooney, poor lad, is just a pawn in the game. One minute he's England's saviour, then he's an out-of-control thug. The mock outrage of the red-tops and the Daily Mail is legendary - especially when a "role-model" (whom they not only created, but set up for such a fall) goes bad.

I am aware that sportsmen and women should be 'ambassadors for their country', but even diplomats receive a thorough training. Where are Rooney's mentors / counsellors / financial advisers? If a club like Man U (or even Everton before them) is to pluck a young boy out of obscurity and (relative) poverty and foist him on the world stage with more money in his pocket than he's ever dreamed of, then they should also take responsibility for training him for this kind of life, as well as the media attention.

And Rooney is not alone: one hears endless tales of Premiership footballers who are involved in rape, assault, gambling etc. The FA or the clubs need to take responsibility for their players, or the media will never lay off.

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Besides, the tabloids exaggerate and twist anything to get a story. How do we know for sure its £700k he owes? or that he blames other people for it? or any of the other crap that's written about him is true. I've lost count of tabloid articles apologising to the latest 'celebrity' for printing blatant lies.

I had my psychic radar on. :o

From today's 'The Sun':


Pure coincidence that it relates to Rooney, although not the allegation in question.

Edited by game4shame
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On the field over the last year, I think Rooney behavior has improved rapidly. He doesn't appear to get involved in many spats with opposition players and after his sending off when he sarcasticly applauded Danish ref, Kim Neilson, Rooney is even more respectful towards the officials.

The lad might not be the Brain of Britain but there's no doubting that he is the best English player at this moment. He was outstanding against Arsenal last weekend.

I'm sure Fergie will be having a quiet word in Wayne's ear after this latest newspaper revelation. How much of it has been blown out of preportion, we will never know.

For every football fans sake, I just hope that Rooney can keep out of trouble off the pitch and not go down the same troubled road as Gazza and Best did.

[/qis Gazza dead already?????????????????uote]

Edited by prickless
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Guess that should apply to all the rest of the UK retards who are now turning Pattaya into a Asian version of any UK city, Binge drinking, unacceptable behaviour, fighting, causing trouble.

I agree with you mate. Why don't they behave like good Americans, stay in their own country, and kill everyone there instead.

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That fact that over the next 15 years he will earn something like a 100 million sterling,700k is a cheap lesson if he's learnt it.

To me he seems a good lad considering the fame thats thrust on him,much more sensible than some of his peers at that age,if he brings it home for us in the world cup, even better

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