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'Thaksin's return home is long overdue'

Lite Beer

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Somehow Somchai has to stay objective regarding controversial government policy when his wife is a ruling party MP , his sister in law is the official PM and his brother in law is the de facto PM.

Quite a balancing act.

Objective, looks like this government is a family business for Red Shirt and not Thai people

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Is it possible that the fugitive ex PM, feels it is not safe to be living in Dubai. Could it be that he fears the Al Qaeda threats, and Dubai is a Muslim country, which follows the law of the Shariah. He knows that if he was back in Thailand that the police would protect him from anything. ph34r.pngph34r.png

I would imagine that Thaksin would feel relatively safe in Dubai as the UAE rigorously and successfully suppresses Al Qaeda on its territory.

Shariah is not the law of the UAE or its only legal system. Different Emirates follow different laws and some adhere to the Federal laws. Dubai doesn't follow the federal system but Shariah is mainly the law used for family and family related issues.

The UAE does not support the extreme terrorist groups that try to hijack the Moslem religion. The UAE is an active ally of the West, whilst still respecting its traditions and religion.

If extreme Moslem factions has intended to harm Thaksin they would have done so by now. I doubt anyone in Dubai cares whether he's there or not.

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"The judgement that TRT broke election law came post-coup. Your post is simply inaccurate."

Actually the coup was more than four months AFTER the judgment and he STILL hadn't held new elections. So, now you don't have to defend someone you consider a murderous thug.

Nope, the judgement that TRT broke election law came a year after (mid 2007 IIRC), although witnesses switched sides and there are still people who also claim that the Dems had paid parties not to stand. Though it's true judgement that the election was invalid came in April 2006: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thai_general_election,_2006 - not sure if you're aware of the controversy surrounding that. But anyway, the EC were jailed and new members had to be sitting before a new election could take place. The coup took place before the new EC were in place. Thaksin was ready to schedule an election ASAP obviously as he was sure he'd win it.

So, you are disputing CNN's history? I noticed you didn't quote the timeline I posted.

How about you post some quotes and sources (not a whole Wikipedia article)?

I read your link to Wikipedia and nowhere does it dispute anything I have written. Your saying 'Nope' doesn't change one fact.

TRT got BANNED in mid 2007 for breaking the election law in 2006.

"The Thai Rak Thai Party (Thai: ΰΈžΰΈ£ΰΈ£ΰΈ„ΰΉ„ΰΈ—ΰΈ’ΰΈ£ΰΈ±ΰΈΰΉ„ΰΈ—ΰΈ’, lit. Thais Love Thais; TRT) was a Thai political party that was officially banned[1] on May 30, 2007, by the Constitutional Court of Thailand due to violations of electoral laws during the 2006 legislative elections. source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thai_Rak_Thai_Party

I guess by now you think there is a conspiracy against viewpoint on Dr. Thaksin by CNN, Wikipedia, and the rest of the non-Red Shirt media. Give it up; I followed it as it was happening. Go pedal your propaganda some place where I am not or, just wait a while and I will go to sleep and you can make up all the history you want.

Haha. Ridiculous. I was simply pointing out that although the election was ruled invalid in 2006, it wasn't because TRT had broken the rules. That judgement came after the coup (as we both agree in May 2007). The reason the election was ruled invalid in 2006 was because of improper placement of voting booths. Not because any actions TRT had taken. And because of the booth controversy, EC commisioners were jailed and it was impossible to call an election until the new EC were seated. That's all I'm saying. So it was impossible for Thaksin to hold an election before the new EC were seated, which they weren't before the coup took place. I'm simply disputing the idea that Thaksin was somehow hanging on as a dictator and refusing to call an election.

Actually, elections were due as soon as the new EC were in place and Thaksin had no worries about them, he knew he'd win comfortably so why would he hold back on calling them?

I can see why you won't respond to my posts and misconstrue what I wrote and I can see why you just run on about various unrelated events and cannot post sources for anything you write. It's because you don't know what else to write. You have been caught out making false statements, falsely challenging my documented facts, and spewing obfuscation and you don't have a real thing to fall back on. Write away but I won't be reading your nonresponsive posts again. Ha Ha.

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Sorry Chaps , I am a supporter of Thaksin . I would like to see his safe return to legitimately head a government , rather than doing it by proxy as now .

It is all very well to call hin a convicted criminal , because surperlative efforts were exercised to get rid of him at any price .

What do most of us know of the truth ? I have no doubt that there are dozens of people in high places whose " Overlooked " crimes could end in conviction .

In a country when any means fit the end in all stratas of society , it is only the highest profile that gets picked on , incriminated and convicted .

Is that really you, Silvio?

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Sorry Chaps , I am a supporter of Thaksin . I would like to see his safe return to legitimately head a government , rather than doing it by proxy as now .

It is all very well to call hin a convicted criminal , because surperlative efforts were exercised to get rid of him at any price .

What do most of us know of the truth ? I have no doubt that there are dozens of people in high places whose " Overlooked " crimes could end in conviction .

In a country when any means fit the end in all stratas of society , it is only the highest profile that gets picked on , incriminated and convicted .

Well, you say you're a "supporter" of him. So you don't really care about the criminal convictions, etc., anyway. For you, the ends (getting him back home and in power again) justify the means (whatever it takes; whatever damage he's done and is doing to Thailand). The "Hey, everybody else does it" defense, and the short-term "hey, let's just be friends" thinking and tactics designed and intended to ENSURE it keeps happening. Yeah, 'the path to democracy and freedom alright. Yeah, let's just forget about the rule of law: it's SUCH an old fashioned concept (psssst, and not really convenient here...).

OK ! so please name these criminal convictions. Name the courts, Name the verdicts, Name those in power at the time. And describe how they got this power. Lets hear it all, don't just be selective.

Thanking you for your time and knowledge.

See #121. A pretty adequate summary. If you want more modern Thai history, look it up yourself. As modern Thai judicial practice goes, this sequence of events is about as valid a path as any. There are always going to be quesitons of judicial qualification, political loyalties, nepotism, etc., etc., etc. - not a conviction that's ever occurred anywhere not subject to such criticisms by someone somewhere. We can't abandon all pretense to law & order, and abandon whatever slim chance Thailand may ever have to be free of corruption, because this & that is not as lily white as you think it oughta' be. Esp. when that criteria always seems to get conveniently dropped the minute the shoe's on the other foot...

Re someone else's pointing out that all this concerning Thaksin and his legal entanglements is a matter of Thai politics, and therefore not valid ground for comment by foreigners & expats -- everyone, even foreigners & expats are entitled to their opinion and to express it here, attempts like yours to suppress them notwithstanding. Those who feel differently - well, no one's holding a gun to your head; lots of other threads to read. There are some topics off-limits to discussion of course, but I don't believe this is one of them so long as those certain lines aren't crossed.

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I'm actually quite concerned about this gentleman. In the photo accompanying the OP the look on his face suggests (to me, anyway) that he's suffering acute constipation or might have a cucumber lodged in his rectum

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I'm actually quite concerned about this gentleman. In the photo accompanying the OP the look on his face suggests (to me, anyway) that he's suffering acute constipation or might have a cucumber lodged in his rectum

very true cloghead,but hasnt he got a great head of hair,and its kept its colour,not a hint of grey to be seen,w00t.gif

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I'm actually quite concerned about this gentleman. In the photo accompanying the OP the look on his face suggests (to me, anyway) that he's suffering acute constipation or might have a cucumber lodged in his rectum

I agree with cloghead.............probably a lesbian lebanese cucumber !

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I remember this guy.

The peacefully yellow shirts ambushed him and he had to scurry over a wall at Dusit Zoo to save himself from a lynching.


Did anybody prosecute that mob or are the criminals walking free I wonder?

Yes, this guy was "in charge" when the international airport was commandeered and closed by the yellow shirts.
This guy Mr T. was not "in charge" when the yellow shirt thugs commandeered two international airports in November 2008 and ransacked Government House earlier. He rightly eluded the kangaroo court "justice" by attending the Beijing Olympics earlier that year. But hey, why let facts get in the way of a good bit of bigotry?
Do you get your history from Red Shirt publications or do you just not bother to research and repeat half baked history someone told you?

Dr. Thaksin's brother-in-law, Somchai Wongsawat, the guy interviewed in this article, was PM when the airports were occupied. Dr. Thaksin's proxy government was also in power when the 'kangaroo' court convicted him. But hey, why let facts get in the way of your display of ignorance of Thai history?

No need to research mate. I was there and your bogey man Mr T wasn't. He wasn't "in charge" he was in Beijing. The yellow shirt thugs could hardly have been acting on his behalf. Oh... hang on ..in your little PAD world he probably was. As for my knowledge of Thai history: Your biased opinion would appear to overide the uncomfortable facts. But then, why let facts get in the way of jaundiced yellow shirt opinion?
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Sorry Chaps , I am a supporter of Thaksin . I would like to see his safe return to legitimately head a government , rather than doing it by proxy as now .

It is all very well to call hin a convicted criminal , because surperlative efforts were exercised to get rid of him at any price .

What do most of us know of the truth ? I have no doubt that there are dozens of people in high places whose " Overlooked " crimes could end in conviction .

In a country when any means fit the end in all stratas of society , it is only the highest profile that gets picked on , incriminated and convicted .

Possibly you are right, however thaksin is a criminal who had a lot of people making superlative efforts to ensure he wasn't convicted, including his lawyer who offered a substantial bribe to at least one judge to get him off. He now has a whole government doing its best to keep him from serving his sentence. Even if this wasn't true (it is though) his criminal culpability for the thousands murdered during his quota based war on drugs should be enough for him to be gaoled for the rest of his life. The man is slime.

Pure slime at that....

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Sorry Chaps , I am a supporter of Thaksin . I would like to see his safe return to legitimately head a government , rather than doing it by proxy as now .

It is all very well to call hin a convicted criminal , because surperlative efforts were exercised to get rid of him at any price .

What do most of us know of the truth ? I have no doubt that there are dozens of people in high places whose " Overlooked " crimes could end in conviction .

In a country when any means fit the end in all stratas of society , it is only the highest profile that gets picked on , incriminated and convicted .

I agree; I realy can't see why so many people hate him on this forum.

Sure he did some iffy thing's, but that's the Thai way & if you live here it's something you have to accept (ever been stopped by the police?).

He tried to change things for the poor, that's why they love him. He fought against the drug trade, that's why the high & mighty hate him. He was shafted (whilst abroad) by the establishment for upsetting the apple cart.

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I seem to recollect that Mr Thaksin, having been arrested on various charges, was released on Bail. He jumped Bail by fleeing the country prior to the Court Sentence, knowing ( presumably ) that he would otherwise be sent down. His departure coincided with the military coup. The tanks were around Chiang Mai on the day he left, so to what extent it was a coup rather than a pre-arranged event is perhaps questionable.

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I seem to recollect that Mr Thaksin, having been arrested on various charges, was released on Bail. He jumped Bail by fleeing the country prior to the Court Sentence, knowing ( presumably ) that he would otherwise be sent down. His departure coincided with the military coup. The tanks were around Chiang Mai on the day he left, so to what extent it was a coup rather than a pre-arranged event is perhaps questionable.

Two different periods. He was in New York when the coup occurred in 2006, and got permission to go to the Olympics while waiting for a verdict on his charges in 2008.

Sent from my HTC Desire HD A9191 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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He won't return home cos he is a coward and not manly enough to face up to the consequences i.e. likely to be shot

So you're basically saying that he's not 'manly' enough to come and get himself shot. Unbelievable...

Yes, that's what I'm saying. Go look for an argument somewhere else.

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Sorry Chaps , I am a supporter of Thaksin . I would like to see his safe return to legitimately head a government , rather than doing it by proxy as now .

It is all very well to call hin a convicted criminal , because surperlative efforts were exercised to get rid of him at any price .

What do most of us know of the truth ? I have no doubt that there are dozens of people in high places whose " Overlooked " crimes could end in conviction .

In a country when any means fit the end in all stratas of society , it is only the highest profile that gets picked on , incriminated and convicted .

I agree; I realy can't see why so many people hate him on this forum.

Sure he did some iffy thing's, but that's the Thai way & if you live here it's something you have to accept (ever been stopped by the police?).

He tried to change things for the poor, that's why they love him. He fought against the drug trade, that's why the high & mighty hate him. He was shafted (whilst abroad) by the establishment for upsetting the apple cart.

You really have no idea. He was turning Thailand into a fascist state with himself as der fuhrer. Were you even here when he was PM?

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This is a must-do job. Bt350 billion may sound like a lot, but if we can help prevent loss of life, even one life is worth it. So spend it on the roads, genuinely good paid honest traffic police, strict road legislation. If one car costs one million bht and it is used for 3 years it would cost 330.000 bht per year. Two police to each car on a monthly salery of 40,000 bht it would cost, including fuel, maintenance, equipment, less than 1.5 million bht per year. Just one of them 350 billion would put 666 thousand well paid officers in new vehicles policing this lawless death trap named Thailands roads and its wreckless, clueless, dangerous, drivers saving thousands upon thousands of lives. No more gimick driving licences and strict driving tests. And while they are at it, when they errect them nice new lamp posts on the 7 motorway, they can try to wire the bloody things up and stick a bulb in them. AND then they can research a fraze called road safety. Yes give the workers so god damed traffic cones instead of making them use a twig of a near by tree. Saving lives ""my backside"".

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I remember Thaksin passed me walking on less then 1 meter distance, I was quite astonished by his powerful charismatic aura, way more like a guru then a politician. If you like him or not, he is a born leader anyway and the people pro/con know that very well.

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Yes return in handcuffs is long overdue.

The article shows the determination to get him back no matter what.

The bill will give amnesty to those who joined protests with " honest intentions " but what about those who set fire to parts of Bkk and those who encouraged and incited them ? Of I forgot, the latter got promoted.

Yes but they did honestly intend to burn those buildings so its okwhistling.gif

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Sorry Chaps , I am a supporter of Thaksin . I would like to see his safe return to legitimately head a government , rather than doing it by proxy as now .

It is all very well to call hin a convicted criminal , because surperlative efforts were exercised to get rid of him at any price .

What do most of us know of the truth ? I have no doubt that there are dozens of people in high places whose " Overlooked " crimes could end in conviction .

In a country when any means fit the end in all stratas of society , it is only the highest profile that gets picked on , incriminated and convicted .

I agree; I realy can't see why so many people hate him on this forum.

Sure he did some iffy thing's, but that's the Thai way & if you live here it's something you have to accept (ever been stopped by the police?).

He tried to change things for the poor, that's why they love him. He fought against the drug trade, that's why the high & mighty hate him. He was shafted (whilst abroad) by the establishment for upsetting the apple cart.

You really have no idea. He was turning Thailand into a fascist state with himself as der fuhrer. Were you even here when he was PM?

The one that did it for me was the secretly filmed BBC documentary that went behind the scenes after the tsunami in Pee Pee. As it happened a BBC journalist got caught up in the horror and became friends with the locals who lost many members of their families. When she got wind of what was happening she went back and did a documentatry and delved much deeper. Thaksin and his hotel conglomerate bought the Island and threw out hundreds upon hundreds of traders that had been there for generations. They all got forced to accept 4000 bht to disappear or else. They where filmed in cardboard boxes in Bangkok homeless. It was the most ruthless piece of bullying i have ever seen. For the people my BUTT

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Politicians, the world over, must rank up there with the gangsters and mafiosas in the criminality stakes. They certainly must be No.1 when it comes to the world's top liars, cheaters and most corrupted.

The politicians here are different? Leaders of the pack more like!

The problem, here and in every other so-called democracy, is that no matter who you vote for, a politician always wins.

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The only issue is really, will it benefit Thailand, IMHO.

Carrying on bribing the poor, stealing the nations assets, just what Thailand needs.

The usual defence of Thaksin's actions by TV posters who have apparently gone native - he's no different to anyone else!

I'm not sure that's much of a defence in any country - try 'I was only going the same speed as the other drivers' as a defence of speeding in the UK.

Thaksin is guilty of corrupt actions. A court of law decided that. He chose not to appeal the conviction and used his 'honest guv I'll come back after the Olympics' as a get-away. He's no fool making the most of the established naivity/ stupidity which characterizes Thailand.

As to the benefit of his return? A peaceful military coup is one thing. KT is someone who polarizes the country. His detractors won't just sit by and witness his 'can't catch me' Teflon escape from justice. All the ingredients of a Big Bang.

Dictatorships bring strong government, which Thaksin's ruthless actions in the past appear to confirm. Can you honestly believe he wants to return to govern democratically, without a thought for his own interests?

Naivity is a feature of the Thai mindset, and some TV posters it would seem.

Leave Thailand alone KT. Do everyone a favour and realise you blew it. Join the others in the playground of 'it's not fair' boo hoo.

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Sorry Chaps , I am a supporter of Thaksin . I would like to see his safe return to legitimately head a government , rather than doing it by proxy as now .

It is all very well to call hin a convicted criminal , because surperlative efforts were exercised to get rid of him at any price .

What do most of us know of the truth ? I have no doubt that there are dozens of people in high places whose " Overlooked " crimes could end in conviction .

In a country when any means fit the end in all stratas of society , it is only the highest profile that gets picked on , incriminated and convicted .

I agree; I realy can't see why so many people hate him on this forum.

Sure he did some iffy thing's, but that's the Thai way & if you live here it's something you have to accept (ever been stopped by the police?).

He tried to change things for the poor, that's why they love him. He fought against the drug trade, that's why the high & mighty hate him. He was shafted (whilst abroad) by the establishment for upsetting the apple cart.

I thought you were taking the pi$$. NO ??? well I'll talk stupid,( he is as clean as a whistle,) Got others to eliminate the small fry with drugs, but did he get any of the big boys ???He ought to have been SH ##Ted while abroad--KHARMA. the only applecart he upset was the Treasury,

THIS is NOT the THAI WAY, it is an awful lot of high ups that are money crazy, they abuse their power automatically as though they have a right. POOR TEACHING from early age. Have you been on a moon mission????

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