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Bangkok: Unrelenting activists to upgrade protest intensity


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I'm completely lost regarding all these groups but I have a Thai friend who is now with the "Urapong Group" (hope it's that's the correct spelling) and that they are now marching towards parliament.

She aslo said that the press are not reporting anything (self censorship).

Anyone know about this?

Perhaps it's a very quiet and invisible march. Possibly, there is one piece of paper going around Bangkok (like kids passing a note around class) telling everyone to meet up at Soi (censored) on (censored) Road at (censored) o'clock.

At present the protest has all the hallmarks of a badly planned piss up in a brewery. Someone forgot to send out the invites and there's no beer in the brewery.

Shhhhhh ... are they watching? Are they reading this message right now? Shhhhhhh ... hush ... hush .... we're being monitored on thaivisa right now.

dot ... dot ... dash ... dash ... dot ... dash ... dash ... dash ... monkey ... dash ... dash ... dot ... dot ... rice ... dot ... dash ... dash ... dash ... dot ... Messi ... dash ... dash ... dot ... dot ... dot ... dot ... dash ... urine .... dot ... dash ... dash .... dash ... dot ... dash ... harlem shake ... dash ... dot ... dot ... Thaksin ... dash ... dot

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As always, the (same) Thaksin haters on this forum who are always going on about the democratic process forget that this government and the previous Thaksin government were both democratically elected. We hire and fire governments at the ballot box in most western democracy's. Why do you always advocate the opposite here every time your preferred puppet is not in power.

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As always, the (same) Thaksin haters on this forum who are always going on about the democratic process forget that this government and the previous Thaksin government were both democratically elected. We hire and fire governments at the ballot box in most western democracy's. Why do you always advocate the opposite here every time your preferred puppet is not in power.

Think most posters have not got a preferred puppet, what they do have is a clear vision and thats why you get 90+ % of posters not in favour of this government.

For what it is--does-it's goals- MOST of which are for the benefit of the chosen few. A family that controls a country are NOT doing it for the love of their people.

If you are of the small minority that thinks Y.S. and company can do no wrong you need to see someone -special-.

I am sure if the truth be told posters on TVF would be more than happy see any CLEAN government in control, the only party you look for is the Dems as they are the only opposition. Yes the PTP was elected with uncarried out promises, to the bulk of the poor population, but no landslide --if you call 47% a landslide Ha Ha.

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As always, the (same) Thaksin haters on this forum who are always going on about the democratic process forget that this government and the previous Thaksin government were both democratically elected. We hire and fire governments at the ballot box in most western democracy's. Why do you always advocate the opposite here every time your preferred puppet is not in power.

Well for one thing this isn't anything like a mature western democracy.

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The only F$%% here seens Bluespunk, by calling people names without any reason but being family with a norther TRT suporter

Who did I call a name?
Did you not call them fascists???
I called the people's army fascists because of their political ideology. Why is that name calling?

Heya !! Can you guys just go and discuss your issues and / or fight them out somewhere else .. ......Phewwww ... thank you

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Any idea why these type of groups always use Western acronyms? Or are there Thai script equivalents we don't see?

I think they do have Thai names but it's true that English names seem to be used a lot as well. Maybe it's for the benefit of us on TV so we can contribute to the lively discussion. If they could shorten and Anglicise those Thai names a bit as well it would help.

Before anyone complains, yes the last bit is sarcasm.

Edited by kimamey
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I'm completely lost regarding all these groups but I have a Thai friend who is now with the "Urapong Group" (hope it's that's the correct spelling) and that they are now marching towards parliament.

She aslo said that the press are not reporting anything (self censorship).

Anyone know about this?

I have no TV close but look at BlueChannel (I think that is the name) or ASTV.

These will report it for sure if true.

Ah the Blue Channel. That paragon of impartiality. Oh hang on.
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Another way to put in, it isn't easy for westerners to project their own political preferences onto Thai political factions. I don't see any existing Thai political faction that is consistent with my personal politics. Perhaps the best we can hope for is as little pain as possible during the process of maturation of "democracy" in Thailand.

Well as Westerner I wouldn't be so proud of our own Democracy. Take as example: USA, Germany and France and look at the parties, the system of election, how the parties make promotion and how the media situation is.

The only differences I see: a bit less corruption in the west and a way more professional look of things. But if you look careful, than there is still a lot corruption in the west and in some cases it is far less democratic than in Thailand.

In Thailand the problems are very visible. In the west they are much better hidden.

I'd take any of the mentioned oh-so-flawed democracies over Thailands utterly corrupt, hypocritical, pseudo- democracy in a heartbeat!

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Encouraging to see the usual Democrat ranters not having it their own way on this discussion. This is thanks mostly to balanced words from bluespunk and jinthing. Keep it up guys. Yes, most posters on here are against this democratically elected government but are unrepresentative of the electorate at large. As for the 47% share (I understood it was 52% but no worries); hapless Abhisit would love such a "failure" Ha ha ha.

I hope the supporter of the yellow shirts who overran and commandeered two international airports in contending that this was not an act of terrorism has calmed down now. May I politely suggest he and other PAD supporters try a similar act in, say, New York and report back to us as to just with how much humour the security forces welcomed their harmless prank.

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