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Another Awful Cross-Border Relationship Story - Need "Legal" Counsel/Advise pl...


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I am almost absolutely sure - there are two sick people in this story - and I am not one of them.

Go to a Magistrates Court in India and take an Intervention Order against her. Than do the same in BKK.

Make sure that after this you do not contact her, or you will be violating it. That's it . Matter closed.

Unless I'm right suspecting both of you as sick.

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I kind of stopped caring about this kind of BS several decades a go.

Permit me to suggest that beer may have the answer - imbibed in a bar on a beach the other side of the world from here for a year or two... She'll move on to some one else, soon enough, as soon as responses to her demands fall on consistently deaf ears.

Change all electronic ID, phone numbers, email accounts, etc. Drop off the net for a few months.

Give new contact details to only very close relatives and friends.

Use a proper high security password such as those generated at strongpasswordgenerator(dot)com

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2. DON'T LISTEN TO HER THREATS, LET HER DO WHAT SHE'S GOING TO DO. She's most likely bluffing. Also, she will do this to the next guy...so let her do it.

3. If she ever goes to your house in India, call the police immediately and do not let her in.

4. She's agressive with you, so get agressive with her. If she tries to lay a hand on you, get just as violent. It's self defense in India I am assuming.

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