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Problem with foul-mouthed Thai neighbour.


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Our elderly next door neighbour, a Thai female keeps upsetting my long-time (5 years) live-in Thai girlfriend by telling her to f*** off you bad bar lady. What legally can be done about this? In the UK I could sue her for slander at least, but here ??????? Bit tricky this because she's a relative of an immigration official.

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Slander is only Slander if it isn't true....

Regardless, this behaviour is terrible.

Record this neighbour verbally abusing your GF - Then threaten to put it on social media and embarrass the neighbour.

Or, just have your GF give her a piece of her own mind. Sometimes the bullying folk just need a firm response to encourage them to back down.

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Slander is only Slander if it isn't true....

Regardless, this behaviour is terrible.

Record this neighbour verbally abusing your GF - Then threaten to put it on social media and embarrass the neighbour.

Or, just have your GF give her a piece of her own mind. Sometimes the bullying folk just need a firm response to encourage them to back down.

I don't think this is quite correct. In a criminal case of defamation the "truth" defence does not apply to statements of a personal nature, unless the statement is made in the public interest.

See the last couple of sentences in the 4th paragraph of this link...


Edited by chickenslegs
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Slander is only Slander if it isn't true....

Regardless, this behaviour is terrible.

Record this neighbour verbally abusing your GF - Then threaten to put it on social media and embarrass the neighbour.

Or, just have your GF give her a piece of her own mind. Sometimes the bullying folk just need a firm response to encourage them to back down.

This will have her running scared, she'll be terrified out of her wits.

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Don't discount the possibility that there's more to the story than you know.

My 10yr Asian GF doesn't get along with a bunch of our neighbors. I have no problems with them, possibly because I don't speak the language beyond a few words. God only knows what their interactions are like when I'm not around, and I only get one side of the story. But I've seen enough on my own that I know she's not always the innocent victim she'd like me to think she is.

Keep in mind that relationships here are a lot more complex than "back home" There are petty alliances, gossip, playing one person off the other, switching alliances, and other intricacies that go way over my little pinhead. And that's okay with me. I just bumble through, oblivious- or at least acting oblivious- and smile as much as I can manage.

I'm not advising you to do so, but for me, I stay out of it- because I don't really understand the whole story. If it's a physical threat, that's different. But I stay out of petty quarrels of a verbal nature.

So true !!!

All these foreigners who believe their ex-farmer ex-bargirl stories are so stupid...

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Answer to your second sentence MegaRanter is -- no.

Answer to your last sentence is -- she is not a bar lady.

Thai women know when to stand their ground.

Your gf just runs to you when the old lady badmouths her?

Is she a bar lady and by any chance a bad one as well?

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As with anywhere in the world perhaps your neighbour is a cow or perhaps there is more to this than meets the eye.

Don't fight fire with fire. Consider broaching the subject with your neighbour and be ready to consider that your neighbour might not actually be entirely to blame.

If it is not practical to move house,you may need to bring the neighbour on board through some inclusive activity or other means.

You might consider appologising to your neighbour for your wife...

It may be that your partner has to swallow some pride, but if that's what it takes, so be it.

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Someone told me once that sending such a person "love and peace" via prayer can change things to the better.

By experience I know that a good slap in the face works miracles. If your GF can't perform, better move away.

Edited by catweazle
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Let her carry on. Next time she does it just laugh at her and pretend to video her with your phone. When she eventually realises she is just an object of ridicule she may stop. Although there are no guarantees with morons.

Alternatively hold a weekly BBQ party in your back garden for all the local ladyboys. Fill them with cheap booze and have loud Karaoke every week till 4am. She'll soon see the error of her ways.

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May I suggest that you avoid conflict and either ignore her or ..... when your gf cook a good meal offer the woman next door a plate or order moekhetha and invite her to join. In Thai culture food and drinks go a long way smooth bumpy relations. If she refuse which will be difficult for her to do, invite other neighbours instead of her. Most of the suggestions given is western sollutions to an Asian problem.

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"......long-time (5 years) live-in Thai girlfriend......"

And still your GF? How serious is your relationship?

Living this way creates a very low esteem for you and your GF in your society. Ever realised Thai Gossip?

People see your GF as your maid/bargirl/prostitute.

Do your GF and yourself a big favor first to call her your wife and act accordingly:

Command respect for both of you by marrying Thai Style with a party for family and neighbours. (Can confirm at Ampher)

If not yet have, some gold and a nice car will brighten your stars. Show that your wife is worth a lot to live with. She will love you for that.

Otherwise quit or move! (Move repeats the story.)

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Buy the old lady some khanom. Ask her if there are any errands you can do for her. She'll soon change her opinion of you and your gf.

Totally agreed on this. Be a friend better then an enemy, try to talk to her and get to know more about her. Talking bad about your GF does not hurt you if you don't take it seriously. She is old and maybe she needs attention, just take it easy.

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Slander is only Slander if it isn't true....

Regardless, this behaviour is terrible.

Record this neighbour verbally abusing your GF - Then threaten to put it on social media and embarrass the neighbour.

Or, just have your GF give her a piece of her own mind. Sometimes the bullying folk just need a firm response to encourage them to back down.

As stated here, use your movie camera to record the event. If possible, get multiple events. Go to the police station to report the problem. When the police does nothing, call the call center to report the police inaction. They will do something.

It's very possible the woman will be intimidated by the filming of her actions. Some will get hostile and say they will take your money if you continue filming them. Don't stop. Continue with the plan above. If you can get 3 or more events then that is great. You can show the film to the police.

I had a similar problem with a nagging neighbor and the filming shut her up when she knew she couldn't intimidate me..

Edited by Markaew
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Over here slander is still slander EVEN IF it is true! I think of case with Australian businesswoman who was sued for that, even tho it was a private phone conversation! Anyway, I like idea of trying to kill her with kindness, then go onto the heavy shame factor of posting her act.

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I totally agree with the friendly approaches suggested in this discussion. Any reprisal will be either witnessed by other neighbours, or spoken about by the angry old one. Neither will bode well for you. Be polite and friendly to everyone. Do not even talk about it to others, for they can pass it on further, and create the 'smoking gun' suspicion.post-101696-0-22870900-1376467359_thumb.

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