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Just reporting the news TTM.... don't kill the messenger. :D

Ta for the concern, suicide is not an option for me ever. So please take note of my words and if I end up on the pavement one day its indeed murder. :o

No mate, but a newcomer would think Pattaya is a jungle where people kill themselves all day around.

What you are posting are accidents, there are millions of other enjoyable moments in that place that don't get attention.

Had I not been well introduced in Thailand, and had a package holiday in Pattaya, I would have been scared to set my foot there.

If there was an unfair threatment of farangs, I would understand a report about that.

You know and many others know, it's a fun place. Safe and tollerant, to get into a trouble would take someone's own initiative.

Myself, being out of the nightlife, I can only say - the beach is not good but everything else is.

Share and enjoy.

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So please take note of my words and if I end up on the pavement one day its indeed murder. :o

....Or just Legless from One Too Many Chang!! :D

Luckily yet to be in such a state..... :D

TTM - no worries I love Patters and I highly recommend it to everyone - great place and I think naught to worry about as long as you keep your common sense about you. (advice I'd give to any traveler where ever they might go)

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So please take note of my words and if I end up on the pavement one day its indeed murder. :o

....Or just Legless from One Too Many Chang!! :D

Luckily yet to be in such a state..... :D

TTM - no worries I love Patters and I highly recommend it to everyone - great place and I think naught to worry about as long as you keep your common sense about you. (advice I'd give to any traveler where ever they might go)

How could I reccommend a place that has that air of a temporary exhibition within a refugee camp?


Still, I did - to family people. A few hotels and the water park.

With a car and places to go and entertain the children, Pattaya is a completely different venue. Just visiting all the ammenities available there may take 10 full days.

Kind of a double face of the city bigger than Chiang Mai.

Now, the point is - you are bringing accidents, anecdotes, minor events that can't derail the place and it's strive to be even more of what it is.

Possible in a such an open and welciming site. Anyone comes.

Pattaya hill would divide (it already has, in a way) families and sanukers.

Building jumpers to their own.

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I love Pattaya too but having said that i think you need to be careful in Pattaya as there are a fair number of opportunists and low class villians about the place.

As there are everywhere.......good advice for anywhere....be alert, don`t wear large pieces of gold. don`t walk along lonely roads, don`t get too pi**ssed, don`t walk on the Beach late at night, don`t carry too much cash with you, don`t pick arguments, don`t............

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It seems like it is a Pattaya lovefest.

I love Pattaya too but having said that i think you need to be careful in Pattaya as there are a fair number of opportunists and low class villians about the place.

no way...villians around in Pattaya? :o

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I love Pattaya too but having said that i think you need to be careful in Pattaya as there are a fair number of opportunists and low class villians about the place.

As there are everywhere.......good advice for anywhere....be alert, don`t wear large pieces of gold. don`t walk along lonely roads, don`t get too pi**ssed, don`t walk on the Beach late at night, don`t carry too much cash with you, don`t pick arguments, don`t............

I don't get it.

Never applied any extra security measures in Pattaya or anywhere in Thailand. Just went around as I would in Sydney or Tokyo.

Noticed that View Talay shoe box apartmetnts owners all have a safe inbuilt in their bathrooms. What hel_l do they expect to happen?

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Noticed that View Talay shoe box apartmetnts owners all have a safe inbuilt in their bathrooms. What hel_l do they expect to happen?

Potential thefts of money and valuables by overnight 'guests', I would imagine. Not an unreasonable security measure. :o

On the main topic, I really can't see the harm in Britmaverick bringing to our attention the latest news stories from PCN. It's no different to reading the local rags when they come out in print editions - just saves us the bother of buying them.

I have no idea the percentage of members who are 'residents' here and those who are tourists, but from what I have seen most of the 'short stayers' who post here have been coming to and from Pattaya for quite a while and I doubt they will get misled into thinking that Pattaya is a criminal cesspit inhabited by no-hopers who jump from balconies.

I also think there;s a lot of positive threads in the forum that would balance the 'bad news' coming from the local hacks.

Don't forget - there ain't no such thing as 'good news'. :D

keep up the good work Brit. :D

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Noticed that View Talay shoe box apartmetnts owners all have a safe inbuilt in their bathrooms. What hel_l do they expect to happen?

Potential thefts of money and valuables by overnight 'guests', I would imagine. Not an unreasonable security measure. :o

Great security measures for those who know they are bringing in who they want to see in private.

The reason they are proud owners of 15-20K US$ rabbit holes (one of them, veruy proud of his real estate achievemns told me - "Ive got a condo in Pattaya") has the sole purpose of enjoying what is available on the girley meat market.

Fine , until they get burned. Then, thats the news? Is it?

Then BritMaverick cut-paste the "news" about the marginals who could not cope with what they came there for.

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Noticed that View Talay shoe box apartmetnts owners all have a safe inbuilt in their bathrooms. What hel_l do they expect to happen?

Potential thefts of money and valuables by overnight 'guests', I would imagine. Not an unreasonable security measure. :D

Great security measures for those who know they are bringing in who they want to see in private.

The reason they are proud owners of 15-20K US$ rabbit holes (one of them, veruy proud of his real estate achievemns told me - "Ive got a condo in Pattaya") has the sole purpose of enjoying what is available on the girley meat market.

Fine , until they get burned. Then, thats the news? Is it?

Then BritMaverick cut-paste the "news" about the marginals who could not cope with what they came there for.

You lost me somewhere :o

Must be getting old. :D

BTW - you wouldn't by any chance have an ever so tiny chip on your shoulder, would you? :D

Maybe you think too much :D

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Noticed that View Talay shoe box apartmetnts owners all have a safe inbuilt in their bathrooms. What hel_l do they expect to happen?

Potential thefts of money and valuables by overnight 'guests', I would imagine. Not an unreasonable security measure. :o

Great security measures for those who know they are bringing in who they want to see in private.

The reason they are proud owners of 15-20K US$ rabbit holes (one of them, veruy proud of his real estate achievemns told me - "Ive got a condo in Pattaya") has the sole purpose of enjoying what is available on the girley meat market.

Fine , until they get burned. Then, thats the news? Is it?

Then BritMaverick cut-paste the "news" about the marginals who could not cope with what they came there for.

Sounds as though you need to cheer yourself up a bit.

Not everybody enjoys themselves in the same way.

There is nothing wrong with people being proud of what they own whether it be worth 200K or 15K and I am sure that all condo owners will not get their fingers burned.

I also hope that Brit will continue to post articles which relate to Pattaya.

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Noticed that View Talay shoe box apartmetnts owners all have a safe inbuilt in their bathrooms. What hel_l do they expect to happen?

Potential thefts of money and valuables by overnight 'guests', I would imagine. Not an unreasonable security measure. :o

Great security measures for those who know they are bringing in who they want to see in private.

The reason they are proud owners of 15-20K US$ rabbit holes (one of them, veruy proud of his real estate achievemns told me - "Ive got a condo in Pattaya") has the sole purpose of enjoying what is available on the girley meat market.

Fine , until they get burned. Then, thats the news? Is it?

Then BritMaverick cut-paste the "news" about the marginals who could not cope with what they came there for.

Sounds as though you need to cheer yourself up a bit.

Not everybody enjoys themselves in the same way.

There is nothing wrong with people being proud of what they own whether it be worth 200K or 15K and I am sure that all condo owners will not get their fingers burned.

I also hope that Brit will continue to post articles which relate to Pattaya.

Mobi and Fox...liked your opinions...don't agree 100% but there we are...but don't nudge me into Brit's "cut and paste" rubbish about accidental disasters.

U know what cut-paste means?

If you don't, BritM can tell you how he makes his posts..right here..

Let's call him now: Brit, what do you do to make your posts? You don't make them yourself, you take them from somewhere? You just find some site and they do it for you? Or you can't be bothered to do something?

Ever written a coherent post by yourself? Maybe you like the gremlins or 1 liners? Easy.

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I've written many coherent posts mate. I don't find hiding news to be any benefit to the community in general. If you look at say first 35 posts - what 6 or 7 are news items? What's that roughly 20%? I suggest if you don't like a topic, don't read it. Simplicity at its base, even for you TTM. :o

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I've written many coherent posts mate. I don't find hiding news to be any benefit to the community in general. If you look at say first 35 posts - what 6 or 7 are news items? What's that roughly 20%? I suggest if you don't like a topic, don't read it. Simplicity at its base, even for you TTM. :o

No. We talk about this in PMs. No fight here.

Let the people enjoy Pattaya.

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When I see that someone can post 83xx post in any section of this forum in less than 3 years, it looks like a spammer. Should be called a spammer IMHO.

I wonder how that kind of people could have so valuable advice about this country when beeing most of the time in front of his keyboard ?

Oversized ego maybe ?

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When I see that someone can post 83xx post in any section of this forum in less than 3 years, it looks like a spammer. Should be called a spammer IMHO. More time on my hands than you?

I wonder how that kind of people could have so valuable advice about this country when beeing most of the time in front of his keyboard ? As much value as the next lad here

Oversized ego maybe ? Very humble and anyone who's met me will tell you the same

Enjoy and try not to take things so serious mate, end up w/stroke or doing a swan dive off a building. :o

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This is a tough one.

There is a lot of crime and suicides for a small size city in Pattaya.

News does tend to focus on these darker stories, not only in Pattaya but throughout the world.

Oakland California has a lot of murders. Funny thing, the newspapers keep reporting these, and the "reputation" of Oakland continues to be soiled.

How to stop this?

It isn't the media making it happen exactly, well, is it?

Would you rather they censor unpleasant news and only report on birthday parties?

And I say this as a condo owner in the area (cost a heck of lot more than 15K USD though). And I have a safe!

BTW, can I recommend the MySafe store on Pattaya Klang? Excellent product knowledge offered there.

Edited by Thaiquila
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When I see that someone can post 83xx post in any section of this forum in less than 3 years, it looks like a spammer. Should be called a spammer IMHO.

I wonder how that kind of people could have so valuable advice about this country when beeing most of the time in front of his keyboard ?

Oversized ego maybe ?

No shit Sherlock?

Just check Dr Pat Pong, Lopburi, Chonabot....to name a few...

There is a utility available, you can see who made how many posts and where

Then, if you really want, see what quality of advice the have offered..

Your post brings no value

How about you?

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No need to start attacking each other here guys.


Ahhh, the Canadian voice of calm and reason ! :D

I like Brit's posts. When I'm not in Thailand, it helps keep me updated with what is happening in Pattaya. Sure there are a lot of "doom & gloom" stories, but that is the nature of the media. "If it bleeds, it leads" has long been the credo of the media in general. "Do Good/Feel Good" stories are buried in the back pages.

The reporting of crimes and tragedies involving farangs in Pattaya is somewhat overblown. Most people here only read/watch the english language news. That media primarily prints/shows news of interest to their demographic, which is the english speaking population. Most farangs aren't too concerned about events that involve only Thais. If it involves a farang, they want to know about it. As a result, we get fed a steady stream of stories dealing with death and crime, which makes it seem like that is all that happens here.

I scan the topic headers and if I see any I consider interesting, I read them.

If I'm not interested, I don't feel compelled to read them anyways and then post negative comments about them. I just skip them all together.

Reminds me of the stories about people that didn't like a certain TV show. Instead of changing channels or turning the TV off, they were somehow forced to watch the show then complain about it afterwards. :o

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I don’t understand this obsession with good posters, bad posters, cut’n’paste posters, prolific posters , waste of time posters, gentle posters who will last a thousand years and those who get banned after one obnoxious posting.

Get things in prospective – this is just a forum to exchange news, views and have written discussions on matters of mutual interest - both trivial and world shattering.

What does it matter if someone posts one time a year or a ten times a day? Who cares?

Some of us have more time on our hands than others.

Pattaya is what it is – for good or bad, and I don’t think cutting back on the number of bad or rubbish stories is going to make one iota of difference in the general scheme of things, It will have absolutely no impact on what people think of Pattaya, or have any effect on what actually happens in Pattaya itself. You can’t just shovel unsavory news under the carpet and pretend it doesn’t exist. The fact remains that there is an extraordinary high suicide rate amongst farangs here, and it is a topic worthy of discussion on any forum. The posting of news bulletins on the latest suicides and other sordid events can only contribute to the general discussion.

I think those who get so worked up about the content of this forum and the quality of the postings need to get a life. Yes, there is a life outside bitching about what people post on this forum.

Cheer up for God’s sake. :D

Come out to Mabprachan – God’s own country! :o:D

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Come out to Mabprachan – God’s own country! :D:D

Don't let Buddha hear you say that ! He may open a can of "Enlightenment" on your butt ! :o

From what I hear about Mabprachan, there are too many lizards and toads in residence there ! :D

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Come out to Mabprachan – God’s own country! :D:D

Don't let Buddha hear you say that ! He may open a can of "Enlightenment" on your butt ! :D

From what I hear about Mabprachan, there are too many lizards and toads in residence there ! :D

I reckon Buddha must have a sense of humour - which is more that you can say for some of the posters on this thread. :D

Maybe the lizards and toads were bitching posters in a previous incarnation :o

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Maybe the lizards and toads were bitching posters in a previous incarnation :D

Hmmm, wonder why they seem to be congregating around your place ? :o

Birds (lizards/toads) of a feather flocking together ? :D

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No need to start attacking each other here guys.


Ahhh, the Canadian voice of calm and reason ! :D

I like Brit's posts. When I'm not in Thailand, it helps keep me updated with what is happening in Pattaya. Sure there are a lot of "doom & gloom" stories, but that is the nature of the media. "If it bleeds, it leads" has long been the credo of the media in general. "Do Good/Feel Good" stories are buried in the back pages.

The reporting of crimes and tragedies involving farangs in Pattaya is somewhat overblown. Most people here only read/watch the english language news. That media primarily prints/shows news of interest to their demographic, which is the english speaking population. Most farangs aren't too concerned about events that involve only Thais. If it involves a farang, they want to know about it. As a result, we get fed a steady stream of stories dealing with death and crime, which makes it seem like that is all that happens here.

I scan the topic headers and if I see any I consider interesting, I read them.

If I'm not interested, I don't feel compelled to read them anyways and then post negative comments about them. I just skip them all together.

Reminds me of the stories about people that didn't like a certain TV show. Instead of changing channels or turning the TV off, they were somehow forced to watch the show then complain about it afterwards. :o

What a good post :D I have often wondered why folks can't 'turn it off' if they don't like it? And quit all this backbiting?

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At this moment, top 4 threads about Pattaya are rubbish from the news.

When would BritMaverick stop bringing to our attention all those side effects?

Is he obsessed he might do the jump one day?

Isn't it a better idea to let each individual decide what is rubbish? I guess you appointed yourself the 'PRIK' .........Pattaya Reporting Inspector King. :o

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