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Thailand hopes to join UN Security Council


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One is led to wonder what passes through the thought process of the characters who dream up the grandiose plans?.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

They are totally out of touch with reality to think that Thailand is a player on the world stage and is capable of exercising influence on others in difficult situations.wai.gif

Sorry folks you have failed the audition you need to start to look inwards to tidy up and sharpen your act up before trying to come and play on the worlds stage with the big boys.rolleyes.gif

Of course there might just be an ulterior motive to allow someone to step into a position on the Thai team if they were successful in this application, A U.N. passport would render one totally immune from arrest and prosecution if other means had failed. wai2.gif

There is also the option that membership of the Thai team would indeed provide an excellent superannuation fund for services rendered without the recipient of those services actually footing the bill.thumbsup.gif

Third possibility.,The time and the possibilities of worldwide shopping trips all on expenses if you were on the team are indeed a wonderful reward if you were to be sidelined from a ministerial post in the not too distant future by filial or other outside influences..whistling.gif

Edited by siampolee
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This country really does live in its own world, advice to Egypt and now membership of the Security Council. They are unlikely to be top dogs in the AEC but want a part in the really big world that for most Thais doesn't exist.

I believe that is the whole point for Thailand. Thailand wants to appear bigger than the AEC before the AEC has a chance to kick them out for non-compliance. The other nine countries in the AEC will soon have complaints about Thailand. What better way to shut them up than to appear bigger than them.

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It's conceivable that they could get a term on the Security Council. They also increase their chances tenfold of offending or angering one of their "friends". Who are you going to vote to support, Thailand, the US or China? The US or Russia. Israel or Iran? The UK or Egypt/Saudi Arabia? Japan or China? If you think rice sales are having a problem, now, then just wait . . . .

It has been a great day for very good posts and I have run out of I like's

so here it is in person I like

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One is led to wonder what passes through the thought process of the characters who dream up the grandiose plans?.cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif alt=cheesy.gif width=32 height=20> cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif alt=cheesy.gif width=32 height=20> cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif alt=cheesy.gif width=32 height=20>

They are totally out of touch with reality to think that Thailand is a player on the world stage and is capable of exercising influence on others in difficult situations.wai.gif.pagespeed.ce.ptXUXgG4cA.gif alt=wai.gif width=20 height=20>

Sorry folks you have failed the audition you need to start to look inwards to tidy up and sharpen your act up before trying to come and play on the worlds stage with the big boys.rolleyes.gif.pagespeed.ce.hZ59UWKk-s.gif alt=rolleyes.gif width=20 height=20>

Of course there might just be an ulterior motive to allow someone to step into a position on the Thai team if they were successful in this application, A U.N. passport would render one totally immune from arrest and prosecution if other means had failed. wai2.gif.pagespeed.ce.goigDuXn4X.gif alt=wai2.gif width=20 height=20>

There is also the option that membership of the Thai team would indeed provide an excellent superannuation fund for services rendered without the recipient of those services actually footing the bill.thumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ce.dtxKiAJ9C7.gif alt=thumbsup.gif width=25 height=19>

Third possibility.,The time and the possibilities of worldwide shopping trips all on expenses if you were on the team are indeed a wonderful reward if you were to be sidelined from a ministerial post in the not too distant future by filial or other outside influences..xwhistling.gif.pagespeed.ic.FVjgnKnWS1.p alt=whistling.gif width=19 height=18>

This country really does live in its own world, advice to Egypt and now membership of the Security Council. They are unlikely to be top dogs in the AEC but want a part in the really big world that for most Thais doesn't exist.

I believe that is the whole point for Thailand. Thailand wants to appear bigger than the AEC before the AEC has a chance to kick them out for non-compliance. The other nine countries in the AEC will soon have complaints about Thailand. What better way to shut them up than to appear bigger than them.

Two thirds of the member nations have to vote approval for a new country to be a UN member. I wonder how many of these nations have bought rotten rice from Thailand.

I like them all.

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"In a world of such great political, economic and cultural diversity, Thailand firmly believes that constructive dialogue, based on mutual respect is essential to achieving common goals and universal values such as comprehensive security, sustainable development and human rights"

Reads like they copied the brochure that came with the membership application.

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How thailand is seen on the world stage i find difficult to understand. i imagine most expats here follow the political scene here to an extent with self preservation in mind then later realise its a fantastic form of amusement/ entertainment albiet scary at times,

It does,nt take too much searching for it to be clear that thailand has so many issues, rice scam apart they always seem to be on some watch list concerning human rights/ trafficking, corruption levels on par with african nations, constant political unrest, war in the south they tried to keep out the media for so long, self exiled ex pm convict on the run but still in remote control,

The list seems endless but the fact that in essence they dont have a real police force along with a skewed justice system would normaly give an outside observer the idea thailand is a basket case,

Sure there is an ulterior motive with this move for a term on the unsc which if successful will become clear.

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How thailand is seen on the world stage i find difficult to understand. i imagine most expats here follow the political scene here to an extent with self preservation in mind then later realise its a fantastic form of amusement/ entertainment albiet scary at times,

It does,nt take too much searching for it to be clear that thailand has so many issues, rice scam apart they always seem to be on some watch list concerning human rights/ trafficking, corruption levels on par with african nations, constant political unrest, war in the south they tried to keep out the media for so long, self exiled ex pm convict on the run but still in remote control,

The list seems endless but the fact that in essence they dont have a real police force along with a skewed justice system would normaly give an outside observer the idea thailand is a basket case,

Sure there is an ulterior motive with this move for a term on the unsc which if successful will become clear.

The world stage really doesn't give two hoots about Thailand position, other than knowing that various exotic positions are available for a relatively cheap price by the hour or all night.

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".........supports a rule-based multilateral system, with full respect for sovereign equality among nations.

constructive dialogue, based on mutual respect is essential to achieving common goals and universal values such as comprehensive security, sustainable development and human rights.

multifaceted challenges facing international peace and security.

to promote trust, confidence and cooperation in order to advance regional peace, stability and economic prosperity

work to enhance regional cooperation for peace and stability and strengthen preventive diplomacy>............"

The word 'cliches' comes to mind.

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Can't see how this would happen, given Thailand' poor reputation in managing it's own security issues.

Certainly no worse than "the troubles" experienced by a certain permanent member.

Don't be silly!

No country is perfect but Thailand on the UN Security council 555555555555555555555 cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Now that is a good one!

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Would they accept a country that they will probably have to take some action on?

Azerbaijan & Pakistan are temporary members of the Un Security Council, both of whom have been or are being considered for UN sanctions

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Azerbaijan & Pakistan are temporary members of the Un Security Council, both of whom have been or are being considered for UN sanctions

Which of course proves beyond a doubt what a farcical toothless dog of a money pit the U. N. is.

There is more substance in a sodden tissue that there has ever been or ever will be in the U.N. which is nothing more than an exclusive speakeasy for clapped and corrupt politicians from around the world.

Edited by siampolee
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They are up against some pretty stiff competition and given their problems that the US (Permanent seat holder) have been urging them to fix for years I don't think they have a chance in Hell. They have a lot of work to do first like getting their house in order, corruption at the highest levels people trafficking, Freedom of speech and the ivory trade just to name a few.

Australia spent tens of millions of dollars over 4 years to get a temporary place. Thailand would have more chance in hosting the Olympics and that is a stupid dream.

Yes many countries have been staking a claim for decades and the Security Council club is never easily persuaded but aahh they have not seen the benefit of Thainess.

Copying his PM the permanent rep probably wouldn't turn up to meetings as he would have to take the wife, mia noi or whoever " chopping " in Manhattan

Maybe it would be the current PM when she is ex-PM. Perfect for "chopping" in NYC, which wouldn't leave time to attend meetings.

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Azerbaijan & Pakistan are temporary members of the Un Security Council, both of whom have been or are being considered for UN sanctions

Which of course proves beyond a doubt what a farcical toothless dog of a money pit the U. N. is.

There is more substance in a sodden tissue that there has ever been or ever will be in the U.N. which is nothing more than an exclusive speakeasy for clapped and corrupt politicians from around the world.

For more, check out the 'business' activities and contracts of the much respected Kofi Anan's son.

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Can't see how this would happen, given Thailand' poor reputation in managing it's own security issues.

Certainly no worse than "the troubles" experienced by a certain permanent member.

Are you referring to Northern Ireland? Did N. Ireland sit as a permanent member of the Security Council of the UN?

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