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I have a friend from the U.S. visiting later this year and he wants to take a week or two and go into Myanmar and wants me to come with him. I know that since I live in Thailand, I would have to acquire a reentry "permit" if I were to go with him. However, since he would be here on VOA, would he have to do anything special, or just go to Myanmar and when he returns to Thailand, get a new 30 day VOA?

Thanks, in advance for any information that would clear up this question.


Thanks, Lite Beer.

If he arrives and spends the first two or three weeks in Thailand then visits Myanmar, he would then get a new 15 day stamp when he returned to Thailand via a land route. If he traveled by air, he would get a new 30 days stamp. If I understand this correctly, this will work out well for him. I will let him know so he can manage his flights from and back to the states.


He may want to obtain a tourist visa prior to travel if he does not buy ticket out of Thailand within 30 days or airline might require him to buy prior to boarding as they can observe the 30 day visa exempt entry as needing exit within that time period. Not an issue if he has a visa.


best bet buy ur ticket to Burma in advance ( its about 4,500 return on Air aisa)

than come into thailand on a 30 day visa exempt, go to burma an back to thailand an get another 30


You will need to visas for Myanmar before leave. For info go to the forum for Myanmar you will find a lot usefull info there.

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