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True Online....is neither.


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My building (serviced apts in Ratchada) has True Internet, a cable modem and two routers/repeaters per floor for 6 floors.

The main problem is that it is extremely erratic, beyond unstable. It's supposed to be 15 mbps. I've been taking speedtest.net tests for the last month and a half. They range from 0 to 9 mbps download, 0 to 5 mbps upload. In other words, when it's working properly, it's great. But the next moment, the speed may fall drastically for no reason, or get a disconnect. The ping also varies.

In short, using Skype is a nightmare here, since skype needs a stable connection, 2 mbps is enough as long as it is stable.

The manager is aware of the problem, but he's not being proactive about it, ie. he waits for the provider to solve the problem, instead of calling them every other day till they "come and damn fix it". I don't know if that's the usual way of Thais doing business, perhaps you can advise me on that.

What are your experiences with True Internet? Is it a "localized" issue?


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How many rooms / floor?

Have you tried ping to the lan gateway? Any packet loss?

Do a internal diagnostic, then you can pin point the exact issue.

Bugging the provider won't help if the problem is actually coming from internal infrastructure

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Problem mostly lies in router/repeater setup. I dont think building owner is gonna change all setup. Buy yourself a 3g sim card for skype or try to find wifi signal around like true wifi etc and buy a wifi account and get a usb wifi high power device for these wifi networks.

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Thanks for your responses.

Yes, I believe it's 15 mbps for the guest floors, I think the management has its own connection. So that would be 30 rooms per floor, 5 floors, 150 rooms, but only 50-60% are occupied.

The problem is not that it is a weak connection, sometimes I get 8-9 mbps download and 4-5 mbps upload and can watch youtube as if the video is saved on my hard disk! But an hour later I may have problem with skype and get disconnects.

Usually I ask the manager to reset the modem and the connection comes back.

That's why I think it might not be the set up, but something going on in my area with True. And that's why I asked about experiences with True internet.

Thanks again.

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Thanks for your responses.

Yes, I believe it's 15 mbps for the guest floors, I think the management has its own connection. So that would be 30 rooms per floor, 5 floors, 150 rooms, but only 50-60% are occupied.

The problem is not that it is a weak connection, sometimes I get 8-9 mbps download and 4-5 mbps upload and can watch youtube as if the video is saved on my hard disk! But an hour later I may have problem with skype and get disconnects.

Usually I ask the manager to reset the modem and the connection comes back.

That's why I think it might not be the set up, but something going on in my area with True. And that's why I asked about experiences with True internet.

Thanks again.

Have you tried to solve 150/15 * 2? More seriously though I expect that the manager is paying for a "home" connection whereas this is BLATANTLY a business. The ISPs here are fairly relaxed about people sharing their connections with a fairly large number of devices because a Thai home easily could have 15-20 devices (1 laptop and 1 phone per family member...including visitors). When it gets to 80-160 devices they can be fairly clear what they are dealing with and they will limit the connection to expose the business. The owner probably knows this and is not willing to pay the business connection which will be up to 4 times the price.

Solutions? Move or get your own connection.

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