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Police Beating


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I wanted to share a story which has really dissapointed me about Thailand recently.

My wifes relative who is a Thai female was arrested recently, the reason was she was selling

some land to a rich person who decided they would like to pay only half of the asking price for the land.

But she refused and sold it to another person for the full asking price.

The rich person was furious and has lost face in the situation and got out his gun and and threatenened

my wifes relative, so she said she would visit the police to explain that if anything happened

to them the threat would be recorded.Unfortunately one week later the police visited

her at her home and arrested her and in the 3 days at the police station she was beaten and her lip had been split as

they want her to admit and accept and sign a confession into being the owner of a bag of more 100 tablets at her property which were found while she was in custody 1 day after her arrest.

They are just poor people that make 200baht a day they were selling

the land to pay off a debt, they have a motorbike which they pay 1000 baht a month( which the police have now confiscated) they have no bank account

no assetts no expensive cars they are very poor their house is a small wooden shack.

The police are being complete idiots and making Thai police look very poor indeed with their actions of beating a woman.

She could be looking at 10 years in prison for doing absolutely nothing but trying to sell her land, this is a real horror story

and i do feel for my wifes relative and wish i could do more to help as she is very vunerable.

Thanks to the forum for letting this post be read and comments are very much appreciated.


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I did forget to mention in the first 24 hours of this poor womans arrest in the Police station

The Police wanted her to pay up 200,000 baht which obviously as mentioned before she hasn't

got and has now because of this been transfered to prison for the long haul.

For everybodys comments so far i would like to thank-you and also for all your kind thoughts.

Just wanted to share my concerns and the Story.



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I did forget to mention in the first 24 hours of this poor womans arrest in the Police station

The Police wanted her to pay up 200,000 baht which obviously as mentioned before she hasn't

got and has now because of this been transfered to prison for the long haul.

For everybodys comments so far i would like to thank-you and also for all your kind thoughts.

Just wanted to share my concerns and the Story.



Are you and your wife in Thailand? Have you seen her in jail?

Have you seen all of this for yourself and know for a fact you aren't being scammed for 200k?

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I did forget to mention in the first 24 hours of this poor womans arrest in the Police station

The Police wanted her to pay up 200,000 baht which obviously as mentioned before she hasn't

got and has now because of this been transfered to prison for the long haul.

For everybodys comments so far i would like to thank-you and also for all your kind thoughts.

Just wanted to share my concerns and the Story.



Are you and your wife in Thailand? Have you seen her in jail?

Have you seen all of this for yourself and know for a fact you aren't being scammed for 200k?

As per your topic yesterday about buying car or motorbike, if the story is true ask the OP for contactdetails of the policestation. Cheap motorbike maybe for sale ?

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All skepticism / cynicism aside, it sounds like business as usual, the main difference being that this isnt a post about a Farang getting a raw deal courtesy of a Thai. It's Thai-on-Thai, and I'm sure that has been happening for centuries.


Strange, I noitce a them about your posts.....? just not quite sure what it is

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I'm sorry but you must have your information wrong.

Any Thai will tell you that Thais love Thais, they love their country and they love their people.

Therefore, this could not have happened. As a foreigner falang, you must have misunderstood.

If anyone is making Thailand look bad, it must be you, the foreigner for bringing this up.

Welcome to Thailand

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wish i could do more to help

Are you being asked to do anything?

Are you in Thailand? Are you able to read/write/speak/understand Thai?

Are there other family members available to help?

Where is this happening?

Obviously more detail, rather than little or none, might both help others and yield guidance for you.

Outside of Bangkok, and independent of the 'Land Deal' issue, the standard buy-out for the described offense, averages 30,000 baht.

I'm guessing that the land was sold, and the proceeds already distributed to pay off existing debts? However, the public knowledge of the newly found wealth may have spread to the nefarious types after the proceeds were distributed?

Edited by lomatopo
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I did forget to mention in the first 24 hours of this poor womans arrest in the Police station

The Police wanted her to pay up 200,000 baht which obviously as mentioned before she hasn't

got and has now because of this been transfered to prison for the long haul.

For everybodys comments so far i would like to thank-you and also for all your kind thoughts.

Just wanted to share my concerns and the Story.



Are you and your wife in Thailand? Have you seen her in jail?

Have you seen all of this for yourself and know for a fact you aren't being scammed for 200k?

Was thinking the same thing. There are Thai women married to farangs who concoct horrific stories of desperate situations which always ends the same--needs money. This arises when the husband refuses to give money to help the women's family previously. So Aspire, are you being asked to give money?

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I did forget to mention in the first 24 hours of this poor womans arrest in the Police station

The Police wanted her to pay up 200,000 baht which obviously as mentioned before she hasn't

got and has now because of this been transfered to prison for the long haul.

For everybodys comments so far i would like to thank-you and also for all your kind thoughts.

Just wanted to share my concerns and the Story.



Are you and your wife in Thailand? Have you seen her in jail?

Have you seen all of this for yourself and know for a fact you aren't being scammed for 200k?

Was thinking the same thing. There are Thai women married to farangs who concoct horrific stories of desperate situations which always ends the same--needs money. This arises when the husband refuses to give money to help the women's family previously. So Aspire, are you being asked to give money?

Reading the OP the same thing occured to me....seems like a story out of one of the Thai soaps

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If I was in your situation, I would try to get evidence/witnesses regarding what the police are doing / asking etc. If you can, try and get a video of your sister in law telling her story or ideally a conversation with the police, go and video them while you are asking them to confirm everything they've said + explain the injuries to your sister in law etc as well as their badge numbers etc.

Call your local MP, and the local newspapers/TV stations etc, pretty much try and publicise what is happening. Also try and find the anti corruption hotline, as I think there's a number you can call to report + gain assistance with police corruption etc.

There are a lot of corrupt or scared people within these organisations too, but by being seen as standing up to corruption etc wins votes and sells newspapers, so these people might be interested, particularly if it looks like the story is going to come out anyway (Which if you do your job right, it will).

Likewise use social media to post photos of what they've done + the story in both Thai and English. By sharing the story on facebook, it will hopefully get lots of likes/shares etc quickly. Message the site "youlike" on facebook, as well as a few of the other Thai social networking pages which carry stories like this (Your wife will probably know heaps of them), who will assist with getting the story out there.

It's possible that depending on how you do the above, you might attract some negative attention from the rich guy or the police towards yourself. So be a little bit careful, else if you publish incorrect details, or details which you can't prove to be correct, you might have a defamation suit against you. But in general so long as you're a little bit careful you should be fine.

And remember, that in general, 99% of Thai people aren't corrupt, just they tend to "go with the flow" rather than fight something. However there's also a lot of people out there who are sick and tired of the corruption, and although they'll look the other way when someone steals from the government, it's another thing entirely when they steal from a normal person or try to stitch someone up with false charges.

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I can see forum members concerns about a scam and sending money

but i have never been asked for money by the relatives in all the years i've known them.

She has never been allowed visitors as they would of seen the state she was in

as her sister did try to visit and was told by the police you are involved in this too.

She has had no access to a lawyer and only seen her daughter after 3 days in the police cell who is the witness

to her bruises and split lip .It does sound like a Thai Soap, but unfortunately its all true.

The reason for posting is to let people be aware of what is going on which i'm sure many farang are aware of this

type of story in Thailand.

As i'm not in Thailand there is very little i can do at all but i do appreciate

the outlining of some members posts in information to help her in her situation and good replies too, but this is really something that the relatives wanted people to be aware of the unfairness and injustice and violation of her basic rights using me through my posting on Thaivisa After they recently spoke with my partner.

Thanks all, Aspire787

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in the first 24 hours of this poor womans arrest in the Police station

The Police wanted her to pay up 200,000 baht which obviously as mentioned before she hasn't

got and has now because of this been transfered to prison for the long haul.


Well I guess anything is possible ...I'm no expert in crime here or the corruption with police ...however I have known people who DID do serious crimes, a woman who murdered someone ...and another person was a serious property/theft/fraud thing ...

They don't send you off to prison for quite a long period. You stay in the police station/holding cell type place, for weeks and weeks, while you go to court. I visited the woman, and brought her things, in that holding cell place ...for several weeks ...until I figured out that she really was guilty and a big con artist.

The other person I knew, bailed out of jail within the first day and went to court a few years later.

But I would call this a 'red flag" towards this being a scam against you OP. I also find the amount of the bribe to be too high. And if they were negotiating, they might want to keep her nearby ...harder to get out with bribes, the further into the system one is ...that is what I have been told by my various criminal contacts here!

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I can attest that Thai's can get pretty mad when they think they are negotiating for something and you go and sell to someone else, mid negotiation.

Sounds like the negotiation was still in play. The Thai offered half price, which is valid negotiating technique.

Your Partner refused the price but you are not clear how she handled the sale. Did she counter? Did she tell them she had another buyer and at what price? Did the negotiations end or do you think the "rich person" was still in the game and she sold from under them?

I'd say there is more to this story than what you have posted, and she may have not known how to play the game, and made a major mistake.

It sounds like the "rich person" still wants the land and if he agrees to pay the same price, can she cancel the sale and sell it to him?

Seems a lot of trouble to save face...

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Problems with Thai police are solved via Thai police. Look for a high officer of a nearby district to intervene. You may need to pay a bit or have an inside friend. You need to do this fast.

Once the case has been forwarded to the public prosecutor there's not much you can do, except paying the police for a for a less negative report (don't expect too much).

Anyone can be held in jail for 90 days for no reason whatsoever. Tell the women to mentally prepare for at least 90 days.

I've tried to call the anti-corruption hotline and several other numbers to report corruption of Thai police, in the end the only thing I got was a high telephone bill.

The Thai police is "not only" an organisation that serves the general public. You can "hire" them for all kind of services and you can change black into white if you know the correct people. But as said, all has to be done BEFORE you're send to court.

Edited by kriswillems
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in the first 24 hours of this poor womans arrest in the Police station

The Police wanted her to pay up 200,000 baht which obviously as mentioned before she hasn't

got and has now because of this been transfered to prison for the long haul.


Well I guess anything is possible ...I'm no expert in crime here or the corruption with police ...however I have known people who DID do serious crimes, a woman who murdered someone ...and another person was a serious property/theft/fraud thing ...

They don't send you off to prison for quite a long period. You stay in the police station/holding cell type place, for weeks and weeks, while you go to court. I visited the woman, and brought her things, in that holding cell place ...for several weeks ...until I figured out that she really was guilty and a big con artist.

The other person I knew, bailed out of jail within the first day and went to court a few years later.

But I would call this a 'red flag" towards this being a scam against you OP. I also find the amount of the bribe to be too high. And if they were negotiating, they might want to keep her nearby ...harder to get out with bribes, the further into the system one is ...that is what I have been told by my various criminal contacts here!

Agree with your general sentiments. Typically, the corruption involves someone who was guilty of SOMETHING, and they force that person to buy their way out. Rarely, if ever, have I heard of someone completely innocent being extorted by the police. Not saying it never happens, but the horror stories of police planting drugs and such is just that--stories. The OP's story has got a lot of holes.

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Unfortunately this happens all over the world on a daily basis. People use their power against the weaker which is a pretty sad and pathetic thing but given the fact that they are so poor they can hardly do anything. Thats the reason she was beaten up. The cops know they can do what they want.

There is only one thing that they and that rich piece of shheeet miss. What goes around comes around!!

Sent from one of my devices using the internet

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