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Jose Sarria Dead, Famous Drag Queen and Political Precursor of Harvey Milk


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This might not have much meaning to non San Franciscans, etc, but Jose Sarria was a legendary figure in American GLBT history.


John A. Pérez, speaker of the California Assembly, noted that while Sarria was based in California, his influence was global. "José Sarria was a monumental figure in the LGBT community whose contributions to our movement cannot be overstated," said Pérez in a statement. "His trailblazing run for public office as an openly gay man laid the groundwork for LGBT Californians to run for public office proudly and openly. But José's refusal to be silenced or shamed back into the closet — in an era where LGBT people were routinely discriminated against — was the greatest contribution to our movement. José's courageous personal example of living life openly, with pride and dignity, gave so many others the courage and confidence they needed to do the same. José's death is a great loss for our community, and it's fitting that it drew to a close just days after an historic victory in the Supreme Court that could never have happened without brave souls like José Sarria leading the way for all of us."

A recent video showing her honoring the memory of Emperor Norton, the Emperor of the United States and Proctector of the Mexican Territories (yes Norton was barking mad!). Start about minute 4.

Later in the video in minute 7 watch some comments calling Sarria

the Rosa Parks of the gay rights movement because in the 50's Rosa Parks refused to sit in the back of the bus because she refused to treated as a second class citizen; Jose in 1961 ran for public office because she was tired of gays and lesbian being treated like second class citizens.

Edited by Jingthing
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I have personally never heard of Jose Sarria until this thread.

But if she was the spiritual force behind Harvey Milk, wow, I can see the global influence. Sometimes we only see the people in the spot lights but don't know who initiated what we are seeing.

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I have personally never heard of Jose Sarria until this thread.

But if she was the spiritual force behind Harvey Milk, wow, I can see the global influence. Sometimes we only see the people in the spot lights but don't know who initiated what we are seeing.

I guess it's harder becoming world famous and get full credit as a drag queen and a Latino in those times. Things have changed a lot for the better for Latino citizens in the U.S. but probably not so much for drag queens ...

Milk had the luck of better timing coming later and of course he was an EXTREMELY charismatic political speaker. Well, lucky until he took the bullet of course.

BTW, I was friends with some people who were friends of Sarria, but silly me, I don't recall actually meeting him.

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We'll have to agree to disagree about global influence of Milk. I actually think Kameny is the more important figure for Americans but not nearly as famous, but I think HARVEY Milk's COMING OUT meme and his role in the early POLITICAL emphasis of the GAY PRIDE movement (which spread to many countries) indeed had global influence. Think what you want. I don't care. The memory of Milk is bigger than all of us here ... in spades.

Also, yes, Virginia, Americans even though not yet the most advanced country on gay rights, CAN indeed have gay civil rights figures of international importance. The three people I think rate on that include:

Harvey Milk

Barack Obama

Hillary Clinton

Now I'll go get my flak jacket. w00t.gif

Look, the USA being the most powerful country in the world, with the largest economy, with the most influential entertainment media (HOLLYWOOD), naturally attracts non-Americans who RESENT that, and bend over backwards to belittle how powerful American influence has been, and some of that influence is related to gay civil rights.

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The man's name was HARVEY Milk. Please stop disrespecting his memory by repeatedly getting his name wrong, Kay?

Yes, I am well aware of anti-Americanism ... rolleyes.gif

Anyway, I've already explained Milk's claim to world influence. Agree or not, up to you. The twink comment is pure snark.

Hillary Clinton -- the gay rights is human rights speech at the UN. It was historic. It's about where she is at NOW and also she will be the next U.S. president, a lady who made that historic speech. So she rates.

Barack Obama -- a picture says it


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