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Good and Bad builders in Pattaya

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I'm clearly trying to offer a much needed service in Pattaya, whether you hire me or another firm of project managers is un-important, the point is there is & are a number a expats & Thais who have houses built in the absence & are unaware of what is going on, the idea of my service is to check on a daily basis insuring it is being built to your specs set out in the drawings etc.

If your not here to keep an eye on it or have never had a house built in Thailand, your really going to get yourself into problems unless the project is supervised properly, all I'm trying to do is offer a good much needed sevice for a reasonable fee, if any of your guys feel diffrently of course your intitled to your opinon, all i'm trying to do is help?

If you want to see details of the project we have just finshed click on the link below: -

Current project

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The reason I have not replied is that your clearly trying to get into an argument, I'm not intrested in arguying, all i'm tryng to do is offer a good service, as they say in Thailand "Up to You"

In Thailand the expression 'up to you' is the start of the process of reaching an agreement.

I'm clearly trying to offer a much needed service in Pattaya, whether you hire me or another firm of project managers is un-important, the point is there is & are a number a expats & Thais who have houses built in the absence & are unaware of what is going on, the idea of my service is to check on a daily basis insuring it is being built to your specs set out in the drawings etc.

If your not here to keep an eye on it or have never had a house built in Thailand, your really going to get yourself into problems unless the project is supervised properly, all I'm trying to do is offer a good much needed sevice for a reasonable fee, if any of your guys feel diffrently of course your intitled to your opinon, all i'm trying to do is help?

If you want to see details of the project we have just finshed click on the link below: -

Current project

You are undoubtedly right when you say that you may have problems here if you build something and it is not "supervised properly". However, the way to have it "supervised properly" is not to employ someone with no professional qualifications. There are qualified architects, engineers and project managers here in Thailand and any sensible employer should choose one of them, rather than a layman whose only advantage over the employer appears to be that he happens to live here.

With building works, a high proportion of problems are latent defects, i.e hidden problems that only surface in the future. Many aspects of building are highly technical matters in which construction professionals are formally educated. Failure to adhere to technically correct building practices commonly result in latent defects. Employ a non-qualified project manager and you are far more likely to suffer from such latent defects as a result of him failing to appreciate that a construction technique or practice is wrong.

Would you go to a non-qualified lawyer for legal advice, because he lived locally and had advised a few people on the law before? Not if you cared about getting the right advice. Employing a construction professional who is not qualified is exactly the same. You have no comfort that he knows what he is talking about. Of course builders may have built good houses previously when he has been engaged by the owner, but that hardly proves that he knows what he is doing. The truth is that in any walk of life if you employ an unqualified person to perform a professional task you are taking a big risk.

The above is a very good point.From the website it shows a nice house built on Pratumnak but I think it belongs to the Company owner.Personnally I'd be worried if not seeing a proven track record by a Building Supervisor.There are some very good building Companies in Thailand and unfortunately some very bad ones.Not saying the Company mentioned is good or bad,just saying check out well any builder you choose to use.


Thanks EPG for your comments, the house in Phratmanak is mine, but you can see what I am doing at present by clicking on the current projects menu of my web site.

Your right there is good & bad builders in Thailand & every country worldwide, as i offer a subervision service I am very careful who i work with.

2 of the builders i use 1 farang, 1 Thai, have & are doing some construction/renovations for some very up market comercial hotels, & resdential housing projects in & around Ptty & the eastern seeboard

I do not feel i need to answer anyone on this forum regarding my qualifications, when quite frankly they have no intention whatsoever of hiring me or my service, the customer sets the standards & finishes are required when building or renovating a project, I ensure that this is met on behalf of the client, all my tradesman Thai or Farang, electrician are electricians not labours, plumbers are again plumbers, not gardners!!!

I have just finished a new house build in North Pattaya, i ran the project managment from start to finish, archtectural design introduction & builder introductions, the client chose what builder he wanted to use out of the ones i introduced & did costings, the client was extremly happy for what i have done for them over the last 6 months & were very grateful for everything when i finished yesterday.

I am also happy to work with clients own builders, but they must meet my critera, & I determine this buy looking at there previous work & speaking to previous clients

I suggest anybody who wants to see some of my previous work, contact me direct.

Although some people are suggesting I am a cowboy this is TOTALLY UNJUSTIFIED, I can quite assure you I AM NOT, all my clients past & present have all been very grateful in the way i have helped them, i don't just take money & run I give a lot of advise for FREE, if they then hire my project managment service when the project starts they then pay me for my service.

I was recently speaking (via email) to a local firm of expat owned builders, saying I had seen there work & it was very good & would he be intrested in us working together, his reply was "I don't work with independent project managers on the clients side", the question has to be "WHY", i asked this but never got a reply, he never met me so could not coment on what i had to offer?

It's interesting that you use the word "cowboy". I certainly didn't, but out of interest I looked up the definition on google when used with respect to building. It refers to someone who is unscrupulous and unqualified in the business. So, if you are not a cowboy, once again, please let us know what you professional qualifications are?

The above is a very good point.From the website it shows a nice house built on Pratumnak but I think it belongs to the Company owner.Personnally I'd be worried if not seeing a proven track record by a Building Supervisor.There are some very good building Companies in Thailand and unfortunately some very bad ones.Not saying the Company mentioned is good or bad,just saying check out well any builder you choose to use.


Thanks EPG for your comments, the house in Phratmanak is mine, but you can see what I am doing at present by clicking on the current projects menu of my web site.

Your right there is good & bad builders in Thailand & every country worldwide, as i offer a subervision service I am very careful who i work with.

2 of the builders i use 1 farang, 1 Thai, have & are doing some construction/renovations for some very up market comercial hotels, & resdential housing projects in & around Ptty & the eastern seeboard

I do not feel i need to answer anyone on this forum regarding my qualifications, when quite frankly they have no intention whatsoever of hiring me or my service, the customer sets the standards & finishes are required when building or renovating a project, I ensure that this is met on behalf of the client, all my tradesman Thai or Farang, electrician are electricians not labours, plumbers are again plumbers, not gardners!!!

I have just finished a new house build in North Pattaya, i ran the project managment from start to finish, archtectural design introduction & builder introductions, the client chose what builder he wanted to use out of the ones i introduced & did costings, the client was extremly happy for what i have done for them over the last 6 months & were very grateful for everything when i finished yesterday.

I am also happy to work with clients own builders, but they must meet my critera, & I determine this buy looking at there previous work & speaking to previous clients

I suggest anybody who wants to see some of my previous work, contact me direct.

Although some people are suggesting I am a cowboy this is TOTALLY UNJUSTIFIED, I can quite assure you I AM NOT, all my clients past & present have all been very grateful in the way i have helped them, i don't just take money & run I give a lot of advise for FREE, if they then hire my project managment service when the project starts they then pay me for my service.

I was recently speaking (via email) to a local firm of expat owned builders, saying I had seen there work & it was very good & would he be intrested in us working together, his reply was "I don't work with independent project managers on the clients side", the question has to be "WHY", i asked this but never got a reply, he never met me so could not coment on what i had to offer?

It's interesting that you use the word "cowboy". I certainly didn't, but out of interest I looked up the definition on google when used with respect to building. It refers to someone who is unscrupulous and unqualified in the business. So, if you are not a cowboy, once again, please let us know what you professional qualifications are?

Get off your high horse bounder. Qualifications mean shit all in this country. Its all about experience in my book. If I were to employ a construction management company I would look at their previous work not at what qualifications he had. The same principle is used when I employ staff at my company. I don't ask them for their useless university degrees, I ask them who they have worked for before and what they did there. I go for experience not qualifications.


I've known people who have got loads of qualifications, but they couldn't even run a bath let alone a construction project, so I think that in the absence of professional bodies, references and word of mouth are often the best form of 'qualification' and in some instances can be relied upon even more so.


It’s getting exiting...

Qualifications have about the same value as contracts: in legal terms maybe yes but have yet to see anybody successfully sue Somchai and his gang.

A story, there is a project with Thai owners somewhere around North Pattaya. The owners are highly educated and successful Thais who had the idea of employing an architect with “vision”.

The construction is a modern of the complicated sort with >>> “Load bearing walls”. Now don’t get ahead of me...

Construction was done by a Name Company. A few months into the project the owners felt that is something wrong, walls are getting tiered down, some are getting reinforced with steel beams, some are getting moved, and the dimensions don’t correspond with the drawings anymore. A mess.

The owners are sweating and getting third party engineers inspectors and friends involved who confirm the worst. Their building is a disaster in the making. War...

The Name Company was partly subcontracting. The architect blames the construction company, the construction company blames the subcontractor, the Name Company was actually a broker etc. Some have done a runner.

The Thai owners lost more than 1m Bth and try to sue, 1 year later they just try to get on with their lives and thank Buddha that they did not lost more without any hope recovering their losses. These are Thai owners who had the means of throwing money and relationships in the ring. They lost.

The point.

If you must build, do it the traditional way and try to keep it simplistic in structure. Standards and codes are nice expression but I don’t want to be in your shoes if you have to start a court case in LOS.



I have read all your comments and points of view with great interest and in some ways your comments have substance and credibility however I must point out that as a Qualified Structural Engineer (Retired) who has overseen projects in Europe and the middle East a Project Manager is not only responsible for the overseeing of the Construction but has a logistical and managerial duty which will require Skills that sometimes dont reflect in Qualifications. I must also make the point that the construction Industry here in Thailand is no different to many other countries I have had the pleasure to work ,it comes with the same old problems same old criticism.

I am not familiar with the Project Consultant that is the subject of ," is he qualified or is he not? " suffice it to say that recommendation reference credentials should be taken into consideration on there merit as we all know that we have in our presence here in Pattaya many farangs that talk a good story I have never been to any other part of the world like here where there are so many Walter mitties and Retired SAS personel, so getting back on track, qualifications are not always the B all and end all after all how many real estate companies are doing business in pattaya, dont tell me they were all qualified

F.R.I.C.S. and if you have to look it up you shouldnt be in the Real Estate business .

I have come across two reputable Construction Companies here in Pattaya (Farang owned,) there infrastructure and quality speaks for itself so dont sit there knocking everything about the Thai style Builders if you want good workmanship trustworthy Construction Company you should do a little leg work yourself and speak to people in the Business whether qualified or not.


Hi Guys,

Thanks for your support, as I've been trying to tell "The Bounder" qualifications really mean bugger all in Thailand/Pattaya, previous experince & happy clients means more than anything

But then again maybe "The Bounder" cannot read!!!!

Hi Guys,

Thanks for your support, as I've been trying to tell "The Bounder" qualifications really mean bugger all in Thailand/Pattaya, previous experince & happy clients means more than anything

But then again maybe "The Bounder" cannot read!!!!

So finally there we have it, no professional qualifications and can't state what standards he works too.

Buyer beware.


So finally there we have it, no professional qualifications and can't state what standards he works too.

Buyer beware.


Paul, you are assuming again, you obviously cannot read either as I said in one of the posts above, i am not going to discuss my qualifications on this forum, especially with someone has no intention whatsoever of hiring me or my services

Maybe you should look at this article from todays Bangkok post below: -

Prinsiri admits wrongdoing

Hi Guys,

Thanks for your support, as I've been trying to tell "The Bounder" qualifications really mean bugger all in Thailand/Pattaya, previous experince & happy clients means more than anything

But then again maybe "The Bounder" cannot read!!!!

Ok, experience then. How long have you been working in the construction industry?

Given that you appear to be saying that your strength is your experience, I just made a couple of calls and I am told that you are a retired chauffeur. Fantastic, exactly the kind of experience your clients must be looking for. You must know everything about the subtleties of building in order to protect fully the interests of your clients.

Or maybe you will tell me that my friend is wrong and that you are not, in fact, a retired chauffeur. If, in actuality, you have been in the construction industry for years and years, I am more than happy to agree that you may well have lots to offer. Being qualified to do something doesn't necessarily mean you have formal qualifications. But if that is the case, tell us and stop avoiding perfectly reasonable questions. Might I remind you that you were the one who came on here and started selling yourself.

For someone who can't spell "experience", "Pratumnak", "entitled", etc, etc, doesn't know the difference between "ensure" and "insure" and spells "you're" as "your", you really should be more careful about suggesting that other people cannot read.

And thanks for your words of wisdom, that "qualifications really mean bugger all in Thailand/Pattaya". I shall be writing to schools, colleges and universities advising them that they may as well shut down because, according to you, the qualifications they award are worthless.

The above is a very good point.From the website it shows a nice house built on Pratumnak but I think it belongs to the Company owner.Personnally I'd be worried if not seeing a proven track record by a Building Supervisor.There are some very good building Companies in Thailand and unfortunately some very bad ones.Not saying the Company mentioned is good or bad,just saying check out well any builder you choose to use.


Thanks EPG for your comments, the house in Phratmanak is mine, but you can see what I am doing at present by clicking on the current projects menu of my web site.

Your right there is good & bad builders in Thailand & every country worldwide, as i offer a subervision service I am very careful who i work with.

2 of the builders i use 1 farang, 1 Thai, have & are doing some construction/renovations for some very up market comercial hotels, & resdential housing projects in & around Ptty & the eastern seeboard

I do not feel i need to answer anyone on this forum regarding my qualifications, when quite frankly they have no intention whatsoever of hiring me or my service, the customer sets the standards & finishes are required when building or renovating a project, I ensure that this is met on behalf of the client, all my tradesman Thai or Farang, electrician are electricians not labours, plumbers are again plumbers, not gardners!!!

I have just finished a new house build in North Pattaya, i ran the project managment from start to finish, archtectural design introduction & builder introductions, the client chose what builder he wanted to use out of the ones i introduced & did costings, the client was extremly happy for what i have done for them over the last 6 months & were very grateful for everything when i finished yesterday.

I am also happy to work with clients own builders, but they must meet my critera, & I determine this buy looking at there previous work & speaking to previous clients

I suggest anybody who wants to see some of my previous work, contact me direct.

Although some people are suggesting I am a cowboy this is TOTALLY UNJUSTIFIED, I can quite assure you I AM NOT, all my clients past & present have all been very grateful in the way i have helped them, i don't just take money & run I give a lot of advise for FREE, if they then hire my project managment service when the project starts they then pay me for my service.

I was recently speaking (via email) to a local firm of expat owned builders, saying I had seen there work & it was very good & would he be intrested in us working together, his reply was "I don't work with independent project managers on the clients side", the question has to be "WHY", i asked this but never got a reply, he never met me so could not coment on what i had to offer?

It's interesting that you use the word "cowboy". I certainly didn't, but out of interest I looked up the definition on google when used with respect to building. It refers to someone who is unscrupulous and unqualified in the business. So, if you are not a cowboy, once again, please let us know what you professional qualifications are?

Get off your high horse bounder. Qualifications mean shit all in this country. Its all about experience in my book. If I were to employ a construction management company I would look at their previous work not at what qualifications he had. The same principle is used when I employ staff at my company. I don't ask them for their useless university degrees, I ask them who they have worked for before and what they did there. I go for experience not qualifications.

I am not on any kind of a high horse. I am just fed up with farangs who come over here and suddenly reinvent themselves into something new, whether that is an SAS soldier or a project manager. Just because you don't value qualifications, doesn't mean that others don't. At least if someone has qualifications, you know full well that they have a background in the profession or trade that they claim.

As for construction management, if you looked at a previous job, it may look absolutely great. However, the builder may have used insufficient reinforcement in the concrete or screwed up the foundations or used too little support in the roof. When it started cracking after a few years or a wall fell down or the roof caved in, maybe you would decide that maybe you should have put your faith in someone who had been properly educated in such matters.

The thing about experience is how do you check it properly. People can claim to have done anything and often it is very hard to verify. Qualifications can be checked. They are not perfect, no doubt, but they are the best reassurance we have that in a society full of cowboys, you are not dealing with one.

Hi Guys,

Thanks for your support, as I've been trying to tell "The Bounder" qualifications really mean bugger all in Thailand/Pattaya, previous experince & happy clients means more than anything

But then again maybe "The Bounder" cannot read!!!!

So finally there we have it, no professional qualifications and can't state what standards he works too.

Buyer beware.

Erm, Paul1970, not sure where dickie58 says he has no qualifications. He says they are worthless in Thailand thats all. You are reading something into the post that isn't there.

Hi Guys,

Thanks for your support, as I've been trying to tell "The Bounder" qualifications really mean bugger all in Thailand/Pattaya, previous experince & happy clients means more than anything

But then again maybe "The Bounder" cannot read!!!!

Ok, experience then. How long have you been working in the construction industry?

Given that you appear to be saying that your strength is your experience, I just made a couple of calls and I am told that you are a retired chauffeur. Fantastic, exactly the kind of experience your clients must be looking for. You must know everything about the subtleties of building in order to protect fully the interests of your clients.

Or maybe you will tell me that my friend is wrong and that you are not, in fact, a retired chauffeur. If, in actuality, you have been in the construction industry for years and years, I am more than happy to agree that you may well have lots to offer. Being qualified to do something doesn't necessarily mean you have formal qualifications. But if that is the case, tell us and stop avoiding perfectly reasonable questions. Might I remind you that you were the one who came on here and started selling yourself.

For someone who can't spell "experience", "Pratumnak", "entitled", etc, etc, doesn't know the difference between "ensure" and "insure" and spells "you're" as "your", you really should be more careful about suggesting that other people cannot read.

And thanks for your words of wisdom, that "qualifications really mean bugger all in Thailand/Pattaya". I shall be writing to schools, colleges and universities advising them that they may as well shut down because, according to you, the qualifications they award are worthless.

Yes it's true I was a chauffuer in the UK, did your contacts also tell you that I owned & ran "Rosegate Properties" since i was 25, this was sold a number of years ago, when I came to live in Thailand permantly?

Maybe you should ask some of your contacts, what there chosen profesion was before setting up buisness in Thailand?

As far as schools go, there has been a number of articles on Thai visa about dubiuos qualified teachers in local schools.

I don't pretend that my English or spelling is the best, where do I say I am a writer or English teacher?


Hey Guys,

This post is getting very personel seems like a private vendetta against Dickie by some other members, I must ask the question Dickie do you have a work permit? and if so that will tell you what you can do or not do presuming you do have one then it must have been granted on the ability and documentation provided to the appropriate Thai labour authorities that you are INDEED qualified to operate your business as a Project manager meaning that your qualifications have been approved therefore go for it Dickie and dont let others badger you into a corner as I dont see them offering there qualifications or are they simply a sit on the fence brigade living in the past or purporting to be something they are not.

Many people here have comfort in a third party mediator and go between I have worked with highly qualified Structural Engineers QS and Site Agents all with qualifications University degrees some good but many I would not put in charge of building a Garden Shed it all boils down to past recommendations and testamonials.


Ok folks....as previously said this topic is getting very personal which is not what we are about here

So please stick to the topic in hand and cut out the personal references.


Hi Guys,

Thanks for your support, as I've been trying to tell "The Bounder" qualifications really mean bugger all in Thailand/Pattaya, previous experince & happy clients means more than anything

But then again maybe "The Bounder" cannot read!!!!

Ok, experience then. How long have you been working in the construction industry?

Given that you appear to be saying that your strength is your experience, I just made a couple of calls and I am told that you are a retired chauffeur. Fantastic, exactly the kind of experience your clients must be looking for. You must know everything about the subtleties of building in order to protect fully the interests of your clients.

Or maybe you will tell me that my friend is wrong and that you are not, in fact, a retired chauffeur. If, in actuality, you have been in the construction industry for years and years, I am more than happy to agree that you may well have lots to offer. Being qualified to do something doesn't necessarily mean you have formal qualifications. But if that is the case, tell us and stop avoiding perfectly reasonable questions. Might I remind you that you were the one who came on here and started selling yourself.

For someone who can't spell "experience", "Pratumnak", "entitled", etc, etc, doesn't know the difference between "ensure" and "insure" and spells "you're" as "your", you really should be more careful about suggesting that other people cannot read.

And thanks for your words of wisdom, that "qualifications really mean bugger all in Thailand/Pattaya". I shall be writing to schools, colleges and universities advising them that they may as well shut down because, according to you, the qualifications they award are worthless.

For anyone who feels to know a little about my background you can click on the link below, what will take you to a news article from the local press written on me last year:

News Article

There is a link to this article from the home page of my web site

I am not hiding behind a nickname on Thai visa, my contact details & full name are clearly visible through the link to my web site in my profile

You will also notice by looking in the Pattaya news clippings forum, I am a sponsor of that section.


Absolutely amazing that a 3 or 4 post thread came alive (again) AFTER 4 YEARS.... :o

It was started in February 2004.

LaoPo :D

Hey Guys,

This post is getting very personel seems like a private vendetta against Dickie by some other members, I must ask the question Dickie do you have a work permit? and if so that will tell you what you can do or not do presuming you do have one then it must have been granted on the ability and documentation provided to the appropriate Thai labour authorities that you are INDEED qualified to operate your business as a Project manager meaning that your qualifications have been approved therefore go for it Dickie and dont let others badger you into a corner as I dont see them offering there qualifications or are they simply a sit on the fence brigade living in the past or purporting to be something they are not.

Many people here have comfort in a third party mediator and go between I have worked with highly qualified Structural Engineers QS and Site Agents all with qualifications University degrees some good but many I would not put in charge of building a Garden Shed it all boils down to past recommendations and testamonials.

Actually you can get such a work permit without any qualifications or relevant experience whatsoever, particularly when you are a shareholder in the company. Your previous example of many of the real estate companies in Pattaya provides an excellent example. So the fact someone has a work permit is entirely irrelevant.

I don't know this guy and thus there is nothing personal to my postings. All I did was ask a simple question in response to his unsolicited message seeking to sell his services. It is hardly unreasonable to do so. I have several friends looking to build here and had he provided the right kind of answers I would have mentioned his business to them. I must confess I was rather disappointed when after seeking to sell his services he was then unwilling to answer the most straightforward and reasonable of queries. It struck me as just another example of something that I see far too often over here and which frustrates the heck out of me.

Hey Guys,

This post is getting very personel seems like a private vendetta against Dickie by some other members, I must ask the question Dickie do you have a work permit? and if so that will tell you what you can do or not do presuming you do have one then it must have been granted on the ability and documentation provided to the appropriate Thai labour authorities that you are INDEED qualified to operate your business as a Project manager meaning that your qualifications have been approved therefore go for it Dickie and dont let others badger you into a corner as I dont see them offering there qualifications or are they simply a sit on the fence brigade living in the past or purporting to be something they are not.

Many people here have comfort in a third party mediator and go between I have worked with highly qualified Structural Engineers QS and Site Agents all with qualifications University degrees some good but many I would not put in charge of building a Garden Shed it all boils down to past recommendations and testamonials.

Actually you can get such a work permit without any qualifications or relevant experience whatsoever, particularly when you are a shareholder in the company. Your previous example of many of the real estate companies in Pattaya provides an excellent example. So the fact someone has a work permit is entirely irrelevant.

I don't know this guy and thus there is nothing personal to my postings. All I did was ask a simple question in response to his unsolicited message seeking to sell his services. It is hardly unreasonable to do so. I have several friends looking to build here and had he provided the right kind of answers I would have mentioned his business to them. I must confess I was rather disappointed when after seeking to sell his services he was then unwilling to answer the most straightforward and reasonable of queries. It struck me as just another example of something that I see far too often over here and which frustrates the heck out of me.

If what you say is correct & you do in fact have some friends who want houses built, why don't you tell them to look at my website & arrange a meeting with me at my office, let them decide if I am up to the job, i am happy to meet anyone, if then are then serious at looking at having a place built for a reasonble cost, i will then happily introduce them to my builders & they can clearly see for themselves what there is to offer, this service is FREE.

Why don't you acompany them to the meeting, then you can decide for yourself once & for all?

If they don't like me for whatever reason, it has cost them nothing apart an hour of there time?

I can't be farer than that

Thailand is far from perfect, but is the uk/australia/usa, etc perfect, far from it I would say, i agree there are a lot of people trying to offer things they have no experince in, but as far as Pattaya/Thailand goes that is par for the course, none of us are going to change it, that's for sure!!!

Like a few people have already said, there are good & bad builders in Ptty, you need to decide which are which?

I know as i have clearly done a lot of homework & legwork

good luck


A good reply Dickie. Now my advice to you is let it go now as you will never win with some people. Wait and see if you get any calls from the mans friends. I doubt it however.


Dickie58 seems to be one of our ThaiVisa forum sponsors, Rosegate Consulting.

Until proven otherwise, I must assume our TV people vetted Rosegate and found him qualified.

If people are building a home and are interested in his services, then contact him and find out all you want to know. If you are not building a home, then why not let the matter drop.


The gentleman from Rosegate is open and frank with his answers he is not suggesting he is building the project alone only manageing it and if as he says his initial service is free presumably he would then introduce the client to a builder who would have refrences, you have nothing to lose and just maybe find someone who is straight and honest albeit not with a university Degree in Civil Engineering Quantity Surveyor or Structural Engineering , you always have the option to vote with your feet, after all Mr Rosegate himself is prepared to meet in his office face to face with potential clients from Mr Bounder an offer that nobody could refuse presuming of course that these potential clients are not just the figment of imagination.

Hey Guys,

This post is getting very personel seems like a private vendetta against Dickie by some other members, I must ask the question Dickie do you have a work permit? and if so that will tell you what you can do or not do presuming you do have one then it must have been granted on the ability and documentation provided to the appropriate Thai labour authorities that you are INDEED qualified to operate your business as a Project manager meaning that your qualifications have been approved therefore go for it Dickie and dont let others badger you into a corner as I dont see them offering there qualifications or are they simply a sit on the fence brigade living in the past or purporting to be something they are not.

Many people here have comfort in a third party mediator and go between I have worked with highly qualified Structural Engineers QS and Site Agents all with qualifications University degrees some good but many I would not put in charge of building a Garden Shed it all boils down to past recommendations and testamonials.

Actually you can get such a work permit without any qualifications or relevant experience whatsoever, particularly when you are a shareholder in the company. Your previous example of many of the real estate companies in Pattaya provides an excellent example. So the fact someone has a work permit is entirely irrelevant.

I don't know this guy and thus there is nothing personal to my postings. All I did was ask a simple question in response to his unsolicited message seeking to sell his services. It is hardly unreasonable to do so. I have several friends looking to build here and had he provided the right kind of answers I would have mentioned his business to them. I must confess I was rather disappointed when after seeking to sell his services he was then unwilling to answer the most straightforward and reasonable of queries. It struck me as just another example of something that I see far too often over here and which frustrates the heck out of me.


Being simply a Shareholder in a company is not simply sufficient to obtain a work permit if it was that easy there would be more Blue Books around you do have to provide relevant documentation most certainly here in Chonburi in addition you have to follow the guidelines set out by the labour Office and have a working operational Office not some obscure PO Box number as i stated earlier I am retired and have the relevant visas but my Son has recently applied and has been granted the Blue Book after providing the relevant documents

Hey Guys,

This post is getting very personel seems like a private vendetta against Dickie by some other members, I must ask the question Dickie do you have a work permit? and if so that will tell you what you can do or not do presuming you do have one then it must have been granted on the ability and documentation provided to the appropriate Thai labour authorities that you are INDEED qualified to operate your business as a Project manager meaning that your qualifications have been approved therefore go for it Dickie and dont let others badger you into a corner as I dont see them offering there qualifications or are they simply a sit on the fence brigade living in the past or purporting to be something they are not.

Many people here have comfort in a third party mediator and go between I have worked with highly qualified Structural Engineers QS and Site Agents all with qualifications University degrees some good but many I would not put in charge of building a Garden Shed it all boils down to past recommendations and testamonials.

Actually you can get such a work permit without any qualifications or relevant experience whatsoever, particularly when you are a shareholder in the company. Your previous example of many of the real estate companies in Pattaya provides an excellent example. So the fact someone has a work permit is entirely irrelevant.

I don't know this guy and thus there is nothing personal to my postings. All I did was ask a simple question in response to his unsolicited message seeking to sell his services. It is hardly unreasonable to do so. I have several friends looking to build here and had he provided the right kind of answers I would have mentioned his business to them. I must confess I was rather disappointed when after seeking to sell his services he was then unwilling to answer the most straightforward and reasonable of queries. It struck me as just another example of something that I see far too often over here and which frustrates the heck out of me.

If what you say is correct & you do in fact have some friends who want houses built, why don't you tell them to look at my website & arrange a meeting with me at my office, let them decide if I am up to the job, i am happy to meet anyone, if then are then serious at looking at having a place built for a reasonble cost, i will then happily introduce them to my builders & they can clearly see for themselves what there is to offer, this service is FREE.

Why don't you acompany them to the meeting, then you can decide for yourself once & for all?

If they don't like me for whatever reason, it has cost them nothing apart an hour of there time?

I can't be farer than that

Thailand is far from perfect, but is the uk/australia/usa, etc perfect, far from it I would say, i agree there are a lot of people trying to offer things they have no experince in, but as far as Pattaya/Thailand goes that is par for the course, none of us are going to change it, that's for sure!!!

Like a few people have already said, there are good & bad builders in Ptty, you need to decide which are which?

I know as i have clearly done a lot of homework & legwork

good luck

Thanks, but in all honesty I really don't think you wouldn't add anything over and above what I or anyone else who has lived here for a few years could do for them. My friend whose need is the most immediate has now found himself a qualified architect, who comes with good testimonials.

The gentleman from Rosegate is open and frank with his answers he is not suggesting he is building the project alone only manageing it and if as he says his initial service is free presumably he would then introduce the client to a builder who would have refrences, you have nothing to lose and just maybe find someone who is straight and honest albeit not with a university Degree in Civil Engineering Quantity Surveyor or Structural Engineering , you always have the option to vote with your feet, after all Mr Rosegate himself is prepared to meet in his office face to face with potential clients from Mr Bounder an offer that nobody could refuse presuming of course that these potential clients are not just the figment of imagination.

It's funny that you just appeared as a new member to support this guy. I wonder what that could possibly mean???

The whole point is that he (if indeed you and he are not one and the same person) hasn't been open with his answers. This started when I asked him 2 simple, entirely reasonable questions that he refused to answer. Actually I have several friends looking to build, first one has just appointed an architect for a boutique condo that will be on Pratumnak, another is in the early stages of planning a housing development, which will be in Najomtien, and a third is just finalising the purchase of some land, also on Pratumnak, for another condo. If you really care, I will provide you with the project names in due course once they have been decided upon.

I don't waste my time seeking answers to questions for which I have no need.

Being simply a Shareholder in a company is not simply sufficient to obtain a work permit if it was that easy there would be more Blue Books around you do have to provide relevant documentation most certainly here in Chonburi in addition you have to follow the guidelines set out by the labour Office and have a working operational Office not some obscure PO Box number as i stated earlier I am retired and have the relevant visas but my Son has recently applied and has been granted the Blue Book after providing the relevant documents

I'm sorry, but you don't know what you are talking about. Getting a work permit is extremely straightforward, the conditions are easily satisfied and the owner of the company does not need to satisfy the same conditions as pure employees. Moreover you are contradicting yourself, as you previously referred to farang real estate brokers working here who have no qualifications or experience. How do you think they got their work permits?

Several farangs who live in my village have a work permit through the company that owns their house. They don't work, but have one anyway. Their office is their house, with a small sign on the front. Indeed I seem to remember the guy who is the subject of this discussion saying somewhere that his house is his office. A friend of mine from Spain who bought a house here, his lawyer set up a company for him to own it and got him a work permit that he didn't even ask for.

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