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Thai authorities crack down on Phuket taxi mafia

Lite Beer

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Its a joke! Telling everybody what you are going to do so that the crims can go to ground!

Sounds like the situation in Sarassass Witaed Bangbon School. Where the senior emebers of staff would alert any teachers working there without a work permit when the MOE were going to do a surprise visit.... Could see the mass exodus out of the back gate to avoid a trip back home. There were over 60 foreign teachers working there and the quota was only 25 so you can see the level of corruption involved. Don't know how many are there now.. But i am sure the complicit heads such as Acharia, Sirirporn and Jommy Pajonpai are still beavering away. What a bunch!

This was my real introduction to Thai Culture...

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I guess the Thai way, is to warn them so that they can willingly comply without too much hassle later on, so of course the crooks are just going to up and leave and these areas will have no more problems, easy really.

Right !!! It's called the waiting game ... ! They go away and wait for the heat to subside and then they are back at it in full force ... !!

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i am sure that there are some very sensitive toes attached to powerful somebodies in this entrenched mafia. Unlikely that a mere police commander can do very much, but it takes a brave man to try

It's expensive to become a police commander.

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But the big question should be why is a meter taxi in Phuket more than a Bangkok taxi?

The BIG question is why are there no metered taxis on Phuket, like Bangkok?

Why can't tourists catch an airconditioned metered taxi from Patong to Kata, and vice versa, at a similar flag fall and per kilometer rate as Bangkok?

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Within a month, within 45 days......come on get a grip.

Just do the job right and do it to completion, that's all they're asked to do.

If the do that, they'll be heroes.

It will never happen, the scum are tied into the scum, same problem just different pockets bah.gif

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But the big question should be why is a meter taxi in Phuket more than a Bangkok taxi?

The BIG question is why are there no metered taxis on Phuket, like Bangkok?

Why can't tourists catch an airconditioned metered taxi from Patong to Kata, and vice versa, at a similar flag fall and per kilometer rate as Bangkok?

Chiang Rai for years has had songtaoews and tuk tuks and samlors none of which had any meters of course. Then about a year or two ago one day suddenly there appeared fifty brand new Toyota taxis complete with meters. Naturally the tuk tuk drivers all whined and complained about the new competition just as the old samlors complained when the motorized tuk tuks appeared. However in spite of the whining the new metered taxi service seems to be a major success in Chiang Rai and they do actually use the meters and provide a high quality service at bargain rates. It also seems to me that the tuk tuks and samlors and songtaoews are also still doing just fine.

Chiang Rai taxis and transport is aimed at the locals way way more than tourist. It seems to me that when locals use the metered taxis there are usually several of them to divide up the fare and ride in a/c comfort especially during the rainy season. The metered fares are very low and affordable, the taxis thus far are kept very clean and the drivers I have seen are all friendly and professional. What a concept.

I guess we CR falangs are very lucky that so far no significant taxi mafia has appeared in our little town. The airport does give the local "limo" service a monopoly and keeps the metered taxis from picking up within the airport grounds BUT the metered taxis now just sit at the main road outside the airport gate which is only a few hundred meters walk. I suspect the airport "limo" days are numbered as they have of course jacked up their prices to make up for the business they have lost....all of which makes them even less competitive and attractive to most travelers.

Too bad that a big popular place like Phuket doesn't have as good a transportation system as little rural backwater Chiang Rai.

The last time I went to Phuket I vowed never again as it just has an air of mafia/ripoff/gouge the farangs that hangs over the entire island.

Maybe some day it will change but frankly I don't hold much hope as there apparently is just too much dirty money flying around and being protected by too many powerful people. How Sad.

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As far as I'm concerned none of this matters. Not the lists they make, the names they name, the alleged evidence they have, nor whatever legal action they may take; unless they substantially lower fares.

If fares are not appreciably lowered to acceptable (i.e. Bangkok taxi comparable) rates for everyone, this entire undertaking will be a total failure. And the transport cartels will have yet again flouted (whatever) authority, and yet again have their own way.

Fair fares for the people!

I agree, and the only way for that to happen is to allow competition in the transport industry onto the island, and that's going to take Thai Army security escorts.

Can't see it happening, and as the current demographic of package holiday tourists here use coach buses, I can only see transport prices rising in the future even more, causing what's left of the western market to shrink even further.

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So when I catch a taxi to my home from the airport I can pay the 230 baht on the meter instead of the 800 baht flat fare demanded. Yeah, in my <deleted> dreams.

Who cares about tourists getting ripped off by tuk tuks because there are no baht buses, they're on holiday and are meant to get fleeced just like they are in London or New York. But I live in the shithole and I'm still getting ripped off.

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DSI: we have opened an office in Phuket so we can catch you if you continue your scams!

Taxi mafia: We don't care!

DSI: Ok, if you have not stopped by next Friday, we will arrest those of you who continue!

Taxi mafia: We don't care!
DSI: ok, we have evidence against you. You have one month to comply!

Taxi mafia: We don't care!
DSI: Ok, we have published a list with your names on it!
Taxi mafia: We don't care!
DSI: Ok, we are going to deal with you in 45 days

Taxi mafia: We don't care!
DSI: To be continued .....
Taxi mafia: We don't care!

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So when I catch a taxi to my home from the airport I can pay the 230 baht on the meter instead of the 800 baht flat fare demanded. Yeah, in my <deleted> dreams.

Who cares about tourists getting ripped off by tuk tuks because there are no baht buses, they're on holiday and are meant to get fleeced just like they are in London or New York. But I live in the shithole and I'm still getting ripped off.

When have you ever seen a rate of ฿230 on a meter taxi from the airport in Phuket? You must be going a very short distance. They rarely turn them on, and if they do, it's close to the flat fee rate, old or new. For years I got to or from Rawai for ฿500, then ฿600 and now about ฿800 from what I hear. I haven't been in 9 months.

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The DSI needs to just go after the police. They are pretty much involved in all these criminal activities anyway.

Exactly! My Thai neighbors and I were just talking about how bad the corruption is with the local police!

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The Internet has done its job well...

The high paying tourists are not arriving in big numbers anymore, because those at ground zero (thailand) are reporting what a crack hole its become....

So that leaves China, India and Russia, who may come in bus loads but spend very little compared to Europeans, Aussies, Americans etc....

Now the Thai Gov. can see this and needs the rich tourist money back.... So, NOW lets fix Thailand... Hahaha..

The tourist numbers maybe up, but is it translating to tourist dollars... I think not... !!!

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i am sure that there are some very sensitive toes attached to powerful somebodies in this entrenched mafia. Unlikely that a mere police commander can do very much, but it takes a brave man to try

DSI are much more powerful than standard BiB

and I hope they will only get better maybe they are paid a proper wage for their job..

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But the big question should be why is a meter taxi in Phuket more than a Bangkok taxi?

The BIG question is why are there no metered taxis on Phuket, like Bangkok?

Why can't tourists catch an airconditioned metered taxi from Patong to Kata, and vice versa, at a similar flag fall and per kilometer rate as Bangkok?

It's the same here in Chiang Mai ... taxis refuse to use the meter ... except for a few at the airport when and if YOU insist .... otherwise FLAT RATES but they are at least reasonable ///

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DSI: we have opened an office in Phuket so we can catch you if you continue your scams!

Taxi mafia: We don't care!

DSI: Ok, if you have not stopped by next Friday, we will arrest those of you who continue!

Taxi mafia: We don't care!

DSI: ok, we have evidence against you. You have one month to comply!

Taxi mafia: We don't care!

DSI: Ok, we have published a list with your names on it!

Taxi mafia: We don't care!

DSI: Ok, we are going to deal with you in 45 days

Taxi mafia: We don't care!

DSI: To be continued .....

Taxi mafia: We don't care!

Tourist: We don't care about Phuket anymore.

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The Internet has done its job well...

The high paying tourists are not arriving in big numbers anymore, because those at ground zero (thailand) are reporting what a crack hole its become....

So that leaves China, India and Russia, who may come in bus loads but spend very little compared to Europeans, Aussies, Americans etc....

Now the Thai Gov. can see this and needs the rich tourist money back.... So, NOW lets fix Thailand... Hahaha..

The tourist numbers maybe up, but is it translating to tourist dollars... I think not... !!!

Exactly. I believe the local Phuket economy will contract, rapidly, for the reasons you state. it probably already has, hence, all the BS press statements about "safety zones" etc etc trying to lure the western market back to Phuket.

I believe this will be reflected in many establishments closing over the next 12 months.

The officials here just don't get it. The western tourists want on Phuket what they can get elsewhere in Thailand, for a comparable price.

Why should they / would they pay higher prices for less service/product?

Phuket is a "brand" that has been devaluing itself in recent times, mainly through outpricing itself.

Phuket needs a complete restructure if it's going to survive in the regional tourism market.

Edited by NamKangMan
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Everyone who has been to Phuket knows the problem is with the Tuk Tuks far more than the taxis.

Bring in the baht bus the same as Pattaya, give them some protection and the problem will resolve itself.

The way Patong is laid out it would be simple to sort out the routes. Same between the different beaches.

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But the big question should be why is a meter taxi in Phuket more than a Bangkok taxi?

I think that out of all the "taxi's" that are operating in Phuket- something like only 128 have meters....

I recall reading there were only 70 metered taxis operating out of the airport. But they aren't allowed to pickup passengers outside their own area, which is the airport. Just like every other taxi in Phuket. This is not a law, it's an agreement between all the taxi groups. If you are caught "poaching" then you will be punished. Caught twice and the punishment can be "severe", according to what a driver told me. This is what the DSI needs to go after. By going after the black plates only, they are actually making the situation worse by helping the established groups maintain their monopoly by eliminating the competition for them. I was cautiously optimistic, but now am convinced more than ever that this whole thing is a shame and nothing good will come from it. Expect a fare increase once it's over.

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So again it's just the black plate taxis that intimidate the tourists? Really? What about the tuk tuks in Patong, Karon and Kata? Aren't they the "real" problem?

They are happy with the tuk tuk's. In a recent article they talked about them having an organization that kept every thing running smoothly. It was a realcheesy.gifcheesy.gif Same as the jet ski's

He said DSI has sufficient evidence to take legal action against a group of people operating one of the syndicates.

DO IT then ..... why waiting .... this taxi mafia issue is on for the last 20 years ...I think its time to ACT and quickly.

You would think they could. 1 out of 11 and they haven't taken action against them yet. I wonder what the other 10 are thinking.sad.png

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He said DSI has sufficient evidence to take legal action against a group of people operating one of the syndicates.

DO IT then ..... why waiting .... this taxi mafia issue is on for the last 20 years ...I think its time to ACT and quickly.

First some (high placed) poo yais have to clean their plates before they will act... whistling.gifwink.png

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Anyone really care, the western residents organize there own transport to and from the airport, the tourists are almost all Russian and Chinese, they are on organized tours, don't need taxis, the few and getting fewer every year European tourists are finding other destinations in Thailand or Asia. It's to little to late, should have been done ages ago.

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Last night, my hotel driver went to collect a pre-booked hotel guest from the airport, (free pick-up service).

On the way out of the airport, he was stopped by a DSI guy who confiscated his licence and issued a fine of 2,000 baht for being a 'black taxi'.

<deleted> is that all about? Can a registered hotel not even collect their guests in the courtesy car??


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