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Been in Thailand for about 3 weeks now... My overall thoughts...

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To me you over planned and tried to cram in way tooooo much and were the victim of your own mistakes. Also anyone that can visit BKK and mention a shooting range as opposed to "real" sites shouldn't have really bothered with Thailand at all, try Orlando. Bet you've already got your Swiss itinerary planned to the nearest 30 seconds, should suit the Swiss and their clock makers.

Bit of a strange view, but okay...

I went to a lot of places in Bangkok and plan on going to more when I return. The shooting range was merely an hour or so of 1 day as I've always wanted to try shooting a gun and in Europe that's a very hard thing to do

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Hope it gets better and your luck changes.

Hi, thank you for your reply and insight. I do think having a good holiday comes down to a lot of luck and being in the right place at the right time. Unlike some people in this thread seem to think I do have an open mind... I'm willing to try pretty anything and explore and try to experience new things. However I did over plan this holiday and probably booked the hotels too late. I also tried to fit too much into 1 trip. Bangkok for 3 or 4 nights, then Samui for 2 weeks, then Chiang Mai for 10 nights would have been a much better experience in my opinion and suited both my GF and I far better. She would have had the tanning in Samui and I would have had the whole elephant and tiger experience and exploration in Chiang Mai. Plus our traveling and messing about would have been VASTLY reduced.

I've seen a lot of very strange westerners whilst in Thailand who seem to be in a World of their own and I can only think some of them populate TV. There's no doubt now in my mind that Thailand is over rated. Of course it can be an amazing country and offer great experiences, but so can a lot of places. Anyway that's slightly beside the point... Thanks again for your reply


If you cannot relax into the slow pace of island life, then that type of setting is simply not for you. You tried it and you did not like it - fair enough.

It's true that Thailand is not the cheap destination it once was, but the price level in Samui is higher than in most other parts of the country.

'The real Thailand' is a bs phrase anyway. There are as many environments and places here as anywhere else, and they are all real, and all Thailand.

If you want to see how Thai people live outside of the tourist areas, rent a vehicle and drive somewhere on the map that's not listed in the guide books. You'll be sure to see something else, but I am not sure you'll like it, because you seem to want a pretty high standard of food and accommodation, and you don't really get that outside of the cities and main tourist spots.

Nah I can relax... That's kinda my point... All I can think of when I look back over the last 3 weeks is the sheer amount of crappy traveling we have done... For example flying, car journeys, hotel check-ins, pointless driving around looking for something that isn't there.

I totally agree "the real Thailand" is a totally stupid phrase. From what I've seen most "real Thais" live in a state close to poverty. In Bangkok they are crammed into dirty old apartment blocks and on the islands most of them live in tin huts. I do not mean that in a disrespectful way, it is simply the fact of how things are. Like I say 99% of the Thai people we have come in contact with have been awesome and very helpful. They seem like a lovely people overall


Hi neo6 it sounds to me like you were trying to impress GF a bit to much, whats her thoughts on the holiday so far? It sounds exhausting to me but then a holiday to me means relaxing and doing things in your own time. Try to chill out a bit and don't go hunting for things you don't even know what your looking for. Perhaps find a little restaurant that wouldn't be your usual style and try it, you might be surprised . Any way both of you try and enjoy the rest, happy days


Thank you for the reply.

I think you're right... I had this imagine of Thailand in my head and I wanted to show her how wonderful it could be and impress her.

She feels pretty much the same as me... We've been to too many places and done too many transfers, which have spoiled the holiday overall. She liked Samui and I think she will like Chiang Mai too smile.png


I think you imagined a western-style luxury vacation in a non-western country.

You can get a luxury tour, on a western-style cruise ship, for $20,000 ... (no transfers!)

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Incidentally your on holiday as we speak are you not,seeing as you've just spent the last four hours on TV whining like a bitch it's hardly surprising you've had a crap time,you need to get out more.

It's 10PM, most people are asleep... Most restaurants are closed. We just had dinner, had a walk on the beach and came back to the room.

Granted today I've not done an awful lot (except drive round the entire island like an idiot), although like I said there's barely anything to do on Lanta... You're kinda trapped here


Are you a troll ? whistling.gif

Anyone who looks for top end accommodation etc and moans about 1000bht, that's 20 English quid, for dinner for 2 is having a laugh. rolleyes.gif

Do you know how much it costs to get in the USA Disney land or world. Did you not remember in the USA at a restaurant they add on 15% service charge whether you like it or not. facepalm.gif

My point was Thailand is not cheap. Everyone always gives this impression it is and it's simply not.

I'm not complaining at a $30 meal for 2, I understand that might be the going rate these days... I was simply pointing out that Thailand is not cheap, that's all

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If you have travelled to China then you would realize that BKK is far from being polluted. Visit some temples. Take in the shopping, the intercontinental hotel is my first choice. Take in the local culture. Taste the street food. Visit the floating markets. Go to Ayuttaya and see the ancient temples. Hua Hin is a great place for married couples. The food is amazing here. Check out Sirocco, a famous restaurant. There is a beautiful restaurant outdoors near the airport surrounded by temples, amazing architecture, swans, and a beautiful little lake. While your at it buy a new suit from the local tailor Apu ha ha

That's true, although compared to China no where is polluted smile.png

When I arrived in Samui I certainly felt the air was a lot cleaner though. Anyway pollution kinda comes with the package when you visit a major city.

I definitely wanted to go to Ayuttaya but I don't think we'll have time. Maybe next time tongue.png


Did you ever study your homework at school properly,or just glance and say i know what i am doing.

Pass results A,B, or failed.

Thailand is a place of dreams if you know how to live them.Its a great place and the Thais are good people.Try Vietnam next time,,,,,,,,,the traveling is awesome???

Each for there own in this world we live in.

Just went back to look at some of the posts made on the first page of your original post. Hardly would say that most people in the comments I read said your plans were very good. Quite a few were over-the-top negative. Those somewhat deranged rants should have clued you that the advice you would get needed to be taken with several grains of salt. Maybe after the first page they became more enthusiastic.

There were also suggestions made as to other places to visit without the heavy emphasis on 5 star resorts, that you apparently ignored.

The original post I made was essentially just saying I would go to Samui and Chiang Mai from what I recall... Only after getting the advice from people on here and a couple of other forums did I come up with the modified plan.

And yes I had to ignore a lot of what some people said, but I still maintain that at the time I don't see how I could have made a better plan knowing what I did.

Anyway, the people who comment on threads in these forums are residents here or people contemplating long-time stays. This isn't Club Med or Thomas Cook. For the most part we are less likely to bother with resorts and we'd much prefer to eat at restaurants that are decidedly un-touristy but where the food is excellent. Our priorities tend to be the mundane ... swimming pool maintenance, condo management, weeds in the garden, heights of balcony railings, and where to find the best pizzas or bagels. We tend to regard reports of the bizarre antics of clueless tourists as fodder for our entertainment.

I don't understand this. If you want the little mundane things to be taken care of you stay at a 5 star resort. That's why they are 5 stars, they monitor everything and make sure it's all in check.

I couldn't care less if the resort is 1 star or 5, it makes no difference to me. I just want to stay somewhere that has good facilities and is in a good location. It just turned out that when I was looking for the hotels most of them were 4 or 5 star that met this criteria... Although I did make a couple of big mistakes obviously.

And what from what I can see most the really nice places are booked out 6 months in advance... It's really difficult getting a good hotel even in the August and September which is considered part of the rainy season

I wonder how many people here actually read through your entire first post in this thread. You're 28 years old and rather full of yourself. A high percentage of regular posters on this forum have been around a great deal longer than that. A great deal. Not much reason to think their suggestions would suit you or your chronicle of moaning would interest many of them. When it comes to whining/whingeing, you're a comparative amateur here.

Not sure what my age has to do with anything. There are people who are 80 and having left their city. I've done a fair amount of traveling and I was just giving an honest opinion of how things had gone so far. How does this make me full of myself?

I do agree I've probably come across as a moaner. That wasn't my goal... Although I am pretty pissed overall on how things have gone the last few weeks smile.png


$30 sounds expensive to me too - unless in a top notch restaurant or hotel - you will find CM much cheaper for food. I can walk across the road to the open air Thai restaurant opposite (thatched roof - open sides) and eat for much. much less - take day before yesterday (last time I ate there) - I had seafood curry (Pad Prik Gaend Talay) two plates of fragrant rice, fried egg (because I've gone native smile.png), large bottle of beer, two pots of sticky rice and two portions of fried chicken (for the kids), and a bottle of water, all for 200 baht or so - also brought with me a bottle of chocolate milk from the 7-11 for the girls (my daughters will not drink fizzy drinks, so its water only otherwise) - no charge for brining my own drink in. Served by a pretty young girl, daughter of the owner, whilst watching (Italian I think) football on a 52 inch plasma. That's what, under $7. food was great and service good and friendly too (as always).

I think Lanta is a place for young lovers and beachbums. If all you want to do is laze around on the sand and test the bed springs all night - like newly weds - then its ideal. Would bore me sh!tless.

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Did you ever study your homework at school properly,or just glance and say i know what i am doing.

Pass results A,B, or failed.

Thailand is a place of dreams if you know how to live them.Its a great place and the Thais are good people.Try Vietnam next time,,,,,,,,,the traveling is awesome???

Each for there own in this world we live in.

So what are you saying? I didn't plan properly? I am pretty confident I planned more than most people do when they go on holiday, but okay, whatever you say bud...

Yes everyone says Thailand is incredible, a place of dreams, etc. I get it. I'm just giving my experience being here the last 3 weeks... I've said multiple times the Thai people are nice, I have nothing against them.

Seriously some people are beyond defensive saai.gif


Did you ever study your homework at school properly,or just glance and say i know what i am doing.

Pass results A,B, or failed.

Thailand is a place of dreams if you know how to live them.Its a great place and the Thais are good people.Try Vietnam next time,,,,,,,,,the traveling is awesome???

Each for there own in this world we live in.

So what are you saying? I didn't plan properly? I am pretty confident I planned more than most people do when they go on holiday, but okay, whatever you say bud...

Yes everyone says Thailand is incredible, a place of dreams, etc. I get it. I'm just giving my experience being here the last 3 weeks... I've said multiple times the Thai people are nice, I have nothing against them.

Seriously some people are beyond defensive saai.gif

Everyone's ''Land of Dreams'' or ''Holiday of Dreams'' is different. I live in LOS but I love a holiday cruising the UK Norfolk Broads. LOS is a land of many things that for sure will not fill everyone's expectations if you want perfection in certain departments. One must go with the flow and adjust, same as any country that is new to you, or me.

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Everyone's ''Land of Dreams'' or ''Holiday of Dreams'' is different. I live in LOS but I love a holiday cruising the UK Norfolk Broads. LOS is a land of many things that for sure will not fill everyone's expectations if you want perfection in certain departments. One must go with the flow and adjust, same as any country that is new to you, or me.

Makes sense. I was actually having a very similar conversation with the GF over dinner.

It's about the little things and how the place makes you feel overall. You don't need the absolute perfect beach or the highest rated restaurant (usually they're the crappiest anyway).

I felt pretty good in Bangkok (even though 3 days is enough there) and I felt good in the first hotel in Samui. In Phangan and Lanta I've just not felt the vibe at all and the extra excess traveling to get to these places has just added to the crap.

It is important to know what you like and go somewhere that reflects that. As I've said multiple times I don't think I would have had anything negative to say if I'd just gone to Bangkok, Samui and Chiang Mai. Listening to all the fluff and hype from people and having too high expectations is what has caused problems for us


This is the "quality tourist" that Thailand is trying to attract. They have high standards and are sorely disappointed when those standards are not met.

I think you totally and utterly misunderstand what type of traveler I am.

I wanted to see as much as Thailand as possible and experience as much as I could. I've stated numerous times I'm not interested in snobby resorts where you don't even leave the gates. The fact that I will have probably seen more of Phangan and Lanta than most people who visit should attest to this


Thailand on holiday you can spend less or more than Western Countries, but still the ambiance is usually nicer.

Thailand, when you know how to spend your money carefully (i.e. spend $30 on acceptable accomodation with breakfast included, then get the hell out of the room and actually see the country) is a bargain.

Keep coming back, it gets better.

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