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Innocent & gullible biking farang newcomer.....


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Haha. But law is law.

So they might ask you it to verify. You cannot present? They might take your bike and keep it for you somewhere until you present the green book to them.

I expect the worse, always. You never know.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I actually really do not know if it is law.

Can anyone here say for certain?

If it is I will make a copy & keep it in a ziploc bag under the seat.

yeah, anyone knows if it is mandatory to carry the green book by law?

i also just carry a xerox of it under seat only.

I got a little white paper covered in plastic from my dealer.

It's actually a minimized photocopy of the main green book page, it has a size of the an ID card, it fits on my wallet.

They told I should carry it and should be enough. nobody carries the green books anyway

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I carry xerox too and yes in ideal conditions, it is enough.

But, i just wonder what law says.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I have never seen it in writing but have always been told you only need to have the green book on you if transporting in

the back of a truck outside of the province it is plated in

Makes sense for those roadblocks where they could assume your transporting stolen vehicle.

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Thanks for all the responses and interesting debate about the green book.

I have been told that no Thai people carry the green book with them, just a copy and that was by a lawyer, but I didn't ask her to justify that with a legal reference....

Back to my own tragedy.... I went to pick up the bike yesterday from where the last owner left it. 3 original keys waiting and it started 2nd time ! All good !

Until I realised that the front tyre was totally flat.... I have no pump (all my tools are on a boat somewhere), so for the time being I have left it where it is.

So now I need to find out if the tyre is punctured (probable) and how to get it recovered to a shop for repair.... the saga will continue.

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Make sure your current license states that it is for motorbike, not for car otherwise you will have to take full test.

Not strictly true.

If you have a UK license (it's a paper one, not the Euro ID card license) then show them paragraph 3 (I think) which lets you ride an A2 class motorbike and they will umm and ahh before giving in and issuing a motorcycle license as well.

I know, I did it last week.

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