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PAD to unveil major shift in strategy


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PAD to unveil major shift in strategy
Pimnara Pradubwit,
Khanittha Thepphajorn
The Nation

Chamlong and Sondhi to appear on TV tonight to discuss group's future plans

BANGKOK: -- Anti-government group the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) is expected to announce a change in its stance today after core leaders Maj-General Chamlong Srimuang and media mogul Sondhi Limthongkul said the movement had reached a historic turning point.

Chamlong and Sondhi have both been keeping low profiles recently, citing their bail conditions in political cases, while other anti-government groups such as the white-mask movement, the multi-coloured shirts and the People's Army have been playing a major role in carrying out anti-government campaigns.

Their announcement comes after Sondhi called on the Democrats to quit their parliamentary posts and join them in street rallies and anti-government campaigns. Democrats Kalaya Sophonpanich and Nipit Intarasom-bat recently held talks with the PAD about joining political forces.

Chamlong said that in light of the current constitutional crisis, he would appear with Sondhi at 8pm today on his show broadcast on ASTV to announce their position. Sondhi said they would discuss important issues on the show that would focus on the group's initial stance, changes that they had planned, and the position of the group following those changes.

"Normally Chamlong would go to bed at 8pm, but [today] he will appear with me on the show, saying there is a big issue [to discuss],'' Sondhi said.

PAD spokesman Parnthep Pour-pongpan posted a video clip of Sondhi and Chamlong's statement via the PAD Facebook page.

Meanwhile, Democrat MP Suthep Thaugsuban has said he is ready to quit as MP so he can join anti-government rallies. However, for the time being Suthep said he would remain in Parliament to fight legislation put forward by the government.

He said the government had pushed to pass legislation that was dangerous for the nation, in particular, the charter amendment on the election of senators. So, he was prepared to stay put and put up a tough fight in Parliament.

"People may think this issue is trivial, but if all Senators are elected they would come under the influence of politicians who would be able to control the appointment of independent agencies, and that does not bode well for the country, as has been proved in the past," he said.

Historian and former rector of Thammasat University Charnvit Kasetsiri posted an open letter on Facebook to Chuan Leekpai, Democrat chief adviser and one of the university's council members, quoting Pridi Banomyong - statesman and founder of Thammasat University - that an unruly and immoral democracy could result in anarchy. He said PAD's and other's recent political activities to topple former PM Thaksin Shinawatra were all "disruptive attempts", which could lead to anarchy and civil war.

PM's Office Minister Varathep Ratanakorn said yesterday that the PAD, the Democrats and the Group of 40 senators had turned down an invitation to join in the political reform talks to be held at Government House tomorrow. However, he still hoped over half of the 70 invitees would join.

The appointed senators invited to join the reform talks declined, saying they had no confidence in the council as it was just an advisory body to the ruling Pheu Thai Party. But elected senators who were invited gave more positive responses.

Elected senators - Speaker Nikom Wairatpanij; Krich Atitkaew; Prawat Thongsomboon; Prasit Pothasuthon; and Prasert Prakoonsuksapan - were invited to join the political-reform council's first meeting with Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra tomorrow.

However, the appointed senators, currently at loggerheads with the government over moves to get all senators elected, turned down the invite.

Chon Buri Senator Surachai Chaitrakulthong, the Senate whip's secretary, said Nikom actually ordered Senate whips to ask the government to select appointed senators it would like to invite to join the council.

-- The Nation 2013-08-23

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*Deleted post edited out*

Dream on, Smutty, dream on. It is the PTP, UDD, Red shirts and Shinawatra's that are universally despised.

" It is the PTP, UDD, Red shirts and Shinawatra's that are universally despised"

Really, then how did they get to be elected to power in an election, which is more than your darling Abhisit ever did.

Edited by Scott
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Thats all very well but they only have about 10 supporters so it becomes fairly difficult to do. Incidentally they only have about 10 supporters as they are universally despised.

Dream on, Smutty, dream on. It is the PTP, UDD, Red shirts and Shinawatra's that are universally despised.

" It is the PTP, UDD, Red shirts and Shinawatra's that are universally despised"

Really, then how did they get to be elected to power in an election, which is more than your darling Abhisit ever did.

Rampant corruption and vote buying wins elections here. Most people wouldn't get off their arse to vote if there was nothing in it for them....Abhisit finishes last because, well, good guys always finish last. Politics in Thailand is only for dirty bastards.

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Thats all very well but they only have about 10 supporters so it becomes fairly difficult to do. Incidentally they only have about 10 supporters as they are universally despised.

Dream on, Smutty, dream on. It is the PTP, UDD, Red shirts and Shinawatra's that are universally despised.

" It is the PTP, UDD, Red shirts and Shinawatra's that are universally despised"

Really, then how did they get to be elected to power in an election, which is more than your darling Abhisit ever did.

PT got elected mainly because of over the top populism and brainwashing.

Don't you see that this beautiful country is in the process of being destroyed through mismanagement , greed and corruption?

These criminals have to be stopped before its really too late.

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Thats all very well but they only have about 10 supporters so it becomes fairly difficult to do. Incidentally they only have about 10 supporters as they are universally despised.

Dream on, Smutty, dream on. It is the PTP, UDD, Red shirts and Shinawatra's that are universally despised.

" It is the PTP, UDD, Red shirts and Shinawatra's that are universally despised"

Really, then how did they get to be elected to power in an election, which is more than your darling Abhisit ever did.

Because his supporters came from central & south Thailand; population is less, higher education, a liking for democracy among them, not voting corruption, no intimidation by village leaders.....the list goes on

You really need to get a clue; or if you just arrived, do some research.

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The only way they have a chance in hell of winning anything is to copy Thaksin. Violent insurrection in Bangkok and city halls countrywide, using weapons of war, burning, looting, get Abhisit in some swanky Paris boutique while Bangkok is a sea of flames saying he'll be there to lead from the front bla bla bla. Get the BBC's Richard Head back to give his biased twaddle, and Jakrapob's boyfriend Red Rivers. Cause the army or police to fight back and then winge like a baby. It overthrew a government in 2010, good chance it'll work again. Playing by the law and rules certainly won't.

How about instead of that they stop whining and make a concerted effort to actually win popular support outside of wealthy Bangkokians ? If Thaksin could do it with just a few vague promises, it can't be that hard can it.

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Because his supporters came from central & south Thailand; population is less, higher education, a liking for democracy among them, not voting corruption, no intimidation by village leaders.....the list goes on

You really need to get a clue; or if you just arrived, do some research.

"You really need to get a clue; or if you just arrived, do some research."

Unlike yourself, I have been here in the days before Thaksin. I also know that the people of Thailand have voted FOR Thaksin and his related parties, at every election he/they have been involved in. The Dems have NEVER won an election and achieve power only through the courts and the army.

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Unlike yourself, I have been here in the days before Thaksin. I also know that the people of Thailand have voted FOR Thaksin and his related parties, at every election he/they have been involved in. The Dems have NEVER won an election and achieve power only through the courts and the army.

Actually, the Democrats got into power through an election for PM in parliament, which is also how Yingluck, Somchai, Samak, and Thaksin got into power.

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Thats all very well but they only have about 10 supporters so it becomes fairly difficult to do. Incidentally they only have about 10 supporters as they are universally despised.

Dream on, Smutty, dream on. It is the PTP, UDD, Red shirts and Shinawatra's that are universally despised.

" It is the PTP, UDD, Red shirts and Shinawatra's that are universally despised"

Really, then how did they get to be elected to power in an election, which is more than your darling Abhisit ever did.

PT got elected mainly because of over the top populism and brainwashing.

Don't you see that this beautiful country is in the process of being destroyed through mismanagement , greed and corruption?

These criminals have to be stopped before its really too late.

Stopped by who? And how? And what happens after they have been stopped?

I'm afraid the legend and cult of personality Thaksin has purchased/cultivated is unstoppable. There are no heroes in this story, a few people had their chance to not let this situation occur. In many ways the blame lies with them for allowing this to all happen, rather than the corrupt opportunists that are now enjoying the fruits of ultimate power.

PAD, democrats, any opposition are simply pissing in the wind. Whatever they do, or say will change nothing. Thailand is about to embark on a long period of dictatorship, like it or not.

I say let them position their voting booths so voters choices can be observed, let them be as corrupt as they like, let them ban the internet and not allow freedom of thought. Let them ruin the agricultural backbone of the Thai economy. Educated foreigners that enjoy playing on this forum have an advantage in that we have the freedom to sell up and move abroad. Those who will suffer the most, as in any dictatorship are the poor, and that will be their reward for their part in this slowly unfolding tragedy.

Possibly the worst thing that could happen would be if the democrats won the next election fair and square or managed to cobble together a coalition government. Judging by the recent by election results this is a possibility albeit a very slim one. There would be violence on the streets again in no time, and no let-up until a Shinawatra family member again takes teh reigns. No, I'm afraid we are in for a Thaksin government, and descendants of Thaksin for many a year to come.

The window for players on this forum to discuss, criticize and make fun of the current situation will not last for ever so I suggest we enjoy this outlet while it is still available. Not getting emotionally involved is the key to our sanity. For my part I offer a big Som Num Naa and a belly laugh to those that will shortly realize that they have been duped, and there is no hero available to rescue you. Bad luck mateys.

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The Thai economy has been booming for some time now. There is full employment. Wages are rising. The thai baht is strong. Thailand is doing very well and it's citizens are currently enjoying the fruits of a successful economy. That's why PAD and its support is in a state of collapse. Nobody is interested in their xenophobic nonsense.

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The only way they have a chance in hell of winning anything is to copy Thaksin. Violent insurrection in Bangkok and city halls countrywide, using weapons of war, burning, looting, get Abhisit in some swanky Paris boutique while Bangkok is a sea of flames saying he'll be there to lead from the front bla bla bla. Get the BBC's Richard Head back to give his biased twaddle, and Jakrapob's boyfriend Red Rivers. Cause the army or police to fight back and then winge like a baby. It overthrew a government in 2010, good chance it'll work again. Playing by the law and rules certainly won't.

Nothing to lose, everything to gain. Failure isn't failure. Amnesty for all remember.

Thats all very well but they only have about 10 supporters so it becomes fairly difficult to do. Incidentally they only have about 10 supporters as they are universally despised.

If they only had 10 supporters then why would PTP be so keen to stifle free speech, the right to protest and massively over police anti-PTP demonstrations?

Have you been reading your PTP hand book again?

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The Thai economy has been booming for some time now. There is full employment. Wages are rising. The thai baht is strong. Thailand is doing very well and it's citizens are currently enjoying the fruits of a successful economy. That's why PAD and its support is in a state of collapse. Nobody is interested in their xenophobic nonsense.

Please supply links to the "facts" you assertively put forward.

You might want to do some research first - hint: falling baht, distribution of wealth, rice mountain, Moody's.

Certain citizens are enjoying the the fruits for sure, but not exactly the majority.

The "majority" didn't vote for PTP by the way, not even the majority of the votes cast.

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The only way they have a chance in hell of winning anything is to copy Thaksin. Violent insurrection in Bangkok and city halls countrywide, using weapons of war, burning, looting, get Abhisit in some swanky Paris boutique while Bangkok is a sea of flames saying he'll be there to lead from the front bla bla bla. Get the BBC's Richard Head back to give his biased twaddle, and Jakrapob's boyfriend Red Rivers. Cause the army or police to fight back and then winge like a baby. It overthrew a government in 2010, good chance it'll work again. Playing by the law and rules certainly won't.

Nothing to lose, everything to gain. Failure isn't failure. Amnesty for all remember.

Thats all very well but they only have about 10 supporters so it becomes fairly difficult to do. Incidentally they only have about 10 supporters as they are universally despised.

If they only had 10 supporters then why would PTP be so keen to stifle free speech, the right to protest and massively over police anti-PTP demonstrations?

Have you been reading your PTP hand book again?

PT prepared 39,000 police etc to "control" the people's army rally 2 earlier this month. So if its only for 10 supporters, then it must be another example of miss-management by PT.

Edited by Nickymaster
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Gemini81 "Hope one day, you get a chance to come visit it.

Then you'll see the economic disparity and notice 80% have a low education, along with a small middle class. Sorry I guess tripadvisor.com doesn't tell you that.

As for PAD, only all of central and south Thailand are interested. Stop spreading lies; we're not that naïve."

"Then you'll see the economic disparity and notice 80% have a low education"

So are you saying that in the decades prior to Thaksin the average Thai received a better education and that there was no economic disparity?

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Because his supporters came from central & south Thailand; population is less, higher education, a liking for democracy among them, not voting corruption, no intimidation by village leaders.....the list goes on

You really need to get a clue; or if you just arrived, do some research.

"You really need to get a clue; or if you just arrived, do some research."

Unlike yourself, I have been here in the days before Thaksin. I also know that the people of Thailand have voted FOR Thaksin and his related parties, at every election he/they have been involved in. The Dems have NEVER won an election and achieve power only through the courts and the army.

Now I know you weren't here at that time for sure; your words & perception speak volumes.

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*Deleted post edited out*

Dream on, Smutty, dream on. It is the PTP, UDD, Red shirts and Shinawatra's that are universally despised.

" It is the PTP, UDD, Red shirts and Shinawatra's that are universally despised"

Really, then how did they get to be elected to power in an election, which is more than your darling Abhisit ever did.

Dear Derby Supporter

It is time and others of your ilk opened your eyes to the reality of Thai politics, the nature of their manipulation and the blatant lies that they are able to spout, even when looking you straight in the eyes. There is overwhelming evidence that Thaksin's agenda works against the human rights of every individual in Thailand. There is overwhelming evidence, including speeches from his lieutenants, which proved that their aim was to burn Bangkok and create mayhem in 2010. It is also true to say that Thaksin has an agenda which is not too dissimilar from Mussolini's in pre-war Italy. Off course, those who have the charisma, the money and the power that comes from that are able to manipulate the electoral system. Mark my words, Derby supporter, Thaksin is a dangerous man. He is not a democrat and to him 'democracy' is only a means to an end. Those of us with normal powers of reasoning fully understand what that end is. Wake up man, these are dangerous times and ultimately it is the poor and dispossessed who will suffer - just as they did in Italy, in the Philippines under Marco, in China under Mao and in Iraq under Saddam. Anyone with the slightest bit of decency about them should oppose Thaksin's totally transparent agenda.

On a much more serious note, I am a Forest supporter.

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Dear Derby Supporter

It is time and others of your ilk opened your eyes to the reality of Thai politics, the nature of their manipulation and the blatant lies that they are able to spout, even when looking you straight in the eyes. There is overwhelming evidence that Thaksin's agenda works against the human rights of every individual in Thailand. There is overwhelming evidence, including speeches from his lieutenants, which proved that their aim was to burn Bangkok and create mayhem in 2010. It is also true to say that Thaksin has an agenda which is not too dissimilar from Mussolini's in pre-war Italy. Off course, those who have the charisma, the money and the power that comes from that are able to manipulate the electoral system. Mark my words, Derby supporter, Thaksin is a dangerous man. He is not a democrat and to him 'democracy' is only a means to an end. Those of us with normal powers of reasoning fully understand what that end is. Wake up man, these are dangerous times and ultimately it is the poor and dispossessed who will suffer - just as they did in Italy, in the Philippines under Marco, in China under Mao and in Iraq under Saddam. Anyone with the slightest bit of decency about them should oppose Thaksin's totally transparent agenda.

On a much more serious note, I am a Forest supporter.

Even a Florest Supporter is entitled to an opinion, but just remember that the Thai people have consistently voted for Thaksin parties at election time. Up here in Khon Kaen it is boom time with new projects, infrastructure, Condos all being developed in line with AEC and EWEC which have already brought benefits to this area of Isaan. The Chinese have opened a consulate to join with the long established Laos and Vietnamese consulates. Khon Kaen airport is to go international in the near future with flights to China and Vietnam on the way.

All may be 'doom and gloom' where you are, but here in Isaan things are pretty good and it is all down to PTP. If it all goes 'tits' in the future then que sera sera (for mods = what will be, will be) and the Dems can take over. 555

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The only way they have a chance in hell of winning anything is to copy Thaksin. Violent insurrection in Bangkok and city halls countrywide, using weapons of war, burning, looting, get Abhisit in some swanky Paris boutique while Bangkok is a sea of flames saying he'll be there to lead from the front bla bla bla. Get the BBC's Richard Head back to give his biased twaddle, and Jakrapob's boyfriend Red Rivers. Cause the army or police to fight back and then winge like a baby. It overthrew a government in 2010, good chance it'll work again. Playing by the law and rules certainly won't.

How about instead of that they stop whining and make a concerted effort to actually win popular support outside of wealthy Bangkokians ? If Thaksin could do it with just a few vague promises, it can't be that hard can it.

They were hardly vague promises, they were very specific. What they didn't make clear was that the tax payers would have to foot the bill and will take decades to pay the debt the government is running up further exacerbated by the huge amounts the PT gangsters are stealing off the top and bottom and both sides for themselves. Also nobody else can afford to pay the bribes that PT did using again, tax payers money that Taksin has stolen from the country during his reign. In Thailand it's simply a case of richest and meanest gangster wins sadly.

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BANGKOK: -- Anti-government group the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) is expected to announce a change in its stance today after core leaders Maj-General Chamlong Srimuang and media mogul Sondhi Limthongkul said the movement had reached a historic turning point.

They announced that racing slicks would be fitted to Major-General Chamlong's scooter so he could get to protest sites quicker.


"Normally Chamlong would go to bed at 8pm, but [today] he will appear with me on the show, saying there is a big issue [to discuss],'' Sondhi said.

Actually choked with laughter on my cup of java at this one. I'm sure the Nation makes half these quotes up just for my entertainment. &lt;deleted&gt; laugh.png

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It may well be boom boom boom in Isaan. IT's the same in Chiang Mai. Hundreds of shophouses being built (many empty), new condo blocks, three new shopping malls and on and on it goes. This is not happening because of good management by the current Thaksin regime. This is happening because lines of credit have been opened up, debt is being created also there is no overall structure plan to these developments because Thaksin wants an appearance of economic boom. The fact that this is happening does not negate my original thesis. It's what lies behind this apparent economic spurt that is more interesting.

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The Thai economy has been booming for some time now. There is full employment. Wages are rising. The thai baht is strong. Thailand is doing very well and it's citizens are currently enjoying the fruits of a successful economy. That's why PAD and its support is in a state of collapse. Nobody is interested in their xenophobic nonsense.

Hope one day, you get a chance to come visit it.

Then you'll see the economic disparity and notice 80% have a low education, along with a small middle class. Sorry I guess tripadvisor.com doesn't tell you that.

As for PAD, only all of central and south Thailand are interested. Stop spreading lies; we're not that naïve.

How is this going Gemini? after they have officially declared they have little support and the PTP would continue to win elections?

As you like to say have YOU actually ever been to Thailand? I hope one day you get the chance to visitclap2.gif

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