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Hi Totster, :D

As per your request, Kan do:- :D

This year we tried to show the FUN side of Songkran as The “World’s Greatest Wet T-Shirt Competition, Smiling Faces Competition & Make-up Competition together with the Finger Signs Competition and least but, not last the Most Colourful Outfits on a Pick-up Competition.”

Just a little taster one or three or so for now, as it is still on in Kan today 17th April.

Double Trouble :o


Should have around 600 photos, but will cut this down to around 100 on my webpage, and yes plenty for all to see.

This year we have

The Usual Suspects.


This year of the female gender (caption competition to follow on the “Fun & BarFred)

And then



And after

Your face needs a good Clean


"Tank you very big" the girl said and the old boy said "Kap On"

And then this is a very polite way to do it

In-coming Bucket


Will start tomorrow and then today’s photos from “The Last Day in Kan” next week.

Must admit, this year’s was much busier than last year in Kan, but just as polite as ever.

Anyways, thank you to my good mate “Simon the Aussie”, for helping me out once again this year who took most of them as he chickened out of driving, so I had to do it once again, don’t blame him though. :D

Total Bedloom on the Road


Anyone else got some ????? If so, Post hear Please.

Yours truly, :D

Kan Win :D

P.S. Please do NOT try taking photos whilst “driving” like I did and still do. :D


Hi Totster :D and to you all. :D

Post 40 already, the rest next week.

Have a look and if you like them, leave a message or two.

Songkran 2006 from Kan.

Happy shooting.

Yours truly,

Kan Win :o



Kan do and a BIG thank you “hughden” for you great photos. Will look on pbase.

Any one else out there wishing to share their photos with us? :o

Happy Shooting

Yours truly,

Kan Win :D



In the photo captioned " What are they looking at....? " on your website

I guess they where looking at the totally naked ladyboys dancing and showing off on their

balcony overlooking walking street. ( edit well yeah its the next photo along Dooh )

Do I get a prize for a correct guess ??? :D nope :o


Yes, you win the prize!!! Which is you get to choose one of the young "ladies" as a companion for the evening.

They loved the attention. Some other shots were even more "over exposed" but I felt them not suitable for Pbase which tends to censor too many titties and other bits.

Hi Totster :D and to you all. :D

Post 40 already, the rest next week.

Have a look and if you like them, leave a message or two.

Songkran 2006 from Kan.

Happy shooting.

Yours truly,

Kan Win :D

All up and running now, 101 photos are up. :o

Yours truly,

Kan Win :D

you get to choose one of the young "ladies" as a companion for the evening.

:D ha ha thanks a lot :o I don't think my regular lady would aprove though.

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