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'No doubt' Syria used chemical arms, says US Vice-President Joe Biden


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they would have snoops on the phone calls so they know more than saddams time .

pummeling their huge stockpiles of chemo weapons aint a bad idea ,so why not blast them .

they have them for sure and could use them on their neighbors at some time .thats why their neighbors want them blasted .

why worry about their military targets being bombed ?

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Obama, the benevolent dictator: ‘I will allow Congress to vote on military action in Syria’

One thing America has come to learn about Obama is that he always requires a little wiggle room on any decision he makes, just in case he wants to change his mind, or in case things look like they might go wrong, he can always back out and deny he was ever intending to move ahead with what was actually a bad plan in the first place. Yes, this is the Obama we’ve come to know.


Spot on analysis.

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they would have snoops on the phone calls so they know more than saddams time .

pummeling their huge stockpiles of chemo weapons aint a bad idea ,so why not blast them .

they have them for sure and could use them on their neighbors at some time .thats why their neighbors want them blasted .

why worry about their military targets being bombed ?

The problem with blasting stockpiles of highly poisonous gas is that the blast blows the containers of gas for long distances and the gas will likely leak from the damaged containers. Thus doing the job of the Assad government or the 'Rebels' - which ever entity is actually using the gas against civilians now. Collateral damage would be very high

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Relief in Damascus, as Syrians mock Obama the 'coward'

"He was like an actor taking part in a play being shown to the American people," staunch government supporter Hassan Azzam, 73, said of Obama.

"I saw him, he was trembling like a leaf as he spoke, he seemed really troubled," said Azzam, leafing through a copy of the state newspaper Ath-Thawra.


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they would have snoops on the phone calls so they know more than saddams time .

pummeling their huge stockpiles of chemo weapons aint a bad idea ,so why not blast them .

they have them for sure and could use them on their neighbors at some time .thats why their neighbors want them blasted .

why worry about their military targets being bombed ?

The problem with blasting stockpiles of highly poisonous gas is that the blast blows the containers of gas for long distances and the gas will likely leak from the damaged containers. Thus doing the job of the Assad government or the 'Rebels' - which ever entity is actually using the gas against civilians now. Collateral damage would be very high

There are no plans to target the stockpiles. This is pretty much common knowledge at this point.

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they would have snoops on the phone calls so they know more than saddams time .

pummeling their huge stockpiles of chemo weapons aint a bad idea ,so why not blast them .

they have them for sure and could use them on their neighbors at some time .thats why their neighbors want them blasted .

why worry about their military targets being bombed ?

The problem with blasting stockpiles of highly poisonous gas is that the blast blows the containers of gas for long distances and the gas will likely leak from the damaged containers. Thus doing the job of the Assad government or the 'Rebels' - which ever entity is actually using the gas against civilians now. Collateral damage would be very high

There are no plans to target the stockpiles. This is pretty much common knowledge at this point.

Yeah, but nut case websites and reports need stuff like this and the we all should wait for YN conclusion about who released chemical weapons on August 21. Gets their base fired up.

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They also better had a strategy, in particular an exit strategy, this time round.


Obama's a prudent commander in chief of the military who is much more careful and considerate of U.S. military personnel and assets than Bush or Bush ever were, Reagan too.

The U.S. barely set foot on the ground in Libya and then was gone like the wind. I think that was a good exit strategy and the model to follow, although no U.S. ground forces will be used in Syria.

The U.S. population doesn't want another war and Obama knows that. Obama campaigned in 2008 to get out of Iraq etc. The U.S. isn't going to be participating in this for very long, that's for sure.

V.P Biden is no warhawk either.

And if Syria or Iran starts pounding away at Israel, what then for the USA?

I seriously doubt that either Syria or Iran is A.) capable of a serious cohesive attack, or B.) Has the balls to try to attack. Israel, You are talking about two nations whose most up to date weapons are around 10-15 years technologically behind what the Yids can throw back at them. Now we can all admit that muslims are ...not all there, lets face it, they believe in an invisible person. But then so do the Israelis. But history has shown us that in the land of payback, the Israels will stop at nothing, whears there "detractors" wont.

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The world does not care that chemical warfare is back in full force in Syria, that the world has returned to World War I conditions, values, attitudes, behaviors.

Assad in Syria is being given a free ticket to use chemical weapons, not against an army on a battlefield, but against civilians in their own country.

Every dictator now is free to use chemical weapons against civilian populations. Next will be biological weapons. Then nuclear weapons will be used free of charge by dictators, terrorists, rogue states.

The opponents of Prez Obama in the United States don't care as long as they can score political points against Obama. Opponents of Prez Obama in the United States are so desperate to injure Prez Obama politically they gladly will help and assist enemies of the United States to achieve their sinister political aims.

The following report includes a video from French Intelligence, for those who can tolerate such sights. Clearly, the scenes in the video are sights of horrors the world accepts and is more than willing to get used to seeing and having happen.

French report claims Syria staged three chemical attacks


French authorities declassified an intelligence report on Monday which claims that the Bashar al-Assad regime has staged at least three chemical attacks in Syria since April, including the August 21 attack.

The report also alleged that nobody but the Bashar al-Assad regime could have carried out the August 21 chemical attack outside Damascus, which it said at least 281 deaths could be attributed to. The analysis based that count in part from dozens of videos culled by French intelligence services.

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they would have snoops on the phone calls so they know more than saddams time .

pummeling their huge stockpiles of chemo weapons aint a bad idea ,so why not blast them .

they have them for sure and could use them on their neighbors at some time .thats why their neighbors want them blasted .

why worry about their military targets being bombed ?

The problem with blasting stockpiles of highly poisonous gas is that the blast blows the containers of gas for long distances and the gas will likely leak from the damaged containers. Thus doing the job of the Assad government or the 'Rebels' - which ever entity is actually using the gas against civilians now. Collateral damage would be very high

There are no plans to target the stockpiles. This is pretty much common knowledge at this point.

I'm glad you are assured that our sometimes faulty intelligence knows exactly where every stockpile is and which supposed real stockpile is not a decoy, etc., etc., etc. Oops doesn't work real well with highly poisonous gasses ... And how would anyone know if Assad's forces or the so called 'Rebel' forces would not set off these poisonous gasses to make it seem that American bombing caused the release ... trifling details for sure ...

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