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Till now, what is your fondest memory related to LOS ?


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My best memories of Thailand ...well one is when I first came here in 1985 I think, or 1986, and only did a tour of BKK. I stayed at the Mandarin Oriental, with one of the loves of my life, (a French boyfriend, as I lived in France then) and well, we just had a great time there! Most of it had to do with the love life and not Thailand, but I did have a great experience of Thailand, back then. One specific memory, had to do with buying some bananas from a boat lady, in whatever boat market used to exist then, in BKK, and feeling like I had never tasted a real banana up until then! A great, little banana, that had so much flavor!

Our boat tour around BKK canals, something that you cannot do today ...well you can do it, but it is a totally different thing. I have loads of photos of all the shacks around the river, with the main wall of the house, the one that would face the river, not existing. I could see inside everyone's house, see their (even back then) one refrig and one TV, and pretty much, they owned nothing else. Seeing kids from those houses, swimming in the river next to their house.

It was really a SHOCK for me, because I had never really known 3rd world countries at that point ...and why would I, I was only about 19 or 20 years old.

I think we also got a classic scam ...everything was closed for a religious holiday ,,, and actually it did seem like things were closed, but not gem markets! My French b/f bought plenty of nice things for me! I did see so many monks in the streets, and another shock for me, was seeing people using the side of the road in BKK, as a toilet, they just squatted and did their business!

We bought a lot of things, that just don't exist today. Gifts we gave to our parents, and some thing we kept for ourselves, that are really great.

I learned a lot about negotiation, in a way. Things that were 1 for $20, became 2 for $10, and as we continued to walk away, as it was junk we just didn't want, for really any price, I learned some things. By the end, something that was 1 for $20 became people chasing us down the road offering 20 of X, for $5. Those guys seemed desperate then ...and I remember, a big memory, is that as a woman who is 5 feet 3 inches, I was towering over almost every person here, I felt I was in a land of dwarfs!

Then I didn't come again to Thailand, until 2004, and that is another story ...I will write again. But I have to say, that this trip, was the BEST trip and I always told people, who asked, what was my favorite trip/country, that it was Thaiand.

I have thought about posting some photos from then, on to TV ...but just been lazy about it, but I don't think there is another city in the world, that changed so much, in this kind of time period, as BKK has.

Great story, amykat. I have similar memories about my first experiences in Thailand as a single backpacker traveling with a group, but mine didn't involve a lover. Last winter I was on my own, but with the help of my father's friend. A mentor does help in cutting corners and saving you from making mistakes.

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So many people have opinions about everything but not want to share a positive memory they have. Strange.

did you tell them ... maybe not ..


well you brought up about you dying in hospital , you did not have to bring up that as i said in my post ... so that was a positive memory . you could have just said about the birth of your child , but you wanted the limelight about dying . i did read that .

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So many people have opinions about everything but not want to share a positive memory they have. Strange.

did you tell them ... maybe not ..


well you brought up about you dying in hospital , you did not have to bring up that as i said in my post ... so that was a positive memory . you could have just said about the birth of your child , but you wanted the limelight about dying . i did read that .

All is in the eye of the beholder !

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The day of my 50th birthday in Feb when my gf got all the bar girls to sing happy birthday to me. Peering into a cage for my first close up view of a baby tiger when a 7 year old Thai boy held out his hand and said hello. I shook it and said hello sir.

Tuk Tuk rude through Bangkok rush hour traffic, climbing to the top of Ko Larn to see the temple. Swimming under the stars in a roof top swimming pool. Swimming with my Thai gf in another hotel pool under a beautiful tree that dropped blossom into the water and her putting one behind her ear.

Oh and that bloody bird that kept me awake every night in Bangkok, the feathered type before anyone comments!

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Falling in love with the place, compounded by falling in love with a Thai girl. It all turned to <deleted> soon enough, but aaah, that first, fine, blush of romance.

Back in the early eighties, I came with several other consultants, we were on an Australian Government funded project - we stayed for a few fully funded months at the old Imperial Hotel in Wireless Road. Brilliant place, wonderful memories.

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This thread ought to be interesting to read if i have the time.

Yes too many to list, about one a week sometimes.

My first night in Thailand was something else but a bit x rated.

Some weeks later, at about three in the morning, on a wet messy khoa san song gran night,

some lovely thia gal said hello to me, i stopped, we chatted, she bought me breakfast, we went to my place and were a couple for three years!!!!

Odd thing, she was Christian and i am Buddhist!!!

OMG and a virgin to boot!!!

well not for very long after b-fast but i think i said too much now

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This thread ought to be interesting to read if i have the time.

Yes too many to list, about one a week sometimes.

My first night in Thailand was something else but a bit x rated.

Some weeks later, at about three in the morning, on a wet messy khoa san song gran night,

some lovely thia gal said hello to me, i stopped, we chatted, she bought me breakfast, we went to my place and were a couple for three years!!!!

Odd thing, she was Christian and i am Buddhist!!!

OMG and a virgin to boot!!!

well not for very long after b-fast but i think i said too much now

I think you believe to much of what you are told. whistling.gif Don't tell me, she spoke perfect English.........coffee1.gif .........smile.png

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My favourite memory was the first time I hiked to the top of Doi Sutthep using the old brushed in trail along the creek flowing down the mountain. That was before the parks wardens shut off the trails to the public. The air was filled with butterflies and birds were singing in the ancient forest of giant trees. The only sound was from water tumbling over rocks and falls. It reminded me of hiking in the mountains of New Zealand where the foliage is similar.

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This thread ought to be interesting to read if i have the time.

Yes too many to list, about one a week sometimes.

My first night in Thailand was something else but a bit x rated.

Some weeks later, at about three in the morning, on a wet messy khoa san song gran night,

some lovely thia gal said hello to me, i stopped, we chatted, she bought me breakfast, we went to my place and were a couple for three years!!!!

Odd thing, she was Christian and i am Buddhist!!!

OMG and a virgin to boot!!!

well not for very long after b-fast but i think i said too much now

I think you believe to much of what you are told. whistling.gif Don't tell me, she spoke perfect English.........coffee1.gif .........smile.png

I know, i know, but 1- her English was not very good and 2- sometimes you can tell when someone is honest and that is the kind of person she was! She had no reason to lie about it plus virgins IMHO are boring. The best thing about her were her eyes. Very close to true love. Oh and her attitude.

People lie to ME a lot in Thailand however i find they rarely if ever lie to me about:

their real phone number

how old they are

if they have/had kids

whether a virgin or not (hardly ever an issue anymore)

I am sure others have different experiences based on who they are, how they treat people, and the kind of karma they carry around.

Edited by infinity11
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This thread ought to be interesting to read if i have the time.

Yes too many to list, about one a week sometimes.

My first night in Thailand was something else but a bit x rated.

Some weeks later, at about three in the morning, on a wet messy khoa san song gran night,

some lovely thia gal said hello to me, i stopped, we chatted, she bought me breakfast, we went to my place and were a couple for three years!!!!

Odd thing, she was Christian and i am Buddhist!!!

OMG and a virgin to boot!!!

well not for very long after b-fast but i think i said too much now

I think you believe to much of what you are told. whistling.gif Don't tell me, she spoke perfect English.........coffee1.gif .........smile.png

I know, i know, but 1- her English was not very good and 2- sometimes you can tell when someone is honest and that is the kind of person she was! She had no reason to lie about it plus virgins IMHO are boring. The best thing about her were her eyes. Very close to true love. Oh and her attitude.

People lie to ME a lot in Thailand however i find they rarely if ever lie to me about:

their real phone number

how old they are

if they have/had kids

whether a virgin or not (hardly ever an issue anymore)

Hmmmmmmmmmm, perhaps I am an old guy that has been there a few times, and nooooooooooooooooo, not in LOS. smile.png

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This thread ought to be interesting to read if i have the time.

Yes too many to list, about one a week sometimes.

My first night in Thailand was something else but a bit x rated.

Some weeks later, at about three in the morning, on a wet messy khoa san song gran night,

some lovely thia gal said hello to me, i stopped, we chatted, she bought me breakfast, we went to my place and were a couple for three years!!!!

Odd thing, she was Christian and i am Buddhist!!!

OMG and a virgin to boot!!!

well not for very long after b-fast but i think i said too much now

Sorry to take this up ...but was your new g/f 14, 15, 16 years old? Hard to understand, if she was an adult, who had saved her virginity for so long, that she would give it up after a few hours and a breakfast ...to a guy she just met??

In the West, in a similar situation, I doubt any women would even THINK of trying to say she was a virgin (when she isn't), however, something about the "allure" of Eastern women and virginity, it seems to come up quite a lot, and is believed quite a lot. Maybe too many romance/adventure novels about Asia, that also, are not quite true??

However, I guess it made you happy, and that is all that matters, right? My great memories of Thailand, are probably mostly flawed, or actually, I am sure they are/were.

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I've seen stranger things in Thailand, a male Dr started to wank me in order to cure a shoulder injury.

I think it's something to do with the strong Phallicism associated with buddhism.

ed, wasnt anywhere near my fondest memory in LOSTD

Edited by poanoi
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This thread ought to be interesting to read if i have the time.

Yes too many to list, about one a week sometimes.

My first night in Thailand was something else but a bit x rated.

Some weeks later, at about three in the morning, on a wet messy khoa san song gran night,

some lovely thia gal said hello to me, i stopped, we chatted, she bought me breakfast, we went to my place and were a couple for three years!!!!

Odd thing, she was Christian and i am Buddhist!!!

OMG and a virgin to boot!!!

well not for very long after b-fast but i think i said too much now

Sorry to take this up ...but was your new g/f 14, 15, 16 years old? Hard to understand, if she was an adult, who had saved her virginity for so long, that she would give it up after a few hours and a breakfast ...to a guy she just met??

In the West, in a similar situation, I doubt any women would even THINK of trying to say she was a virgin (when she isn't), however, something about the "allure" of Eastern women and virginity, it seems to come up quite a lot, and is believed quite a lot. Maybe too many romance/adventure novels about Asia, that also, are not quite true??

However, I guess it made you happy, and that is all that matters, right? My great memories of Thailand, are probably mostly flawed, or actually, I am sure they are/were.

I agree with you, amykat. This site attracts some strange creatures right out of the gutter.

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My first trip to Thailand was in December '99.

I was thinking to go to the South, then i met a guy who convinced me to go to Koh Chang instead... Still unspoiled, he said.

I thought it was a great idea to leave one bag with my Winter clothes and shoes at the hotel in BKK, so, we went.

On arrival we rented some bamboo huts on the beach, great location..

..But then, in the morning, i could not believe the cold , i had to wrap myself in the blanket to go for the morning tea.

It must have been maximum 10 degrees, plus a strong wind blowing from North...All around locals, most of them with woollen hats , tending bonfires here and there. The cold spell lasted more than 2 weeks.

Wind was strong and restless, i've seen the clearer skies i've ever seen in Thailand..

Always heading to KC first in the following years, never forgot to bring some winter clothes with me, but, even after 15 years of visiting, it has never been nearly as cold as in '99.

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This thread ought to be interesting to read if i have the time.

Yes too many to list, about one a week sometimes.

My first night in Thailand was something else but a bit x rated.

Some weeks later, at about three in the morning, on a wet messy khoa san song gran night,

some lovely thia gal said hello to me, i stopped, we chatted, she bought me breakfast, we went to my place and were a couple for three years!!!!

Odd thing, she was Christian and i am Buddhist!!!

OMG and a virgin to boot!!!

well not for very long after b-fast but i think i said too much now

Sorry to take this up ...but was your new g/f 14, 15, 16 years old? Hard to understand, if she was an adult, who had saved her virginity for so long, that she would give it up after a few hours and a breakfast ...to a guy she just met??

In the West, in a similar situation, I doubt any women would even THINK of trying to say she was a virgin (when she isn't), however, something about the "allure" of Eastern women and virginity, it seems to come up quite a lot, and is believed quite a lot. Maybe too many romance/adventure novels about Asia, that also, are not quite true??

However, I guess it made you happy, and that is all that matters, right? My great memories of Thailand, are probably mostly flawed, or actually, I am sure they are/were.

I agree with you, amykat. This site attracts some strange creatures right out of the gutter.

Not sue why anyone needs to focus on the virgin thing.

It is soooooooo moot.

I said many nice things but the focus is on a very small silly point!!!

(maybe NICE on TV is a four letter word! IDK)

Often, too often, people on TV never cease to surprise me when they focus on the lowest and most unimportant points.

(and the level of negativity is magnifique!!!!!)

telling actually, quite telling and often missing the point and meaning behind the thread!

please. also, if you can bear this in mind, it may be helpful:


Now, as you were tongue.png

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Sometimes I really believe that my fondest memory of Thailand

Is my most recent meal.

Thailand food is so good I just have no time to think about much else

And, when someone asks me what I most pleased about it is that no matter what I eat here, within reason,

It is always better than I have eaten anywhere else.

Oh yes, I knew this would be true even before I returned to Thailand this time.

Even if it is Lamb Vindaloo which I had at the BKK airport just before boarding one flight back to Taipei,

This was the fondest memory of Thailand

My last meal in Bangkok.

I used to often dream about Lamb Vindaloo Thai Style.

Why is the food here so good?

This is what fondest memories are made of.

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This thread ought to be interesting to read if i have the time.

Yes too many to list, about one a week sometimes.

My first night in Thailand was something else but a bit x rated.

Some weeks later, at about three in the morning, on a wet messy khoa san song gran night,

some lovely thia gal said hello to me, i stopped, we chatted, she bought me breakfast, we went to my place and were a couple for three years!!!!

Odd thing, she was Christian and i am Buddhist!!!

OMG and a virgin to boot!!!

well not for very long after b-fast but i think i said too much now

Sorry to take this up ...but was your new g/f 14, 15, 16 years old? Hard to understand, if she was an adult, who had saved her virginity for so long, that she would give it up after a few hours and a breakfast ...to a guy she just met??

In the West, in a similar situation, I doubt any women would even THINK of trying to say she was a virgin (when she isn't), however, something about the "allure" of Eastern women and virginity, it seems to come up quite a lot, and is believed quite a lot. Maybe too many romance/adventure novels about Asia, that also, are not quite true??

However, I guess it made you happy, and that is all that matters, right? My great memories of Thailand, are probably mostly flawed, or actually, I am sure they are/were.

I agree with you, amykat. This site attracts some strange creatures right out of the gutter.

Not sue why anyone needs to focus on the virgin thing.

It is soooooooo moot.

I said many nice things but the focus is on a very small silly point!!!

(maybe NICE on TV is a four letter word! IDK)

Often, too often, people on TV never cease to surprise me when they focus on the lowest and most unimportant points.

(and the level of negativity is magnifique!!!!!)

telling actually, quite telling and often missing the point and meaning behind the thread!

please. also, if you can bear this in mind, it may be helpful:


Now, as you were tongue.png

Hi Infinity11,

Sorry, I didn't mean anything nasty in my comments! I think Renee took that a different way than I meant, certainly. I just meant to say, that many, many guys, report "meeting virgins" or conquering them, whatever, here. It may not have been that important to you ...I guess many guys say it isn't so great anyway ... my comment was meant simply to imply that your new lady was probably lying about that (maybe Renee thought I meant that you had taken on a very young girl ...I didn't mean that at all).

There seems to be a certain set of lies, that Thai ladies (and maybe other ladies in similar places) have learned, some men like to hear, so they tend to use those, over and over. I'm pretty sure that the virgin part, lends a lot of "something" to your story, so I think it is a bit important ...but I really didn't mean to insult you!

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Too many good memories to mention, had a broken heart a couple of times but my first good memory was so overpowering at the time it brought tears of excitement. It was my second or third day in Thailand on my first trip when it suddenly occurred to me I'd found a place I genuinely loved. I was in the back of a tuk tuk and yelled with excitement. That affection for Thailand has never left me.

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ill put my bit in,

right ive got to say the birth of little janet 1st sept last year,

but i also cant forget the smile on my now wifes face, when after 2 months away i came back to the restraunt were she worked,

i had been talking to her through my friends wife as mac couldnt speak english and i couldnt speak thai,

but that was all, talking,txting,(thats another story,)lol,

anyway i went back to work for 2 months, but couldnt get this young girl out my head, and i no there is plenty of them, but she was, i dont no,

anyway when i got back we went out and there she was,

and ill never forget the smile on her face that night when i worked in for the rest of my life,

and bless her she still smiles like that to this day when i get back from a trip working, weather it be 1 month or 6, that smile is allways there waiting for me,,

yes the silly sods at it again,,lol,

thats just me


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