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BMTA works to fight sexual harassment on public buses


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BMTA works to fight sexual harassment on public buses
Pravit Rojanaphruk
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- The Bangkok Mass Transit Authority (BMTA) launched a campaign last week to educate bus drivers, conductors and passengers about what behaviour is sexual harassment and how it can be dealt with. It has also released some 10,000 stickers, pamphlets and video clips to help the effort.

Teeranat Kanjanauksorn Foundation, in collaboration with the BMTA, initiated the project after an internal survey a year ago revealed that sexual harassment was rife on public buses.

Naiyana Suphapueng, the foundation's coordinator, said some BMTA staff did not know what constituted as sexual harassment and, more often than not, offenders get away with infringing on the rights of women - be they bus staff or passengers.

She said some female bus conductors had either become so used to sexual taunts that they ignore it or choose to skip work in order to avoid offending male colleagues - an action that has resulted in a drop in productivity. This the reason why the BMTA had decided to sit up and take note of the issue, she said.

So far, many of the 14,000 of the BMTA's staff have attended classes conducted by committees at each of the eight bus districts in Bangkok and its vicinity. In a move to reinforce measures, certain volunteers have been enlisted to detect cases of sexual harassment.

Young, good-looking women - be they staff or passengers - are the most vulnerable to sexual harassment, Naiyana said.

She added that though most women knew that physical harassment, such as groping, could be dealt with legally, not many know how to deal with leering looks or offending comments.

"Sometimes, male passengers ask young bus conductors if they'd want to go live with them, while others touch or caress the conductor when collecting the ticket or handing over the fare," Naiyana said. She previously worked as a commissioner at the National Human Rights Commission.

As for male bus drivers, it is not uncommon to hear them say things like they would love to have sexual relations with a good-looking colleague, or male executives openly offering young female bus conductors a cushy desk job in exchange for sexual favours.

Young female passengers also often fallen prey to groups of leering or aggressive young men, though sometimes bus drivers have the wherewithal to lock the bus doors and drive to the nearest police station to have the offenders arrested.

Naiyana explained that stickers will be posted on buses and other means of public transport to explain different forms of sexual harassment. "This is only the first phase," she said. "We encourage the organisation to continue working on it. Previously, many people did not even know that what they were doing was wrong."

Yong Chimplee, who has worked as a BMTA bus conductor for some time and is now plying the bus No 13 route, is one person working to help crackdown on this problem.

She said that though she hoped the problem was eradicated, it would take a long time. But she said that since the campaign was launched, staff members at all levels were more aware of the issue.

"Previously, everybody thought it was just teasing and that it was acceptable," she said, adding that members of staff were also more willing to help passengers suffering from harassment.

-- The Nation 2013-08-31

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BMTA themselves still have a long way to go to fully understand the nature and complexity of the problems. Nowhere do I see any differentiation between "sexual harrassment" and sexual assault, or any real proactive measures to eradicate either. There is a big difference between saying " hey babe, you want to have sex with me "( sexual harrassment) and groping, grabbing or rubbing your organs against someone of the opposite sex (sexual assault). They have made a good beginning, but they have a long way to go.

I suppose when BMTA starts to get complaints from empowered passengers, complaining that some guy has had an orgasm while rubbing against her, BMTA will see the depth of the problem. This type of behaviour is what led to the female only cars in the Japanese subways.

Edited by tigermonkey
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BMTA themselves still have a long way to go to fully understand the nature and complexity of the problems. Nowhere do I see any differentiation between "sexual harrassment" and sexual assault, or any real proactive measures to eradicate either. There is a big difference between saying " hey babe, you want to have sex with me "( sexual harrassment) and groping, grabbing or rubbing your organs against someone of the opposite sex (sexual assault). They have made a good beginning, but they have a long way to go.

I suppose when BMTA starts to get complaints from empowered passengers, complaining that some guy has had an orgasm while rubbing against her, BMTA will see the depth of the problem. This type of behaviour is what led to the female only cars in the Japanese subways.

My God, you sick person. Nobody should have to go to work worrying about sexual assault or sexual harassment or anything in between

Edited by Mudcrab
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BMTA themselves still have a long way to go to fully understand the nature and complexity of the problems. Nowhere do I see any differentiation between "sexual harrassment" and sexual assault, or any real proactive measures to eradicate either. There is a big difference between saying " hey babe, you want to have sex with me "( sexual harrassment) and groping, grabbing or rubbing your organs against someone of the opposite sex (sexual assault). They have made a good beginning, but they have a long way to go.

I suppose when BMTA starts to get complaints from empowered passengers, complaining that some guy has had an orgasm while rubbing against her, BMTA will see the depth of the problem. This type of behaviour is what led to the female only cars in the Japanese subways.

My God, you sick person. Nobody should have to go to work worrying about sexual assault or sexual harassment or anything in between

And as for us oldsters 70 + When I go to the police they do nothing, so I just have to put up with all the sexual hassle, it's awful, so every day I have to go through this again. wub.png

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BMTA themselves still have a long way to go to fully understand the nature and complexity of the problems. Nowhere do I see any differentiation between "sexual harrassment" and sexual assault, or any real proactive measures to eradicate either. There is a big difference between saying " hey babe, you want to have sex with me "( sexual harrassment) and groping, grabbing or rubbing your organs against someone of the opposite sex (sexual assault). They have made a good beginning, but they have a long way to go.

I suppose when BMTA starts to get complaints from empowered passengers, complaining that some guy has had an orgasm while rubbing against her, BMTA will see the depth of the problem. This type of behaviour is what led to the female only cars in the Japanese subways.

My God, you sick person. Nobody should have to go to work worrying about sexual assault or sexual harassment or anything in between

Just how does anything that I said, in any way, make me a " sick person". You really should try taking a remedial reading course. I am only talking about the realties of eradicating the problem.

... as for "My God" that you flaunt, I believe In care, nurturing and understanding of my fellow human beings, but then I am a Christian.

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....how about actually charging people with a crime....

...stickers....posters.....will that accomplish anything...except litter...

....touching anyone without their consent.....or harassing them....is a crime..

...when perverts or predators actually get arrested.......or face hefty fines.....people will start to get the message....

...maybe panic buttons....exterior alert/alarm lights....and police intervention....

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And as for us oldsters 70 + When I go to the police they do nothing, so I just have to put up with all the sexual hassle, it's awful, so every day I have to go through this again. wub.png

just be grateful your are still attractive to many some a few peoplesmile.png

Edited by uty6543
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I find mostly that the old women taking money try sitting on people's shoulders so they don't fall over. I often say 'I am not a chair !' but they don't listen so now and then I will poke them in the ass with my finger to tell them to get off me. During rush hour the buses get so full that everyone rubs against everyone regardless of whether they want to or not. Many times I have turned to people saying 'can you please stop rubbing yuor penis on me, I am not gay !'. This is part pf the problem, we need more busses that are not over flowing with 100 people standing in a space fit for 30 people ! We need people who are fit for the job, good drivers who know how to drive and money takers who are fit enough.

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....how about actually charging people with a crime....

...stickers....posters.....will that accomplish anything...except litter...

....touching anyone without their consent.....or harassing them....is a crime..

...when perverts or predators actually get arrested.......or face hefty fines.....people will start to get the message....

...maybe panic buttons....exterior alert/alarm lights....and police intervention....

I think so. I heard the arrests but I never heard any perverts got jailed by this, despite the fact that the maximum jail term is 10 years for the charge. Maximum fine by the law the court can order is 20,000B, which is very petty in my idea.

Even it's a crime, the victim can also legally lift the charge. Ironically, the police will always go this way because they are too lazy to bring them to the court (police always want to skip the court anyway). It is understandable for the women anyway because the legal process of that would not be so pleasure for women.

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And as for us oldsters 70 + When I go to the police they do nothing, so I just have to put up with all the sexual hassle, it's awful, so every day I have to go through this again. wub.png

just be grateful your are still attractive to many some a few peoplesmile.png

ATM card is the secret here mostly. But as an x class 1 football ref, still have a bit of life/zest intact and can still out run most with zimmer frames.giggle.gif

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