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How About A Good News Thread?


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As many seem to be so fed up with threads about jumpers and other sordid happemnings in Pattata, how about balancing it by stories showing the good side of our gentle hosts, especially ones that may seem trivial, but would never happen in a million years in our home countries.

Here's one to get the thread going.

I bank at Kasikorn Thai on Sukhumvit in the Na Klua area. The bank has 2 ATM machines in its forecourt. The other day I went there to carry out some transactions, but couldn't get either machine to work. There was a couple of itinerant lottery sellers perched on their haunches a few yards away. When they saw my bewilderment, they came over and showed me that I must press the 'withdrawal' key to proceed to the main menu as the machines were out of ATM slips. Once I had pressed this key, I could carry out multiple transactions. This was not at all obvious, and without the lottery sellers help, I would have had to go into the bank where there was probably a 2 hour queue.

As I walked away, I noticed that the 2 lottery sellers were helping every customer who came along how to use the machines. Sure the cynics may say they were hoping to make a sale - but I didn't see anyone buying, and they continued to assist every customer with a friendly smile.

Can you imagine a street hawker in London helping you to use a cranky ATM Machine? Probably, then mug you for the cash you took out.

Any more stories for our 'gentle kind Thais ' thread?

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As many seem to be so fed up with threads about jumpers and other sordid happemnings in Pattata, how about balancing it by stories showing the good side of our gentle hosts, especially ones that may seem trivial, but would never happen in a million years in our home countries.

Nice story Mobi... and well told too... :D

I too, stop regularly at that particular Kasikorn branch ATM... for a quick "cash fix" on the way to work... and the lottery sellers that park there in the mornings are always helpful and polite. I always point to my car's number plate and ask them if they've got my "lucky number". :o

It's an example of one of the many things that make living here so great... :D

We do however, tend to take the good things for granted... and our gracious Thai hosts don't ever make it to the forefront of news happenings... :D only when there's a problem. :D

I agree... but we have tried it before on TV (and I seriously wish that it could have kicked off)... to establish a "Pattaya Happy" thread... one that promotes the positive side that us locals all know exists.


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Hmmm, I didn't get robbed today. :o

Nice Thai people spent most of the day making sure I didn't get too dried out by the little bit of sun we had, and they helpfully applied white powder to my white face to ensure it wouldn't get darkened by that sunshine ! :D

The wee little ankle-biters were especially helpful with this personal attention :D

Most of them didn't seem to get too upset when I returned the favour either !

Another Thai person thoughtfully supplied me with little plastic bags to put my wallet, mobile and other valuables in, to keep them dry.

They also fed me Thai food, and when they found out I don't like Scotch Whiskey, they bought me a bottle of Mekong :D

Such nice people, they even invited me to come back tomorrow and enjoy more of the same treatment ! :D

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Such nice people, they even invited me to come back tomorrow and enjoy more of the same treatment ! :D

Farking great here.... innit? :D

Well, there are those grumpy people that won't tell other people where they live for some strange reason :o

I was going to go enjoy the festivities downtown tonight, but then I remembered that with the elections tomorrow, there's not supposed to be any alcohol sold tonight :D

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Well there were a number of people who were having a gripe about bad news who I thought would have been bursting to report their little GOOD news gems.....but alas all is silent........

...Oh well I suppose that it`s a good job that we always have the local press who we can rely on :o

Edited by Pattaya_Fox
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Well this is going quite well. :D

Maybe there just isn't any good news to report about ? :D


Bl**dy good job I do not live there. Kan-not stand that place.

I live in Kan (Land of Peace and Love near Ban Pong, Place of Nice People) and that is “Good News”, well for me anyways and to all of you too I suspect. :D down Patters way.

Yours truly, :D

You know, :o

Kan Win :D

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There are lots of little kindnesses here that happen on a daily basis. The laundry guy giving a free lift home the other day because the laundry, in his opinion, was too heavy to carry. (OK, they do actually offer free delivery but that wouldn't normally include a person. :o ) The guy who gave us our bag back when we left it on a mini-bus. The guy who tapped me on the shoulder and returned something which had fallen out of my pocket when I'd pulled out a tissue. And so on and on...

Lots and lots of things. They're all maybe too small to mention individually, but when you add them all up it does make a difference. I know there's good and bad everywhere, but I couldn't be happy living in a country where I didn't like the people.

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The first tenet of good journalism:

If it bleeds, it leads, ...

But anyway, a screw fell out of my 100b knock-off sunglasses,

A different guy in another vendor stall put another one in for free,

Didn't have the 10b for the public pisser but the old lady let me go anyway,

Only bought one Singha in a four hour period in one of the beach parasol chairs (I fell a sleep),

The operator apparently didn't mind and still smiled when I left,

There, many acts of random niceness,

I have to get back to the Hot Chick thread, :o:D

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The first tenet of good journalism:

If it bleeds, it leads, ...

But anyway, a screw fell out of my 100b knock-off sunglasses,

A different guy in another vendor stall put another one in for free,

Didn't have the 10b for the public pisser but the old lady let me go anyway,

Only bought one Singha in a four hour period in one of the beach parasol chairs (I fell a sleep),

The operator apparently didn't mind and still smiled when I left,

There, many acts of random niceness,

I have to get back to the Hot Chick thread, :o:D

This is true - almost unbelievable. It happened in Pattaya. Once upon a time I gave a Baht bus clippie (drivers wife?. Mai noi?. Daughter?), 10 Baht for me and the missus.

Driver did not go mental, swear, threaten me with an iron bar, or drive over the wife's foot.

Gosh, I was, I was, I wuz humbled. :D

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Quote.....But anyway, a screw fell out of my 100b knock-off sunglasses,

A different guy in another vendor stall put another one in for free, ....

My glasses are always coming apart. Doesn't matter how much I spend on them, the screws eventually become loose and fall out, leaving me with glasses held togther with scotch tape.

I don't know how many opticians I have been in and had my glasses fixed for free. Not only do they replace the screws, they straighten out any bends and kinks, and give them a thorough buffing up. I have even had missing nose bridges replaced. I always try to pay them, and they always refuse.

Can you imagine that in England?

Here's another one lttle one.

A few days before Songkran, me and the wife were stocking up in Carrrefour. When we got to the check out there was a young Thai couple in front of us. The man looked at the pile of ice bags in the trolley, and he told me to go ahead of them, as I needed to get home before my ice melted. Now I had quite a pile of other shopping as well, but they both gave us most gracious smiles as they gave up their place. I believe they felt genuinely happy at 'doing a good turn' to a stranger. :D

Can you imagine that happening in Sainsbury's in Tunbridge Wells? Go Ahead of me because your ice is melting? :o

Edited by Mobi D'Ark
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Year ago I visited a massage place called FORMOSA(sp?) Met a lovely lady by the name of Fern, she agreed to come back to my hotel but she never showed up.

So a couple nights later I started walking up to Formosa, got completly lost and the taxis had no clue either. I got chatting to a couple of motorbike taxis, spent half an hour with them before continuing my quest for formosa.

I walked half way up the road when the motorbike taxi pulled up behind me and offerd me a free lift :D He saved me a very long walk, I offerd him money when I finally found formosa but he refused, shook my hand and took off!

I then met Fern, took her back to my room and had a jolly good night :o

PS if anyones seen Fern recently PLEASE PM me!

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The police gave me my bike keys back with no fine after catching me going the wrong way down 2nd road, through the red lights after 15 beers and with no helmet on :D

I thought it was very kind of him :D

It was indeed. I once had my car clamped when I was out boozing in BKK. Staggered into Ekami cop shop at 3.am - could barely stand, paid the standard fine and the Captain told me one of his men would release the clamp and I could drive home. And I did.

I'm not condemming you, because I've been there a thousand times myself - but for God's sake be careful. You could ruin your life as well as others around you.

I've finally quit the booze (3 months plus and going strong),, and I can't tell you how great I feel when I wake up in the morning with the knowledge that yesterday. I drove and I wasn't drunk and wasn't a danger to all around me. :D

I've been very lucky. You may not be. :o

Edited by Mobi D'Ark
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Caught out just as terrential rain started and ran to the nearest shop/shack and asked the old dear if she sold umbrellas. She didn't, but I was gestured in for a cup of tea until the rain stopped.

Bless her... :o

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Good thread, I took a group of tourists over to Koh Larn for the day. A beautiful sunny day it was until we boarded the 3PM ferry back. A wild storm hit and took the tarpolen off the frame and we got soaked. When the ferry got back to the pier the taxis and motorcyles gone in no time. The farang girl with us was shivering from the cold. Just then a Thai man with his private covered pick up gestured us to get in. He wanted no money and took us all the way to Pattaya Klang for free, however we gave him a 100 baht anyway, very kind bloke.

Another time I was walking on at Jomtien beach and again a storm came over. I thought I'd take cover under the awning of the tailor shop across the road. The winds picked up and rain fell heavily, the Indian tailor shop guy asked me to come inside. Sat me down next to him and we talked for half an hour and watched cable TV. Never even asked me to look at any of his stuff or try to sell me anything, another nice guy.

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Sorry, thought I'd add another one. One night I was drinking with a group of mates in a beer bar when the bloke next to me took a turn. He blacked out, hit the deck and lost control of his bowels and shat himself. I took him to the toilets and got him to clean himself up. I went back to the bar and asked the Mammasang if one of the girls could buy him a new shirt and shorts out his change, which she did. The girls cleaned the bar and he emerged with his new shorts and shirt.

I took him back to his hotel but he felt ok and did not want see a Doctor. As I was leaving his hotel a girl from the bar was arriving, sent over by the Mamasang to take care of him for the night, make sure he wasn't going drop dead or anything. No sex or money was involved although he would have compensated her.

If that happened in Australia you would have been thrown out by the scruff of your neck by 2 big Tongan bouncers and barred for life.

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That reminds me when me and my friends were in a club in the UK, my friend dropped 6 pills, ended up crapping himself on the dancefloor, he was so messed up he couldnt speak, walk or anything. The lovely bouncers 'escorted' him out into the street where he poceeded to stagger into bins, walls and windows

It was even more entertaining being high on mushrooms :o

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That reminds me when me and my friends were in a club in the UK, my friend dropped 6 pills, ended up crapping himself on the dancefloor, he was so messed up he couldnt speak, walk or anything. The lovely bouncers 'escorted' him out into the street where he poceeded to stagger into bins, walls and windows

It was even more entertaining being high on mushrooms :D


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reminds me of the time when a friend and myself were on the ferry from hull to rotterdam, left the poor ###### in the bar with some random people we were having a bullsh1t with @ 1am while he was cumin up on 4 pills. I retired to the cabin as I was saving myself for amsterdam only to wake @ 7am with no matey in the lower bunk, I went back to the bar as the boat was docking, and hes still there fast asleep with his pants round his ankles, boxers full of <deleted>, cocktail sausages up his nose and french sticks in his ears :o

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