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The Chinese......Another View.

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I would assume the Chinese are more anti-Japanese than American; however, I have no idea what they have been taught. With the internet, maybe they can read more about December 1935, and some must know we backed China in WW2 and saved them from the Japanese. I definitely agree they are learning English very rapidly, and the number of dialects of Chinese in China must be astronomical. I've only been there twice, and it's all generalizations. Don't trust the goods or food; however, the people are generally friendly and definitely smart. I like the Chinese for their arrogance, and it is amazing the Chinese Triad could control gambling in the entire world. That is impressive power and influence. Anyhow, I also remember reading that in 1860's Bangkok was about 25% Chinese, so I'm sure there are millions Chinese-Thai who surely don't look down on Thais, while speaking Chinese and having some deep Chinese cultural roots. Beijing, like Chiang Mai, have similar, yet different, pollution problems; however, CM has better weather. Yes, I first choose the climate. Since I know i can find good people anywhere. sorry for the random thoughts....

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which moron mentions that chinese isn't useful cept for in china?

I don't blame the chinese for having a hatred of the west and please for a western person to call chinese ppl racist is like the biggest joke.

Until you see chinese enslave an entire race of ppl and prevented them from even sharing the same drinking fountain even though they are officially free pls don't call them racist.

Who even cares what a chinese person thinks of the thai or anyone else for that matter?

Would you call a white person that didn't beat up a chinese but just thought poorly of them racist?

No you wouldn't yet if a chinese person thought like that of ppl of other races they get called racist?

To the OP you mean that chinese guy the one who you were the godfather of his daughter had females literally swarm all over him in the bar? Your writing isn't very clear it's all over the place.

Anyway when i notice western ppl writing about china and chinese ppl in general they always or rather it seems a lot of them have that superiority complex about them. Like they just need to add in how dirty, stupid looking, or just something negative about chinese ppl and then how shocked some of them are when they find out chinese ppl are actually very hospitable. Yes they are but notice how everything positive gets overlooked and only the negative remains which is the opposite of western ppl.

I also notice fewer defenders of chinese ppl compared to the thais like few white supremacists speak poorly of thais would get some farang telling him off but it somehow seems lesser when chinese are involved.

Anyway mind you many non chinese speak chinese and learn chinese culture and it's very varied with like over 10 dialects with 2 widely spoken dialect and one if the national language of china called mandarin and the other is cantonese with the various chinese dialects like hokkien(fukkiense), hainanese, foo chow etc.

Chinese ppl are found in probably every country in the world. They have chinatowns in almost every western country i believe. Chinese ppl also dominate the economies of various SEA nations like thailand, indonesia, malaysia, singapore, philippines. Yes some of them have adopted the host country's culture but they are still chinese racially. Many american chinese too.

Also the culture of china chinese is rather different from the chinese of other nations just like how english are different from ozzies and americans.

Anyway i need to reiterate this most ppl seem to love to only focus on the negative aspects of chinese ppl and culture which is ridiculous as chinese ppl are also very welcoming and accepting of others.


I would assume the Chinese are more anti-Japanese than American; however, I have no idea what they have been taught. With the internet, maybe they can read more about December 1935, and some must know we backed China in WW2 and saved them from the Japanese. I definitely agree they are learning English very rapidly, and the number of dialects of Chinese in China must be astronomical. I've only been there twice, and it's all generalizations. Don't trust the goods or food; however, the people are generally friendly and definitely smart. I like the Chinese for their arrogance, and it is amazing the Chinese Triad could control gambling in the entire world. That is impressive power and influence. Anyhow, I also remember reading that in 1860's Bangkok was about 25% Chinese, so I'm sure there are millions Chinese-Thai who surely don't look down on Thais, while speaking Chinese and having some deep Chinese cultural roots. Beijing, like Chiang Mai, have similar, yet different, pollution problems; however, CM has better weather. Yes, I first choose the climate. Since I know i can find good people anywhere. sorry for the random thoughts....

Actually i find it a joke that some western ppl are shocked that ppl in china are anti western. What's new? Aren't middle easterners anti western? What do you think afgahni, iraqis think of western people? Then what do western ppl think of ppl in china and then it projects out to all chinese not from china? Probably not in a very good way focusing only on negative aspects but that is totally fine and then have the gall to feel shocked that china is anti western. Respect should be mutual but it seems that when it comes to china somehow china is expected to bend over backwards. Mind you china is just like japan with the ability to build itself up from poverty. It seems like only east asian nations can do that. Korea, japan, china come to mind. East asians aren't racist in that they won't attack you or make racist remarks openly at you maybe they won't communicate with you or think poorly of you but is that really important when racism from whites, blacks, hispanics means your life might be in danger you will be harrassed yet you won't get this type of treatment from an east asian but somehow extend the definition of racism to them so that they are equally as bad all because they don't think too kindly of someone of another race.

Would you call blacks racist if they didn't rob and attack ppl of other races and just thought badly of them? What about muslims in europe? Oh yes they cannot be called racist.


Throughout history, China has played no part on the world stage whatsoever. I once asked my good Chinese friend

from Hong Kong why this was so. He told me historically that there has always been so much infighting amongst

the Chinese, they were never able to project any outward power. So I have no fears of China becoming a

world power on a political level. They will simply have a mountain of money from selling their stuff overseas.

But I have to say, their saber rattling in the South China Seas sure has those little frogs jumping

in fear........

No place on the world stage? Spoken with the true arrogance of a Caucasian descendant of the European and American invaders that raped, pillaged and stole the wealth of China over the centuries. The Chinese were leaders in science and technology while other cultures were still living in mud huts contemplating the humors. The Chinese gave us the compass, papermaking, gun powder and printing, all of which advanced European civilization.

In return the Europeans forced opium upon a sovereign nation. Who can forget the Boxer rebellion when the 8 occupying forces that saw Russia, Japan, USA, UK, France, the AustroHungarian Empire, Italy and Germany invade to quash a movement to free China of the yoke of foreign tyranny, including the forcing of western Christianity on the Chinese.

Of course the Chinese will have a history of nationalism. They needed it to survive the brutal foreign occupations.

Of course the Chinese are leery of foreigners. You would be too if every foreigner particularly from the west came to steal, force addictive drugs on you and to defile an ancient civilization.

The west created the Chinese of today because of the long history of exploitation. It is poetic justice that the USA now requires the injection of Chinese capital. No influence on the world stage? Really? China is a major investor in Africa. China is the country purchasing the Canadian oil industry while the USA sits with its thumb up its arse.

Guanxi is over rated and over blown. China is a country where an estimated 30-40% of the population cannot speak the official language of Mandarin. I suppose, that shouldn't be too surprising as a great many UK residents and Americans are unable to speak proper English too.

1/2 my family is from China, part of the old colonial ruling class and they didn't all leave until the mid 1950's. Some would have left sooner, but they were killed off during the Japanese occupation, while others were detained after the revolution as British spies, abandoned by the crown. It is amusing to read of the "racist" description of the Chinese. Mild compared to some of the comments I heard from visiting compatriots of the family when I was a kid. There was the Englishwoman who referred to blacks as "darkies", the physician who called Chinese people " chinamen". Topping it off was the Vicar who called them savages. My grandfather told me of the park in Shanghai which had a sign that stated no dogs or Chinese. Imagine that. What would the long term legacy be in the USA if the Russians popped over to occupy New York and erected signs in Central park that said, No Americans and No dogs.

  • Like 2

This is an extremely strange rant you have posted, a real tempest of a topic in this teapot of a thread.

Signifying nothing.

Anyone can see.

Pronouns are a dangerous thing.

  • Like 2

Throughout history, China has played no part on the world stage whatsoever. I once asked my good Chinese friend

from Hong Kong why this was so. He told me historically that there has always been so much infighting amongst

the Chinese, they were never able to project any outward power. So I have no fears of China becoming a

world power on a political level. They will simply have a mountain of money from selling their stuff overseas.

But I have to say, their saber rattling in the South China Seas sure has those little frogs jumping

in fear........

No place on the world stage? Spoken with the true arrogance of a Caucasian descendant of the European and American invaders that raped, pillaged and stole the wealth of China over the centuries. The Chinese were leaders in science and technology while other cultures were still living in mud huts contemplating the humors. The Chinese gave us the compass, papermaking, gun powder and printing, all of which advanced European civilization.

In return the Europeans forced opium upon a sovereign nation. Who can forget the Boxer rebellion when the 8 occupying forces that saw Russia, Japan, USA, UK, France, the AustroHungarian Empire, Italy and Germany invade to quash a movement to free China of the yoke of foreign tyranny, including the forcing of western Christianity on the Chinese.

Of course the Chinese will have a history of nationalism. They needed it to survive the brutal foreign occupations.

Of course the Chinese are leery of foreigners. You would be too if every foreigner particularly from the west came to steal, force addictive drugs on you and to defile an ancient civilization.

The west created the Chinese of today because of the long history of exploitation. It is poetic justice that the USA now requires the injection of Chinese capital. No influence on the world stage? Really? China is a major investor in Africa. China is the country purchasing the Canadian oil industry while the USA sits with its thumb up its arse.

Guanxi is over rated and over blown. China is a country where an estimated 30-40% of the population cannot speak the official language of Mandarin. I suppose, that shouldn't be too surprising as a great many UK residents and Americans are unable to speak proper English too.

1/2 my family is from China, part of the old colonial ruling class and they didn't all leave until the mid 1950's. Some would have left sooner, but they were killed off during the Japanese occupation, while others were detained after the revolution as British spies, abandoned by the crown. It is amusing to read of the "racist" description of the Chinese. Mild compared to some of the comments I heard from visiting compatriots of the family when I was a kid. There was the Englishwoman who referred to blacks as "darkies", the physician who called Chinese people " chinamen". Topping it off was the Vicar who called them savages. My grandfather told me of the park in Shanghai which had a sign that stated no dogs or Chinese. Imagine that. What would the long term legacy be in the USA if the Russians popped over to occupy New York and erected signs in Central park that said, No Americans and No dogs.

The story you mention of Dogs, Chinese, and Parks, is a apocryphal crock of sh__T, my friend.

Pls don't get too far bent out of shape here.

Nationalism is definitely alive and well in China these days.

But very often it is intentionally stirred up by the government in order to create a diversion in the minds of the citizenry, so that the LaoBaiXing will be distracted from the more important topic of how to overthrow their government and institute democratic reform.

Huangpu Park..

The Public Garden was closed to Chinese people between 1890 and 1928 and, according to a popular myth, a sign at the park's gate read No dogs or Chinese allowed. However, there is no evidence that the sign ever existed in this form. Period photographs show a sign listing ten regulations, the first of which was "The Gardens are reserved for the Foreign Community", with the fourth being "Dogs and bicycles are not admitted".[1] In any case, the banning of Chinese from Huangpu Park and other parks in China has remained in Chinese public mind as one of the many examples of the country's humiliation by the Western powers in the 19th and early 20th century.[1] For instance, the legend is manifested in the Bruce Lee film Fist of Fury, where a scene taking place at Huangpu Park gate features a (fictitious) "No dogs and Chinese allowed" sign.

Source Here


I no longer have access to JSTOR, but here is a nice article to read if you do have access. I can only provide here what the GD JSTOR gatekeepers will allow:

Issues in the History of Shanghai Shanghai's “Dogs and Chinese Not Admitted” Sign: Legend, History and Contemporary Symbol* Robert A. Bickers and Jeffrey N. Wasserstrom

This article examines the potency and persistence of myth and language in the context of the dispute, now over 80 years old, about the officially-sanctioned wording of regulations in the municipal parks of foreign-administered Shanghai. Specifically, it examines the potent symbol of the sign placed in Shanghai's Huangpu Park that allegedly read: “Chinese and Dogs Not Admitted.” This symbol has secured a totemic position in the historiography of the Western presence in China before 1949 and is deeply embedded in contemporary Chinese and Western perceptions and representations of that era, and of the whole question of Western imperialism in China. It is the subject both of popular discourse and official fiat in China today. Drawing on a series of revisionist writings and new archival research this article shows that the true facts of the case are both beyond dispute and irrelevant, but that the legend survives undiminished.

For over 60 years before June 1928 most Chinese certainly were barred from the parks administered by the foreign-controlled Shanghai Municipal Council (SMC) of the International Settlement in Shanghai. As shown below, the enforcement of the ban varied over time but for the first three decades of the 20th century it was rigidly administered. Dogs, ball games, cycling and picking of the flowers were also forbidden, but the alleged juxtaposition of the bans on dogs and Chinese became notorious. The potency of “dog” as an insulting and dehumanizing epithet in China undoubtedly exacerbated the insult, and also made the story of the sign's outrageous wording seem all the more plausible.


* We are grateful to several people for making helpful suggestions after reading or hearing earlier versions of this essay, including William Alford, Heather Bell, Chiara Betta, Richard Blackett, Ruth Cherrington, Nicholas Clifford, Paul Cohen, Joshua Fogel, David Fraser, Meira Levinson, Phyllis Martin, Elizabeth Perry, Marcia Ristiano, David Shambaugh, Hue-Tarn Ho Tai, Stefan Tanaka, Wang Tao and our Chinese friends and colleagues.


Throughout history, China has played no part on the world stage whatsoever. I once asked my good Chinese friend

from Hong Kong why this was so. He told me historically that there has always been so much infighting amongst

the Chinese, they were never able to project any outward power. So I have no fears of China becoming a

world power on a political level. They will simply have a mountain of money from selling their stuff overseas.

But I have to say, their saber rattling in the South China Seas sure has those little frogs jumping

in fear........

No place on the world stage? Spoken with the true arrogance of a Caucasian descendant of the European and American invaders that raped, pillaged and stole the wealth of China over the centuries. The Chinese were leaders in science and technology while other cultures were still living in mud huts contemplating the humors. The Chinese gave us the compass, papermaking, gun powder and printing, all of which advanced European civilization.

In return the Europeans forced opium upon a sovereign nation. Who can forget the Boxer rebellion when the 8 occupying forces that saw Russia, Japan, USA, UK, France, the AustroHungarian Empire, Italy and Germany invade to quash a movement to free China of the yoke of foreign tyranny, including the forcing of western Christianity on the Chinese.

Of course the Chinese will have a history of nationalism. They needed it to survive the brutal foreign occupations.

Of course the Chinese are leery of foreigners. You would be too if every foreigner particularly from the west came to steal, force addictive drugs on you and to defile an ancient civilization.

The west created the Chinese of today because of the long history of exploitation. It is poetic justice that the USA now requires the injection of Chinese capital. No influence on the world stage? Really? China is a major investor in Africa. China is the country purchasing the Canadian oil industry while the USA sits with its thumb up its arse.

Guanxi is over rated and over blown. China is a country where an estimated 30-40% of the population cannot speak the official language of Mandarin. I suppose, that shouldn't be too surprising as a great many UK residents and Americans are unable to speak proper English too.

1/2 my family is from China, part of the old colonial ruling class and they didn't all leave until the mid 1950's. Some would have left sooner, but they were killed off during the Japanese occupation, while others were detained after the revolution as British spies, abandoned by the crown. It is amusing to read of the "racist" description of the Chinese. Mild compared to some of the comments I heard from visiting compatriots of the family when I was a kid. There was the Englishwoman who referred to blacks as "darkies", the physician who called Chinese people " chinamen". Topping it off was the Vicar who called them savages. My grandfather told me of the park in Shanghai which had a sign that stated no dogs or Chinese. Imagine that. What would the long term legacy be in the USA if the Russians popped over to occupy New York and erected signs in Central park that said, No Americans and No dogs.

The story you mention of Dogs, Chinese, and Parks, is a apocryphal crock of sh__T, my friend.

Pls don't get too far bent out of shape here.

Nationalism is definitely alive and well in China these days.

But very often it is intentionally stirred up by the government in order to create a diversion in the minds of the citizenry, so that the LaoBaiXing will be distracted from the more important topic of how to overthrow their government and institute democratic reform.

Sorry, no. It is the park that is still open today, where people visit. A small museum is on site with pictures from that era. A photograph shows the rules that applied. I am not talking about the more famous Huangpu. However, even at Huangpu there was a posting of the rules'

- No dogs

- Park reserved for foreigners

Don't tell me this didn't exist, as it is documented. I visited the museum when I walked down from the old Jesuit University generations of my family attended. I saw the photographs.

Here's a picture of Huangpu's rules. How would you feel if you tried to get into a park in your own country and it stated only foreigners were allowed in? If you were Chinese, it would the same thing as saying no Chinese allowed.



^^ You obviously posted that when I was posting. To this very day Chinese men and women are denied the right to move freely within their own country. In the overall scheme of things that is a far greater disgrace than concentrating on an ornate garden 100 years ago.

Think you not? Or prefer you to wallow in White Guilt?

  • Like 1

Would anyone like to post as to how the Chinese Emperors treated their own people? Or as to how Chairman Mao treated them? Being forbidden to enter a city park would have been considered a blessing compared to the depravities visited upon the Chinese by themselves.

Typical White Guilt Revisionism.


Getting your knickers in a rip about this when it was quite clearly stated that the Chinese don't have freedom of movement within their own country today, ( earlier in the thread ) should bring some perspective to these nonsensical and deeply apologist rants. Even that is an irrelevance when compared to institutional Human Rights abuses for which the Chinese are solely responsible.

The Dying Rooms anyone?

As I stated, much of what is wrong in China is the legacy of occupying invaders like you. The Emperors for centuries had foreign guns put to their heads.The Chinese tried to stop the forced importation of opium, and what was the British response? An armed invasion.

Need a reminder to how much of China was stolen/occupied by foreigners? Here you go.


I find your comments incredibly arrogant, ignorant and condescending. Considering the damage that your people wrought upon China, for you to start spouting off about them today is downright offensive. Put yourself in the shoes of a Chinese person reading your comments. It is wonderful that you read an article in the waiting room of one of your health care providers and wanted to share this Thai version of a Ladies Home Journal article, but your comments indicate a complete lack of understanding of the Chinese mentality or of modern China.

  • Like 1

If push came to shove, the Chinese Government could black ban travel to Phuket and/or Thailand just to prove a point.

It wasn't to long ago that the USA wasn't an approved destination.

The Chinese put a black travel alert on the Philippines after those Chinese tourists will killed by the bozo

policemen on their " rescue" plan. But my understanding is that Chinese tourists still go there, so clearly

these alerts do not have a whole lot teeth in them. But yeah , it would be a bit of a wake up call to Phuket

to have a travel ban put on them. I personally think that Phuket has lost the plot, and at this point it does

not really matter what they do. Would be curious to know if Phuket or Pattaya gets the lion share of

Chinese ire over mistreated tourists.

If my memory serves me right, it was Hong Kong who imposed the black travel warning so it was aimed at HKSAR passport holders not PRC, however Honkies still visit the Phils, albeit in lesser numbers, so it really is an advisory not a blanket ban. As for PRC holders not being allowed to depart China without a valid visa in their passport, is not strictly true, up to about 18 months ago, this was being reported, but it appears that lately, this has been relaxed. Of course as China is such a huge country, it is not unusual for the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing


^^ You obviously posted that when I was posting. To this very day Chinese men and women are denied the right to move freely within their own country. In the overall scheme of things that is a far greater disgrace than concentrating on an ornate garden 100 years ago.

Think you not? Or prefer you to wallow in White Guilt?

Well, you have now explained why so many Welsh, Scottish and Irish people harbour some deep resentment.


Very interesting Trainman, I share your experience of being warmly welcomed by my Chinese hosts, and have some amazing stories of their hospitality.  many people have a perception of the Chinese being a dour bunch, to me they are a bunch of warm hearted nutters that drink like madmen. Oh, and the women? Wow, no wonder you were romantically involved Posted Image

The Thai/Chinese are the dour ones.

Miserable, stingy, and unfriendly compared to real Thais.

Sent from my GT-I9152 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Having worked in China, and now spent several years in Thailand, other than in places (geo) the darker skin, I couldnt tell a Chinese and Thai apart? Many I have encountered and assumed Thai were Chinese and vice versa, and of course there is a huge mix of the two races within families.

The point being, you never really know who or what you are dealing with and which cultural points are more relevant. Its best to be your best and respectful and to use an old cliche, treat people as you would expect to be treated and always have a big smile and hand full of cash as back up !

Ps. Enjoyed the OP good reading and informative, thanks for that.

14 years in Singapore and I find it quite easy to tell the difference between Sino-Thais and Thais. If you've spent most of your time around Bangkok then it will be tougher because Bangkok was historically a Chinese city (up to 3/4 of the population was Chinese in the 19th Century, and almost 50% in the 1950s). Chiang Mai people are sometimes tougher to distinguish from Chinese... tend toward fairer skin and more NE Asian eyes. Thais outside of these two urban areas look mostly quite different from Chinese (unless they have Chinese blood, of course).

I had my Isaan girlfriend's DNA sequenced a couple months back out of interest. She comes out as 72% SE Asian, 15% NE Asian (Chinese), and 10% S Asian (Indian), which also makes her a close fit to Khmers (she's 'Lao' from Ubon side and unaware of any Cambodian ancestry).

My Thai language teacher is Sino-Thai from Bangkok. And she's very different from the other (mostly Isaan) Thais I know. She considers Luk-Tung to be 'country music' (which I guess it is, but she looks down on it) and prefers old Chinese style music (though she doesn't speak Chinese). She once told me that Thais use the word, 'meuang,' to only refer to Thailand and China 'because Thais consider China to be the mother country'. I corrected her by noting that one term for England is 'Meuang phu dee' ... she was a little shocked I knew this as was thus able to undermine her assertion.


Very interesting Trainman, I share your experience of being warmly welcomed by my Chinese hosts, and have some amazing stories of their hospitality. many people have a perception of the Chinese being a dour bunch, to me they are a bunch of warm hearted nutters that drink like madmen. Oh, and the women? Wow, no wonder you were romantically involved biggrin.png

The Thai/Chinese are the dour ones.

Miserable, stingy, and unfriendly compared to real Thais.

Sent from my GT-I9152 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Pure and unadulterated garbage that belongs on the dustbin of history.

Your generalizations about a whole range of people do not do your ancestors credit.

Little minds are obviously not for thinking, as you have just proven.

The Thai/Chinese in almost every case are hardworking and have a deep respect for both education and culture.

But what do you really know about the Chinese culture?

Obviously again, not much.

  • Like 1

The Thai/Chinese are the dour ones.

Miserable, stingy, and unfriendly compared to real Thais.

Sent from my GT-I9152 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Do tell me... How is one classified as a "real" Thai?

Does one have to live in a certain geographical location? Belong to a certain demographic?


Chinese tour groups, why do they seem to have absolutely no consideration for anyone else ?

I don't think we could expect any other mentality from people that came from a nation of 1.5 billion only children.

  • Like 2

Chinese tour groups, why do they seem to have absolutely no consideration for anyone else ?

I don't think we could expect any other mentality from people that came from a nation of 1.5 billion only children.

Fair point happysanook. I have been wondering about a possible connection too.

  • Like 1


Very interesting Trainman, I share your experience of being warmly welcomed by my Chinese hosts, and have some amazing stories of their hospitality.  many people have a perception of the Chinese being a dour bunch, to me they are a bunch of warm hearted nutters that drink like madmen. Oh, and the women? Wow, no wonder you were romantically involved Posted Image

The Thai/Chinese are the dour ones.

Miserable, stingy, and unfriendly compared to real Thais.

Sent from my GT-I9152 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app



Pure and unadulterated garbage that belongs on the dustbin of history.

Your generalizations about a whole range of people do not do your ancestors credit.

Little minds are obviously not for thinking, as you have just proven.

The Thai/Chinese in almost every case are hardworking and have a deep respect for both education and culture.

But what do you really know about the Chinese culture?

Obviously again, not much.

I'll ignore the low levels you stoop to to insult me.

I know little of Chinese culture. I was not talking about the Chinese. I've worked and done business however with the Chinese Thais for 25 years and stand by my statement of them being money-grabbing people and their main intent in life is to make cash.

I wonder how long you have lived in Thailand?


which moron mentions that chinese isn't useful cept for in china?

I don't blame the chinese for having a hatred of the west and please for a western person to call chinese ppl racist is like the biggest joke.

Until you see chinese enslave an entire race of ppl and prevented them from even sharing the same drinking fountain even though they are officially free pls don't call them racist.

Who even cares what a chinese person thinks of the thai or anyone else for that matter?

Would you call a white person that didn't beat up a chinese but just thought poorly of them racist?

No you wouldn't yet if a chinese person thought like that of ppl of other races they get called racist?

To the OP you mean that chinese guy the one who you were the godfather of his daughter had females literally swarm all over him in the bar? Your writing isn't very clear it's all over the place.

Anyway when i notice western ppl writing about china and chinese ppl in general they always or rather it seems a lot of them have that superiority complex about them. Like they just need to add in how dirty, stupid looking, or just something negative about chinese ppl and then how shocked some of them are when they find out chinese ppl are actually very hospitable. Yes they are but notice how everything positive gets overlooked and only the negative remains which is the opposite of western ppl.

I also notice fewer defenders of chinese ppl compared to the thais like few white supremacists speak poorly of thais would get some farang telling him off but it somehow seems lesser when chinese are involved.

Anyway mind you many non chinese speak chinese and learn chinese culture and it's very varied with like over 10 dialects with 2 widely spoken dialect and one if the national language of china called mandarin and the other is cantonese with the various chinese dialects like hokkien(fukkiense), hainanese, foo chow etc.

Chinese ppl are found in probably every country in the world. They have chinatowns in almost every western country i believe. Chinese ppl also dominate the economies of various SEA nations like thailand, indonesia, malaysia, singapore, philippines. Yes some of them have adopted the host country's culture but they are still chinese racially. Many american chinese too.

Also the culture of china chinese is rather different from the chinese of other nations just like how english are different from ozzies and americans.

Anyway i need to reiterate this most ppl seem to love to only focus on the negative aspects of chinese ppl and culture which is ridiculous as chinese ppl are also very welcoming and accepting of others.

TV seems to get the bargain basement Chinese apologists.

It just goes to show the Chinese' contempt for Thailand.



Aaaah. Tourists.

I took a flight out of DMK to Phnom Penh a couple of weeks ago. Found myself sharing a row of 3 on an AirAsia Airbus with a middle aged Japanese couple.



Both my kids are learning Chinese at their school and also the weekends.

I want to learn too as it might come in handy one day.

Is it worth it though if all the Chinese are learning English?


Both my kids are learning Chinese at their school and also the weekends.

I want to learn too as it might come in handy one day.

Is it worth it though if all the Chinese are learning English?

Yes, but they are learning English so that they can get good jobs teaching your kids Chinese.

GD right it is worth it,

I love speaking and reading Chinese.

But can your kids speak it?


Both my kids are learning Chinese at their school and also the weekends.

I want to learn too as it might come in handy one day.

Is it worth it though if all the Chinese are learning English?

Yes, but they are learning English so that they can get good jobs teaching your kids Chinese.

GD right it is worth it,

I love speaking and reading Chinese.

But can your kids speak it?

Actually, the 10 y/o can speak quite well but the younger one can't but she's only been learning for a short time. She can, however speak some Korean as she went to a Korean kindergarten. They both seem to be much better at writing. They said I can go along to the Sat/Sun classes with them which might be fun. The writing looks pretty complicated but I used to think the same with Thai - just a case of putting some time into it.
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