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Syria's Assad says Western strike could trigger regional war


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Over the past 2-3 pages numerous posters have fought the battle in Syria from several different angles. I predict that if obama sends in the missiles and bombs he will do so without the consent of the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate will only barely pass a resolution of consent. With that paltry 'mandate' obama will charge ahead ... or something...

He would have got a far bigger mandate for tackling Iran, the root cause of most problems in the region, but he keeps ducking that one, painting red lines as he goes.

Didn't you catch the latest ... obama said he didn't paint a red line ... the world did - or humanity did or somebody did... but he didn't ... hahahahahahahahha - the man is amazing ...

They are all amazing. Every last one of them, especially McCain, Paul, Cruz and pretty much everyone that opens their mouth on this subject. Bama does not have the monopoly on idiocy here.

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This sounds like a great bunch of groups to prop up in Syria - just regular boy scouts trying to save their country / not!

Who Are the Syrian Rebels? A Basic Intelligence Briefing On the Assad Resistance


Really, are you kidding?

Your link PolicyMic is a website for millennials, mostly college kids, who write for college course credits and who write nothing original. Neither are they professional journalists nor do they work for professional news organizations. They write about what they read somewhere or saw on tv or saw on the internet.

The essay at your link includes a photo of the writer that shows him to be about 18 years old, maybe 20 years old. One article there is written by a 14 year old.

How desperate can someone get to find someone who shares his point of view? Citing an 18 year old writing at a website where the article gets college course credit?!

I don't know, maybe some people who post at TVF actually send their own posts in for college course credits too. laugh.png

You are the one starting to sound increasingly desperate publicus, you are clearly in denial about the make up of the rebels in Syria. How about The New York Times, do they just write about what they read somewhere on the internet?


"In Syria's largest city, Aleppo, rebels aligned with Al Qaeda control the power plant, run the bakeries and head a court that applies Islamic Law. Elsewhere they have seized government oilfields, put employees back to work and now profit from the crude they produce". "across Syria rebel held areas are dotted with Islamic courts, staffed by lawyers and clerics, and by fighting brigades led by extremists. Even the Supreme Military Council, the umbrella rebel organization, whose formation the West had hoped would sideline radical groups, is stocked with commanders who want to infuse Islamic law into a future Syrian government".

'Nowhere in rebel controlled Syria is there a secular fighting force to speak of".

So there you have it, is this what you want for the ordinary people of Syria, who lived in a secular society, could practice their religion of choice? Equal opportunity of education for both sexes. To have a system akin the the Taliban regime in Afghanistan imposed on them? Because that is what they will be getting if your hero has his way? Shameful.

Talking of President Obama and desperation, breaking news just now has Obama saying in a speech in Sweden that he didn't say a red line would be crossed, the world did! The world?!. Has he completely lost it? Doesn't have the moral courage to take responsibility for something he clearly did say! 'i didn't say it Miss, a big boy said it and ran away'! "The international community's credibility is on the line', he said. No Prez Obama, just your credibility, and you are blowing it by the hour!

Putin and Assad are brutal mass murderers. I don't believe or trust either of them, period.

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Over the past 2-3 pages numerous posters have fought the battle in Syria from several different angles. I predict that if obama sends in the missiles and bombs he will do so without the consent of the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate will only barely pass a resolution of consent. With that paltry 'mandate' obama will charge ahead ... or something...

He would have got a far bigger mandate for tackling Iran, the root cause of most problems in the region, but he keeps ducking that one, painting red lines as he goes.

Didn't you catch the latest ... obama said he didn't paint a red line ... the world did - or humanity did or somebody did... but he didn't ... hahahahahahahahha - the man is amazing ...

Yes, it really is beyond belief to be honest. The thing that struck me was the expression on his face when he said it. It looked uncannily like the expression on President Clinton's face when he said, "I Did Not Have Sex With That Woman"! About as credible too.

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So it is now official that those "rebels" who fight in Syria are CIA trained and send by the US?

The news article says, "the first 50-man cell of fighters, who have been trained by the C.I.A., was beginning to sneak into Syria."

It says a 50-man group. It doesn't say anything about training Jihadists or al Quida et al, which the CIA does not do.

Maybe reading glasses would help.

Haha, why bother! Either a troll, senile, Chinese or just whack.

I keep seeing all of these complaints from congressmen about Bama not arming and backing the rebels over the last couple of years. Then we get conspiracy brigade arguing US has backed rebels. Do they know something US and rebels don't know?

Your post about a troll is well taken, thanks.

But it did cause me to do something I'd been putting off for days, which was to get the "Putin Murders" article out and posted here for all to read who are interested in the accounting of people Putin has ordered murdered since Putin came to power 13 years ago.

Thirteen years Putin's been in power. I wonder what his next 13 years in power will be like for Russia and the world. xsick.gif.pagespeed.ic.tVTSNn-2vr.png

Putin is a scary man and will go after anyone he perceives as a threat or who may have somehow insulted him. He takes over business (vk.com) when owners speak out or defy him. The Sergei Magnitsky story is heart wrenching. Sergei Magnitsky blew the whistle on millions be extorted by policy and tax officials. Putin threw him in jail, had him tortured, denied him medical treatment and let him die a slow agonizing death. Then Putin had him tried and convicted to ruin his family name after he was dead! The family escaped Russia. Pretty common knowledge in Russia and, especially in Moscow, people do not speak their mind or say bad things publicly about Putin for fear. People in Siberia are a little more vocal, but still very cautious with whom they are speaking when discussing Putin.

Putin sets a whole new standard for cruel and oppressive human beings. I like and respect his no bs in your face style and ability to show up weak leaders, but he is deplorable as a human being.

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I just did a calculation on Iran's missile capability should Iran get a little crazy and decide to target the U.S. Fleet in the Eastern Mediterranean... And it goes like this ....

From a number of points near the Iraq border, Iran could send missiles to beyond the line of Cyprus about 1500 KM or so (up to 2500 KM depending on the analytic source doing the evaluating of Iran's missile capability. I am not sure of the accuracy of their missiles in this class, but two or three such missiles hitting and exploding with conventional warheads in the waters where the U.S. Fleet was firing missiles at Syria would certainly disrupt the Fleet's activities at the very least.

I am not rooting for Syria or Iran -- I just do not want to see any of my fellow Americans hurt or killed because of this stupid decision that is pending.

Well, von Clausewitz had nothing on your military genius.

Why don't you send your calculations of Iran's missile capability to the Pentagon so they can be initiated to the threat. I'm sure the Pentagon will be shocked by your previously unknown calculations and will get right on the case to save American lives, which is your primary concern.

Either way, I know what I'd do right off if I found myself in a foxhole with you.

Edited by Publicus
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Over the past 2-3 pages numerous posters have fought the battle in Syria from several different angles. I predict that if obama sends in the missiles and bombs he will do so without the consent of the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate will only barely pass a resolution of consent. With that paltry 'mandate' obama will charge ahead ... or something...

He would have got a far bigger mandate for tackling Iran, the root cause of most problems in the region, but he keeps ducking that one, painting red lines as he goes.

Didn't you catch the latest ... obama said he didn't paint a red line ... the world did - or humanity did or somebody did... but he didn't ... hahahahahahahahha - the man is amazing ...

Yes, it really is beyond belief to be honest. The thing that struck me was the expression on his face when he said it. It looked uncannily like the expression on President Clinton's face when he said, "I Did Not Have Sex With That Woman"! About as credible too.

To be fair, let's look at what he said. I kind of get this, but I also get how Bama haters would use this to further hate on him.

Is it not true that the World in banning the use of chemical weapons drew that red line.

“I didn’t set a red line, the world set a red line,” Obama said. “My credibility’s not on the line. The international community’s credibility is on the line. And America and Congress’s credibility’s on the line."

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Okay, I just did a quick search and that is definitely the message Bama tried to make being spun by his opponents and haters.

With everything going on the world, all of this deviceness and negativity over every little thing that can be twisted and turned is pretty damn pathetic.

"President Barack Obama said Wednesday that the red line he spoke of last year regarding Syria's use of chemical weapons came from international treaties and past congressional action, and he challenged the international community to join him in enforcing bans on such armaments."


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Sorry for Google translation:

Russia has published the results of its investigation the use of chemical weapons in Syria

04.09.2013, 20:40 |

The Russian Foreign Ministry issued a portion findings of the investigation of chemical weapons in Syria , but rather the analysis of samples withdrawn from the site of the incident in the suburbs of Aleppo .

" The use of munitions was not a regular ammunition and the Syrian army was made artisan -type and parameters of unguided rocket projectiles produced in the north of Syria, the so-called gang " Bashair An- Nasr ", to undermine the bomb as an explosive charge was used RDX , which under normal
chemical munitions shall not apply; in the samples with and ammunition were found in soil samples synthesized in an industrial environment is not a substance of nerve agents sarin and diisopropylfluorophosphate , which during the Second world War, Western countries used for chemical weapons purposes , "- said the agency .

Foreign Ministry recalled that as a result of the attack on March 19 killed 26 civilians and military personnel Syrian Army , another 86 people have been varying degrees of damage .

The Russian report is a scientific and technical document of about 100 pages with numerous tables and charts of spectral analysis of samples.


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Sorry for Google translation:

Russia has published the results of its investigation the use of chemical weapons in Syria

04.09.2013, 20:40 |

The Russian Foreign Ministry issued a portion findings of the investigation of chemical weapons in Syria , but rather the analysis of samples withdrawn from the site of the incident in the suburbs of Aleppo .

" The use of munitions was not a regular ammunition and the Syrian army was made artisan -type and parameters of unguided rocket projectiles produced in the north of Syria, the so-called gang " Bashair An- Nasr ", to undermine the bomb as an explosive charge was used RDX , which under normal chemical munitions shall not apply; in the samples with and ammunition were found in soil samples synthesized in an industrial environment is not a substance of nerve agents sarin and diisopropylfluorophosphate , which during the Second world War, Western countries used for chemical weapons purposes , "- said the agency .

Foreign Ministry recalled that as a result of the attack on March 19 killed 26 civilians and military personnel Syrian Army , another 86 people have been varying degrees of damage .

The Russian report is a scientific and technical document of about 100 pages with numerous tables and charts of spectral analysis of samples.


If this is a fancy way of saying not your typical weapon grade sarin . . . no duh. I think everyone has said it was definitely a weaker version as typical weapon grade would adhere to clothing and kill doctors or anyone attempting to render aid to those impacted by a release. That does not mean it was not sarin released on August 21.

Just a fancy play on words and misdirection.

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Over the past 2-3 pages numerous posters have fought the battle in Syria from several different angles. I predict that if obama sends in the missiles and bombs he will do so without the consent of the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate will only barely pass a resolution of consent. With that paltry 'mandate' obama will charge ahead ... or something...

He would have got a far bigger mandate for tackling Iran, the root cause of most problems in the region, but he keeps ducking that one, painting red lines as he goes.

Didn't you catch the latest ... obama said he didn't paint a red line ... the world did - or humanity did or somebody did... but he didn't ... hahahahahahahahha - the man is amazing ...

Yes, it really is beyond belief to be honest. The thing that struck me was the expression on his face when he said it. It looked uncannily like the expression on President Clinton's face when he said, "I Did Not Have Sex With That Woman"! About as credible too.

Assad is a tyrant dictator who has been mass slaughtering the people of Syria for more than two years now so that he and his small corrupt and cruel gang of oligarchs can retain power and control the wealth of the country. Assad is a mass murderer, a merciless tyrant.

Putin supports Assad. Putin is the guy the European Court on Human Rights found guilty of human rights violations of civilians in Chechnya and who murders opponents in his own country..

We're talking about two peas in a pod, two tyrants who are presidents for life. For life.

Brutal mass murderers.

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Didn't you catch the latest ... obama said he didn't paint a red line ... the world did - or humanity did or somebody did... but he didn't ... hahahahahahahahha - the man is amazing ...

Yes, it really is beyond belief to be honest. The thing that struck me was the expression on his face when he said it. It looked uncannily like the expression on President Clinton's face when he said, "I Did Not Have Sex With That Woman"! About as credible too.

Assad is a tyrant dictator who has been mass slaughtering the people of Syria for more than two years now so that he and his small corrupt and cruel gang of oligarchs can retain power and control the wealth of the country. Assad is a mass murderer, a merciless tyrant.

Putin supports Assad. Putin is the guy the European Court on Human Rights found guilty of human rights violations of civilians in Chechnya and who murders opponents in his own country..

We're talking about two peas in a pod, two tyrants who are presidents for life. For life.

Brutal mass murderers.

Putin: Russia doesn't defend Assad, we defend international law

They lie, plainly. I watched the Congressional debate. A congressman asked Mr. Kerry: Is there any Al-Qaeda [in Syria]? There are reports they have been growing stronger. He [Kerry] replied: No. I say with all responsibility: there is no [Al-Qaeda] there, Putin explained.

The Russian President then said the Al-Nusra Front terrorist organization, which pledged allegiance to Al-Qaeda, has been at the forefront of the rebel groups fighting Assads forces, and that the US is well aware of that.

Well, he [Kerry] lies. And he knows that he lies. This is sad, Putin remarked.


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Recall that the Iranians nearly totally destroyed the American USS Stark with a French supplied Exocet aircraft to ship missile in 1987.

I'd rather recall the truth - that an Iraqi plane badly damaged the ship.

Yes - correction an Iraqi a Dassault Mirage F1 armed with 1,500 pound Exocet missiles.

Edited by JDGRUEN
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Information on Iranian Missile range capability and inventor - in the links below ...


In 2010, the Defense Intelligence Agency warned that Iran "continues to develop ballistic missiles capable of targeting Arab adversaries, Israel, and central Europe, including Iranian claims of an extended-range variant of the Shahab-3 and a 2,000-km medium range ballistic missile (MRBM), the Ashura. Beyond the steady growth in its missile and rocket inventories, Iran has boosted the lethality and effectiveness of existing systems with accuracy improvements and sub-munition payloads."


The Shahab-3 (Persian: Ŝahāb 3‎; shahâb means "meteor") is a medium-range ballistic missile (MRBM) developed by Iranand based on the Nodong-1.[3] The Shahab-3 has a range of 1,280 kilometres (800 mi); a MRBM variant can now reach 1,930 kilometres (1,200 mi).[4] It was tested from 1998 to 2003 and added to the military arsenal on July 7, 2003, with an official unveiling by Khamenei on July 20.

Iranian missiles have a range of 2000 km

Iranian missiles have a range of 1300 mi / 2092 Km

The Islamic Republic is the only country to develop a 2,000-km missile without first having a nuclear weapons capability

Iranian Missiles ....


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John McCain reversed ground again and voted for . . .

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Wednesday voted to give President Barack Obama the power to a launch a military attack to punish Syria for using chemical weapons.

The vote was 10-7. It marked the first time in more than a decade since a 2002 resolution that preceded the Iraq war that members of Congress have voted to authorize military action.

The resolution, which could be voted on by the full Senate as early as next week, forbids Obama from using ground troops in Syria and allows the military response to last no longer than three months.

The yes votes comprised seven Democrats and three Republicans, including Sen. John McCain, who had expressed reservations that the United States was not doing enough to arm the rebels fighting Syrian leader Bashar Assad.


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Former Syrian Defense Minister Gen. Ali Habib, a prominent member of President Bashar Assad's Alawite sect, has defected and is now in Turkey, a senior member of the opposition Syrian National Coalition told Reuters on Wednesday.


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Map showing range of Iranian Missiles launched from land sites in Iran ... which in turn depicts the potential problem of having a U.S. Fleet in the Eastern Mediterranean during a U.S. conflict in Syria ... Iran is run by a bunch of extreme Islamist who believe in the ultimate jihad and martyrdom.



Edited by JDGRUEN
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Doesn't seem much sense in keeping repeating over and over again Assad bad, Putin bad as some sort of excuse for bombing Syria.

Consider the Syrian people and what sort of Govt would they get if Assad is routed.

Look at post #152 for an example.

Do you really think that is what the majority of Syrian people want, a forced Islamic state with Shiite law?

Would that be any better for them than living under Assad?

But that's not what's important, at present its all about Obama saving face by doing what he said he would do even if it means helping Al Qaeda backed rebels take over the country.

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John McCain reversed ground again and voted for . . .

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Wednesday voted to give President Barack Obama the power to a launch a military attack to punish Syria for using chemical weapons.

The vote was 10-7. It marked the first time in more than a decade since a 2002 resolution that preceded the Iraq war that members of Congress have voted to authorize military action.

The resolution, which could be voted on by the full Senate as early as next week, forbids Obama from using ground troops in Syria and allows the military response to last no longer than three months.

The yes votes comprised seven Democrats and three Republicans, including Sen. John McCain, who had expressed reservations that the United States was not doing enough to arm the rebels fighting Syrian leader Bashar Assad.


Members of the U.S. House of Representatives and some Senators who vote for this resolution will likely suffer voter backlash in the spring primaries and in the fall 2014 elections ... Americans left and right in large numbers do not want any kind of intervention in Syria regardless of the circumstances ... We will see if this is approved even in the Senate and especially on the House Floor with all members voting .. . There are House Democrats who have already said NO!

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Map showing range of Iranian Missiles launched from land sites in Iran ... which in turn depicts the potential problem of having a U.S. Fleet in the Eastern Mediterranean during a U.S. conflict in Syria ... Iran is run by a bunch of extreme Islamist who believe in the ultimate jihad and martyrdom.



Iran is not going to start a war against the United States.

Neither is Iran going to conduct a military strike against United States forces in the eastern Med or anywhere else because it would mean a counterstrike and then we'd have an Iran-U.S. war going on which neither country wants or will allow to occur.

The potential problems come from Iran controlled terrorist organizations such as Hezbollah.

The Pentagon and State Department, the CIA, NSA etc know this situation far more and better than any of us do.

Imagining and rattling on about the "long train of possible horrors" is never realistic. The above post is not realistic, nor are all the other posts that present a supposed and unrealistic menace of war to the U.S. by Iran.

Iran is not talking war against the United States. Only you and a few outlier others.

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John McCain reversed ground again and voted for . . .

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Wednesday voted to give President Barack Obama the power to a launch a military attack to punish Syria for using chemical weapons.

The vote was 10-7. It marked the first time in more than a decade since a 2002 resolution that preceded the Iraq war that members of Congress have voted to authorize military action.

The resolution, which could be voted on by the full Senate as early as next week, forbids Obama from using ground troops in Syria and allows the military response to last no longer than three months.

The yes votes comprised seven Democrats and three Republicans, including Sen. John McCain, who had expressed reservations that the United States was not doing enough to arm the rebels fighting Syrian leader Bashar Assad.


Members of the U.S. House of Representatives and some Senators who vote for this resolution will likely suffer voter backlash in the spring primaries and in the fall 2014 elections ... Americans left and right in large numbers do not want any kind of intervention in Syria regardless of the circumstances ... We will see if this is approved even in the Senate and especially on the House Floor with all members voting .. . There are House Democrats who have already said NO!

Did you get all of that scoop from the website where 14 year olds write essays based on what they've read on the internet?

This one that you cite in one of your above posts:


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It is inexplicable to me how seemingly normal people develop such a bloodlust to destroy lives and families and civilizations. If they were here talking about humanitarian aid, well that would be one thing, but I don't see any of that.

As much as I hate to say it they have become media fed ignorant & detached from reality & sensitivity.

Today they use terms such as surgical strike etc. & detach even further from reality.

They need to see & feel themselves what they wish on others easily.

Humanitarian aid I agree 100% & have said before.

If they need to bomb something bomb with care packages that actually help the

folks you claim to want to help

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Didn't you catch the latest ... obama said he didn't paint a red line ... the world did - or humanity did or somebody did... but he didn't ... hahahahahahahahha - the man is amazing ...

Yes, it really is beyond belief to be honest. The thing that struck me was the expression on his face when he said it. It looked uncannily like the expression on President Clinton's face when he said, "I Did Not Have Sex With That Woman"! About as credible too.

Assad is a tyrant dictator who has been mass slaughtering the people of Syria for more than two years now so that he and his small corrupt and cruel gang of oligarchs can retain power and control the wealth of the country. Assad is a mass murderer, a merciless tyrant.

Putin supports Assad. Putin is the guy the European Court on Human Rights found guilty of human rights violations of civilians in Chechnya and who murders opponents in his own country..

We're talking about two peas in a pod, two tyrants who are presidents for life. For life.

Brutal mass murderers.

Putin: Russia doesn't defend Assad, we defend international law

They lie, plainly. I watched the Congressional debate. A congressman asked Mr. Kerry: Is there any Al-Qaeda [in Syria]? There are reports they have been growing stronger. He [Kerry] replied: No. I say with all responsibility: there is no [Al-Qaeda] there, Putin explained.

The Russian President then said the Al-Nusra Front terrorist organization, which pledged allegiance to Al-Qaeda, has been at the forefront of the rebel groups fighting Assads forces, and that the US is well aware of that.

Well, he [Kerry] lies. And he knows that he lies. This is sad, Putin remarked.


Putin defends international law?!



Edited by Scott
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The terrorists are taking this seriously.

Al Qaeda Warns Its Syria Affiliates: Drop The Cell Phones, Bombs Are Coming

Mark Stout, Senior Editor at War on the Rocks, writes:

Today, however, more and more jihadists are taking the United States’ military capabilities very seriously and this new view probably extends to other NATO militaries, as well. Certainly, there is little scoffing these days at the effectiveness of modern airpower or intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance.

A few days ago when American strikes on Syria seemed imminent, Fatah al-Islam, among other groups, warned its members to be ready for the possibility that the strikes would be on jihadist targets as well as Assad regime targets.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/al-qaeda-syria-soldiers-us-2013-9#ixzz2dysdzchS

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The terrorists are taking this seriously.

Al Qaeda Warns Its Syria Affiliates: Drop The Cell Phones, Bombs Are Coming

Mark Stout, Senior Editor at War on the Rocks, writes:

Today, however, more and more jihadists are taking the United States’ military capabilities very seriously and this new view probably extends to other NATO militaries, as well. Certainly, there is little scoffing these days at the effectiveness of modern airpower or intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance.

A few days ago when American strikes on Syria seemed imminent, Fatah al-Islam, among other groups, warned its members to be ready for the possibility that the strikes would be on jihadist targets as well as Assad regime targets.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/al-qaeda-syria-soldiers-us-2013-9#ixzz2dysdzchS

That's interesting, because John Kerry swore in his appearance before Congress there were no Al Qaeda or it's affiliates in Syria. Apparently Al Qaeda knows better, or more likely it was just a bald-faced lie by Kerry.

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