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Syria's Assad says Western strike could trigger regional war


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There seems to be a lot of that necessary at this thread.

This is just my observation, that's all.

Indeed, seems your posts are included in cleaning up the unsavory comments . . .

Why can't we just all get along . . . like Russia and the US, with Vlad calling the shots, getting closest to solving the problem and showing others what a 'peaceful' solution could be

Edited by Sing_Sling
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A BIG thank you to Mr Putin for a reasonable solution and giving Obama some face saving and Syrian families not having to mourn their loved ones.

Now THAT is a statesman.

If only Obama hadn't tried to be all that and more.


Edited by FDog
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There seems to be a lot of that necessary at this thread.

This is just my observation, that's all.

Indeed, seems your posts are included in cleaning up the unsavory comments . . .

Why can't we just all get along . . . like Russia and the US, with Vlad calling the shots, getting closest to solving the problem and showing others what a 'peaceful' solution could be

A BIG thank you to Mr Putin for a reasonable solution and giving Obama some face saving and Syrian families not having to mourn their loved ones.

Now THAT is a statesman.

If only Obama hadn't tried to be all that and more.



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A BIG thank you to Mr Putin for a reasonable solution and giving Obama some face saving and Syrian families not having to mourn their loved ones.

It's very saddening to hear that people are swallowing this crap.

Assad's troops resumed shelling almost as the last word left Obama's lips.

Where they chemical weapons? Or is only the rebels (al quaeda) allowed to bomb?

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A BIG thank you to Mr Putin for a reasonable solution and giving Obama some face saving and Syrian families not having to mourn their loved ones.

It's very saddening to hear that people are swallowing this crap.

Assad's troops resumed shelling almost as the last word left Obama's lips.

To be a bit more accurate, resumed shelling as soon as the announcement was made by Putin; that was prior to Obama's speech

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A BIG thank you to Mr Putin for a reasonable solution and giving Obama some face saving and Syrian families not having to mourn their loved ones.

It's very saddening to hear that people are swallowing this crap.

Assad's troops resumed shelling almost as the last word left Obama's lips.

Where they chemical weapons? Or is only the rebels (al quaeda) allowed to bomb?

My point was that your assertion that somehow Putin's actions are stopping Syrian funerals is frankly a load of s***.

Edited by Scott
Profanity edited out
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Only narrow minded with some sort of personal or political agenda focus on chemical or no chemical. Of course it was chemical, but that is not the real issue. The real issue should be dropping napalm on school children, genocide and war crimes against civilians.


Syrian government forces have massacred civilians and bombed hospitals, United Nations war crimes investigators said Wednesday as talks began on a diplomatic solution to the chemical weapons crisis.

Massacres are perpetrated with impunity, according to the report which said the entire country was now "a battlefield."



How anyone could even think about taking Assad's side or defending Assad, especially when simply motivated by hate for US or Obama, is beyond comprehension.

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A BIG thank you to Mr Putin for a reasonable solution and giving Obama some face saving and Syrian families not having to mourn their loved ones.

It's very saddening to hear that people are swallowing this crap.

Assad's troops resumed shelling almost as the last word left Obama's lips.

Where they chemical weapons? Or is only the rebels (al quaeda) allowed to bomb?

My point was that your assertion that somehow Putin's actions are stopping Syrian funerals is frankly a load of s***.

If that is your view then you can't say Obama has done anything at all to warrant being a statesman then can you.

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A BIG thank you to Mr Putin for a reasonable solution and giving Obama some face saving and Syrian families not having to mourn their loved ones.

It's very saddening to hear that people are swallowing this crap.

Assad's troops resumed shelling almost as the last word left Obama's lips.

Unless the fact has escaped int the wilderness the whole brouhaha was about chemical weapons, or have the goalposts been changed to include ALL weapons?

Odd that

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Only narrow minded with some sort of personal or political agenda focus on chemical or no chemical. Of course it was chemical, but that is not the real issue. The real issue should be dropping napalm on school children, genocide and war crimes against civilians.


Syrian government forces have massacred civilians and bombed hospitals, United Nations war crimes investigators said Wednesday as talks began on a diplomatic solution to the chemical weapons crisis.

Massacres are perpetrated with impunity, according to the report which said the entire country was now "a battlefield."



How anyone could even think about taking Assad's side or defending Assad, especially when simply motivated by hate for US or Obama, is beyond comprehension.

The only ones defending Assad are the voices in your head - you are constructing the typical strawman scenario . . . and as to dropping chemicals on children . . . I think you'd have quite a few American politicians sent to the war crimes tribunal for that . . .

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A BIG thank you to Mr Putin for a reasonable solution and giving Obama some face saving and Syrian families not having to mourn their loved ones.

It's very saddening to hear that people are swallowing this crap.

Assad's troops resumed shelling almost as the last word left Obama's lips.

Unless the fact has escaped int the wilderness the whole brouhaha was about chemical weapons, or have the goalposts been changed to include ALL weapons?

Odd that

A pity that their was not additional pressure applied to put in place an agreement to stop the aerial bombing of urban population centres. Taking into account the title of the OP how long before the kettle boils over in Lebanon

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I grew up on a 4,000 acre (10,000 rai?) wheat and cattle ranch in the real West of the US. We had a saying for wannabe city boys who drove a pickup and wore cowboy boots and a cowboy hat.

They were called "All hat and no cattle."

Obama is all hat and no cattle.

Putin and Assad?

Think of something clever.

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If chemical weapons weren't used (we don't yet know who by) then the US or UN or anyone would not be threatening to bomb Syria.

The simple fact is that the US and perhaps France were going to bomb Syria because of the chemical weapons use. Putin has used tact and diplomacy to avert that mistake.

Putin has has done a wonderful job, nice of Obama to ride on his coat tails.

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Does anybody actually care about Syria?

Or is it a vehicle to have a go at Obama.

Putin is a tyrant. Assad is a weak jerk.

So what's Your problem?

I do consider the Syrians as people, it is obvious you don't.

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Does anybody actually care about Syria?

Or is it a vehicle to have a go at Obama.

Putin is a tyrant. Assad is a weak jerk.

So what's Your problem?

I do consider the Syrians as people, it is obvious you don't.

I don't think he is saying that. I read that as saying those being real aggressive against Bama and US on this issue care nothing about Syria or what happens to Syria. They are just caught up in their own personal issues against US or Bama.

I have seen reports coming out of Syria indicating that the civilians want the US to intervene provided intervention is not boots on the ground. People on here make statements about how the US targeting Assad is nothing more than an effort to rain bombs down on civilians. I think US would actually be exceedingly careful and surgical. Assad is the one raining bombs, napalm and chemical weapons on school yards, hospitals, neighborhoods and innocent civilians. Syrian planes are dropping ordinance whenever they see groups of civilians whether it is in a school yard, at a market or in front of a café.

Unlike Iraq when Jr. invaded, Syrian is a full blown civil war and could not get much worse than it is now for civilians. In fact, I don't think it could get any worse for civilians considering they are getting napalmed and gassed.

What I hear people like you saying is you actually do not care about the current human suffering of civilians and children and think no one should intervene to try and help them.

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A BIG thank you to Mr Putin for a reasonable solution and giving Obama some face saving and Syrian families not having to mourn their loved ones.

It's very saddening to hear that people are swallowing this crap.

Assad's troops resumed shelling almost as the last word left Obama's lips.

Unless the fact has escaped int the wilderness the whole brouhaha was about chemical weapons, or have the goalposts been changed to include ALL weapons?

Odd that

A pity that their was not additional pressure applied to put in place an agreement to stop the aerial bombing of urban population centres. Taking into account the title of the OP how long before the kettle boils over in Lebanon

This is the crux of it, yet FDog et al. want to pat Putin on the back when he is done nothing to avert genocide or human tragedy. He is just removing the US's rationale for intervention so Assad can continue with his mass genocide and war crimes.

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Update, 2:35 p.m.: "We are ready to state where the chemical weapons are, to halt production of chemical weapons and show these installations to representatives of Russia, other countries and the UN," said Syria's Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem.

They need to be very careful that they don't end up sanctioning the entry of Russian troops in large numbers into Syria. Any "representatives"should be kept to a very small specific number of personnel, agreed in advance.

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ANTAKYA, Turkey Syrian opposition activists tell NBC News that Bashar Assad is getting away with having used chemical weapons to massacre hundreds of civilians, and that giving the regime a pass will only benefit al-Qaeda extremists.

If there is no action, everyone will be desperate. We are already desperate. We are dying. Many will join al-Qaeda. Even the educated will join them, because no one else is helping, a Syrian rebel said.


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Does anybody actually care about Syria?

Or is it a vehicle to have a go at Obama.

Putin is a tyrant. Assad is a weak jerk.

So what's Your problem?

Yet another ostrich comment.

Look at the title of this thread.

Obama drew a 'red line'. It was crossed. He had planned to bomb the place. Putin threw Obama a life-line. Bombing was averted.

How is this anti-Obama? Pro Syria?


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Does anybody actually care about Syria?

Or is it a vehicle to have a go at Obama.

Putin is a tyrant. Assad is a weak jerk.

So what's Your problem?

I do consider the Syrians as people, it is obvious you don't.

I don't think he is saying that. I read that as saying those being real aggressive against Bama and US on this issue care nothing about Syria or what happens to Syria. They are just caught up in their own personal issues against US or Bama.

I have seen reports coming out of Syria indicating that the civilians want the US to intervene provided intervention is not boots on the ground. People on here make statements about how the US targeting Assad is nothing more than an effort to rain bombs down on civilians. I think US would actually be exceedingly careful and surgical. Assad is the one raining bombs, napalm and chemical weapons on school yards, hospitals, neighborhoods and innocent civilians. Syrian planes are dropping ordinance whenever they see groups of civilians whether it is in a school yard, at a market or in front of a café.

Unlike Iraq when Jr. invaded, Syrian is a full blown civil war and could not get much worse than it is now for civilians. In fact, I don't think it could get any worse for civilians considering they are getting napalmed and gassed.

What I hear people like you saying is you actually do not care about the current human suffering of civilians and children and think no one should intervene to try and help them.

Exactly my point, but better expressed.

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It's finally time for the worshipers and syncophants of Putin and the apologists and defenders of the tyrant Bashir al-Assad to face facts and reality. The Syrian government conducted the fatal chemical gas attack that killed more than 1000 Syrian men, women, children.

The U.N. team, which is led by the Swedish scientist Ake Sellstrom, went to Damascus and have been investigating the chemical gas attack for a month now.

Their UN report which will be presented Monday directly contradicts the liars Putin and Assad. Both Putin and Assad have denied - brazenly and shamelessly - that Damascus conducted the attack, instead putting out the bold and cynical lie that it was the work of Syrian rebels. There actually are people here who defend and protect both Putin and Assad, consistently and persistently - blindly.

Those who defend the two sleazebag dictators now have this crucial new factor to deal with, and to defend. It's time now for the Putin and Assad apologists to say the UN are liars in this matter or that the team of inspectors who are neutral scientists are biased or controlled by the United States.

The coming UN report is evidence strong enough and conclusive enough to take Assad and his regime to the International Criminal Court in the Hague. Putin of course and their defenders and apologists here would be opposed to any such action.

Exclusive: U.N. Report Will Point to Assad Regime in Massive Chemical Attack

U.N. inspectors have collected a "wealth" of evidence on the use of nerve agents that points to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad using chemical weapons against his own people, according to a senior Western official.

The inspection team, which is expected on Monday to present U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon with a highly anticipated report on a suspected Aug. 21 nerve agent attack in the suburbs of Damascus, will not directly accuse the Syrian regime of gassing its own people, according to three U.N.-based diplomats familiar with the investigation.

But it will provide a strong circumstantial case -- based on an examination of spent rocket casings, ammunition, and laboratory tests of soil, blood, and urine samples -- that points strongly in the direction of Syrian government culpability.


EU: All info on Syria gas attack points to Assad

The European Union agreed on Saturday that the Aug. 21 chemical attack outside Damascus appears to have been the work of Syria's regime, but that any potential military attack against it should wait for a U.N. inspectors' report.

Germany joined in on blaming the attack on the Syrian government - it had been the only European member of the Group of 20 not to co-sign a joint statement issued Friday at the end of the group's meeting in St. Petersburg, Russia, blaming the regime.

The EU ministers also stressed that perpetrators for such chemical attacks should face possible prosecution by the International Criminal Court in The Hague.


Edited by Publicus
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