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Do you think you would ever fit in back "home" if you returned?

smooth expat

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The west is no place for middle class men, especially after they reach middle-age.

Why do you say that? I can understand that the prime big cities with high living costs aren't good unless you're upper middle class, and I can understand saying that about some of the countries where the cost of living and taxes are really high.

But you can find a place in rural USA where it's just as cheap to live as LOS. And all the while you have first world amenities like clean, safe tap water, people who actually obey traffic laws, wide, clean sidewalks, no litter, no odor of whatever that smell is in LOS, regulated and inspected food and restaurants, and if you are a citizen you don't need anyone's permission to be there. You can own land. I could go on.

Yes, rent or a house and utilites will be more, but you make up for it every time you go to the store for almost anything from a car to clothes to a computer or TV to laundry detergent and basic groceries.


He's just jaded because his wife left him and took him to the cleaners and as a result of being brought up in a broken home his son now works in Walmart. So now he thinks his situation applies to everyone and Thailand is a godsend because there are poor women here who pay him attention which he doesn't get back home due to his age and financial situation.

Edited by Kananga
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Why has Thailand in its more recent history attracted people who so dislike their home countries such as the USA and Uk.? I find it astonishing, and there seem so many.

It seems to me it's not a matter of not fitting in but more a frustration that seems to build on itself over the years. I have no time for these people they are so passive, so hard done by..always someone's else's fault.

Why didn't they do it when they were younger ? These are the admirable ones, they got out of the system early..met a few in the 80's here...really liked them.

In my opinion they have also ruined Thailand as they bring so much baggage with them.

If you were not successful at home you certainly will not be successful here, success being defined as in finding some contentment in life, having good relationships..they might find immediate relief at not being at home , but as with anywhere else Thailand can be a difficult place to live and will soon find fault..

I believe it is just a form of denial. Denial that they failed back home and denial that they are here for any other reason other than this is one of the few places they can afford to be. Not to mention having pug nosed, bandy legged whores hang off them strokes their ageing egos.

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The west is no place for middle class men, especially after they reach middle-age.

Why do you say that? I can understand that the prime big cities with high living costs aren't good unless you're upper middle class, and I can understand saying that about some of the countries where the cost of living and taxes are really high.

But you can find a place in rural USA where it's just as cheap to live as LOS. And all the while you have first world amenities like clean, safe tap water, people who actually obey traffic laws, wide, clean sidewalks, no litter, no odor of whatever that smell is in LOS, regulated and inspected food and restaurants, and if you are a citizen you don't need anyone's permission to be there. You can own land. I could go on.

Yes, rent or a house and utilites will be more, but you make up for it every time you go to the store for almost anything from a car to clothes to a computer or TV to laundry detergent and basic groceries.


My post wasn't about living costs.

It was about everyone at worst despising you and at best tolerating you.

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He's just jaded because his wife left him and took him to the cleaners and as a result of being brought up in a broken home his son now works in Walmart. So now he thinks his situation applies to everyone and Thailand is a godsend because there are poor women here who pay him attention which he doesn't get back home due to his age and financial situation.

Probability says the same will likely happen to you.

Post again when you are 65, and then tell us your marriage was different.

The funny thing about young guys ...... they always think their marriage will be different ..... 50% are right, 50% are wrong.


My daughter (doctor) and my son (stacker) didn't ever have a broken home, they were fully grown before then.

I hope your children also grow up in a family environment, but chances are they won't.

Children in/from a broken home is the new norm.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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Thailand doesn't offer me anything that would make me leave Canada on a permanent basis. but it is a nice country to visit for 5 or 6 months and just travel around. There is still so much to see for the next 10 years or so.

Edited by rene123
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The west is no place for middle class men, especially after they reach middle-age.

Why do you say that? I can understand that the prime big cities with high living costs aren't good unless you're upper middle class, and I can understand saying that about some of the countries where the cost of living and taxes are really high.

But you can find a place in rural USA where it's just as cheap to live as LOS. And all the while you have first world amenities like clean, safe tap water, people who actually obey traffic laws, wide, clean sidewalks, no litter, no odor of whatever that smell is in LOS, regulated and inspected food and restaurants, and if you are a citizen you don't need anyone's permission to be there. You can own land. I could go on.

Yes, rent or a house and utilites will be more, but you make up for it every time you go to the store for almost anything from a car to clothes to a computer or TV to laundry detergent and basic groceries.


I have a friend who has recently moved back to Somerset and he's very pleased with his life back there. I have several friends who still live in Scotland, and they all seem happy enough. I have a friend who returned to Europe from Cambodia, and he and his family seem happy enough. I haven't spoken to my friend in South Africa for a while, but he was happy enough there last time we spoke, and my colleagues here who worked there reckoned that they enjoyed it.

I think for a lot of feckless middle-aged fellows who find themselves left on the shelf things might be a bit bleak if they had nothing to fill their lives, though.

Luckily, with a Western salary, they can afford a few weeks whoring and drinking in Thailand or the Philippines to look forward to each year.


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May I ask, how you get by ..."I won't pay taxes " ?? Just curious.

And why are you going again for 7 weeks, if you normally "REGET" it, after only 2 weeks?

And you are taking a Thai with you (with a 10 year visa) ...WHY, if it sucks so much? And visiting at least 6 different places, that all must suck too right?

And you keep a car there ...for your frequent visits I suppose? Do you manage to register that, without paying any taxes?

Sorry, but I always find it a bit weird, when people say they left the US, for various reasons, relating to that they "hate it". I can believe people come here for reasons that are BETTER for THEM, HERE, like mostly it seems to be women for many, but as an American, who really enjoys travel and living in other countries too, I never have felt any hate towards the US, and I do pay my taxes.

I actually really like/love the US and I don't even visit nearly as often as you seem to, and no longer have a car or anything there. I just wish a massage ( a regular, legal one, cost the same as here, or nearly, and medical costs could be the same, then I would be a very happy person)!

I simply don't believe in taxes. In the USA we are gouged everywhere you turn. And we just accept it like sheep.

Correction: I usually regret it before leaving the airport.

I am taking a Thai with me whom I helped secure a 10year Visa. I had no choice as thats what the USA gives you unless of course you get denied and you don't get a refund. Isn't that a great business to be in, require a fee up yet no guarantee you will get what you have paid for or refund. Its "services rendered" for the extensive research they conduct to weed out terrorists and process paperwork. My ass! Lets not kid ourselves, 10year visa? I can cover the USA and all the points of interest in about a month. Whos to say that someone who fits the profile and criteria today for a 10year visa doesn't have a total turn-about in life, lose their job, foreclose on all their properties, become a criminal and drug addict, shut off by family then decide on that 9th year and 360th+ day to fly to the USA and never come back? The USA gets what the deserve for being so generous with "a tourist visa".

Yes I am going 6 different places with a Thai. A handicap Thai, the younger brother of my friend whom died last year at the age of 25. I grew up there but for people who have never traveled, would never have the opportunity, I am providing that. He is handicap with a prosthetic leg. Up until December when I came into his life he had been crawling on the ground, without a wheelchair or leg thus causing a rather large hump on his back furthering his medical conditions. Early this year we saw the movie Dolphin Tale, a true story based on a dolphin whos tail was amputated after being severely damaged in a crab trap. It inspired him. Especially after I did my research on the internet all over the world I was prepared t fly with him to get a prosthetic leg. Unbeknownst to his family, him and myself I found an organization here in Chiang Mai, funded by the Royal Family. A couple emails to the Secretary General, some photos and the next day we were on a flight to Chiang Mai for an early morning appointment. 8 hours later he had a custom made prosthetic device and crutches. His other leg though in full tact is polio ridden and useless. He often uses it as a stilt to lean against. Let me add that this leg was FREE! Could this happen in the USA? NEVER! You'd be on a waiting list for years and if you wished to purchase one out of pocket you'd pay $5k-$250k+.

So to someone who has never traveled at all (Chiang Mai was his first flight ever), internationally and all the glorified wonderful places and things in the USA, its a DREAM to most. I'm the type of person who enjoys seeing others happy and enjoying things. I'll watch a movie over and over again with different people if its their first time. Thats just me. I'll suffer for anothers happiness. I'm a generous and selfless person in that regard. I will enjoy going to all those 6 places and more if its with someone I enjoy being with and creating a memory. My time on earth isn't guaranteed and if I can make a difference in the life of someone less fortunate, then I will. I was born in the USA not by choice and its nothing that I can change unless I want to be another Edward Snowden without citizenship.

I do keep a car in the USA for my visits. Unlike here in SE Asia where I'm easily accessible to 40+ different countries for under $1500. RT flight or the mass transit here in Bangkok, I need a car in the USA because every mall, shopping area, convenience store, neighborhood is spread out with limited bus/train or mass transit service unless of course I'm in a major metro area like NYC, Atlanta, LA, Philadelphia, Chicago. I keep it on the east coast as I have more contacts and its where I grew up. But you better believe its a foreign car, paid off and its final assembly point was in Japan so even my car has NO ties to the USA as we can't produce anything worth a s***. Unfortunately I can't avoid the taxes that are built into the registration fees or sales taxes for that matter. I abide by laws that I can't manage to scape, so I keep my car legal. But you better believe anything else I can avoid or don't agree with I do.

I do hate the USA and everything it stands for TODAY. 20-30++ years ago we had a country to be proud of, now its turned into a 3rd world country and I'm embarrassed to be an American and feel threatened or in danger if someone sees my passport. I often tell people I'm from "South Canada". After a moment of confusion they get it.

I don't consider myself to be an "expat" because to be an "EX", I'd have to be a patriot first and that I am not.

I don't come to Thailand for the females/males, sex tourism, happy ending massages etc. I come here because I feel more free and safe walking the sois of Bangkok any time of the day and night, regardless of sword wielding taxi drivers as opposed to walking in downtown Fort Lauderdale, Florida. I have the mountains to the north and tropical beaches to the south. All within a $50 1 hour flight. Tickets you can purchase an hour before the flight without being gouged for your arm and leg. I can live here quite nice $1000. a month, eat healthy fresh foods everyday. A meal costs less than $2. A hospital visit that you can actually afford out of pocket. So for my needs and desires in life, Thailand suits me better than what the USA provides

I'm with you on the medical 100%.

So I am not a happy american and this next statement may be jaw dropping to you or most but I wipe my a** with the american flag.

Wow, what an angry piece. Things must not have gone well for you in the US. Taxes? Ask anyone from Canada, the UK, Germany, Australia or frankly any W. European country about taxes. They are really low in the US.

South Canada? Have you been to the slums of Vancouver lately, or seen their prices and taxes? I love Canada and Canadians, but they don't have it better or worse than the US. Certainly taxes and prices are higher there.

I can readily agree that there are places in the US that I wouldn't even want to visit. But as a percentage of the vast land area, they are tiny. They have heavy populations, but they are easily avoided.

The unemployment rate in the US is just over 7%, and the underemployed is said to be about 14%. That's not good, but it does mean that 86% of the population is doing just fine. I am. My friends are. I also have to wonder, with this welfare state, how many of those 14% have put out their best effort, including life planning?

I can go back and forth and I have to tell you I like LOS better for a lot of things, but I "fit in" better in the US than I do in LOS. I will never be a Thai, I will never really understand Thais, and the best I can do in LOS is to try to stay out of accidents and disagreements, and survive peacefully. I have none of those issues "back home."


Lawd have mercy, reading comprehension is not your strong suit. Touche' USA pays a hell of a lot more money to things yet we don't call it taxes..they use other sugar coating names for it "one time assessments" "fees' "recurring fees" "enrollment". Yo are taxed before you receive it, then you ae taxed when you spend it then you are taxed on tax again.

And obviously you didn't get it when I said "South Canada", an indirect reference to USA as the USA is south of Canada Duh!

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May I ask, how you get by ..."I won't pay taxes " ?? Just curious.

And why are you going again for 7 weeks, if you normally "REGET" it, after only 2 weeks?

And you are taking a Thai with you (with a 10 year visa) ...WHY, if it sucks so much? And visiting at least 6 different places, that all must suck too right?

And you keep a car there ...for your frequent visits I suppose? Do you manage to register that, without paying any taxes?

Sorry, but I always find it a bit weird, when people say they left the US, for various reasons, relating to that they "hate it". I can believe people come here for reasons that are BETTER for THEM, HERE, like mostly it seems to be women for many, but as an American, who really enjoys travel and living in other countries too, I never have felt any hate towards the US, and I do pay my taxes.

I actually really like/love the US and I don't even visit nearly as often as you seem to, and no longer have a car or anything there. I just wish a massage ( a regular, legal one, cost the same as here, or nearly, and medical costs could be the same, then I would be a very happy person)!

I simply don't believe in taxes. In the USA we are gouged everywhere you turn. And we just accept it like sheep.

Correction: I usually regret it before leaving the airport.

I am taking a Thai with me whom I helped secure a 10year Visa. I had no choice as thats what the USA gives you unless of course you get denied and you don't get a refund. Isn't that a great business to be in, require a fee up yet no guarantee you will get what you have paid for or refund. Its "services rendered" for the extensive research they conduct to weed out terrorists and process paperwork. My ass! Lets not kid ourselves, 10year visa? I can cover the USA and all the points of interest in about a month. Whos to say that someone who fits the profile and criteria today for a 10year visa doesn't have a total turn-about in life, lose their job, foreclose on all their properties, become a criminal and drug addict, shut off by family then decide on that 9th year and 360th+ day to fly to the USA and never come back? The USA gets what the deserve for being so generous with "a tourist visa".

Yes I am going 6 different places with a Thai. A handicap Thai, the younger brother of my friend whom died last year at the age of 25. I grew up there but for people who have never traveled, would never have the opportunity, I am providing that. He is handicap with a prosthetic leg. Up until December when I came into his life he had been crawling on the ground, without a wheelchair or leg thus causing a rather large hump on his back furthering his medical conditions. Early this year we saw the movie Dolphin Tale, a true story based on a dolphin whos tail was amputated after being severely damaged in a crab trap. It inspired him. Especially after I did my research on the internet all over the world I was prepared t fly with him to get a prosthetic leg. Unbeknownst to his family, him and myself I found an organization here in Chiang Mai, funded by the Royal Family. A couple emails to the Secretary General, some photos and the next day we were on a flight to Chiang Mai for an early morning appointment. 8 hours later he had a custom made prosthetic device and crutches. His other leg though in full tact is polio ridden and useless. He often uses it as a stilt to lean against. Let me add that this leg was FREE! Could this happen in the USA? NEVER! You'd be on a waiting list for years and if you wished to purchase one out of pocket you'd pay $5k-$250k+.

So to someone who has never traveled at all (Chiang Mai was his first flight ever), internationally and all the glorified wonderful places and things in the USA, its a DREAM to most. I'm the type of person who enjoys seeing others happy and enjoying things. I'll watch a movie over and over again with different people if its their first time. Thats just me. I'll suffer for anothers happiness. I'm a generous and selfless person in that regard. I will enjoy going to all those 6 places and more if its with someone I enjoy being with and creating a memory. My time on earth isn't guaranteed and if I can make a difference in the life of someone less fortunate, then I will. I was born in the USA not by choice and its nothing that I can change unless I want to be another Edward Snowden without citizenship.

I do keep a car in the USA for my visits. Unlike here in SE Asia where I'm easily accessible to 40+ different countries for under $1500. RT flight or the mass transit here in Bangkok, I need a car in the USA because every mall, shopping area, convenience store, neighborhood is spread out with limited bus/train or mass transit service unless of course I'm in a major metro area like NYC, Atlanta, LA, Philadelphia, Chicago. I keep it on the east coast as I have more contacts and its where I grew up. But you better believe its a foreign car, paid off and its final assembly point was in Japan so even my car has NO ties to the USA as we can't produce anything worth a s***. Unfortunately I can't avoid the taxes that are built into the registration fees or sales taxes for that matter. I abide by laws that I can't manage to scape, so I keep my car legal. But you better believe anything else I can avoid or don't agree with I do.

I do hate the USA and everything it stands for TODAY. 20-30++ years ago we had a country to be proud of, now its turned into a 3rd world country and I'm embarrassed to be an American and feel threatened or in danger if someone sees my passport. I often tell people I'm from "South Canada". After a moment of confusion they get it.

I don't consider myself to be an "expat" because to be an "EX", I'd have to be a patriot first and that I am not.

I don't come to Thailand for the females/males, sex tourism, happy ending massages etc. I come here because I feel more free and safe walking the sois of Bangkok any time of the day and night, regardless of sword wielding taxi drivers as opposed to walking in downtown Fort Lauderdale, Florida. I have the mountains to the north and tropical beaches to the south. All within a $50 1 hour flight. Tickets you can purchase an hour before the flight without being gouged for your arm and leg. I can live here quite nice $1000. a month, eat healthy fresh foods everyday. A meal costs less than $2. A hospital visit that you can actually afford out of pocket. So for my needs and desires in life, Thailand suits me better than what the USA provides

I'm with you on the medical 100%.

So I am not a happy american and this next statement may be jaw dropping to you or most but I wipe my a** with the american flag.

Wow, what an angry piece. Things must not have gone well for you in the US. Taxes? Ask anyone from Canada, the UK, Germany, Australia or frankly any W. European country about taxes. They are really low in the US.

South Canada? Have you been to the slums of Vancouver lately, or seen their prices and taxes? I love Canada and Canadians, but they don't have it better or worse than the US. Certainly taxes and prices are higher there.

I can readily agree that there are places in the US that I wouldn't even want to visit. But as a percentage of the vast land area, they are tiny. They have heavy populations, but they are easily avoided.

The unemployment rate in the US is just over 7%, and the underemployed is said to be about 14%. That's not good, but it does mean that 86% of the population is doing just fine. I am. My friends are. I also have to wonder, with this welfare state, how many of those 14% have put out their best effort, including life planning?

I can go back and forth and I have to tell you I like LOS better for a lot of things, but I "fit in" better in the US than I do in LOS. I will never be a Thai, I will never really understand Thais, and the best I can do in LOS is to try to stay out of accidents and disagreements, and survive peacefully. I have none of those issues "back home."


A rational well thought out response which is based on reality.

Thank you. I live today in reality today, not some land of make believe as pictured on Mr Rogers neighborhood although that program still gives me nightmares from Lady Elaine Fairchilde. I swear sat next to me on a flight to Finland last year. My lists of realities and injustices in the USA can go on and on but I'd really look like the next terrorist suspect if I did.

I am YeaBiGgiEs and I have spoken on this day!

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Certainly not. Never fit in before neither. I'm a free thinker, I do as I please and I won't pay taxes. The USA is full of sheep. When I do go for a 2 week - 1 month holiday back, I'm usually regretting it before I even leave the airport. I keep a registered, insured vehicle and a UPS Store mailbox that has a physical address for any mail. I no longer have an actual residence but still have many acquaintances and friends. I'll be going back in November for 7 weeks and taking a Thai national with me since I've managed to secured a 10year USA visa. So photo ops in Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Georgia, Philadelphia, New Jersey and NYC around Christmas time are on the agenda. Hopefully will see some snow too!

May I ask, how you get by ..."I won't pay taxes " ?? Just curious.

And why are you going again for 7 weeks, if you normally "REGET" it, after only 2 weeks?

And you are taking a Thai with you (with a 10 year visa) ...WHY, if it sucks so much? And visiting at least 6 different places, that all must suck too right?

And you keep a car there ...for your frequent visits I suppose? Do you manage to register that, without paying any taxes?

Sorry, but I always find it a bit weird, when people say they left the US, for various reasons, relating to that they "hate it". I can believe people come here for reasons that are BETTER for THEM, HERE, like mostly it seems to be women for many, but as an American, who really enjoys travel and living in other countries too, I never have felt any hate towards the US, and I do pay my taxes.

I actually really like/love the US and I don't even visit nearly as often as you seem to, and no longer have a car or anything there. I just wish a massage ( a regular, legal one, cost the same as here, or nearly, and medical costs could be the same, then I would be a very happy person)!

I think that many of is believe that by living in a culture in which we are outsiders, we are ipso facto free thinking radicals and not bound by conventions, which is seen as a good thing in current anglo-saxon culture. Personally, I find myself just the same, and now that Eurosport carry the Superleague, and I can get the raboBank Pro12 on the internet, then I might as well be living in Stranraer or some other godforsaken remote outpost of Empire.

Personally, I find that I can do without chillis if need be, or massage-parlour hookers, and that I can relax and enjoy myself on a beach whether it is 30 degrees or 13 degrees. Maybe some of us can't afford a coat.

I think a lot of us have been brainwashed into the European ideal of hot weather, parties and skanky women on the beach


Thank you for that. My life is simple. Less is more. I live below my means which allows me the freedoms to do what the others who are busy following the Jones' can't. Fancy cars, SUVs, parties, status, the bling and blang, fakeness I can do without. Believe me, I've had it and its not my thing. I've brushed shirtsleeves with celebrities at private functions. I have personal phone numbers to people you can only dream of ever talking too. Never phased me. I know people by first name from all realms of life from celebrities to mafia families to street-beggars, hustlers and prostitutes..the USA has all that and more. Bring back the old days where there were values, morals and when people treated everyone with respect. Until then I'd rather die here in paradise then to live in a 3rd world country like the USA in the direction its going. AMEN

I am YeaBiGgiEs and I have spoken on this day.

wow who have you met? Who do you know personally? Bill gates? Warren? From your nick you sound black so do u know ppl like jigga, diddy, money mayweather?

You do sound a bit like buddha.

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Unlike many responses to this thread YeaBiGgiEs has given a very compehensive answer to the OP's question.

That elswhere on TV he has given very negative views of Thailand and Thai people suggests he's yet to find a place he can fit in to.

I wish him luck in his quest.

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I think that many of is believe that by living in a culture in which we are outsiders, we are ipso facto free thinking radicals and not bound by conventions, which is seen as a good thing in current anglo-saxon culture. Personally, I find myself just the same, and now that Eurosport carry the Superleague, and I can get the raboBank Pro12 on the internet, then I might as well be living in Stranraer or some other godforsaken remote outpost of Empire.

Personally, I find that I can do without chillis if need be, or massage-parlour hookers, and that I can relax and enjoy myself on a beach whether it is 30 degrees or 13 degrees. Maybe some of us can't afford a coat.

I think a lot of us have been brainwashed into the European ideal of hot weather, parties and skanky women on the beach


Thank you for that. My life is simple. Less is more. I live below my means which allows me the freedoms to do what the others who are busy following the Jones' can't. Fancy cars, SUVs, parties, status, the bling and blang, fakeness I can do without. Believe me, I've had it and its not my thing. I've brushed shirtsleeves with celebrities at private functions. I have personal phone numbers to people you can only dream of ever talking too. Never phased me. I know people by first name from all realms of life from celebrities to mafia families to street-beggars, hustlers and prostitutes..the USA has all that and more. Bring back the old days where there were values, morals and when people treated everyone with respect. Until then I'd rather die here in paradise then to live in a 3rd world country like the USA in the direction its going. AMEN

I am YeaBiGgiEs and I have spoken on this day.

wow who have you met? Who do you know personally? Bill gates? Warren? From your nick you sound black so do u know ppl like jigga, diddy, money mayweather?

You do sound a bit like buddha.

I don't think Buddha was famous for bragging about his acquaintances.

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I simply don't believe in taxes. In the USA we are gouged everywhere you turn. And we just accept it like sheep.

Correction: I usually regret it before leaving the airport.

I am taking a Thai with me whom I helped secure a 10year Visa. I had no choice as thats what the USA gives you unless of course you get denied and you don't get a refund. Isn't that a great business to be in, require a fee up yet no guarantee you will get what you have paid for or refund. Its "services rendered" for the extensive research they conduct to weed out terrorists and process paperwork. My ass! Lets not kid ourselves, 10year visa? I can cover the USA and all the points of interest in about a month. Whos to say that someone who fits the profile and criteria today for a 10year visa doesn't have a total turn-about in life, lose their job, foreclose on all their properties, become a criminal and drug addict, shut off by family then decide on that 9th year and 360th+ day to fly to the USA and never come back? The USA gets what the deserve for being so generous with "a tourist visa".

Yes I am going 6 different places with a Thai. A handicap Thai, the younger brother of my friend whom died last year at the age of 25. I grew up there but for people who have never traveled, would never have the opportunity, I am providing that. He is handicap with a prosthetic leg. Up until December when I came into his life he had been crawling on the ground, without a wheelchair or leg thus causing a rather large hump on his back furthering his medical conditions. Early this year we saw the movie Dolphin Tale, a true story based on a dolphin whos tail was amputated after being severely damaged in a crab trap. It inspired him. Especially after I did my research on the internet all over the world I was prepared t fly with him to get a prosthetic leg. Unbeknownst to his family, him and myself I found an organization here in Chiang Mai, funded by the Royal Family. A couple emails to the Secretary General, some photos and the next day we were on a flight to Chiang Mai for an early morning appointment. 8 hours later he had a custom made prosthetic device and crutches. His other leg though in full tact is polio ridden and useless. He often uses it as a stilt to lean against. Let me add that this leg was FREE! Could this happen in the USA? NEVER! You'd be on a waiting list for years and if you wished to purchase one out of pocket you'd pay $5k-$250k+.

So to someone who has never traveled at all (Chiang Mai was his first flight ever), internationally and all the glorified wonderful places and things in the USA, its a DREAM to most. I'm the type of person who enjoys seeing others happy and enjoying things. I'll watch a movie over and over again with different people if its their first time. Thats just me. I'll suffer for anothers happiness. I'm a generous and selfless person in that regard. I will enjoy going to all those 6 places and more if its with someone I enjoy being with and creating a memory. My time on earth isn't guaranteed and if I can make a difference in the life of someone less fortunate, then I will. I was born in the USA not by choice and its nothing that I can change unless I want to be another Edward Snowden without citizenship.

I do keep a car in the USA for my visits. Unlike here in SE Asia where I'm easily accessible to 40+ different countries for under $1500. RT flight or the mass transit here in Bangkok, I need a car in the USA because every mall, shopping area, convenience store, neighborhood is spread out with limited bus/train or mass transit service unless of course I'm in a major metro area like NYC, Atlanta, LA, Philadelphia, Chicago. I keep it on the east coast as I have more contacts and its where I grew up. But you better believe its a foreign car, paid off and its final assembly point was in Japan so even my car has NO ties to the USA as we can't produce anything worth a s***. Unfortunately I can't avoid the taxes that are built into the registration fees or sales taxes for that matter. I abide by laws that I can't manage to scape, so I keep my car legal. But you better believe anything else I can avoid or don't agree with I do.

I do hate the USA and everything it stands for TODAY. 20-30++ years ago we had a country to be proud of, now its turned into a 3rd world country and I'm embarrassed to be an American and feel threatened or in danger if someone sees my passport. I often tell people I'm from "South Canada". After a moment of confusion they get it.

I don't consider myself to be an "expat" because to be an "EX", I'd have to be a patriot first and that I am not.

I don't come to Thailand for the females/males, sex tourism, happy ending massages etc. I come here because I feel more free and safe walking the sois of Bangkok any time of the day and night, regardless of sword wielding taxi drivers as opposed to walking in downtown Fort Lauderdale, Florida. I have the mountains to the north and tropical beaches to the south. All within a $50 1 hour flight. Tickets you can purchase an hour before the flight without being gouged for your arm and leg. I can live here quite nice $1000. a month, eat healthy fresh foods everyday. A meal costs less than $2. A hospital visit that you can actually afford out of pocket. So for my needs and desires in life, Thailand suits me better than what the USA provides

I'm with you on the medical 100%.

So I am not a happy american and this next statement may be jaw dropping to you or most but I wipe my a** with the american flag.

Wow, what an angry piece. Things must not have gone well for you in the US. Taxes? Ask anyone from Canada, the UK, Germany, Australia or frankly any W. European country about taxes. They are really low in the US.

South Canada? Have you been to the slums of Vancouver lately, or seen their prices and taxes? I love Canada and Canadians, but they don't have it better or worse than the US. Certainly taxes and prices are higher there.

I can readily agree that there are places in the US that I wouldn't even want to visit. But as a percentage of the vast land area, they are tiny. They have heavy populations, but they are easily avoided.

The unemployment rate in the US is just over 7%, and the underemployed is said to be about 14%. That's not good, but it does mean that 86% of the population is doing just fine. I am. My friends are. I also have to wonder, with this welfare state, how many of those 14% have put out their best effort, including life planning?

I can go back and forth and I have to tell you I like LOS better for a lot of things, but I "fit in" better in the US than I do in LOS. I will never be a Thai, I will never really understand Thais, and the best I can do in LOS is to try to stay out of accidents and disagreements, and survive peacefully. I have none of those issues "back home."


A rational well thought out response which is based on reality.

Thank you. I live today in reality today, not some land of make believe as pictured on Mr Rogers neighborhood although that program still gives me nightmares from Lady Elaine Fairchilde. I swear sat next to me on a flight to Finland last year. My lists of realities and injustices in the USA can go on and on but I'd really look like the next terrorist suspect if I did.

I am YeaBiGgiEs and I have spoken on this day!

I was referring to the reply to your post, not what you wrote.

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I think that many of is believe that by living in a culture in which we are outsiders, we are ipso facto free thinking radicals and not bound by conventions, which is seen as a good thing in current anglo-saxon culture. Personally, I find myself just the same, and now that Eurosport carry the Superleague, and I can get the raboBank Pro12 on the internet, then I might as well be living in Stranraer or some other godforsaken remote outpost of Empire.

Personally, I find that I can do without chillis if need be, or massage-parlour hookers, and that I can relax and enjoy myself on a beach whether it is 30 degrees or 13 degrees. Maybe some of us can't afford a coat.

I think a lot of us have been brainwashed into the European ideal of hot weather, parties and skanky women on the beach


Thank you for that. My life is simple. Less is more. I live below my means which allows me the freedoms to do what the others who are busy following the Jones' can't. Fancy cars, SUVs, parties, status, the bling and blang, fakeness I can do without. Believe me, I've had it and its not my thing. I've brushed shirtsleeves with celebrities at private functions. I have personal phone numbers to people you can only dream of ever talking too. Never phased me. I know people by first name from all realms of life from celebrities to mafia families to street-beggars, hustlers and prostitutes..the USA has all that and more. Bring back the old days where there were values, morals and when people treated everyone with respect. Until then I'd rather die here in paradise then to live in a 3rd world country like the USA in the direction its going. AMEN

I am YeaBiGgiEs and I have spoken on this day.

wow who have you met? Who do you know personally? Bill gates? Warren? From your nick you sound black so do u know ppl like jigga, diddy, money mayweather?

You do sound a bit like buddha.

I don't think Buddha was famous for bragging about his acquaintances.

No he has his jet set abbots in Thailand (or is it France?) to take care of that sacrificial duty.

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I think that many of is believe that by living in a culture in which we are outsiders, we are ipso facto free thinking radicals and not bound by conventions, which is seen as a good thing in current anglo-saxon culture. Personally, I find myself just the same, and now that Eurosport carry the Superleague, and I can get the raboBank Pro12 on the internet, then I might as well be living in Stranraer or some other godforsaken remote outpost of Empire.

Personally, I find that I can do without chillis if need be, or massage-parlour hookers, and that I can relax and enjoy myself on a beach whether it is 30 degrees or 13 degrees. Maybe some of us can't afford a coat.

I think a lot of us have been brainwashed into the European ideal of hot weather, parties and skanky women on the beach


Thank you for that. My life is simple. Less is more. I live below my means which allows me the freedoms to do what the others who are busy following the Jones' can't. Fancy cars, SUVs, parties, status, the bling and blang, fakeness I can do without. Believe me, I've had it and its not my thing. I've brushed shirtsleeves with celebrities at private functions. I have personal phone numbers to people you can only dream of ever talking too. Never phased me. I know people by first name from all realms of life from celebrities to mafia families to street-beggars, hustlers and prostitutes..the USA has all that and more. Bring back the old days where there were values, morals and when people treated everyone with respect. Until then I'd rather die here in paradise then to live in a 3rd world country like the USA in the direction its going. AMEN

I am YeaBiGgiEs and I have spoken on this day.

wow who have you met? Who do you know personally? Bill gates? Warren? From your nick you sound black so do u know ppl like jigga, diddy, money mayweather?

You do sound a bit like buddha.

I don't think Buddha was famous for bragging about his acquaintances.

By no means am I bragging of anyone I know or have met, I simply wanted to give everyone a better viewpoint of my exposure to the highs and the lows of society to whom of which I have been or am in touch with which would perhaps give my post a bit more "credibility" if I may in the same sense that someone with a degree in psychology can speak on human behavior and not be suspect. Thats all

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The subject of the thread is "Do you think you would ever fit in back "home" if you returned?"

AnotherOneAmerican, who professes to be an American is spending long hours posting into the thread objecting to the statements by Britis that they would fit in easily upon returning to the UK.

A place he himself could not return to as that's now where he's from.

AOA, give it up old boy, life's too short for you to be worrying about foreigners who have a balanced life of their own.

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The subject of the thread is "Do you think you would ever fit in back "home" if you returned?"

AnotherOneAmerican, who professes to be an American is spending long hours posting into the thread objecting to the statements by Britis that they would fit in easily upon returning to the UK.

A place he himself could not return to as that's now where he's from.

AOA, give it up old boy, life's too short for you to be worrying about foreigners who have a balanced life of their own.

I was born in Thailand, so I suppose I am where I came from, but I don't really fit in as I wasn't brought up here.

It makes me very confused sometimes.

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The subject of the thread is "Do you think you would ever fit in back "home" if you returned?"

AnotherOneAmerican, who professes to be an American is spending long hours posting into the thread objecting to the statements by Britis that they would fit in easily upon returning to the UK.

A place he himself could not return to as that's now where he's from.

AOA, give it up old boy, life's too short for you to be worrying about foreigners who have a balanced life of their own.

I was born in Thailand, so I suppose I am where I came from, but I don't really fit in as I wasn't brought up here.

It makes me very confused sometimes.

I was born in Africa. My kids were born in Singapore. None us proclaim to be from either of those places. You're American. Thats where you grew up. Thats what you call yourself on this forum.

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Do you "fit in" here?

I believe I've fitted in very well in Thailand and I have over the years very much enjoyed my time there, many happy memories and many dear friends in Thailand who I plan to visit in the future.

But with respect to the OP's question.

Absolutely I think I would fit in - I've just spent a month back home in the UK - I had a wonderful time and not once did I feel the place rubbing me or making me wish I was not there.

I'd list all the good things about being home, but doing so upsets some members who are of the mind that we can't express any good sentiments about anywhere other than Thailand without by doing so be taking part in slagging Thailand off.

A good life in Thailand and a good life back home are not mutually exclusive.

I would wager that the vast majority of posters who ramble on about the West equating to nanny states, fat 50 year old women, rampant immigration and high taxes lived in some god forsaken industrial town on 40,000 pounds a year. If you have money the UK is a very nice place to live. For the same amount as an overpriced badly constructed Bangkok condo you can have a nice house with beautiful countryside on your doorstep, a BMW for the same price you would pay for a crapanese car in Thailand, excellent restaurants, proper farmers markets that dont sell pesticide laden leaves and proper butchers. If you did well back home and had a well paying job I cant for the life of me think why you would want to give that up to live in the outskirts of Naknon No-nose, or not be able to fit in back home when you see Thailand for what it really is.

Some of us had a well paying job in the U.K and left it for a BETTER paying job here thumbsup.gif . I am one of the posters who "ramble on about the west.." mostly because it is true. After 12 years away from there I still shudder at the thought of going back to live there. My annual 2-3 week holiday back to Blighty just reinforces the fact that the place is a s#*! hole. Getting back to the OP... Yes, I would fit straight back in but I wouldn't want to.

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For the same amount as an overpriced badly constructed Bangkok condo you can have a nice house with beautiful countryside on your doorstep, a BMW for the same price you would pay for a crapanese car in Thailand, excellent restaurants, proper farmers markets that dont sell pesticide laden leaves and proper butchers. If you did well back home and had a well paying job I cant for the life of me think why you would want to give that up to live in the outskirts of Naknon No-nose, or not be able to fit in back home when you see Thailand for what it really is.

Yes you could also have a drink in a pub in that beautiful countryside and be entertained by the local feral youth bottling each other over nothing, have the tyres on that BMW slashed . . . if they can't steal the rims, enjoy blow by blow television coverage of a bunch of slackers sitting in freakin' house for weeks just so they be famous for 15 minutes and have that "proper butcher" sell you beef burgers made from horsemeat

Don't get me wrong; I am and always will be a loyal subject of the Realm. Britain is home but money, material possessions and a nanny state bending over backwards to hold someone accountable if you so much as stub your toe don't compare to the quality of life that anyone with a means of generating income and a modicum of self control and common sense can have in Thailand.

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Having lived most of my life abroad and in many different countries, I am sure that I would "fit" or "adapt" anywhere...

However, I also must admit, that I always have had this "Coming home" feeling, when arriving in Thailand. I for sure would miss it and would be bored like hell, if I had to live anywhere else. But I could do it, if I had to.

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For the same amount as an overpriced badly constructed Bangkok condo you can have a nice house with beautiful countryside on your doorstep, a BMW for the same price you would pay for a crapanese car in Thailand, excellent restaurants, proper farmers markets that dont sell pesticide laden leaves and proper butchers. If you did well back home and had a well paying job I cant for the life of me think why you would want to give that up to live in the outskirts of Naknon No-nose, or not be able to fit in back home when you see Thailand for what it really is.

Yes you could also have a drink in a pub in that beautiful countryside and be entertained by the local feral youth bottling each other over nothing, have the tyres on that BMW slashed . . . if they can't steal the rims, enjoy blow by blow television coverage of a bunch of slackers sitting in freakin' house for weeks just so they be famous for 15 minutes and have that "proper butcher" sell you beef burgers made from horsemeat

Don't get me wrong; I am and always will be a loyal subject of the Realm. Britain is home but money, material possessions and a nanny state bending over backwards to hold someone accountable if you so much as stub your toe don't compare to the quality of life that anyone with a means of generating income and a modicum of self control and common sense can have in Thailand.

I've never seen youths bottling each other outside a country pub. I've never had a car vandalised or had tyres slashed. As with all places in the world there are good parts and bad parts. And to be honest I believe for people with means of generatng an income the quality of life in the UK is better than Thailand. Much safer roads. Better quality food. Accountability instead of cover-ups. Consistent rule of law instead of fictitious crackdowns. Less pollution. An education system that works for the most part. Emergency services that will treat you at the scene and whisk you to a hospital instead of a pick up truck turning up, scooping you into the back and then sitting in traffic for 2 hours because no one cares enough to let you through. There is nothing wrong with material possessions if you can afford them. I assume you have a tv, DVD player, computer, camera, mobile phone in Thailand?

As for watching big brother. Well, I dont have to watch it any more than you have to watch a ghastly racist, violent, sexist thai soap. With long summer evenings I'll be out watching the local youths recreate gladiator in the pub car park instead.

People talk about the west being a nanny state. Try seeing what will happen if you get caught smoking a joint in Thailand. Or criticising you know who. Or finding a good old fashioned grumble mag in the top shelf of the newsagent. Or journalists who are allowed to investigate and report what they find in the press. In some ways Thailad is far more a nanny state than western countries but you dont get the safety that goes along with that control.

My you must lead a sheltered life. I walked in the bar that was not a go go bar. But I wanted a go go bar. I wanted some other things too. So, for less than I would pay for a dinner for 4 in a Medford OR steak house the momma san closed the joint to the public and I had my own private club. To be honest not long. I only lasted an hour. And I don't do it often. Once a month max.

Could I do this at home? 555cheesy.gif

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Don't get me wrong; I am and always will be a loyal subject of the Realm. Britain is home but money, material possessions and a nanny state bending over backwards to hold someone accountable if you so much as stub your toe don't compare to the quality of life that anyone with a means of generating income and a modicum of self control and common sense can have in Thailand.

+ Good Health and a solid health insurance..

Otherwise its back on big silver bird to that Nanny State.

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Don't get me wrong; I am and always will be a loyal subject of the Realm. Britain is home but money, material possessions and a nanny state bending over backwards to hold someone accountable if you so much as stub your toe don't compare to the quality of life that anyone with a means of generating income and a modicum of self control and common sense can have in Thailand.

+ Good Health and a solid health insurance..

Otherwise its back on big silver bird to that Nanny State.

Yeah the health insurance would come under common sense

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Don't get me wrong; I am and always will be a loyal subject of the Realm. Britain is home but money, material possessions and a nanny state bending over backwards to hold someone accountable if you so much as stub your toe don't compare to the quality of life that anyone with a means of generating income and a modicum of self control and common sense can have in Thailand.

+ Good Health and a solid health insurance..

Otherwise its back on big silver bird to that Nanny State.

Yeah the health insurance would come under common sense

Based on this there are many many farangs living in Thailand who are lacking in the common sense department then

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