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Australian election: Early exit polls point to Tony Abbott win


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As for the election I am just glad labor has been shown the door, dont know what abbott will do but it cant be any worse than what labor did, we will have to wait and see.......

I really don't understand this type of sentiment from people.

Australians are currently enjoying and have been enjoying their most prosperous time ever. They avoided the impact of the GFC and are showered with government benefits and tax breaks which make their lives so much better.

All this prosperity has occurred under Labor, yet so many Aussies still seem to complain about it.

Judging by the number of apparently able bodied Australians that I meet in Chiang Mai who are living off of a government disability pension or some other form of public assistance, it does appear as though the Labor government must have been very generous.

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As for the election I am just glad labor has been shown the door, dont know what abbott will do but it cant be any worse than what labor did, we will have to wait and see.......


I really don't understand this type of sentiment from people.


Australians are currently enjoying and have been enjoying their most prosperous time ever.  They avoided the impact of the GFC and are showered with government benefits and tax breaks which make their lives so much better.


All this prosperity has occurred under Labor, yet so many Aussies still seem to complain about it.

Judging by the number of apparently able bodied Australians that I meet in Chiang Mai who are living off of a government disability pension or some other form of public assistance, it does appear as though the Labor government must have been very generous.
Indeed. But they can probably find something to complain about in getting the benefits
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As for the election I am just glad labor has been shown the door, dont know what abbott will do but it cant be any worse than what labor did, we will have to wait and see.......

I really don't understand this type of sentiment from people.

Australians are currently enjoying and have been enjoying their most prosperous time ever. They avoided the impact of the GFC and are showered with government benefits and tax breaks which make their lives so much better.

All this prosperity has occurred under Labor, yet so many Aussies still seem to complain about it.

Judging by the number of apparently able bodied Australians that I meet in Chiang Mai who are living off of a government disability pension or some other form of public assistance, it does appear as though the Labor government must have been very generous.
Indeed. But they can probably find something to complain about in getting the benefits

The common complaint that I hear is that they have to periodically fly back to Australia in order to remain eligible for benefits.

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Indeed. But they can probably find something to complain about in getting the benefits

The common complaint that I hear is that they have to periodically fly back to Australia in order to remain eligible for benefits.

Really? How dare the government put such onerous conditions on the claiming of benefits.

A lot of these people wont be happy with the change of government. Far more chance of a total crackdown under the Libs

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Indeed. But they can probably find something to complain about in getting the benefits

The common complaint that I hear is that they have to periodically fly back to Australia in order to remain eligible for benefits.

Really? How dare the government put such onerous conditions on the claiming of benefits.

A lot of these people wont be happy with the change of government. Far more chance of a total crackdown under the Libs

I might have been told wrong information, but it's my understanding that at least in the case of longterm disability benefits that there is a requirement that recipients spend a certain amount of time on Australian soil each year.

But I agree that the Liberals would have to be even worse for those people. If conservatives in Australia are at all similar to conservatives in the USA then I would expect that going after "welfare cheats" might be popular with their constituents. And people who live on the dole and yet are able to afford plane tickets to Thailand are apt to look like low hanging fruit to be picked first.

Edited by AngelsLariat
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So Murdoch still calling the elections in Oz then ? tongue.png

And Packer. They got what they wanted unfortunately.

I think you will find James Packer has sold off all his media holdings

I hadn't realised..

However, I have noticed the SMH going further to the right and being actively hostile to the Gillard/Rudd govts over the last year or more. And the other day, one of their reporters on the live election stream refered to Twitter as "left wing social media", which seemed a bit odd, if not rather loopy.

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So Murdoch still calling the elections in Oz then ? tongue.png

And Packer. They got what they wanted unfortunately.

I think you will find James Packer has sold off all his media holdings

I hadn't realised..

However, I have noticed the SMH going further to the right and being actively hostile to the Gillard/Rudd govts over the last year or more. And the other day, one of their reporters on the live election stream refered to Twitter as "left wing social media", which seemed a bit odd, if not rather loopy.

The Sydney Morning Herald (SMH) actually backed Abbott in its editorial piece this year blink.png

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Indeed. But they can probably find something to complain about in getting the benefits

The common complaint that I hear is that they have to periodically fly back to Australia in order to remain eligible for benefits.

Really? How dare the government put such onerous conditions on the claiming of benefits.

A lot of these people wont be happy with the change of government. Far more chance of a total crackdown under the Libs

you can huff and puff all you want but finally the peoples alliance has got you by the short and curlies and they aint going to let go any time soonclap2.gifcheesy.gifbeatdeadhorse.gif

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Indeed. But they can probably find something to complain about in getting the benefits

The common complaint that I hear is that they have to periodically fly back to Australia in order to remain eligible for benefits.

Really? How dare the government put such onerous conditions on the claiming of benefits.

A lot of these people wont be happy with the change of government. Far more chance of a total crackdown under the Libs

you can huff and puff all you want but finally the peoples alliance has got you by the short and curlies and they aint going to let go any time soonclap2.gifcheesy.gifbeatdeadhorse.gif

You have totally lost me there... might need to flesh it out a bit more

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The common complaint that I hear is that they have to periodically fly back to Australia in order to remain eligible for benefits.

Really? How dare the government put such onerous conditions on the claiming of benefits.

A lot of these people wont be happy with the change of government. Far more chance of a total crackdown under the Libs

you can huff and puff all you want but finally the peoples alliance has got you by the short and curlies and they aint going to let go any time soonclap2.gifcheesy.gifbeatdeadhorse.gif

You have totally lost me there... might need to flesh it out a bit more

learn how to count

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you can huff and puff all you want but finally the peoples alliance has got you by the short and curlies and they aint going to let go any time soonclap2.gifcheesy.gifbeatdeadhorse.gif

You have totally lost me there... might need to flesh it out a bit more

learn how to count


This is a very instructive political debate.

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you can huff and puff all you want but finally the peoples alliance has got you by the short and curlies and they aint going to let go any time soonclap2.gifcheesy.gifbeatdeadhorse.gif

You have totally lost me there... might need to flesh it out a bit more

learn how to count


perhaps they will double dissolution everything they want to do?

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Yes mate Labour data, and its not accepted and not true if it was they would have been re elected.

As I said before you can all ways make things look better or worse depending on the outcome you want to achieve with spin and numbers.

As for newspapers backing certain parties has been with us from day one and at different times there been in love with both sides.

now I wonder why my pc is doing this this morning....

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Yes mate Labour data, and its not accepted and not true if it was they would have been re elected.

As I said before you can all ways make things look better or worse depending on the outcome you want to achieve with spin and numbers.

As for newspapers backing certain parties has been with us from day one and at different times there been in love with both sides.

now I wonder why my pc is doing this this morning....

It isn't Labor Party data I am referring to. It is economic data across a broad spectrum. Data not produced by political parties.

As for papers taking sides. This election, it was far more overt than past elections. Murdoch papers were quite vicious against Labor, openly advocating Abbott and the Libs as the ones to vote for.

I am guessing from your postings you voted Palmer United Party?

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The Real reason Micro parties got elected to the Senate?

The strategist behind the likely surprise election to the Senate of three minor party candidates, Glenn Druery, owns a lobbying firm selling itself to business as able to ''build a productive working relationship with Independent and minor party MPs''.

The dual roles mean Mr Druery could be lobbying senators he helped get elected on Saturday - from the Australian Motoring Enthusiasts Party, Australian Sports Party and Family First - on behalf of private sector clients.

A loophole in the rules also means neither Mr Druery nor his firm Independent Liaison is required to register as a lobbyist with the Federal Parliament because the firm says it does not lobby government representatives, only non-government politicians.

See Full Article Here

Edited by BookMan
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Silly man and getting personal, if you don't get it you don't get it and it would be a waste of time trying to make you see some sort of reason.

Why are you singing "good time Charlie song?" get real this country was close to its knees because of a fractious labour party hell bent on infighting, in bed with small pressure groups pushing there own agendas.

Carbon tax introduced at the worst possible time, and its meant to be traded like a stock market, someone or two were going to make a packet out of it, not to forget the impact it has had on rising energy costs, mining tax, how stupid well documented ways of increasing tax from mining without resorting to this.

Lets not forget the money they threw at new schools during the GFC...my sister is a principle of a large primary school...she has a great new wing with the latest high teck gear in it except for security, im all for improving education but labours building program was far to large, again its well documented. And lets not forget the insulation scandal, gee I could go on.

Fact of the matter is if there was any confidence from the electorate if they had of been seen to be doing a good job, if the real economy was doing at least ok they would have been re elected, the fact is they weren't and were defeated in a landslide.

You remind me of my crappy football team former coach who saw positives week in and week while we were getting belted by 100 points or more....should have he been sacked mid season at 1 win form 12 starts?

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Silly man and getting personal, if you don't get it you don't get it and it would be a waste of time trying to make you see some sort of reason.

Why are you singing "good time Charlie song?" get real this country was close to its knees because of a fractious labour party hell bent on infighting, in bed with small pressure groups pushing there own agendas.

Carbon tax introduced at the worst possible time, and its meant to be traded like a stock market, someone or two were going to make a packet out of it, not to forget the impact it has had on rising energy costs, mining tax, how stupid well documented ways of increasing tax from mining without resorting to this.

Lets not forget the money they threw at new schools during the GFC...my sister is a principle of a large primary school...she has a great new wing with the latest high teck gear in it except for security, im all for improving education but labours building program was far to large, again its well documented. And lets not forget the insulation scandal, gee I could go on.

Fact of the matter is if there was any confidence from the electorate if they had of been seen to be doing a good job, if the real economy was doing at least ok they would have been re elected, the fact is they weren't and were defeated in a landslide.

You remind me of my crappy football team former coach who saw positives week in and week while we were getting belted by 100 points or more....should have he been sacked mid season at 1 win form 12 starts?

You embarrass yourself by calling them 'Labour'. It is Labor. The fact you don't recognise this simple fact certainly undermines your credibility on the subject .

I find it amusing you say that Labor could have increased tax from mining. They tried this before the last election and almost lost. The policy was opposed by the Libs/Nats. There was also a massive campaign run by the mining lobby.

Carbon tax has been shown that it has had negligible effect whatsoever on increased power prices. Increased power prices is due to gouging by power companies. The Carbon tax has had a negligible effect on any business.

The point I made, which you seem to completely have missed, is that Australians have never had it so good, yet so many Australians seems to be doom and gloom and whingeing about perceived problems that do not even exist.

You have illustrated my example perfectly.

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Abbott's newly elected government looks like to nominate Badgery's creek as the new 2nd Sydney airport. This contentious local issue was avoided by both sides during the campaign. Looks like The Coalition government will announce the plan early in the term and try and let the flak settle down about it by next election. A smart move in my books.

Badgery's has been recommended as the best site for many a study but no government has had the political will do actually do it. With Sydney reaching capacity it is needed ASAP. I hope it does actually go through.

I think we can expect a number of controversial early announcement by the Coalition. They will want time for the public to forgive and forget before the next election

"Badgerys Creek firms as prime contender

Tony Abbott's government is set to nominate Badgerys Creek in far-west Sydney as the site of the city's next airport.

Incoming deputy prime minister Warren Truss said the Abbott government would not delay the question of another Sydney airport by more studies and would base its decision on major analysis completed last year by the federal and state governments.

That study overwhelmingly backed Badgerys Creek, about 50 kilometres west of Sydney's CBD, as the best option. It also suggested an existing Royal Australian Air Force Base at Richmond in north-west Sydney could be used for limited commercial aviation before Badgerys was built.

"We need to identify where the second airport will be built and something about the timetable," Mr Truss said on Monday"

See Full article Here

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Bookman you should have been a politician talk talk talk...face it people don't agree with you, might surprise you were not all stupid and narrow minded.

A politician for Labor or Liberals?

I have no problem with people disagreeing, I encourage it. I do have a problem with unjustified whining, something so many Australians seem to do...which you have reinforced.

You also seem incorrectly informed about how well Australia and its people have done in recent years.

Please show me any data showing australians are worse off now than 5 years back.

So far you have only made comical personal attacks on me. Do you also cover your ears and say 'nyah nyah nyah' when u hear something that disagrees with what you heard on the Alan Jones show?

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I'm pleased Rudd,Gillard and their mates are gone.

Tony Abbott is a man who'll get things done.

When I look at the UK I regret ever leaving Australia.

What "things" are you talking about?

Well it looks like Sydney will get it's new airport and the carbon tax is going.

Gillard can get back to looking after the chooks ,cooking and cleaning and leave

the work of running the country to a man.

The UK needs a man like Abbott who will sweep away the nimby's who don't want to build or drill for anything and the bludgers who just want to live

of the state. The UK population has risen by over 10 million in a decade. That's nearly half the population of Oz!

About the only thing she managed to achieve was getting Howard Sattler sacked from 6PR in Perth.

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I've made a mistake.

Tim looks after the chooks,cooking and cleaning and does her hair.

Howard asked her on 6PR 'Is Tim gay'coffee1.gif

He got the fired but Tim had made a similar remark months earlier. (Have to say I agree with him!)

Julia Gillard has admitted that comments by her partner about prostate cancer and Asian women were in poor taste and it was right that he apologise.

But she defended Tim Mathieson's commitment to men's health causes, saying he did his best to persuade notoriously reluctant men to get health checks.

“It's important to get that message across,” the Prime Minister told ABC radio. “Obviously there's various ways of getting that message across but he's certainly acknowledged that the joke cracked last night was in poor taste.”Mr Mathieson made the joke last night to members of the West Indian cricket team at a reception at The Lodge in Canberra, as Ms Gillard stood behind him.

“We can get a blood test for it but the digital examination is the only true way to get a correct reading on your prostate so make sure you go and do that, and perhaps look for a small Asian female doctor is probably the best way,” he said, to laughter.

Mr Mathieson said today his comments were aimed at raising awareness about prostate cancer and the need for men to get regular checks.

“It was meant as a joke and on reflection I accept it was in poor taste,” he said in a brief statement issued by the Prime Minister's office.

Howard Sattler is suffering from Parkinsons disease.


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