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how to make visa when u are simple people

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Maintaining his residence status in Switzerland phrakeaw can remain insured under the compulsory Swiss health insurance requirement and thus would be covered for emergency treatment outside Switzerland.

I hope that is a well researched piece of advice. As far as I an aware the basic, compulsory Swiss insurance provides minimal cover within Switzerland and Western Europe only!

I , of course , am willing to be corrected ( refs. please in English !)

The compulsory health insurance in Switzerland provides full cover for treatment in Switzerland and cover is limited to emergency medical care for treatment outside Switzerland. The relevant federal law and regulations on health insurance are available in the official languages German, French and Italian. Limited information in English can be found on the Wikipedia pages en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Switzerland and en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Healthcare_in_Switzerland. An excerpt:

Swiss citizens are universally required to buy health insurance from private insurance companies, which in turn are required to accept every applicant. While the cost of the system is among the highest, the system compares well with other European countries in terms of health outcomes, so patients are largely satisfied with it. In 2006 life expectancy at birth was 79 years for men and 84 years for women.[142] It is among the highest in the world.[143][144] However, spending on health is particularly high, with 11.5% of GDP (2003) and, from 1990, a steady increase is observed, reflecting the high prices of the services provided.[145] With aging populations and new healthcare technologies, health spending will likely continue to rise.[145]

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Switzerland

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I am not sure you fully understand about tourist visas.

An entry of 15 or 30 day is a visa exempt entry they are not a tourist visa.

You can obtain a tourist visa at a Thai embassy or consulate. They are issued by the number of entries you request. Being 1, 2,or 3 entries.

With a 3 entry you can get up to 9 months of stay without needing a new visa. This is done by extending each 60 day entry for 30 days at immigration and using the 3rd entry just before the visa expires 6 months from date of issue. You would have to leave the country and re-enter after each 90 day you get with each entry plus extension.

This is the only option you have unless you decide to enroll in a Thai language school before traveling and get a single entry non immigrant ED visa that you would then extend at immigration.

I suggest you get a 3 entry tourist first and then visit a few schools to see which one is best for you.

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@baboon, I dont really understand ur way there , who are sacarstic there me ? And I search someone can guide me and make it nice for the first when is time to me to have a support of assistance and know well the process and cost, for now i don't hear no much about that, again if someone know how and are a good adviser for I can move well, can help me much, thank u very much.

I was replying to a post which has now been deleted. Mods, could you edit mine?

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am sure that when out of Switzerland for an extended period they would cancel the health insurance.

And even if they didn't any hospital here would almost certainly, I would have thought, insist on immediate payment from the OP's pocket for any emergency treatment, which could leave him with a major cashflow problem at least until such time as he was reimbursed.

Edited by OJAS
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am sure that when out of Switzerland for an extended period they would cancel the health insurance.

no they don't. you apply for a worldwide coverage and pay an additional 20-25% surcharge depending on the insurance company.

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Not to be sarcastic as I normally give all the best help I can but in your case it doesn't seem like Thailand is the place for you with the little money you have.

If you can't even afford visa runs every 90 days then you are very limited and might want to think twice about

staying here.

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I think the OP should try to spend a few months a year in Thailand, if he likes the place and it makes his back feel better. 3 months on a tourist visa over the European winter would be a fair compromise while retaining access to the Swiss health care for most of the year without the need for visa runs. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be much chance of moving permanently to Thailand. Even at age 50 it seems unlikely he would have enough pension to qualify for a geezer visa (B65k a month at present but will increase one day). Also at over 50 one's need for health care tends to increase. Shop around for a budget flight for each winter and enjoy your holidays in Thailand while you can is my best advice to you.

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Given that the OP appears to have virtually no chance of settling permanently in Thailand for another 7 years at least, I wonder whether he might be better off checking out other countries in this part of the world, if a more favourable climate for his back condition was his primary consideration. For example, Malaysia might offer an opening provided that he could satisfy the financial requirements of their MM2H programme for people of his age (http://www.mm2h.com/mm2h-requirements-terms-and-conditions.php) - which might, of course, be a very big "If".

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Given that the OP appears to have virtually no chance of settling permanently in Thailand for another 7 years at least, I wonder whether he might be better off checking out other countries in this part of the world, if a more favourable climate for his back condition was his primary consideration. For example, Malaysia might offer an opening provided that he could satisfy the financial requirements of their MM2H programme for people of his age (http://www.mm2h.com/mm2h-requirements-terms-and-conditions.php) - which might, of course, be a very big "If".

Other possible settlement options with much lower financial requirements:


Cambodia (but poor health care)


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@ubonjoe, YEs for me isn't clear all but after u explain me , how can make the process before coming in thailand then I can feel isn't too much hard but same like can be easy but me I need the guidance for the first time to know again to make process at the office of immigration in bkk. I will know how after the first time then I can do by myself. I don't expect more.

But I want thanks u coz u give me more clearance abt the visa.

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@Arkady, Thank u for ur advice mister but I can read on ur message, again its always depend of the money and it's me make crazy about that way. Coz I lived for not much pension mean 40'000 baht more , every month I can move and just need I good care of massage and water and more if is possible to find a nice lady. So, now I want say I know Thailand not very well same like u may be but it's enough for live simply I don't expect much coz I know Im not rich and second thing , I can speak thai is already good help to move inside the country and I lived there 3 years by make visa runs every months. But now change the rules and I need to know exactly how much everything includes. for I can manage that

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@ubonjoe, YEs for me isn't clear all but after u explain me , how can make the process before coming in thailand then I can feel isn't too much hard but same like can be easy but me I need the guidance for the first time to know again to make process at the office of immigration in bkk. I will know how after the first time then I can do by myself. I don't expect more.


But I want thanks u coz u give me more clearance abt the visa.

Glad to help.

Suggest you contact one of the 3 honorary consulates in Switzerland for your visa.

Contact info is here. http://www.guidetothailand.com/thailand-travel-information/honcon-europe.php

It is easy to get the 30 day extension at immigration. Just fill out application and attach a photo. Have copies of passport photo page, visa and entry stamp plus copy of departure card.

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@poanoi, Thank u for ur proposition and ur time u want give me to help if I'm in Pattaya, now i don't know yet coz first with my situation I need to saving money in my account coz I cant work any more with back pain but I can walk, move , speak same like a normal but with invalid way, coz I need massage and water, for that Pattaya isn't bad but also too, coz many tentation way there with the bar. Coz I lived in Pattaya before for 1 year.

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@ubonjoe, Again like this way u said for me , isn't clear Im sorry , when and after what I need to of copy of departure? I don't understand it , why when I need to do I need physical assist not only by the net, u understand but only the first time until I know clearly the process, coz i feel also complicated.

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@ubonjoe,ummm not easy in what u want mean there, sorry I need to know step by step, for example after the multiple entry , how I need to make extension. I hope not disturb u but for me it's can be complicated maybe see some document or another can help me more. Thanks.

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If you wish to stay in Thailand longtime, and your present circumstances indicate that only an ED visa will be sufficient, the following might help.

You say that you don't wish to learn more Thai, but it doesn't have to be Thai that you study. You can study something else.

Though signing up for a Thai course might be a sacrifice you wish to make in order to stay in Thailand.

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@ubonjoe,ummm not easy in what u want mean there, sorry I need to know step by step, for example after the multiple entry , how I need to make extension. I hope not disturb u but  for me it's can be complicated maybe see some document or another can help me more. Thanks.

You extend the 60 day entry you get on arrival for 30 days at immigration. Then after that go out and re-enter using the next entry and extend it. If a 3 entry visa you do that entry just before your visa expires.

Then after extending that 60 day entry for 30 days you would have to get a new visa.

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I can say this: I left europe at age 34 with a one-way ticket to Thailand,

I am also retired due to back problems, so i simply wrote to the thai embassy in my country and said:

"I know retirement visa is 50 year, but i have a back injury so i'm already retired, with a pension.

So i wonder if i can get a retirement visa, or if not, a tourist multiple re-entry,

Thank you"

So i got my passport back and they had generously given me a 1 year retirement visa.

Otherwise you will get a grand total of (60+30)x 2,

6 months in other words, plenty of time for you to find a school and get an ED visa going.

Good luck, and pm if you decide Pattaya

ps, i think i sent the embassy a copy of my pension so they would know i was honest, and know i had a pension, it was also not 800.000, but they gave me anyway

Edited by poanoi
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I can say this: I left europe at age 34 with a one-way ticket to Thailand,

I am also retired due to back problems, so i simply wrote to the thai embassy in my country and said:

"I know retirement visa is 50 year, but i have a back injury so i'm already retired, with a pension.

So i wonder if i can get a retirement visa, or if not, a tourist multiple re-entry,

Thank you"

So i got my passport back and they had generously given me a 1 year retirement visa.

Otherwise you will get a grand total of (60+30)x 2,

6 months in other words, plenty of time for you to find a school and get an ED visa going.

Good luck, and pm if you decide Pattaya

This fanciful nonsense !

Aged 34 and "generously given" a one year "retirement visa"

I think there are many here who would to know all about the "generous" Embassy in this "country" which is not specified.

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@poanoi,I'm interesting of what u said cause of ur back , may be u get similar back pain of me coz of the climate no stable in europe. About write thai embassy in swiss, I do that 1 time and they didn't reply me , just send me the rules of retirement visa O and I should have 50 years old and have a saving account with 800'000 baht then is a big condition for me, Im not that rich but well a simple man.

May can I ask u a question;did u write the letter in the same time u ask ur visa to come thailand ?And Can we stay on contact , if I need u ?Thanks

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@Sceptict11,Hi I can be agree with u too coz I write is depend where poanoi he from and where his thai embassy but Im swiss and the thai embassy, did say something but only give me the rules for retirement visa O, that all what they did to me when I ask and send with official letter.So now , I don't know I'm lost in all this then

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Yes, i lived 500 km away from embassy, so i sent my passport along with my written request

and a copy of the pension, and wrote as polite and correct as i could, and when i intended to go.

Yes, feel free to pm me if you wonder about anything.

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For any planned lenght of stay over 6 months, and in your case a planned long term stay, you are best advised to get a Non-Immigrant Visa or/and Extension of Temporary Stay for 1 year while here.

Two possible options for you:

1) Education. Study Thai.

2) Volunteer and get a Visa and WP. I know S.E.E in Chiang Mai used to do a deal that for volunteering teaching for 4 hours p/w at a local orphanage would get you legal stay based on that (Non-Imm B and Work Permit I presume). Not sure if they still do it.

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@poanoi, ok then where did u come from? U mean I should ask my invalid insurance to make certificate paper to know I'm a retired early and the form for the visa before ,I go there in Thailand? I should to go the embassy or I can do by mail? may we can exchange e-mail for stay in touch ?

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I can say this: I left europe at age 34 with a one-way ticket to Thailand,

I am also retired due to back problems, so i simply wrote to the thai embassy in my country and said:

"I know retirement visa is 50 year, but i have a back injury so i'm already retired, with a pension.

So i wonder if i can get a retirement visa, or if not, a tourist multiple re-entry,

Thank you"

So i got my passport back and they had generously given me a 1 year retirement visa.

Otherwise you will get a grand total of (60+30)x 2,

6 months in other words, plenty of time for you to find a school and get an ED visa going.

Good luck, and pm if you decide Pattaya

This fanciful nonsense !

Aged 34 and "generously given" a one year "retirement visa"

I think there are many here who would to know all about the "generous" Embassy in this "country" which is not specified.

In 2006 I was given a 1 yr Multi-Entry Non-Imm visa that I did not meet the requirements for, from my Embassy in my home country. I won't mention which now for obvious reasons. Wasn't hard, or a scam, they were just generous and helpful.

Perhaps you have problems with Thai embassies because of your attitude.

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