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PM Yingluck leaves on European trips

Lite Beer

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Guys give her a break!!! Part of the job.

She is PM of the country, not the Foreign Minister.

That's open to debate really - I thought the real PM is some convicted criminal that SKYPE's in his orders from Dubai.

Maybe she's trying to offload some rice

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Something I find difficult to understand.

With the Thai mindset and the almost ultimate level of inportance placed on "FACE", why does the Thai public put up with the excessive amount of overseas trip nonsense. The outside world looks at these trips and of course the timing of them , along with her lack of parlimentary attendance , to be somewhat a joke . The public by allowing this to continue , unquestioned, makes a laughing stock of the Thai public. To me that would seem a great loss of face, that they are not able, or sensible enough to do something about it and let it continue.

Awww well TIT [formerly]

currently TTSS Thai Transport System Sucks [all forms of transport.... planes, buses, trains, and highway carnage at the peak]

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Something I find difficult to understand.

With the Thai mindset and the almost ultimate level of inportance placed on "FACE", why does the Thai public put up with the excessive amount of overseas trip nonsense. The outside world looks at these trips and of course the timing of them , along with her lack of parlimentary attendance , to be somewhat a joke . The public by allowing this to continue , unquestioned, makes a laughing stock of the Thai public. To me that would seem a great loss of face, that they are not able, or sensible enough to do something about it and let it continue.

Awww well TIT [formerly]

currently TTSS Thai Transport System Sucks [all forms of transport.... planes, buses, trains, and highway carnage at the peak]

Biggest problem here is lack of nerve, if a English government acted in this way every newspaper would have it in HEADLINES and the public would react.

Here CAN the newspapers / publish / I think not, if one does not hear OR read you therefore are not aware of the happenings.

Only when it is published by the party in power to their benefit.

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Montenegro! well lots of mafia, human trafficking, need we say more!

Maybe she is going there to meet brother Thaksin as he is a Montenegrian with a Montenegrian passport?

Maybe she is going to collect her passport? Why would a Thai PM visit such a small and insignificant country? Taksin has a house there, but apart from that?

Maybe, the PM and the clone having a Goverment meeting in Montenegro as Thaksin has been thrown out of Dubai.

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Montenegro! well lots of mafia, human trafficking, need we say more!

Maybe she is going there to meet brother Thaksin as he is a Montenegrian with a Montenegrian passport?

Maybe she is going to collect her passport? Why would a Thai PM visit such a small and insignificant country? Taksin has a house there, but apart from that?

Maybe, the PM and the clone having a Goverment meeting in Montenegro as Thaksin has been thrown out of Dubai.

That is correct. Thaksin has until the end of the year to leave Dubai. Dubai is not happy with the fact that he uses their country as a base to get involved in Thai politics. The terrorist threat video is not going down well in muslim Dubai too.

He is already trying to settle in Beijing and if that doesn't work he might go to Montenegro.

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Has anyone yet actually stated how many trips she HAS taken ??? and another 56 (business reps) are traveling with her BUT who are they-would be interesting to know. Anymore hangers on going that are not mentioned ??? some more cabinet travelers also ??

Is the foreign minister only traveling out of BKK to foreign provinces in Thailand ??

He then is the internal foreign minister.

The 56 are seeking to do business there (in Italy) None of these biz clowns probably know that Italy as a whole is broke and can't invest anything unless the mighty empowering Merkel comes to their aid!!! Yingluck, you forgot Berlin on your list!!!!

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A little mistake in the news.....italian prime minister is not Mario Monti anymore (was a year ago....) but Enrico Letta.

You think Yingluck would notice the difference?

Probably not, she's probably much more up to date on the Italian clothes designers though/

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Obama is deeply disappointed that she's not swinging through the States.

He'll be sportin' wood even thinking about her. LMAO.

He's not you.


The dweller seems to have serious wood for Thaksin Yingluck

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Obama is deeply disappointed that she's not swinging through the States.

He'll be sportin' wood even thinking about her. LMAO.

He's not you.


The dweller seems to have serious wood for Thaksin Yingluck

Same same they are clones. It is no secret that the one in Dubai will screw you if he gets the chance.

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Great opp for Ms Yingluck to increase her expertise on subjects she's already knowledgeable about, like skin whitening creams, hair mousse, pretty shoes, mascara. Along the way, perhaps she'll bump in to big brother and slap handcuffs on him, and detain the fugitive him for authorities (just kidding) - but more likely; she can get more expert financial advice from him, like he gave her for the rice-pledging scheme. Big brother can also advise her on how to invest in (and get a passport for) small countries, like Liberia, Ugunda, Nicaragua, Montenegro, Dubai. Hint: invest in tanker trucks in Dubai, which are needed in their hundreds, 24/7, to truck Dubai's sewage out to be dumped in the desert. Just hope there's not a trucker's strike for higher wages.

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Has anyone yet actually stated how many trips she HAS taken ??? and another 56 (business reps) are traveling with her BUT who are they-would be interesting to know. Anymore hangers on going that are not mentioned ??? some more cabinet travelers also ??

Is the foreign minister only traveling out of BKK to foreign provinces in Thailand ??

He then is the internal foreign minister.

Extended family holiday perhaps. coffee1.gif

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oh really?did she loose elections?so why is she PM and meeting all europe pms and Obama and everything?

The PT party won most votes to get most reps in the power seats. The reps gave the nod Yingluck. The voters voted for Thaksin's puppet reps because they think a very rich man will make them rich also. Thaksin appointed his sister. No one in PT offered (or ever offers) any alternative ideas, because they know they're main job is to always follow, with a smile, everything Thaksin mandates.

It's more democratic than some countries, but still a far cry from democracy.

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Interesting to see her brother's related involvement with similar promotions used during her European trip and his involvement in making governmental announcements as well as the reincarnation of his scrapped nonsense schemes.

Design, branding specialists to help promote Thai exports

Two American design and branding specialists will come to the Thai capital and meet with a top adviser to Lady Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra's government to give "creative" tips for Thai export products. In his Facebook page, Yingluck's brother, former Thai leader Thaksin Shinawatra, disclosed over the weekend that Peter Arnell, CEO of Omnicom's Arnell Group, a US packaging design and branding firm, and Frank Gehry, a noted American architect, are scheduled to visit Bangkok and meet with Punsak Winyarat, the head policy adviser to the Yingluck government, by the middle of next month.

Arnell and Gehry will give suggestions on the packaging design and branding of a wide range of Thai goods for export, mostly products of the so-called SME (small, medium-sized enterprises), OTOP, the acronym for one tambon (local community) - one product, and traditional Thai foods, according to Thaksin. Yingluck earlier confirmed that the government will push for exports of SME and OTOP goods to the world markets, and the "Thai Cuisine Feeds the World" initiative raised by a previous Thaksin government will be put to work.

Thaksin said he had recently met with Arnell and his team somewhere in Italy to discuss the Yingluck government's scheme to have the Thai export goods designed, packaged and branded to the extent that they be comparable to those made in Italy or France.

For fair use, the rest of article here:


Xinhua | 2013-9-9

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Obama is deeply disappointed that she's not swinging through the States.

He'll be sportin' wood even thinking about her. LMAO.

He's not you.


The dweller seems to have serious wood for Thaksin Yingluck

and on it goes:


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