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Koran burning pastor Terry Jones arrested in Florida


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"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".

There was a whole sermon on the mount about patience and turning the other cheek.

But there is always the old joke about the black man crying outside the church because the whites would not let him in.

God came and spoke to him and said "Dont worry I have also been trying to get in there for years myself."

So destroying the religious places of worship of others and causing trouble on the basis of religious intolerance is probably not the way of the wise. But in reality there are a lot of people around who cant follow such simple instructions and we suffer from their foolish acts.

Some fools flew planes into a building.

Some fools try burn the koran

They cause fear, hatred and suffering in the world.

The Buddha said. "Whatever problems arise in the world they arise because of fools and not on account of the wise."

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How will the authorities deal with nearly 3,000 kerosene soaked Korans?

Get some good oil based paint and write "Bible" on the front of each one. Then no one will protest if they are burned. Oh, and wrapping them in American flags before burning would further disguise what they are, and that would be OK too. tongue.png

Buying paint and flags and burning them would be a waste a taxpayer money.

Now, seriously, I am wondering what they are going to do with them. They are a bit of hazard. I wonder what the proper protocol is for getting rid of a Koran. I remember learning about the proper way to dispose of flag when I was young (don't remember it now, though).

Rev. Jones should be careful. If he buys enough of those books, they'll start climbing on the best seller list.

Following Islamic practices, that I am sure US authorities would follow, there are three options for disposal of the damaged Korans.


With this method of disposal, the Quran is to be wrapped in cloth to protect it from the soil, and buried in a deep hole. This should be done in a place where people would not normally walk, often on the grounds of a mosque or even a graveyard. According to most scholars, this is the preferred method.

Placing in Flowing Water

It is also accepted to place the Quran in flowing water so that the ink is removed from the page. This will wipe away the words, and disintegrate the paper naturally. Some scholars recommend weighing down the book or papers (tying them to a heavy object like a stone) and casting them into a flowing river or sea. One should check into local regulations before following this method.


Most Islamic scholars agree that burning old copies of the Quran, in a respectful manner in a clean place, is acceptable as a last resort. In this case, one must ensure that the burning is complete, meaning that no words are left legible and the pages have been fully destroyed. At no time should a Quran be burned with the regular trash. Some add that the ashes should then be buried or scattered in running water (see above).

I could certainly help out with the flowing water. Incidentally whilst we are on the subject of disposing of Korans, I take it your post covers Korans used by terrorists to relay messages to each other, or indeed those damaged when mosques are blown up or demolished by Muslims of other sects. I suspect the procedure is pretty relaxed, unless of course infidels are doing the disposal.

Edited by Steely Dan
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It's just a book, with a few hateful passages that need to be edited out.

Nothing to get too excited about. But forced child marriages, oppression of women and persecution of Jews and homosexuals ... now that deserves our attention.

It is not " Just a book ,with a few passages needed some editing" It is a manual for world conquest and domination by islam and a blueprint that controls every aspect of life ,with mostly invectives and death and torture threats against the Jews ,Christians and idolaters ,it is also considered the immutable word of god ,and "No editing" under the threat of death ,some people take their books very seriously ,and that is the problem .

It is also replete with fairy tale stories that must be believed without questioning.

That book contains text that is more extreme than Mein Kampf ,the other poster is right ..the 3000 corans should have been distributed for further reading so more people know what it really is saying .

You are describing the bible, right ???

How many reports have you seen of Christians blowing people up around the world, seems its always the same cult which is islam here in thailand in the south, 9-11,in the usa 7-7 in the UK and thousands and thousands of other terror attacks all committed by under the name of islam and all of them following the teachings of the coran.

The BIG difference is Muslims follow the Coran and implement what is written in there and they agree with it, ALL muslims agree with what is written in it and the sooner we wake up and see and realize what is happening around the world the better.

if you have not read the Coran then you do not understand it and cannot defend that book unless you agree and support all these thousands of terrorist attacks all by and under Islam and Muslims.

I have read the book, and can see exactly why they are doing what they are doing around the world and for what reason, however rather than this guy burning those Corans he would be better served giving each of these defenders of Islam a copy and having them read it and educate themselves on what it teaches because what it teaches is HATE and violence not only against Infidels (all of us) but also against women whom it says can be beaten homosexuals should be killed as should anyone that converts from Islam to any other religion, if you are not a muslim you have the choice to convert or die or pay tax to them for being a different religion.

This is all being implented around the world PLUS a shocking statistic of 50,000 cases of Child genital mutilation where a young girls clitoros is removed in an Islamic ceremony when the girl is between 5 and 7 years old, now this is not in some third world country we are TALKING ABOUT THE UNITED KINGDOM here and that number is ONLY the number that needed emergency medical treatment in UK hospitals, how many more that were completed successfully that did not need emergencny medical treatment.

read it educate yourself and if your still defending that book after reading it and seeing the implemetation of the Coran around the world including the UK France Belgium Germany etc, then there is just one reason you are still defending it


Doesn't the bible also preach the same thing? Do you want me to start quoting from the bible about homosexuals,blasphemy or other things ?

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"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".

There was a whole sermon on the mount about patience and turning the other cheek.

But there is always the old joke about the black man crying outside the church because the whites would not let him in.

God came and spoke to him and said "Dont worry I have also been trying to get in there for years myself."

So destroying the religious places of worship of others and causing trouble on the basis of religious intolerance is probably not the way of the wise. But in reality there are a lot of people around who cant follow such simple instructions and we suffer from their foolish acts.

Some fools flew planes into a building.

Some fools try burn the koran

They cause fear, hatred and suffering in the world.

The Buddha said. "Whatever problems arise in the world they arise because of fools and not on account of the wise."

There is a big difference , between flying a couple airplanes into an occupied building and burning a bunch of books though !

Books are just a thing no matter how " Holy" you think they are ,frying 3000 people is really a bit extreme ..I think we should be entitled to burn a few books in exchange.

Who are the real fools here ?

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"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".

There was a whole sermon on the mount about patience and turning the other cheek.

But there is always the old joke about the black man crying outside the church because the whites would not let him in.

God came and spoke to him and said "Dont worry I have also been trying to get in there for years myself."

So destroying the religious places of worship of others and causing trouble on the basis of religious intolerance is probably not the way of the wise. But in reality there are a lot of people around who cant follow such simple instructions and we suffer from their foolish acts.

Some fools flew planes into a building.

Some fools try burn the koran

They cause fear, hatred and suffering in the world.

The Buddha said. "Whatever problems arise in the world they arise because of fools and not on account of the wise."

There is a big difference , between flying a couple airplanes into an occupied building and burning a bunch of books though !

Books are just a thing no matter how " Holy" you think they are ,frying 3000 people is really a bit extreme ..I think we should be entitled to burn a few books in exchange.

Who are the real fools here ?

I agree with you 100%. Unfortunately, there are about a billion people who don't agree with us. That makes for a big problem.

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There is a big difference , between flying a couple airplanes into an occupied building and burning a bunch of books though !

Books are just a thing no matter how " Holy" you think they are ,frying 3000 people is really a bit extreme ..I think we should be entitled to burn a few books in exchange. Who are the real fools here ?

The pastor is the fool, even US senior military commanders have told him to cease his activities. The US has got it's revenge for 9/11 with the killing of tens of thousands of Muslims, most of them not Al Qaeda. The US people, according to media reports and politicians, are sick & tired of war. Why constantly stir the pot that potentially leads to people putting their lives on the line for his personal agenda.

Even though he was previously asked not to do so by US government officials due to security risks, he burned a Koran. A directly linked outcome was seven people murdered at a UN compound during protests. Has the pastor apologised to the familes of the dead for his selfish actions? The answer is, no he has not.

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"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".

There was a whole sermon on the mount about patience and turning the other cheek.

But there is always the old joke about the black man crying outside the church because the whites would not let him in.

God came and spoke to him and said "Dont worry I have also been trying to get in there for years myself."

So destroying the religious places of worship of others and causing trouble on the basis of religious intolerance is probably not the way of the wise. But in reality there are a lot of people around who cant follow such simple instructions and we suffer from their foolish acts.

Some fools flew planes into a building.

Some fools try burn the koran

They cause fear, hatred and suffering in the world.

The Buddha said. "Whatever problems arise in the world they arise because of fools and not on account of the wise."

There is a big difference , between flying a couple airplanes into an occupied building and burning a bunch of books though !

Books are just a thing no matter how " Holy" you think they are ,frying 3000 people is really a bit extreme ..I think we should be entitled to burn a few books in exchange.

Who are the real fools here ?

Yes I agree a big difference in these two acts, but I guess my point is not about the degree of foolishness and suffering, but that the cause is always the actions of a fool. Neither is justifiable or beneficial to themselves or to others, but causes suffering to both themselves and others.

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"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".

There was a whole sermon on the mount about patience and turning the other cheek.

But there is always the old joke about the black man crying outside the church because the whites would not let him in.

God came and spoke to him and said "Dont worry I have also been trying to get in there for years myself."

So destroying the religious places of worship of others and causing trouble on the basis of religious intolerance is probably not the way of the wise. But in reality there are a lot of people around who cant follow such simple instructions and we suffer from their foolish acts.

Some fools flew planes into a building.

Some fools try burn the koran

They cause fear, hatred and suffering in the world.

The Buddha said. "Whatever problems arise in the world they arise because of fools and not on account of the wise."

There is a big difference , between flying a couple airplanes into an occupied building and burning a bunch of books though !

Books are just a thing no matter how " Holy" you think they are ,frying 3000 people is really a bit extreme ..I think we should be entitled to burn a few books in exchange.

Who are the real fools here ?

I agree with you 100%. Unfortunately, there are about a billion people who don't agree with us. That makes for a big problem.

hmmm... you know a billion people and what they agree with or disagree?

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A pastor with a firearm, didn't he understand the "you shall not kill" part of the 10 commandments?

I'm sure he thought his actions would create a stir and he brought the firearm along for protection. If he was burning bibles it would be freedom of speech.

Don't condone his actions, but that's how it works.

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"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".

There was a whole sermon on the mount about patience and turning the other cheek.

But there is always the old joke about the black man crying outside the church because the whites would not let him in.

God came and spoke to him and said "Dont worry I have also been trying to get in there for years myself."

So destroying the religious places of worship of others and causing trouble on the basis of religious intolerance is probably not the way of the wise. But in reality there are a lot of people around who cant follow such simple instructions and we suffer from their foolish acts.

Some fools flew planes into a building.

Some fools try burn the koran

They cause fear, hatred and suffering in the world.

The Buddha said. "Whatever problems arise in the world they arise because of fools and not on account of the wise."

There is a big difference , between flying a couple airplanes into an occupied building and burning a bunch of books though !

Books are just a thing no matter how " Holy" you think they are ,frying 3000 people is really a bit extreme ..I think we should be entitled to burn a few books in exchange.

Who are the real fools here ?

I agree with you 100%. Unfortunately, there are about a billion people who don't agree with us. That makes for a big problem.

hmmm... you know a billion people and what they agree with or disagree?

That's why said 'about'. Not quite sure, and don't feel like doing all the counting.

But how many Muslims do you think would agree to having the Koran burnt? If they did, do you they would be willing to say so?

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"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".

There was a whole sermon on the mount about patience and turning the other cheek.

But there is always the old joke about the black man crying outside the church because the whites would not let him in.

God came and spoke to him and said "Dont worry I have also been trying to get in there for years myself."

So destroying the religious places of worship of others and causing trouble on the basis of religious intolerance is probably not the way of the wise. But in reality there are a lot of people around who cant follow such simple instructions and we suffer from their foolish acts.

Some fools flew planes into a building.

Some fools try burn the koran

They cause fear, hatred and suffering in the world.

The Buddha said. "Whatever problems arise in the world they arise because of fools and not on account of the wise."

There is a big difference , between flying a couple airplanes into an occupied building and burning a bunch of books though !

Books are just a thing no matter how " Holy" you think they are ,frying 3000 people is really a bit extreme ..I think we should be entitled to burn a few books in exchange.

Who are the real fools here ?

I agree with you 100%. Unfortunately, there are about a billion people who don't agree with us. That makes for a big problem.
hmmm... you know a billion people and what they agree with or disagree?
One fact remains a significant portion of the adherents of " The religion of Peace" are GOING AFTER US in a big way islam is waking up !Not the first time either !.

Out of the so called one billion and a half say one percent is not peaceful or well intentioned towards us ( Western world or "Unbelievers") that is one million and a half f more or less rabid folks ,we know that percentage is probably low ,it is also a fact that the coran is the doctrinal book fueling the ideology of those folks ,now I will not go further but I would encourage as many of you as possible to read it yourselves .. So now we have many millions of folks with less than good intentions towards us following one book .

In my opinion the fools are the ones who are believers in intolerant ,false and harmful doctrines and who take action on them against their fellow human beings sharing this planet with them .

And the other fools are the ones enabling them to continue to do so .

We may not like it but the good pastor is right to act on his convictions ,so was the author of the " Innocence of muslims" movie .

Could it lead to violence ? Sure ! That seems to be the way of the world everywhere I look !

Humans are not about to have peace anytime soon as long as some folks intend to impose their wills on others and act upon harmful and hateful ideologies.

Edited by sauvagecheri
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How will the authorities deal with nearly 3,000 kerosene soaked Korans?

Get some good oil based paint and write "Bible" on the front of each one. Then no one will protest if they are burned. Oh, and wrapping them in American flags before burning would further disguise what they are, and that would be OK too. tongue.png

Now, seriously, I am wondering what they are going to do with them. They are a bit of hazard. I wonder what the proper protocol is for getting rid of a Koran. I remember learning about the proper way to dispose of flag when I was young (don't remember it now, though).

Good question and the answer to that is to bring that copy of the Koran to a Mosque and let them do it.

Once, I had some Buddhist scripture that I wanted to get rid of. My Japanese girlfriend told me to take it to the Buddhist Temple and let them do it. They have a procedure for that sort of thing, be it scripture or iconic statues.

Even broken statues shold be taken to the temple and NOT thrown out as garbage.

Sure it is the same thing in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Thailand.

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A pastor with a firearm, didn't he understand the "you shall not kill" part of the 10 commandments?

I'm sure he thought his actions would create a stir and he brought the firearm along for protection. If he was burning bibles it would be freedom of speech.

Don't condone his actions, but that's how it works.

No, it shouldn't work like that.

If your job is preaching "you shall not kill", you should not have a gun.

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A pastor with a firearm, didn't he understand the "you shall not kill" part of the 10 commandments?

Not to nitpick, but the proper translation is "you shall not murder."

That all depends on which translation of the bible you use.

verse 13


Edited by FritsSikkink
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A pastor with a firearm, didn't he understand the "you shall not kill" part of the 10 commandments?

Not to nitpick, but the proper translation is "you shall not murder."

That all depends on which translation of the bible you use.

verse 13


I don't, as it happens, use any translation.

But if I am interested in a particular word, I'll look it up in Strong's.

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very stupid ..... specially as there were many muslims who died in the twin tower too.

About 30 approximately, or 0.10% of the total victims.


Better brush up on your math.

30 of 3000 is 1%, not 0.1%.

0.6% of the US population is Muslim so they were actually over-represented in the victim list.


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They don't mind burning Christian churches in Syria ,and kill Christians to boot , destroy Hindu temples in India ,blow up Buddha's in Afganistan and on and on ,so what's a few petrol soaked corans?

It's ok to put statues of the Christ in piss bottles ,or literally eat the heart of their enemies .

I think we need to desensitize all those soooo touchy people ohhh so sensitive

We(Infidels) are being provoked on a daily basis IE : The million muslim march on Dc

It's ok if we take abuse but not ok to dish it back ..come on people!

When and where will political correctness end

which world do you live ? burning Christian churches? who is supplying the matches ? destroying Hindu temples ? wake up , its a Hindu majority. Muslims are being slaughtered in India, Sri Lanka, Burma , Naple, and al around the world , stop talking rubbish

It's you that is talking rubbish my friend.

This is happening every day in the muslim dominant countries.

There are constantly islamic radicals parading through the streets of the UK holding placards screaming out 'death to all infidels' and 'UK police burn in hell' or do you prefer 'behead those who insult islam'..... This is going on all the time in overly PC Britain. One of the reasons I left.

The USA is only one step away from their islamic community doing the same and this confidence to do so is fed by the PC protectionist societies that they seek to attempt to force conversion to islam.

In 10 years, these scenes will be on the streets of Washington DC and in New York City.... you mark my words.



Coming to a street near you ..... soon.

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A pastor with a firearm, didn't he understand the "you shall not kill" part of the 10 commandments?

I'm sure he thought his actions would create a stir and he brought the firearm along for protection. If he was burning bibles it would be freedom of speech.

Don't condone his actions, but that's how it works.

No, it shouldn't work like that.

If your job is preaching "you shall not kill", you should not have a gun.

I do believe Terry Jones was arrested for unlawfully transporting fuel and openly carrying a firearm . . . the fool wanted to burn 3000 books (hello Adolph!) in a public park.

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