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ATM Machines and larger withdrawals

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which bank do you refer as "yellow"? I just withdraw at Bangkok Bank and that's 25,000 limit + the 150 fee.

The OP was not very clear on his post. Did you mean the highest ATM limit for withdrawing with an ATM card from another country? Or withdrawing with an ATM card from a Thai bank?

Well the yellow ATMS im referring to is Krungsi Banks. Big bright yellow ATMS. You can definitely take out 30,000 at a time there. I do it all the time to withdrawal using my american ATM card.

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Kasikorn did have a 20000 baht limit, but since system upgrade , about 6 months ago, I'm not sure, simply because now my Australian Bank's saving card is now, for some strange reason,(though I suspect incompetent programming), now registers as a Master Card, I am limited to 10000Baht. Had a talk to the local branch mangler...oops manager, and you can guess where that got me, totally incompetent, useless fools, it's no wonder taxi/tuk tuk drivers make more money. Well, lol, on Phuket they do.

Why would you limit to 10,000thb? Im assuming banks in OZ run similar to USA where you get charged the Fee from the atm+a $5 transaction fee from the bank. I take out the maximum to save on how many fees I have to pay. It usually ends up being $10 per ATM withdrawal.

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I don't know of any Thai bank ATMs that have a per withdrawal limit of 10,000b... Usually it's 20,000 or more. AEONs are now maximum 20,000 per withdrawal and no fees from AEON at all.

No fees from Aeon?

So they say. Check balance before and after. They got me a few times.

AEON ATMs don't charge any fees...I've used them many, many, many times over the last few years (and just yesterday) and never been charged a fee...always got the full Visa exchange rate...I have a couple of "no foreign transaction fee" Visa debit cards that I use in AEON ATMs all the time.

Any fees charged were by your card-issuing bank and/or your card-issuing bank didn't absorb the Visa/MasterCard approx. 1% currency conversion fee...or said another way your card was not a no foreign transaction fee card. Maybe you have and used different cards and each card has its own foreign transaction fee structure....like one card doesn't charge any fee while the other one does.

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which bank do you refer as "yellow"? I just withdraw at Bangkok Bank and that's 25,000 limit + the 150 fee.

The OP was not very clear on his post. Did you mean the highest ATM limit for withdrawing with an ATM card from another country? Or withdrawing with an ATM card from a Thai bank?

Well the yellow ATMS im referring to is Krungsi Banks. Big bright yellow ATMS. You can definitely take out 30,000 at a time there. I do it all the time to withdrawal using my american ATM card.

Very good to know. Does this go for every Krungsi ATM machine or just the ones in your area? And if so, what area might that be?

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The ATM withdrawal limits should be the same, generally speaking, at every ATM machine belonging to any particular Thai bank company.

The differences are going to be from one bank company to another.... not among the same ATMs of the same bank.

But be advised, the yellow ATMs (Krungsri/Bank of Ayudhya) are going to charge the standard Thai bank foreign card withdrawal fees, 150 baht per withdrawal for VISA logo cards and 180 baht for MC-logo cards.

AEON ATMs don't charge those withdrawal fees.

Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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Kasikorn did have a 20000 baht limit, but since system upgrade , about 6 months ago, I'm not sure, simply because now my Australian Bank's saving card is now, for some strange reason,(though I suspect incompetent programming), now registers as a Master Card, I am limited to 10000Baht. Had a talk to the local branch mangler...oops manager, and you can guess where that got me, totally incompetent, useless fools, it's no wonder taxi/tuk tuk drivers make more money. Well, lol, on Phuket they do.

Why would you limit to 10,000thb? Im assuming banks in OZ run similar to USA where you get charged the Fee from the atm+a $5 transaction fee from the bank. I take out the maximum to save on how many fees I have to pay. It usually ends up being $10 per ATM withdrawal.

Why not use a home country bank and card that DOESN'T charge any foreign currency/foreign ATMs fees, and then use an AEON ATM in Thailand that doesn't charge any Thai fees? You don't have to give your money away to your bank just to get access to your own funds.

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Bangkok Bank ATM's allow 25k per withdrawal but it is never on screen - you just use menu and key it in. If short of 1k notes it will be 12,500 or 2,500 depending on if 500 or 100 are available.

Banks do limit daily withdrawals by card - often only 50k per day unless you set it higher at your bank. You may want to keep it low as banks are not likely to pay loss for fraud easily.

Bangkok Bank have have a default limit of 40K per day but a maximum ATM transaction withdrawal of 25K. So withdraw 25K and immediately follow up with a 15K withdrawal.

If you need more just go to any branch with your passport.

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I suggest you check the exchange rate before withdrawing large amounts.


This site offers the exchange rate at ATMs. In the currency type window use TT.



I know the web site says that but it's not true. Instead you will get the Visa/Mastercard exchange rate minus any foriegn transaction fee your card issuing bank may apply. However the Visa/MasterCard rate is always close to the TT rate plus or minus a little.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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The various third-party websites that list the various Thai bank individual exchange rates such as buying TT will reflect the rates they offer at their exchange booths or for most in-branch counter withdrawals.

But as Pib noted above, those rates don't generally apply to ATM transactions. The VISA and MC network rates apply, minus any fees added on by your card-issuing bank.

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Usually plus or minus approx. 0.25baht/USD.

Like right now the:

Visa US exchange rate is: 31.65/USD

Visa European exchange rate is: 31.78/USD (use the rate only for Visa cards issued by European Banks)

MasterCard exchange rate is: 31.59/USD

Thai Bank TT Buying average exchange rate is: 31.75/USD, with a low of 31.72 and a high of 31.77

Visa/MasterCard rates will usually lag FOREX and Thai bank TT Buying Rates by one or two business days when the FOREX markets are volatile (i.e., very significant rate changes) but once the FOREX rates stabilize the Visa rate will quite often be higher than the TT Buying Rates and sometimes even MasterCard's rate will be higher. Over the last two weeks I did a couple of large withdrawals using my no foreign transaction fee Visa debit cards in order to recharge my Thai bank account and by watching the FOREX market trend and taking in consideration the card rate lag, I was able to beat the TT Buying Rate each time so I got my money immediately in-hand, absolutely no fees along the line, and got a rate beating the TT Buying Rate used for wire transfers. Additionally, Visa/MasterCard rates only change once a day where TT Buying Rates usually change numerous times during the day.

A lot of third party web site make money through donations or ads...and of course a web site's value increases based on the number of viewer visits. If people knew that the info on a particular website was not completely accurate, like say the ATM rate, then the likelihood of those people visit the site again would go down...lost revenue for that site.

Plus, even banks don't publish rates for "ATM" withdrawals since they almost always use the Visa/MasterCard/American Express/whatever card it is exchange rate. Show me a Thai bank website that list its ATM exchange rate. The Thai banks publish their TT, Notes, Checks, Drafts, etc., rates and that is where third party webs sites usually pull this data to update their website. Now at least one Thai bank (SCB) does publish its "Dynamic Currency Conversion (DDC)" exchange rate used for credit card "purchases"...as it been talked about in many threads/posts on ThaiVisa that rate is going to be around 4% lower than the Visa/MasterCard exchange rate...DCC bad, very bad for the customer; DCC good, very good for the merchant/bank.

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^^ the atm rate is the same as the TT rate. I tested this with the TT rates provided by http://bankexchangerates.daytodaydata.net back when i used to withdraw via the thai bank atm with the best rate. I did the conversions myself using the rates provided and would be correct to the cent when i checked online statement :)

Aeon atm on the other hand does not publish visa/mc conversion rates. So you have to hunt them down manually or i still use http://bankexchangerates.daytodaydata.net and take the best rate as a baseline.

"...the 2nd best time to plant a tree is today." Sent from ThaiVisa app (Galaxy Note 2).

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I use AEON ATMs all the time with my no foreign transaction fee Visa debit cards; the exchange rate that hits my U.S. bank account always match the Visa exchange rate to the 2nd or 3d decimal point. Now I'm not saying kinda close, I'm saying to the 2nd/3d decimal point. And the few times I've used a Bangkok Bank ATM when a AEON ATM was not nearby I also got the Visa exchange rate to the 2nd or 3d decimal...just like the AEON ATM. Plenty of other posts on Thai Visa indicating the same.

Just go to the Visa or MasterCard exchange rate pages to determine your rate...a rate that only changes once a day, expect on weekends when usually the Friday rate carries through for Saturday and Sunday also. Visa page. MasterCard page.

Note: when going to the MasterCard exchange rate page just to get the link for above, I clicked the wrong bookmark and went to the Ulster Bank in Ireland. As noted on the Ulster Bank web page, daily card exchange rates used are Visa or MasterCard depending on the card you have.

Just for another example say you had a Bangkok Bank Visa or Mastercard credit or debit card and was using it in another country...what exchange rate would you get? The Bangkok Bank TT Buying Exchange Rate probably? Answer is No. Bangkok Bank gives you the exchange rate pages to go to determine what rate you will get....and its the Visa and MasterCard links I gave above....and here's the Bangkok Bank web page that will refer you to those pages...just look on the right hand side of the page.

And just as a reminder for others listening in, be sure to take in consideration what fees your card-issuing banks may apply, such as a 1 to 3% fee on the Visa/MasterCard exchange rate, if you don't have a no foreign transaction fee debit card.

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Withdrawal limit is B20,000 per transaction and two transactions may be made consecutively or any time on the same day. I believe you can ask for the limit to be raised to B25,000 x 2 per day. Just remember that the limits are set for your protection should someone steal your ATM and pin number.

Siam Commercial allocates up to THB 400,000/day on demand (applies to ATM cash and purchase debit).

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I didn't read through all the posts, so excuse if all said before.

A lot of rumour is spread and all kind of facts are mixed up in what I read.

I think the thread starter wants to know about max. amount per one ATM withdrawal.

1) there is a technical limit determined by the type of ATM (bank) that you use

2) there is a limit set by YOUR card issuing company / bank

Don't mix that up. First check whether your card limit is good for the limit that the ATM allows.


The limit is 20, 25 or 30 NOTES depending on the Thai bank ATM, except for AEON.

AEON has different types of ATMs.

The big modern machines mostly attached to their bank branches can dispense up to 100 NOTES.

So of course you have to req. a multiple of 1000 to get the max. amount, resulting in 20'000, 25'000, 30'000 or 100'000 Baht.

My highest single withdrawal at an AEON ATM was 98'000.


Mine foreign VISA card is good for 2500 Euro per day. Check with your bank.

It might be necessary to lift the limit by written request.

Some posts contain infos about the daily limit (!) of Thai bank ATM cards which are consistent with what I know.

Edited by KhunBENQ
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The limit is 20, 25 or 30 NOTES depending on the Thai bank ATM, except for AEON.

AEON has different types of ATMs.

The big modern machines mostly attached to their bank branches can dispense up to 100 NOTES.

So of course you have to req. a multiple of 1000 to get the max. amount, resulting in 20'000, 25'000, 30'000 or 100'000 Baht.

My highest single withdrawal at an AEON ATM was 98'000.

That may have been true in the past, but it's no longer the case.

In the past month or two, AEON has software programmed into its ATMs a new 20,000 baht limit with withdrawal.

The physical machines are the same ones that used to dispense the much larger amounts. But now, if you try to key in a withdrawal amount larger than 20K, the machine will error out and refuse the transaction.

At least some of their ATMs, including the new modern ones I used inside AEON branch locations, have a message displayed on the ATM video screen saying the withdrawal limit is now 20K.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Looking for alittle advice with ATMs.....most seem to limit withdrawals to 10,000 baht, is there a way of getting more out without doing more than 1 transaction hence avoiding extra bank charges?


I've regularly been able to take out 18,000 at all Bangkok Bank ATMs. But as this week, I've noticed that I've been limited to 10,000 only.

As this applies to Bangkok Bank, Krungsri, and many others. Only one of then explicitly says that users of MasterCard are limited to 10,000 Baht, while the rest just say "invalid amount".

This is highly frustrating, as that 180 baht ATM fee gets charged every time.

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I don't know how anybody can stand paying a 180 baht fee even once, but assuredly over and over is just ridiculous. I have been lucky enough to have a US based account that reimburses fees. If I didn't have that, I'd man up and carry some serious cash. You know, there used to be a time when there were no cards and we carried this thing called cash. It was not all that bad at all. That is my advice take it or leave it :)

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Looking for alittle advice with ATMs.....most seem to limit withdrawals to 10,000 baht, is there a way of getting more out without doing more than 1 transaction hence avoiding extra bank charges?


I've regularly been able to take out 18,000 at all Bangkok Bank ATMs. But as this week, I've noticed that I've been limited to 10,000 only.

As this applies to Bangkok Bank, Krungsri, and many others. Only one of then explicitly says that users of MasterCard are limited to 10,000 Baht, while the rest just say "invalid amount".

This is highly frustrating, as that 180 baht ATM fee gets charged every time.

Wow...anyone else out being limited to 10,000 baht per withdrawal when using a foreign MasterCard (or Visa) debit/credit card?

If Thai banks are now doing this, that's just a case of gouging farangs who use their foreign debit/credit cards. Thai debit/credit cards sure don't have a 10K baht limit when used in a Thai bank ATM (and of course no fee or maybe a 20 baht fee). OK, time for some banker to say it's just good business.

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I've regularly been able to take out 18,000 at all Bangkok Bank ATMs. But as this week, I've noticed that I've been limited to 10,000 only.

As this applies to Bangkok Bank, Krungsri, and many others. Only one of then explicitly says that users of MasterCard are limited to 10,000 Baht, while the rest just say "invalid amount".

This is highly frustrating, as that 180 baht ATM fee gets charged every time.

Well, as I'm sure has been mentioned above, all AEON ATMs still allow 20,000 baht per withdrawal transactions, and have no 150/180 baht fee for foreign cards -- unlike the regular Thai banks.

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Bangkok Bank ATM's allow 25k per withdrawal but it is never on screen - you just use menu and key it in. If short of 1k notes it will be 12,500 or 2,500 depending on if 500 or 100 are available.

Banks do limit daily withdrawals by card - often only 50k per day unless you set it higher at your bank. You may want to keep it low as banks are not likely to pay loss for fraud easily.

Bangkok Bank have have a default limit of 40K per day but a maximum ATM transaction withdrawal of 25K. So withdraw 25K and immediately follow up with a 15K withdrawal.

If you need more just go to any branch with your passport.

My account from several decades ago was 50k per day default limit and have been taking back to back 25k withdrawals for years using both old blue ATM card and new debit cards. They normally offer a range of 50k-200k when opening account these days.

I do believe there is a lower transfer to another account using ATM that may be 40k per day however.

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Bangkok Bank ATM's allow 25k per withdrawal but it is never on screen - you just use menu and key it in. If short of 1k notes it will be 12,500 or 2,500 depending on if 500 or 100 are available.

Banks do limit daily withdrawals by card - often only 50k per day unless you set it higher at your bank. You may want to keep it low as banks are not likely to pay loss for fraud easily.

Bangkok Bank have have a default limit of 40K per day but a maximum ATM transaction withdrawal of 25K. So withdraw 25K and immediately follow up with a 15K withdrawal.

If you need more just go to any branch with your passport.

My account from several decades ago was 50k per day default limit and have been taking back to back 25k withdrawals for years using both old blue ATM card and new debit cards. They normally offer a range of 50k-200k when opening account these days.

I do believe there is a lower transfer to another account using ATM that may be 40k per day however.

I think they were referring to a foreign atm card, not a thai atm card. This is an interesting development if it becomes widespread.

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  • 2 months later...

Sorry for digging this out, but has anybody recently checked their bank statement after withdrawing from AEON?


Seems like they changed it just like Citibank recently.

Also, is the 20k limit at all banks still in effect?

Oh and hi! wai2.gif

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Sorry for digging this out, but has anybody recently checked their bank statement after withdrawing from AEON?


Seems like they changed it just like Citibank recently.

Also, is the 20k limit at all banks still in effect?

It's a confusing subject. The reference you posted seems final but most people including myself will tell you that AEON has never charged the 150 or 180 Bt. (my last withdrwal was a month ago). Others have reported to have been charged a long time ago already, with the fee appearing as a separate transation on their statement, and it was an AEON charge not the card issuer bank. Someone claims that AEON charges silently and with no screen warning, in fact I've have never seen a fee warning.

It would be so hironic if they had quietly extracted money from foreigners that would state how smart they were!

To verify if that's the case we would need one volunteer to do a minimum amount withdrawl. Another theory is that some cards are charged and some aren't.

Perhaps it's time to try the "manual withdrwal with no limit" at the counter that is often mentioned, that seems so strange to me too, because I've never seen or heard of it in any country of the world.

Note in all cases here we're talking ATM/debit cards, not credit cards. Often people seems to not look at the difference, perhaps just to prove their point in threads.

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