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Thai Court postpones case against British labour rights activist


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Thai officials love to parrot that they are doing things "according to international standards". It's high time that they followed international standards and eliminated the criminal offence of defamation from the Penal Code. It is used as a tool to crush freedom of speech and human rights. Let critics like Andy Hall speak out without the threat of criminal prosecution in an obnoxiously corrupt "justice" system that favours the rich and influential.

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If you are a "British" Labour Rights Activist, what the hell are you doing pokking your nose into a Thai Company? Won't anyone in the UK take any notice of you?

I say, keep your nose out of other people's business or else face the consequences (don't hide like a rat if you have such pure intentions).

You should fit in really well here then. Keep your nose out and your gob shut and believe all the lies and bull shit that you're fed. Even rats have guts.

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Oh come on, surely you don't think "British Labour Rights activist" means some nationalist only interested in rights for British

workers? He is a labour rights activist who happens to be British, and has attracted support from world wide Human rights groups

for taking on the corruption of 'sweat shop' exploiters who are nowhere more populous that in poor Asian regions.

As for defamation, it is a trend of western style litigation - not imposed by influence of Westerners here, but rather the idea

the rich and corrupt can buy their way out of liability with a "have money - get out of my face or I'll sue" mentality.

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If you are a "British" Labour Rights Activist, what the hell are you doing pokking your nose into a Thai Company? Won't anyone in the UK take any notice of you?

I say, keep your nose out of other people's business or else face the conseqences (don't hide like a rat if you have such pure intentions).

Because this tainted product is sold in the UK? Because he feels we need to know what is involved in producing the food we eat? Because, he has a conscience?

Also he is not a "British labour rights" activist. He is a labour rights activist who happens to be British.

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Correct me if I am wrong (and I am sure someone will) but defamation is a tad different here than in the West. I think I read that EVEN if what is said is 100% factual and true, the person who spreads that truth is subject to defamation suit because the target of that truth might lose face. Also it is my opinion that if a Thai tried to investigate the same issues, they would be killed. Happened before I know of. So being a farang does offer a slight bit of protection....

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As occurred in central thailand in 1998,the case was not pursude by the authorities/perps

Anyone who has lived and worked here for a long period will know that beneath the legal veneer loss of face is defended by violence,intimidation and where necessary removal

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