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Jimmys Lighthouse


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"The Lighthouse" has opened up on Chao Fa East. The owner told us she ran the Lighthouse at the pier (I assume after Jimmy) - I was not a regular so cannot speak to that.

Had a meal with my family. Staff and owner were super friendly. However the food was not great, no parking space to speak of and very little atmosphere as there were no people there.

I am relatively poor with distance etc., but if you drive past the turn off to the Zoo going towards Chalong, about 300 or 400 hundred metres start looking on the left hand side for the portable sign next to the road. Blink and you miss it.

Maybe their breakfast is still good? I have them on my "C" list of places to eat so will not be going back in a hurry.

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I managed Jimmy's from 2007 - 2009. He sold it outright to the Raya group in October 2009 - finally recouping his investment and a tidy profit. Rent while we ran it was about 75,000/month the new group wanted double that plus 1-2 million key money depending on the time of day you asked! We gracefully declined - as it was we covered business and our living expenses but little more… Was a great time though!

3 - 4 different mangeresses over the ensuing years couldn't make a go of it, rent too high and they alienated their core yachtie clientele.

Jimmy himself is doing well - slimmed down and healthier and enjoying life as Harbourmaster at Boat Lagoon Krabi.

"as it was we covered business and our living expenses but little more… Was a great time though!" - many business owners are still like this on Phuket now - just happy to make enough to be here.

"the new group wanted double that plus 1-2 million key money" - they keep raising rents and key money, and therefore, prices to the consumer. The landlords are outpricing Phuket compared to their competition.

"3 - 4 different mangeresses over the ensuing years couldn't make a go of it, rent too high" - many businesses here are struggling to deal with the greed of the Thai landlords.

Leases are designed to fail here, so the leasee go broke, and the owner can turn over the property for more key money, within the previous leasee's time.

It's been happening here for years - BUT, with the Russians, Chinese and Indians go for it, the way the western market did - they are not, and we are seeing many vacant premises now.

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