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I checked in at Sabai Lodge hotel 3 weeks ago and had a lot of internet problems (pretty normal in Thailand I would say).

since I need the internet to do some work, I e-mailed True move, the provider for this hotel. to my surprise, they answered immediately and promised to take care of the problem.

Sure enough, the next day Internet was not available for about 6 hours; the hotel said they are repairing a cable.

when the internet was back, it was not only faster, but some websites that wouldn't open before (i.e. Agoda) did now work.

It is still not fantastic, but has been reasonable for Thailand for about a week.

Now, since yesterday, the Agoda website won't open again. It keeps giving me error 500, internal server problem.

the interesting thing is, when I cross the street to the neighboring hotel, the Agoda website opens, no problem.

I sent 2 e-mails to Agoda reporting the problem, but no answer.

It can't be my laptop either, since it works in the hotel across the street.

anyone has an answer to that? is it the hotel's set up or is it true move? (the site I am trying to open is www.agoda.com



Any chance you use Chrome ?

Had the same problem with Agoda and Airasia., a few months ago........, was me and a app called 'Ghostery' add them to the Whitelist and both sites opened no problem [in my Browser is a ghost figure in top right bar]


Edit: Err have a problem with my PC, cannot get Agoda.... just switched on my laptop Agoda works fine... ?????? laptop is in front of PC both are on now, both with Chrome......... No idea..


It's a good idea to have several browsers installed. On my Win7 laptop I have IE disabled, my everyday browser is FF.

I also have chrome and Opera, I use the portableapps versions.

I admit I have so much lockdown stuff in my FF that sometimes I trip over my own shoelaces between script blockers, re-direct intercepts etc. Rather than research what the problem is I'll just go to another browser. If it's a site I'm going to be visiting frequently then I'll put some effort into cleaning it up.


I'd try connecting via a VPN using the connection from the Sabai Lodge. If it worked, and a direct connection didn't, then the Lodge, or some other intermediary, or the service provider is filtering the connection.

I've known a few hotels that did just so you couldn't use their own internet to find better or cheaper


I've visited lots of towns and lots of hotels in Thailand and never had a problem with internet. In most places it's been very fast. So not sure why you think a lot of internet problems in usual for Thailand. As you have shown in this case,it's you that's the problem and not Thailand's internet.

Seems like many are happy to jump to the conclusion that any problem is due to something in Thailand, when the real problem lies elsewhere.

when the real problem lies elsewhere.

Yes but unless you a computer geek what is the problem ? and where to look ?

So my PC and Laptop both connect via TRUE, both on Chrome Browser, still cannot get Agoda on PC but no problem on laptop........... out of interest changed to a VPN from Australia this afternoon, 1st click on PC = Agoda opened ???

Now going back to TRUE, if I click on Agoda I get........... http://us.yhs4.search.yahoo.com/yhs/errorhandler ??

no idea why, never use Yahoo, do not have Yahoo search engine, most odd, ?? is the US. in the address from USA ? why, I have UK and Thai set on my PC...

So yes the problem lies elsewhere like my PC


I'd try connecting via a VPN using the connection from the Sabai Lodge. If it worked, and a direct connection didn't, then the Lodge, or some other intermediary, or the service provider is filtering the connection.

I've known a few hotels that did just so you couldn't use their own internet to find better or cheaper accommodations.

sorry I am not a wizard. How do I connect via a VPN??


  • 1 month later...

I'd try connecting via a VPN using the connection from the Sabai Lodge. If it worked, and a direct connection didn't, then the Lodge, or some other intermediary, or the service provider is filtering the connection.

I've known a few hotels that did just so you couldn't use their own internet to find better or cheaper accommodations.

sorry I am not a wizard. How do I connect via a VPN??


thaisabai, sorry I missed your post earlier.

First, I'll point you to this Thai Visa post: Proxies, VPN And Other Information

The quick answer, the company you choose will likely provide you with the VPN software, if it isn't already built-in to your operating system.

a VPN, Virtual Private Network, can be add-on software or dedicated hardware used to connect an external user or two or more private network across a public network (such as the Internet) and wrapping the data in such a way that it won't be easily read, modified, or corrupted while it travels to its intended network destination. It's also known as a virtual point-to-point connection.

Because of filtering, traffic shaping and international Internet peering congestion, many a user will opt to use a VPN service to 'move' where their connection to the public Internet network occurs. Some may chose the US, while others will choose a closer country with better international peering with more open connections to countries of interest. You can even use a local VPN in Thailand.

I'd suggest trying some of the FREE VPN services to get an idea of how they work and what they will and won't do for you.

There are tons of threads here on Thai Visa with a lot more knowledge on the subject: VPN Service, recommendations? experience?

Or you can search Thai Visa for VPN

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