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Fugitive ex-monk narrowly escapes arrest in Laos


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Notice his farange friends arm? Thought it was not permitted to touch a Monk. is this correct? Or is that only for women?

I think it's only women. My mother in law's cousin is a monk and he shakes my hand even though I'm not Buddhist but I have to pass things between him and women even if I'm driving and despite the fact that often it can be done without touching anyway. This monk is very friendly with someone who I believe is a Ruesi who apparently are so important even monks kneel in front of them. I'm not sure if there are any copyright issues in posting pictures from other sites so I'll give a link and say he's in the 4th and 6th pictures with the long hair down to the ground.


The first time I met him my wife and I returned to our car to get an envelope containing some pictures the monk wanted to give to the Ruesi. My wife told me to pick them up instead of her. When I asked why she rolled her eyes and said 'probably because I'm a woman'. The stupid thing is I had already given things to him in a bowl that were put there by my wife and her mother and sister


I think the reason is, touching a women might distract them from Buddha. I've no idea what happens if the monk is gay.

I do ask about Buddhism to try and learn but I never expect a sensible answer so I'm rarely disappointed.

I don't think most Thais actually do more than say they are Buddhist because that's how they grew up and go to temples and give money and items to monks. They certainly kill a lot of things that they shouldn't. I did try reading about Theravada Buddhism but I gave up when I realised it bore no relation to what I was seeing for myself around me.

Monks might try to live by Buddhist ideals but it's all so confused they end up making it all up as they go along. As for this monk I don't think touching anyones arm is going to make much difference do you?

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Can it get any more surreal than this?

Now this is just way out of hand... I can not stand hearing about this any longer.

A complete waste of time.

Just report when he is in court.

Forget the all this crap about jumping back and fourth from Country to Country and the near misses..

Well you don't have to open the thread. But then again maybe you don't appreciate are gang humor.

He had god on his side! And was wearing that special Amulet! Thailand. joke of the week.

He is a Buddhist God has nothing to do with it.

Well maybe if you are referring to the God of money there is a lot of room for that God.

Not sure is the g a little g or a capital g in that Ggod

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He could be innocent.

Given all the publicity he may feel that he has no chance of a fair trial, he may be right.

It seems like there is a lot of effort to arrest him, not even convicted... whilst certain convicted persons can seem untouchable.

There is a feeling that because he is wealthy, has a helicopter and is a Monk that he must be guilty of something... why is that ??

I am not sure is innocent until proven guilty in the law here. In reality you are or you aren't no matter whqat a court or any one says.

On the off-chance that you're not being sarcastic ... you don't think it's a little strange that the guy had website set up to collect donations for multiple 'religious causes' yet ends up living the high-life himself (private jets and helicopters, brand-name personal accessories)? I believe--someone will correct me if wrong--that monks take a vow of personal poverty. That vow seems to have gone out the window here.

There's also the case of him having fathered a child through statutory rape (monks also take a vow of celibacy). There is DNA evidence to back this up. Presumption of innocence is a legal requirement but it does require significant suspension of belief in this instance.

I think the statutory rape will be a hard one for him to beat the states frown on that. I don't believe there is any wiggle room on that one.

And me thinking that Thailand has such great relationships with neighboring countries since PT took office.

Can't even manage to extradite this guy. cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif

They spent the money on rice

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It seems somewhat obvious that for whatever reason the Lao authorities are not remotely interested in helping the DSI capture this man. Lao is a small landlocked country and nobody could ever be a fugitive here for long periods of time. That is if they wanted to make an arrest. For the guy who said a helicopter is easy to track... maybe not so much in Laos. Especially if nobody really cares. To put it in perspective Laos probably has like a dozen helicopters in the entire country.

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Can it get any more surreal than this?

Now this is just way out of hand... I can not stand hearing about this any longer.

A complete waste of time.

Just report when he is in court.

Forget the all this crap about jumping back and fourth from Country to Country and the near misses..

Relax. Sit back and enjoy the comedy show. Anything that embarrasses the RTP is just dandy with me.

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He could be innocent.

Given all the publicity he may feel that he has no chance of a fair trial, he may be right.

It seems like there is a lot of effort to arrest him, not even convicted... whilst certain convicted persons can seem untouchable.

There is a feeling that because he is wealthy, has a helicopter and is a Monk that he must be guilty of something... why is that ??

Do you also believe in evil spirits? A monk having access to and use of a private helicopter and an executive jet sound kosher to you?

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Look, to all you people that are treating this as ineptitude or illegality on Thailand's part, it's highly unlikely that the DSI agents went into Laos without permission from central Lao authorities. The only countries that do that sort of thing are the US, Israel, and North Korea because they don't care about the diplomatic repercussions. Thailand doesn't have that 'luxury'. Most likely what happened here is that Thailand had arranged for the 'pick-up' but local Lao officials had either not been informed or had been bought off so blocked the DSI agents long enough for the monk to escape. So, if anything, the problem is more likely to be on the Lao side...

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There might also be a chance the monk was forewarned by the public announcement that the Thai cabinet had been requested and had approved funds for the Thai authorities to travel to Lao to locate and return said monk to Thailand to face charges.

Problems do seem to crop up, following the involvement of Thai civil servants in just about anything they can get involved with.If practice makes perfect this is a group that appears headed toward the perfect storm scenerio on the national stage.

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