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Older Guys, Younger Ladies, An Alternative View......"Maybe You Die"

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Interesting topic. I hope all these positives about may-december relationships is true. Funny how the western women I know become most angry when they see the older men with a younger foreign women. Quite angry at times...

Nonsense! you obvious don't have many western women friends! and my experience is completely opposite to yours!

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Interesting topic. I hope all these positives about may-december relationships is true. Funny how the western women I know become most angry when they see the older men with a younger foreign women. Quite angry at times...

Nonsense! you obvious don't have many western women friends! and my experience is completely opposite to yours!

I think you are probably correct in saying that Western women do not frown upon such relationships provided they have some knowledge of Thailand and it's culture.However I can assure you that many Western women ignorant of anything Thai, upon learning of a relationship between an older man and a young Asan woman have nothing but scorn towards the male. I've heard the expression "dirty old man" "exploitive " "repulsive" etc on numerous occasions. I sometimes wonder if they're jealous.

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I am very factual person. Google good for some things like culture trend. You type Thai Male movie star, in google. Type Thai male TV star. Type Thai male superstar. Return will be men with very much hair. I think I am correct. Movie star mirror what culture thinks is sexy and handsome. What do Thai girls dream about? Korean male superstar. Google that one.

Thanks, Somchaiyatt, you've just give my lady and I the best laugh of the day. What utter borax you posted........alternatively, what Transam said. tongue.png

What movie stars look like and what they wear is what a society thinks is handsome or beautiful. If long hair is in then they wear a wig if they have short hair because that is what people pay to see.

Once upon a time chubby women were in hence Marlyn Monroe later it was skinny women. It is a fashion trend or a look. Now in Asia the look is K pop. I'm not making anything up. I gave you facts on google the first 100 guys had full heads of hair. It is what Thai women like.

Google Thai female superstar not one of them is built like Marylyn Monroe. Now don't give me some flame or anecdotal two people you know. If you don't agree OK back it up. I give you good facts and you call me rubbish. That is not nice. I give you fact not emotion. You give me fact not emotion.

Do you debate the fact that movie stars appearance reflect the fashion trends and current likes and dislikes of society?

Take a look at "Thunder Atlas." It is the Asian GQ and what Asian woman find handsome in a man today. Take a look and tell me how many shaved heads you see?

all ive got to say on this load of <deleted> is that,

in my opinion,

all thai youngsters do is follow the current trend that is going on in western countrys, fashion ect,


Thai women like older Thai men because they age much better than Western men.  No suntan and not bald.


 I hope bm "transam", does not read this.



Thai people are taught from childhood to think of bald to mean Monk.  When a Thai woman sees bald she think of the Wat and not men and sex. 


You want to know what turns on Thai women look at K pop.  Monks are bald and lady should not sit next to Monk on the bus,  Lady should not touch bald Monk.  Bald in Thailand means no no sex. 



Rubbish................Posted Image




 Not rubbish, thai woman do not like bald men, period. Again "transam" that raw nerve of yours.


The King of Siam was bald, I know I saw the movie.

Interesting topic. I hope all these positives about may-december relationships is true. Funny how the western women I know become most angry when they see the older men with a younger foreign women. Quite angry at times...

Nonsense! you obvious don't have many western women friends! and my experience is completely opposite to yours!

I think you are probably correct in saying that Western women do not frown upon such relationships provided they have some knowledge of Thailand and it's culture.However I can assure you that many Western women ignorant of anything Thai, upon learning of a relationship between an older man and a young Asan woman have nothing but scorn towards the male. I've heard the expression "dirty old man" "exploitive " "repulsive" etc on numerous occasions. I sometimes wonder if they're jealous.

No doubt there are some narrow minded people that would say those things,(behind your back) haven't come across it myself though, but then I don't mix with the Jeremy Kyle show nuggets!


Interesting topic. I hope all these positives about may-december relationships is true. Funny how the western women I know become most angry when they see the older men with a younger foreign women. Quite angry at times...

Nonsense! you obvious don't have many western women friends! and my experience is completely opposite to yours!

I think you are probably correct in saying that Western women do not frown upon such relationships provided they have some knowledge of Thailand and it's culture.However I can assure you that many Western women ignorant of anything Thai, upon learning of a relationship between an older man and a young Asan woman have nothing but scorn towards the male. I've heard the expression "dirty old man" "exploitive " "repulsive" etc on numerous occasions. I sometimes wonder if they're jealous.

Yes they're absolutely jealous.

  • good written post .........the blether

there are so many factors that can modified a relationship that there is not 1 recipe that can apply to the mass

no matter who you are with who you are and where in the world you are

general lines have to be drawn...but the rest of what you make as your target

will always be on how wisely you communicate your desires to obtain the need you wish to get

knowing that nothing can be perfect.....I would say that if your relation give you some happiness

just enjoy it and forget those little negatives feelings that tend to build-up behind.....

we will never control everything....life is always on the move


  • good written post .........the blether
there are so many factors that can modified a relationship that there is not 1 recipe that can apply to the mass

no matter who you are with who you are and where in the world you are

general lines have to be drawn...but the rest of what you make as your target

will always be on how wisely you communicate your desires to obtain the need you wish to get

knowing that nothing can be perfect.....I would say that if your relation give you some happiness

just enjoy it and forget those little negatives feelings that tend to build-up behind.....

we will never control everything....life is always on the move

No it's not.

Masses of old men confronted with masses of available young women in the pay for play scene, nothing historical about that from a foreign//thai perspective,other than it co-incides with the amazing Thailand promotion of 1998, cheap baht and word of mouth about what Thailand has to offer..lets just say this phenomena got into full swing about 2003..10 years ago..



When I came to LOS I had some hair, decided to shave it all off. Guess what, wife and l have a kiss cuddle ever morning. Hmmmmmmmm, wonder why. Whats inside does not change.

OH, how old are you Mr.Hairy ?

Sir, it is not @fishmunger, but thaiwhoremonger, with a "o" not a "u", but the PC crowd and mods. would not like that handle, so its just munger without the fish. Now to your question, I am 42. BTW why did you shave your hair off ? Does it make you look younger ? Peace


Well..... My mate pulled a Thai girl older than him, and she pestered him to send her money for months.

They don't need to be younger than the farang.


Well..... My mate pulled a Thai girl older than him, and she pestered him to send her money for months.

They don't need to be younger than the farang.

After pulling her, did he realise ?


Well..... My mate pulled a Thai girl older than him, and she pestered him to send her money for months.

They don't need to be younger than the farang.

After pulling her, did he realise ?

............that she pulled him..................laugh.png


One thing not touched on in this thread is that many Thai women are masters of manipulation. They play the psychology of the farang / thai relationship as if it were a musical instrument, playing the heart-strings of susceptible farang men that seek female companionship, regardless of the nature of the relationship. Some are more subtle than others, dropping hints to financial needs, while others are more blatant about the financial requirements for their company. I've seen this trait in thai females from bar girls to middle class office workers. It all seems to boil down to a financial arrangement at some point.

  • Like 2

Well..... My mate pulled a Thai girl older than him, and she pestered him to send her money for months.

They don't need to be younger than the farang.

After pulling her, did he realise ?

Her met her on some random website... he knew and chatted with her for weeks before he went to Thailand, wanted to line something up (just in case I guess).

Ended up spending 3 weeks with her, really liked her too until after he went back to the UK... He dumped her when he got the sick buffalo story... Only there were no buffalos involved, it was a sick car in this case... I 1 year old car may I add ;)


Well..... My mate pulled a Thai girl older than him, and she pestered him to send her money for months.


They don't need to be younger than the farang.



After pulling her, did he realise ?

He must have thought Thai women were built different

Thai women like older Thai men because they age much better than Western men. No suntan and not bald.

I hope bm "transam", does not read this.

Thai people are taught from childhood to think of bald to mean Monk. When a Thai woman sees bald she think of the Wat and not men and sex.

You want to know what turns on Thai women look at K pop. Monks are bald and lady should not sit next to Monk on the bus, Lady should not touch bald Monk. Bald in Thailand means no no sex.

So that's why the 'Monk on the run' fathered a baby with one Thai woman and apparently had at least three other concubines is it ? Reckon they are not too worried about the thatched roof if there is enough money inside the building !


One thing not touched on in this thread is that many Thai women are masters of manipulation. They play the psychology of the farang / thai relationship as if it were a musical instrument, playing the heart-strings of susceptible farang men that seek female companionship, regardless of the nature of the relationship. Some are more subtle than others, dropping hints to financial needs, while others are more blatant about the financial requirements for their company. I've seen this trait in thai females from bar girls to middle class office workers. It all seems to boil down to a financial arrangement at some point.

I find that the girls who are only interested in money tend to out themselves VERY quickly through things they say or their actions.

So quickly I can usually tell within 1 date with them or often before the first date has even happened.

Yet to date a girl for any length of time who I later found out was blatantly only thinking about how she could extract money for me.

Some guys are just oblivious to it until it gets really obvious it seems. Even then they carry on and pretend everything is OK.

  • Like 1

One thing not touched on in this thread is that many Thai women are masters of manipulation. They play the psychology of the farang / thai relationship as if it were a musical instrument, playing the heart-strings of susceptible farang men that seek female companionship, regardless of the nature of the relationship. Some are more subtle than others, dropping hints to financial needs, while others are more blatant about the financial requirements for their company. I've seen this trait in thai females from bar girls to middle class office workers. It all seems to boil down to a financial arrangement at some point.

I find that the girls who are only interested in money tend to out themselves VERY quickly through things they say or their actions.

So quickly I can usually tell within 1 date with them or often before the first date has even happened.

Yet to date a girl for any length of time who I later found out was blatantly only thinking about how she could extract money for me.

Some guys are just oblivious to it until it gets really obvious it seems. Even then they carry on and pretend everything is OK.

Interesting, Thespade...

If your focus remains on the money in relationships. Good luck.

[edit] It's good you point out that everyone should be aware of their personal financial stability while engaging into a relation.


One thing not touched on in this thread is that many Thai women are masters of manipulation. They play the psychology of the farang / thai relationship as if it were a musical instrument, playing the heart-strings of susceptible farang men that seek female companionship, regardless of the nature of the relationship. Some are more subtle than others, dropping hints to financial needs, while others are more blatant about the financial requirements for their company. I've seen this trait in thai females from bar girls to middle class office workers. It all seems to boil down to a financial arrangement at some point.

I find that the girls who are only interested in money tend to out themselves VERY quickly through things they say or their actions.

So quickly I can usually tell within 1 date with them or often before the first date has even happened.

Yet to date a girl for any length of time who I later found out was blatantly only thinking about how she could extract money for me.

Some guys are just oblivious to it until it gets really obvious it seems. Even then they carry on and pretend everything is OK.

Maybe, and certainly worth watching for. But some gals play the "long game." They will refuse you smaller amounts of help, and even buy you a meal. They may refuse an offer of help for 3,000 baht. But they are looking at an end game and a big payoff. Those are harder to spot, but the signs are there if you look.

The secret is - all together now - "never invest more in Thailand" (or in a woman) than you are willing to walk away from. If she's a good catch and it all works out, more power to you. I'm not willing to take the risk.

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It's the Family Tree Game!

Can you name your Great Grandparents? Bonus point if you can name any Great Grandmothers maiden name.


What's my point?, Your Great Grandmother will recognize the choices faced by young women here. Anyone before her would absolutely have recognized it.

Here's one for you.......do any of you recognize this?

When Debt Comes Through The Front Door, Love Goes Out The Back Door.


I can name two of them, Leah & Mordechai, and by the way there was only a 3-4 years difference between them, and they were not married for financial resons (back in 1921).


Interesting, Thespade...

If your focus remains on the money in relationships. Good luck.

[edit] It's good you point out that everyone should be aware of their personal financial stability while engaging into a relation.

Not sure what you mean if your focus remains on the money in relationships.

Money is not a factor in any 'relationships' I have in Thailand.

Maybe, and certainly worth watching for. But some gals play the "long game." They will refuse you smaller amounts of help, and even buy you a meal. They may refuse an offer of help for 3,000 baht. But they are looking at an end game and a big payoff. Those are harder to spot, but the signs are there if you look.

The secret is - all together now - "never invest more in Thailand" (or in a woman) than you are willing to walk away from. If she's a good catch and it all works out, more power to you. I'm not willing to take the risk.

I wouldn't be offering them 30B let alone 3,000B for help for anything. I'm not their bank manager.

I don't mind picking up the tab when we go out though I prefer girls who will stick their hand in their pocket sometimes too and treat me which does happen often enough even if just a token gesture.

I'm not engaging in any long term or serious relationships with women out here and they all know that.

I make it clear I have no interest in having a gf and that I am seeing other girls too and they can do as they please in regards to seeing other guys.

I'm only interested in casual dating / giks and a lot of girls are happy with the situation as we always have a good time when we meet up or go out.

Sure they may think there's a big payoff down the line but I doubt it as I make things clear with them and I'm not splashing cash around.


Well..... My mate pulled a Thai girl older than him, and she pestered him to send her money for months.

They don't need to be younger than the farang.

When you say "PULLED" a thai girl, do you maen from a bar in Pattaya ?


Well..... My mate pulled a Thai girl older than him, and she pestered him to send her money for months.

They don't need to be younger than the farang.

When you say "PULLED" a thai girl, do you maen from a bar in Pattaya ?

Swept her off his feet he did.


I wonder if OP ever heard of the rothschilds and pure bloodline in the family.

More than anything else, the OP strikes me as a fair weather sailor in search of approbation.

The analogies he's attempted to draw in this thread are ridiculously contorted.

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