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Ceremony planned to thank evil spirits at Suvarnabhumi


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But relying on spirits and shrines as the basis for operating an international airline business is taking things to an entirely different level.

Again, you are taking this out of context, it has said nowhere that Thai Airways rely on spirits and shrines to operate theior business, but their belief is that it gives them good luck when the spirits are happy.

When was the last time you saw one of the western airlines performing an exorcism on one of their jets or airports? And what do you think most people, including Christians, would be saying about it if they did?

Actually, priest do bless jets.


totster smile.png

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Amazing how some people come from western societies that preach that a man walked on water, turned wine into water and came back to life after three days......Oh yes, let's not forget the Holy Ghost....... yet these same people rubbish Thai beliefs (or anyone else's that are different to their own). bah.gif

In more than one European country, I've seen people take a new car (for instance) to be blessed by the local priest.

So now tell me how European / Christian beliefs are so much better / more logical / less crazy than any others? coffee1.gif

All religion is superstitious clap trap perpetuated by a privilidged few so they can dominate a majority.

And when the Chairman of British Airways holds an exorcism at Heathrow I shall probably have only EVA as my direct flight option:-)

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Just shows how ignorant you are to beliefs in Asia, I wouldn't get your hopes up with flying EVA



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Amazing how some people come from western societies that preach that a man walked on water, turned wine into water and came back to life after three days......Oh yes, let's not forget the Holy Ghost....... yet these same people rubbish Thai beliefs (or anyone else's that are different to their own). bah.gif

In more than one European country, I've seen people take a new car (for instance) to be blessed by the local priest.

So now tell me how European / Christian beliefs are so much better / more logical / less crazy than any others? coffee1.gif

Everyone's entitled to their religious and quasi-religious beliefs, Thais and non-Thais alike, as matters of personal faith.

But relying on spirits and shrines as the basis for operating an international airline business is taking things to an entirely different level.

When was the last time you saw one of the western airlines performing an exorcism on one of their jets or airports? And what do you think most people, including Christians, would be saying about it if they did?


Agreed, everyone is entitled to their beliefs, but not to rubbish others'.

I think you'll find that Thai, like most airlines use their extensive engineering and maintenance sections as a basis for operating an international airline. Sure, there was a malfunction, but s**t happens to all airlines (BA crash at LHR, BA fire at LHR...). But then we could take all this with a pinch of salt.....keep our fingers crossed it doesn't happen to us ....and maybe cross ourselves when we get on the plane......whistling.gif

.............and of course, how many people thank some form of alleged deity once they are safely back on terra firma?....even if only with the hackneyed cliché "Thank God " ......

As for a Christian exorcism of a plane, well, they do it for plenty of other things....like the car I witnessed in Romania..... why would plane be any different? And how many of our major buildings have a blessing at the start, maybe when laying the corner stone?........

Western superiority!!!.....aaaah, thank God that I come from the sane West.

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I am only wondering how the world and medias will react to such childish attitude. I am also waiting for the Star Alliance official statement about this ghost and spirit nonsense. If Thai Airways think that will resolve technical problems then I will fly with more reliable airlines companies in the future. Security doesnt depends on okus pokus non sense. coffee1.gif

Points well made and it's hard to think that travel publications, TV travel shows etc won't pick up on this and although they may not warn travellers directly the obvious ridicule will darwn attention to the unbelievable attitude of those running the airline.

I sincerely hope Star Alliance confronts Thai Airways on the subjects of the lies about painting out logos and now this " evil spirits were responsible " nonsense. Star Alliance has a reputation to maintain and Thai Airways are doing nothing to enhance it, the exact opposite in fact.

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stupid people really do do stupid thingsclap2.gif

note to self .. never fly Thai Airways again ... why ... scared the pilot might actually be a ghost and not a person

Funny you should mention "stupid people really do do stupid things"

and then post your reason for not flying with a well established good accident prevention record airways.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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I am only wondering how the world and medias will react to such childish attitude. I am also waiting for the Star Alliance official statement about this ghost and spirit nonsense. If Thai Airways think that will resolve technical problems then I will fly with more reliable airlines companies in the future. Security doesnt depends on okus pokus non sense. coffee1.gif alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24>

Just because you don't believe, you shouldn't mock those that do. Thai's have a high respect for spirits and ghosts and business and individuals make offerings to them everyday as part of their life. This is a quite normal response from Thai people after accidents, bad luck etc. Try and respect others beliefs, and if you can't do so don't say anything at all.

totster bah.gif.pagespeed.ce.-cCHYEZ1Lo.gif alt=bah.gif width=19 height=19>

How daft are you?

Do you think in today's day and age people will accept bullshit that spirits are responsible for a mechanical failure on aircraft, that could potentially endanger the lives of the passengers onboard?

The point is not about superstitious beliefs, but using them as a scapegoat for general incompetence, lack of accountability and negligence.

Do you remember the Boeing 787 Dreamliner battery fiasco that occurred earlier in the year?

Imagine the CEO of Boeing blaming a battery failure on ghosts.

I addressed your particular type of ignorance in a previous post. Try reading back through, and more importantly try reading the original article

totster smile.png

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Just because you don't believe, you shouldn't mock those that do. Thai's have a high respect for spirits and ghosts and business and individuals make offerings to them everyday as part of their life. This is a quite normal response from Thai people after accidents, bad luck etc. Try and respect others beliefs, and if you can't do so don't say anything at all.

totster bah.gif

Everyone has a right to their own opinion. And yes, these 'officials' have the right to look like idiots. Thai's(not all) have a high respect for ghosts and spirits because they've been 'programmed' to.....and the sad thing is, they don't know it. And, yes, that's ok. But... can't take them seriously, that's all.

Correct - everyone has the right to their own opinion and believes. They also have a right to practice them freely, without fear of oppression, bigotry or ridicule.

Ridiculing the believes of others and calling them okus pokus and nonsense often breeds the ill feeling and intolerance that in extreme cases leads to the countless religious conflicts the world has seen.

It does seem many Westerners are quick to make fun of or dismiss any Asian religious belief whilst adopting a more tacit approach to the often highly superstitious beliefs in their own countries.

They are very slow at curing the deaths on the roads, how many a year, maybe the spirits could intervene here. PUGWASH. By all means have your private belief if it makes your life easier, but bringing this into an International Airlines affairs is a bit much.

Why not do a ceremony at 39,000 feet, it could work as you would be nearer HEAD OFFICE.

Where is the head office for Buddhists?tongue.png

You seem to be some what of an expert.whistling.gif

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Amazing how some people come from western societies that preach that a man walked on water, turned wine into water and came back to life after three days......Oh yes, let's not forget the Holy Ghost....... yet these same people rubbish Thai beliefs (or anyone else's that are different to their own). Posted Image


In more than one European country, I've seen people take a new car (for instance) to be blessed by the local priest.


So now tell me how European / Christian beliefs are so much better / more logical / less crazy than any others?    Posted Image

All religion is superstitious clap trap perpetuated by a privilidged few so they can dominate a majority.

And when the Chairman of British Airways holds an exorcism at Heathrow I shall probably have only EVA as my direct flight option:-)

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Just shows how ignorant you are to beliefs in Asia, I wouldn't get your hopes up with flying EVA



totster Posted Image

I guess the lighthearted comment about EVA went over your head somewhat.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Amazing how some people come from western societies that preach that a man walked on water, turned wine into water and came back to life after three days......Oh yes, let's not forget the Holy Ghost....... yet these same people rubbish Thai beliefs (or anyone else's that are different to their own). bah.gif

In more than one European country, I've seen people take a new car (for instance) to be blessed by the local priest.

So now tell me how European / Christian beliefs are so much better / more logical / less crazy than any others? coffee1.gif

All religion is superstitious clap trap perpetuated by a privilidged few so they can dominate a majority.

And when the Chairman of British Airways holds an exorcism at Heathrow I shall probably have only EVA as my direct flight option:-)

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Just shows how ignorant you are to beliefs in Asia, I wouldn't get your hopes up with flying EVA



totster smile.png

I guess the lighthearted comment about EVA went over your head somewhat.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I guess you are trying to 'save face'

totster smile.png

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Amazing how some people come from western societies that preach that a man walked on water, turned wine into water and came back to life after three days......Oh yes, let's not forget the Holy Ghost....... yet these same people rubbish Thai beliefs (or anyone else's that are different to their own). bah.gif

In more than one European country, I've seen people take a new car (for instance) to be blessed by the local priest.

So now tell me how European / Christian beliefs are so much better / more logical / less crazy than any others? coffee1.gif

I will call any Westerner, who says, we should pray, to make airports or planes safer, an idiot as well!

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It was only recently that a visiting "volunteer teacher" became annoyed when I responded to his statement "Thailand will become a 1st class country in the near future" I responed Not in my lifetime and now we see this preposterous statement are we living in cukoo land??cheesy.gif

THE VISITING VOLUNTEER TEACHER IS. Easy for him to say: he does not live here.

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Sounds like a fun day out. Would love to go, but I unfortunately lack the ability to see ghosts.

Ha, I would rather cut my nuts out with a spoon than be a part of that crap.

Great response Carl, you have really contributed to this thread with that one.

totster biggrin.png

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Of course people are entitled to their beliefs. Some believe in ghosts, some believe their god created the world in six days and then had Sunday off and some believe that by killing non believers they will go to paradise.

That's fine. I just don't want them anywhere near a big heavy, aircraft that stays in the air thanks to science, not spirits.

Plus 1

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Hello Dolly-my reply.

Was not referring to Buddhists in general but MOST beliefs, and I am far from being an expert, my comment was joke, rather than serious as you took it.

The fact is these people are looking for some divine intervention, Buddhist or not my example was something similar.

If I knew where the head office was I would ask the monk on the run in Laos, he certainly has the formula.

Edited by ginjag
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Amazing how some people come from western societies that preach that a man walked on water, turned wine into water and came back to life after three days......Oh yes, let's not forget the Holy Ghost....... yet these same people rubbish Thai beliefs (or anyone else's that are different to their own). Posted Image


In more than one European country, I've seen people take a new car (for instance) to be blessed by the local priest.


So now tell me how European / Christian beliefs are so much better / more logical / less crazy than any others?    Posted Image

All religion is superstitious clap trap perpetuated by a privilidged few so they can dominate a majority.

And when the Chairman of British Airways holds an exorcism at Heathrow I shall probably have only EVA as my direct flight option:-)

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Just shows how ignorant you are to beliefs in Asia, I wouldn't get your hopes up with flying EVA



totster Posted Image

I guess the lighthearted comment about EVA went over your head somewhat.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I guess you are trying to 'save face'

totster Posted Image

Have it your way. Chairman of British Airways really is going to hold an exorcism at Heathrow and I can't use EVA now because I didn't know Taiwanese believed in ghosts as do their mainland cousins.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Amazing how some people come from western societies that preach that a man walked on water, turned wine into water and came back to life after three days......Oh yes, let's not forget the Holy Ghost....... yet these same people rubbish Thai beliefs (or anyone else's that are different to their own). bah.gif

In more than one European country, I've seen people take a new car (for instance) to be blessed by the local priest.

So now tell me how European / Christian beliefs are so much better / more logical / less crazy than any others? coffee1.gif

I haven't seen anyone on here make the point that one set of superstitions was any better than another. If the MD of BA or Qantas made a public statement saying that a their god or holy ghost or what ever may have had something to do with an incident I would be just as critical. I suspect alot of others here would as well.

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