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PM Yingluck promotes "Smart Lady Thailand" project


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PM promotes "Smart Lady Thailand" project

BANGKOK, 17 September 2013 (NNT) – Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has visited the “Smart Lady Thailand” project, which has been organized by the Thai Women Empowerment Funds, at the University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce.

During her visit, PM Yingluck had a chance to learn about the project, which was aimed at opening up opportunities for women to demonstrate their leadership and strong personalities.

Not only should smart women be good at academic matter, but must also be good-hearted and have all-round knowledge, said the Premier.

A contest will also be held to find candidates who meet all the requirements to be the so-called “smart ladies”. The contest will be held in the form of reality show, like any other contest where all contestants are supposed to learn about one another.

She added that people regardless of who they are or where they’re from have to respect one another, adding that Thai women have the strength to take the lead, and she hopes they will will use their fortes properly and contribute to the society.

-- NNT 2013-09-17 footer_n.gif

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"The contest will be held in the form of reality show, like any other contest where all contestants are supposed to learn about one another."

Is that a faulty translation? When do contestants learn about one another?

Regardless. The PM is more in her element, when organizing a feel-good TV program with lots of applause and smiles.

As for her official roles, for which she's getting paid:

>>> She's still an MP (but rarely attends meetings)

>>> She's PM for Thailand, but is off to other countries shopping, more often than being in-country, tackling tough issues

>>> She is Defense Minister. Perhaps someone can tell me her qualifications and/or what she's done in that capacity, other than review honor guards and talk to paranoid generals to assure them they're jobs are secure - as long as they visit her brother and lick his shoes.

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Country's falling apart with the insurgency in the south, the rubber growers, rice scandals, the economy and the list goes on...

But hey, as long as the first female Thai PM is promoting this little contest, she's doing her job! Thanks PTP! And thanks to the rice growers who voted for them!

Yes it's a big Wow that the PM is actually in the country to promote something, unfortunately it's nothing of consequence.

From her point of view there will be no difficult questions to run away from.

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During her visit, PM Yingluck had a chance to learn about the project, which was aimed at opening up opportunities for women to demonstrate their leadership and strong personalities.

Well, she needs to en-role in the courses, she has a lot to learn. So far her behaviour has been a set back for women's empowerment in this country. She is certainly not a role model as far as that goes!

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Actually by keeping this project in the news she is hurting Abhisit. That senseless news about his stupid comment just will not die and he continues to get flack for it.

SO you don't think her appearance in a stained silk jacket sort of proves his point? I also remember the number of times Thatcher called certain MP's stupid idiots! So it's OK for a woman to say it but not a man?

Seriously, if she can't take the criticism then maybe she shouldn't be in politics? I am sure some think even worse they just don't articulate it!

Edited by ggold
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Actually by keeping this project in the news she is hurting Abhisit. That senseless news about his stupid comment just will not die and he continues to get flack for it.

SO you don't think her appearance in a stained silk jacket sort of proves his point? I also remember the number of times Thatcher called certain MP's stupid idiots! So it's OK for a woman to say it but not a man?

Seriously, if she can't take the criticism then maybe she shouldn't be in politics? I am sure some think even worse they just don't articulate it!

I didn't like the jacket but I am the last person to comment on fashion. What has Maggie got to do with it? Different country and different sensibilities entirely. In the UK people can and do say much worse and people barely bat an eye. Apples and oranges.

Actually, I would say she has taken the criticism quite well. It is the media that is stirring the pot and possibly the PT spin doctors. Abhisit has been hurt by it. It is all rather childish.

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Well I certainly hope some of this "Smart Lady Project" rubs off on the PM. God knows, she needs it,.....the country needs it.

I think it would be a disaster for Thailand if she does get smarter, as then she would wreck the country by design and not by accident up until now.

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Actually by keeping this project in the news she is hurting Abhisit. That senseless news about his stupid comment just will not die and he continues to get flack for it.

SO you don't think her appearance in a stained silk jacket sort of proves his point? I also remember the number of times Thatcher called certain MP's stupid idiots! So it's OK for a woman to say it but not a man?

Seriously, if she can't take the criticism then maybe she shouldn't be in politics? I am sure some think even worse they just don't articulate it!

I didn't like the jacket but I am the last person to comment on fashion. What has Maggie got to do with it? Different country and different sensibilities entirely. In the UK people can and do say much worse and people barely bat an eye. Apples and oranges.

Actually, I would say she has taken the criticism quite well. It is the media that is stirring the pot and possibly the PT spin doctors. Abhisit has been hurt by it. It is all rather childish.

I think it is legitimate to compare one PM with another, regardless of which country it may be, or the difference in culture or political maturity. Abhisit may have been hurt by the comment, but I doubt he lost any support over it.

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Well, at least she's calling it 'The Smart Lady Thailand' project... lets face it, if she were to call it 'The Stupid Lady Thailand' project it wouldn't attract anybody...

Hmmm.. didn't someone else say exactly the same thing lately which was soon followed up with an idiotic media frenzy of extremely manipulated context and miss quotes.... accusing the Opposition leader of calling Yingluck a Stupid B*!@&....

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Well, at least she's calling it 'The Smart Lady Thailand' project... lets face it, if she were to call it 'The Stupid Lady Thailand' project it wouldn't attract anybody...

Hmmm.. didn't someone else say exactly the same thing lately which was soon followed up with an idiotic media frenzy of extremely manipulated context and miss quotes.... accusing the Opposition leader of calling Yingluck a Stupid B*!@&....

Sorry, but it is considered impolite on Thaivisa to interrupt a week longs emotional rant by introducing facts, shame on you!

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Me thinks Abhisit told the truth the other day.

My money says he did.

During her visit, PM Yingluck had a chance to learn about the project, which was aimed at opening up opportunities for women to demonstrate their leadership and strong personalities.

Well, she needs to en-role in the courses, she has a lot to learn. So far her behaviour has been a set back for women's empowerment in this country. She is certainly not a role model as far as that goes!

I am surprised they let her near the project. Shows not to smart of thinking on their part.

SO you don't think her appearance in a stained silk jacket sort of proves his point? I also remember the number of times Thatcher called certain MP's stupid idiots! So it's OK for a woman to say it but not a man?

Seriously, if she can't take the criticism then maybe she shouldn't be in politics? I am sure some think even worse they just don't articulate it!

I didn't like the jacket but I am the last person to comment on fashion. What has Maggie got to do with it? Different country and different sensibilities entirely. In the UK people can and do say much worse and people barely bat an eye. Apples and oranges.

Actually, I would say she has taken the criticism quite well. It is the media that is stirring the pot and possibly the PT spin doctors. Abhisit has been hurt by it. It is all rather childish.

I doubt she has had time to think about it what with world wide shopping trips, If she did have the time she wouldn't be able to figure it out any how. She probably thinks it is going to be another Thai soap Opera and can hardly wait for the first episode.

For darn sure her staff hasn't clued her in either.

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Is this some sort of joke ? I have read in numerous thai publications in Thailand that the average mental age of an adult thai is around 8 years old, compared to a western child, (comics, vistits to the local soothsayers etc.), and for these poeople to think that they are smart is a completete joke. I have heard on numerous occasions a thai referring to a farang as stupid purely because the farang could no speak thai ! How stupid can you get ? And while I,m here I just read that Abhisit did not say the things that he is supposed to have said (government propaganda). This I believe because I truly think that he is a gentleman and a scholar, and the only hope that this country has in the face of total corruption. I,m lost for words, bring back Khun Anand smile.png

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All part of the superstar image. Run the country, debate in parliament - that's what minions are for. The Shins are above all this - they're the thinkers not the doers.

History will hopefully record her achievements, should there be any, as PM and DM.

In the meantime the pantomime continues full throttle.

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