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Chonburi: Man beaten to death for 'long phone call'


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Fighting, drinking, phone calls, Some do not know when to stop.

You want to show me the part that says they were drinking, please. They were going to work. It is important to note the distinction between situations. Your bigoted position suggests that it was a booze generated fight. I have seen more fights among sober Thais than drinking Thais.

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After reading this I will listen more to my peaceful, loving, and gentle Thai wife when she says that I need to be careful with Thai people. Just yesterday traveling in Hat Yai to the airport in a fix 20 THB fix fare bus, at the destination the driver asked for 100 THB. When I refused to pay, my wife told me to do it and not starting an argument, even with 2 police officers standing by very close. I was very upset, but I paid. My wife told me that she new that the driver was taking advantage of me, but she also said. ..I do not want you be kill for 80 THB!!!

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Thais simply lack patience. This is evidenced by driving behaviour, pushing in at a queue etc.

I have been told that a show of anger is a massive loss of face. Holding back your anger is bad for psyche. As face is such a big issue to these people, once lost, all bets are off.

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I was talking with a friend of mine the other day and we were discussing some of the especially brainless and violent things that a lot of Thai's seem so prone to do. I was at a loss to understand it and my friend put it this way..........She said, "Just try to imagine that all of these people who doing these things, even though they are for the most part adults, are mentally and emotionally around thirteen or fourteen years old." Well, I can remember when I was that age. I was totally irrational and impulsive, and would do really stupid things without the slightest thought of the consequences of my actions. Suddenly, it started to make sense. From now on, when I find myself in a dicey situation with a Thai, I'll just try to remember what it was like raising four teenagers and handle it accordingly (and diplomatically). That's my viewpoint, you may take it or leave it. wai.gif.pagespeed.ce.ptXUXgG4cA.gif

Edited by metisdead
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Phone conversations with girlfriends never very long....

Hi darling, did you eat yet?

Where are you now?

What time will you be home?

Ok I wait you...

That's called a language barrier.

This man was a Thai. Believe it or not, they have discussions with their girlfriends. Often extremely long ones.

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Punching him to death and he "suddenly" realized that he was dead.

This is newsworthy not least because it was a rare thing - a fight between 2 men, without weapons or gangs to back them up, fighting with fists until one of them prevailed. At least no weapons were mentioned in the report.

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They are mostly emotionality retarded and have little self control, all this jai yen, land of smiles and sabai sabai is nonsense

Sounds like a real piece of work. I would rather a psychotic Thai any day than someone who would post a comment like that. bah.gif

Years ago, before the LOS compaign, I read a small book on Thailand written by a Thai and he debunked the myth of the calm Thai who is influenced by Buddhist teachings.

According to the writer many, if not most, Thais harbour a deep seated anger, hidden behind the supposedly calm exterior, which can be so easily triggered by the most innocuous of issues, where insult is taken from apparently nothing and of course when a Thai considers he or she has lost face.

Too many people take this LOS business too seriously, it was an tourism based advertising campaign, that's all. Anyone who takes any advertising campaign to heart is a patsy in my book.

A Thai is a Thai is a Thai. What you see is what you get. Get off your high horses and try to appreciate some of the good sides to living here. biggrin.pngbiggrin.pngbiggrin.png

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Most of Thai's are very short tempered. I have failed to figure out the reason behind?


Don't be fooled by the "Land of Smiles" BS the government tourist promoters peddle to foreigners.

For many poor Thais life is a constant struggle between what they see on television as the norm and what they have to do to survive ... especially in Bangkok or Chonburi.

Life in Thailand can be a daily struggle and many people are right on the edge of exploding ... all it takes is one spark to ignite the fire.

The life style they see in those soap operas on T.V. is something they just can't afford....and they are frustrated and ready to explode.

All it takes is one spark to set it off.


Why did they have a short fuse before television?

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Most of Thai's are very short tempered. I have failed to figure out the reason behind?


Don't be fooled by the "Land of Smiles" BS the government tourist promoters peddle to foreigners.

For many poor Thais life is a constant struggle between what they see on television as the norm and what they have to do to survive ... especially in Bangkok or Chonburi.

Life in Thailand can be a daily struggle and many people are right on the edge of exploding ... all it takes is one spark to ignite the fire.

The life style they see in those soap operas on T.V. is something they just can't afford....and they are frustrated and ready to explode.

All it takes is one spark to set it off.


Why did they have a short fuse before television?

If I understand the above explanation correctly, the reason for frequent violence and rages in thailand is those soap operas?

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Many reasons for unstable behavior in Thais: Unstable nuclear families, frequent family violence, a culture which represses emotions, a society that exalts superstion over logic, a poor mental health system, inequality in power in society, a lack of an appropriate role model for socially integrated moral behavior (excludes monks), easy to avoid legal consequences of bad behavior due to corruption, an education system that does not teach logic, does not allow self expression or questioning of authority and etc.

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I suspect the "girlfriend" on the other end of the phone might have something to do with the sudden flare of temper. They were in a deep conversation, and my guess is the girl wanted a "break-off" and the guy was extremely pissed that he lost his girl to another guy, presumably.

He took it out on his friend and his mobile phone.

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Most of Thai's are very short tempered. I have failed to figure out the reason behind?


Don't be fooled by the "Land of Smiles" BS the government tourist promoters peddle to foreigners.

For many poor Thais life is a constant struggle between what they see on television as the norm and what they have to do to survive ... especially in Bangkok or Chonburi.

Life in Thailand can be a daily struggle and many people are right on the edge of exploding ... all it takes is one spark to ignite the fire.

The life style they see in those soap operas on T.V. is something they just can't afford....and they are frustrated and ready to explode.

All it takes is one spark to set it off.

If I understand the above explanation correctly, the reason for frequent violence and rages in thailand is those soap operas?

Yeah, you know the ones: riveting, and easy to follow, because they're all the freaking same. I thought I'd never see anything worse than Australian TV. A gross error.

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