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Is my girlfriend different?


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Okay I know this will attract scorn and derision but I also know there are some seasoned contributors here who's advice I have found invaluable in the past.

She has a good respectable job, I've visited the folks but found the experience polite but lacking warmth or humour.

I only see her a few days a week and have never met any of her friends or social circle although every now and again her 'gay male friend' calls up. When he does she usually shoots me a 'oh shit' glance and disappears, its all in Thai so I can't follow it.

She's been married to a falang before and says it just fell apart.

I know this sounds stupid and I feel stupid asking here but don't want to admit it to friends that I think I might be getting set up to go for a ride.

Every time I talk about housing she mentions 30 year leases which makes me want to trust her but I know you can change this with a passport photocopy and a forged signature.

She has never asked for any money or anything to be bought for her or her family. I think she was gearing up to ask me to put her father in a new business as his collapsed but I put the stoppers on that conversation right away, not sure if she was really asking anyway.

Oh and when I go away her messages are literally 'how are you' very infrequently and she never replies to any questions. She speaks and writes English very well.

We get on very well but I just don't feel like I can trust her though I want to. It would be hurtful to finish it now but I worry about the consequences in the future if I let it go on.

This is a bashers dream so let it rip but hopefully some of the more experienced and knowledgeable will chip in too as I really do need some advice here.

All the best.

Where you from? What you do? How long you stay Thailand? You have girlfriend? What you do?

Time to get some business cards printed.

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If you don't feel like you can trust her, then don't do it, in my expeirences with Thai women and wid women in general, when they are truelly interested in you they don't loose any opportunity of talking wid u, the fact that she never answers to ur sms speaks by itself, my advice: don't hurry up, take what you can but don't hope for much.

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Don't know why for the life of me this should attract scorn or derision, Seems fair enough to me. However if you feel you have to publicly ask this question, and going by the brief description of your relationship, you harbour doubts as to her sincerity. Are you sure you are not just seeking confirmation for already what your gut is telling you.

Any decent relationship is built on trust. If you don't have that then it may be time to take steps.

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Married and divorced to a farang already. Check.

'Gay' male friend. Check.

Talk about daddies failing business and whether you can help. Check.

Too busy to return your messages or show any interest in you when away. Check.

Never allowed to meet her friends or social circle (this means she's ashamed of you and doesn't want them to know). Check.

She's a keeper! ;)

No seriously ditch her.

What's her job by the way?

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The OP never mentioned if they were even shagging each other.

I don't see how the OP's comment "I only see her a few days a week" even gets her into the girlfriend league.

As mentioned earlier (and in countless thousands of earlier similar threads), if you need to ask here, you already know the answer.

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You have obviously already made up your mind, now you are just hoping/waiting for everyone else to tell you what you want to hear. Do you want one of us to come with you to Starbucks and hold your hand while you tell her it is not working?

It's rather amazing that these guys have to have their hand held to make the most basic, personal decisions. Perhaps we should try a different tact: OP, trust this woman. Give her what she wants. Buy her a house and a car. Invest in a business for her. Give her access to your bank account. Never question her about her male friends or brother(s). Never expect a call or text message. If you do everything correctly, you'll end up just like this guy:


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you are in a relationship with someone anywhere in the world and that person can't talk on the phone in front of you?

are you a American?

you could buy the dad's "failing" business for peanuts and they can all now work for you...

and if the relationship goes bad you can fire them all...

or do nothing and see what happens...

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Never allowed to meet her friends or social circle (this means she's ashamed of you and doesn't want them to know). Check.

I always thought this means she thinks her friends might tell you about her husband, or vice versa.

Did you check out her facebook page? and photos of you and her together on it?

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At least ask her about everything that's happening, introduce you to her friends, answer your texts etc. Push her into that corner she how she reacts, actions speak louder than words and you'll feel better that you gave her a chance to explain herself after you have given her the flick

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One simple question, if this is it, if this is how life with her will be. Will you be happy for the rest of your life?

"When in doubt, do without"

Even if the other person is fantastic or "perfect" if you are not happy, soon both of you will not be happy and it's best to part ways.

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