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PM Yingluck pleads with lawmakers to approve Bt2.2 trillion loans bill


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2.2 Trillion Baht?? for what?? let the people see the budgeting... Who the heck dreamed up this number...Does it include the 30% tea money or is that extra???

Nobody seems to know other than some generalities, including 350 billion for an unwanted dam in one of the largest nature reserves in SE Asia - Mae Wong National Park, which will have far reaching and devastating consequences on millions of people for years to come and which is currently being opposed by a 380 kilometer march, led by environmentalist Sasin Chalermlap. Other than that a few expensive, quite possibly unsafe Chinese high speed railways.

Yingluck has consistently failed to provide a detailed budget. Can't think why.

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2.2 Trillion Baht?? for what?? let the people see the budgeting... Who the heck dreamed up this number...Does it include the 30% tea money or is that extra???

Nobody seems to know other than some generalities, including 350 billion for an unwanted dam in one of the largest nature reserves in SE Asia - Mae Wong National Park, which will have far reaching and devastating consequences on millions of people for years to come and which is currently being opposed by a 380 kilometer march, led by environmentalist Sasin Chalermlap. Other than that a few expensive, quite possibly unsafe Chinese high speed railways.

Yingluck has consistently failed to provide a detailed budget. Can't think why.

Edited by Mudcrab
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It is a countries obligation to improve on their infrastructure. I agree in principle that this bill needs to be passed, it is just unfortunate that it has happened to come necessary just as the country has entered a recession. Just based on observations, it is very possible that Thailand will be down in a third consecutive quarter, confirming the recession. In one way, it is tough to vote yes on this bill during this time, and on the other hand it could become a jobs bill to turn the economy back around. I say go ahead with it. This country has an obligation to improve their road and train systems to their citizens, and it takes money to do that. Do you want to become a Singapore, with improvement, or be a Myanmar? (No offense to Myanmar, just an example).

You believe it will be spent wisely then? With no plan, no budgets, no financial controls, no accountability to parliament and with the track record similar to that of a Zimbabwe rather than a Singapore? Add to that the fact that they are controlled by a convicted fugitive fraudster, who is aleady openly in league with one of the main potential water management contractors, and you would agree in principle. whistling.gif

I guess it would spoil your opportunity to bash Thailand by having improvements made, and you would like it to be 50 years behind the rest of the world. If we were to wait for your fears to be overcome, nothing in this country would ever be done. Anyone that makes more than you ever did must be a crook. Thailand can not wait for you to come around to move forward. I am glad that there are other people in charge and making the decisions that are tough to make, rather than just complaining like both parties in the U.S., where nothing gets accomplished anymore. I live in Thailand, probably like you, but I enjoy it here. I am not trying to attack you, but if you know all of the details about no plans, no financial controls, no accountability, ( oh, you mean to your party only ), and I don't know where you get a track record of Zimbabwe, but I think maybe you are reaching.

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She also said the major banks 'approved' of this plan. As the 'major banks' will be lenders under this scheme, this eases my concern greatly! Talk about asking the fox if the access to the hen house is satisfactory ...! Are the people in this country so stupid not to see thru this scheme?

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She also said the major banks 'approved' of this plan. As the 'major banks' will be lenders under this scheme, this eases my concern greatly! Talk about asking the fox if the access to the hen house is satisfactory ...!Are the people in this country so stupid not to see thru this scheme?

Are the people in this country so stupid not to see thru this scheme?

Answering your question might be a violation of Thai Visa Forum rules No 7 & 8.

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She also said the major banks 'approved' of this plan. As the 'major banks' will be lenders under this scheme, this eases my concern greatly! Talk about asking the fox if the access to the hen house is satisfactory ...!Are the people in this country so stupid not to see thru this scheme?

Are the people in this country so stupid not to see thru this scheme?

Answering your question might be a violation of Thai Visa Forum rules No 7 & 8.

Maybe the word 'apathetic' is more accurate and also acceptable
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It is a countries obligation to improve on their infrastructure. I agree in principle that this bill needs to be passed, it is just unfortunate that it has happened to come necessary just as the country has entered a recession. Just based on observations, it is very possible that Thailand will be down in a third consecutive quarter, confirming the recession. In one way, it is tough to vote yes on this bill during this time, and on the other hand it could become a jobs bill to turn the economy back around. I say go ahead with it. This country has an obligation to improve their road and train systems to their citizens, and it takes money to do that. Do you want to become a Singapore, with improvement, or be a Myanmar? (No offense to Myanmar, just an example).

You believe it will be spent wisely then? With no plan, no budgets, no financial controls, no accountability to parliament and with the track record similar to that of a Zimbabwe rather than a Singapore? Add to that the fact that they are controlled by a convicted fugitive fraudster, who is aleady openly in league with one of the main potential water management contractors, and you would agree in principle. Posted Image

I guess it would spoil your opportunity to bash Thailand by having improvements made, and you would like it to be 50 years behind the rest of the world. If we were to wait for your fears to be overcome, nothing in this country would ever be done. Anyone that makes more than you ever did must be a crook. Thailand can not wait for you to come around to move forward. I am glad that there are other people in charge and making the decisions that are tough to make, rather than just complaining like both parties in the U.S., where nothing gets accomplished anymore. I live in Thailand, probably like you, but I enjoy it here. I am not trying to attack you, but if you know all of the details about no plans, no financial controls, no accountability, ( oh, you mean to your party only ), and I don't know where you get a track record of Zimbabwe, but I think maybe you are reaching.
It might be sensible to use the term cautious, whenever government & 'investment' are mentioned in the same breath.

Possibly the thought that there are higher priorities than high-speed trains.

Is this initiative removing hurdles, or maybe generating something which doesn't seem to have a requirement, at least currently?

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They desperately need it to keep the economy from collapsing... just for now.

Their previous policies have been an abject failure with the country falling into a recession, the first car and house schemes, the disastrous rice scheme, the minimum wage increase, etc, etc... The only way they know how to make things look well is by borrowing more and more money to prop up their incompetence.

On top of that, PTP saying "trusts us" in terms of transparency and accountability is laughable in view of the lies and obfuscations of the rice scheme to give the most glaring example.

Besides, it´s not a 2 trillion bill, it´ll cost the country 5.5 trillion at least to pay off the loans.

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It is a countries obligation to improve on their infrastructure. I agree in principle that this bill needs to be passed, it is just unfortunate that it has happened to come necessary just as the country has entered a recession. Just based on observations, it is very possible that Thailand will be down in a third consecutive quarter, confirming the recession. In one way, it is tough to vote yes on this bill during this time, and on the other hand it could become a jobs bill to turn the economy back around. I say go ahead with it. This country has an obligation to improve their road and train systems to their citizens, and it takes money to do that. Do you want to become a Singapore, with improvement, or be a Myanmar? (No offense to Myanmar, just an example).

I would agree with you to a extent except that the balance of borrowing for investment hoping for gains down the road, has been shown to be a very shaky philosophy as the efforts of the Labour Party and the damage caused to the UK testifies.

In this case we all know that a sizable slug of the obey will go in corruption and maybe only half will actually be spent on what it is supposed to be spent on. That would've bad enough but the fact that Thais have the planning foresight of a moth in a bright light means that any money that does find its way into infrastructure will be incredibly inefficiently disbursed.

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Well if she is not to busy having her nails done she will attend parliament and explain tio them her brother wants it.

The picture is a good indication of how many people will pay attention to her. Not only is she Thailand's first female PM but she is also the biggest joke to hold that office.wai2.gif

I wonder if they will allow a skype call from Thaksin in to the proceedings?whistling.gif

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Well if she is not to busy having her nails done she will attend parliament and explain tio them her brother wants it.

The picture is a good indication of how many people will pay attention to her. Not only is she Thailand's first female PM but she is also the biggest joke to hold that office.Posted Image

I wonder if they will allow a skype call from Thaksin in to the proceedings?Posted Image

Would be interesting to see her have a non-scripted debate, justifying what/why the massive influx of money is for.

Why it is the only means of securing thailand's future after 2 years of apparent inactivity.

It's a massive smoke-screen for the 'reconciliation' Bill, which is always the 'elephant in the room'.

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2.2 Trillion Baht?? for what?? let the people see the budgeting... Who the heck dreamed up this number...Does it include the 30% tea money or is that extra???

30% tea money plus 40% big brother, not much left to do much good facepalm.gif better if we spend it all whistling.gif

We all need new cars and a few planes to get around the country giggle.gif

If my Thai wife is typical, money is spent when its there, no regard for it being needed for something else.


10,000 baht in the bank, what shall I spend it on?

Next week, please can I have 5,000 baht for the rent, loan etc

Same here mate. My wife had a "budget" for some minor roof repairs, changes to the garden, block paving, additional fencing etc. Spent 3.5 times the agreed budget. Answer - well it needed doing, the builder suggested it, it looks nicer now! After an awkward conversation - she actually went and spent a bit more. Well it needed the finishing touches!

Every non-Thai I know has similar tales about their wives and money - regardless of where they come from in Thailand, background, education, upbringing etc.

They all have the same short term thinking and want to spend money quick before relative asks to "borrow" it.

Quite a sweeping statement about a whole gender of a nationality- its more likely that the level of lady you can entertain or attract to actually marry you is of a class where what you describe is prevalent- ie an uneducated lady

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2.2 Trillion Baht?? for what?? let the people see the budgeting... Who the heck dreamed up this number...Does it include the 30% tea money or is that extra???
30% tea money plus 40% big brother, not much left to do much good Posted Image better if we spend it all Posted Image

We all need new cars and a few planes to get around the country Posted Image

If my Thai wife is typical, money is spent when its there, no regard for it being needed for something else.


10,000 baht in the bank, what shall I spend it on?

Next week, please can I have 5,000 baht for the rent, loan etc

Same here mate. My wife had a "budget" for some minor roof repairs, changes to the garden, block paving, additional fencing etc. Spent 3.5 times the agreed budget. Answer - well it needed doing, the builder suggested it, it looks nicer now! After an awkward conversation - she actually went and spent a bit more. Well it needed the finishing touches!

Every non-Thai I know has similar tales about their wives and money - regardless of where they come from in Thailand, background, education, upbringing etc.

They all have the same short term thinking and want to spend money quick before relative asks to "borrow" it.

Quite a sweeping statement about a whole gender of a nationality- its more likely that the level of lady you can entertain or attract to actually marry you is of a class where what you describe is prevalent- ie an uneducated lady

Quite a sweeping statement about a whole gender of many nationalities -

Some people might find it offensive to be demeaned as only being able to 'entertain or attract to marry an uneducated lady'.

Perhaps you have used your own sweeping statement of all uneducated ladies are money grabbers.

Your post was going quite well until you added your snide comment.

Btw, my wife has a degree.

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A real upgrade of infrastructure is something Thailand desperately needs, sadly we all know what upgrading infrastructure in Thailand means.... Filling potholes with sand or at the very best, a squat of it's local (special mix) asphalt (and of course with 7 paid men working on each pothole). After a week the holes are larger than ever, and 2.2 trillion has vanished.

I've never understood why the villages waste their precious money fixing the roads like they do (or anything they do for that matter). Why not save the money for good quality asphalt. It's a great investment, and the villages will save loads of money on a long term basis, and it's also good for business on all parts. It's really annoying watching these endless stupid cycles. I just wish they had some more knowledge, but they don't and they're not even a tiny bit interested in learning either. I really hope we see some long term preventative solutions soon, but hey, I'm not superstitious. I know it won't happen. It's just another illusion of hope given to it's superstitious and naive Thai citizens.

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A real upgrade of infrastructure is something Thailand desperately needs, sadly we all know what upgrading infrastructure in Thailand means.... Filling potholes with sand or at the very best, a squat of it's local (special mix) asphalt (and of course with 7 paid men working on each pothole). After a week the holes are larger than ever, and 2.2 trillion has vanished.

I've never understood why the villages waste their precious money fixing the roads like they do (or anything they do for that matter). Why not save the money for good quality asphalt. It's a great investment, and the villages will save loads of money on a long term basis, and it's also good for business on all parts. It's really annoying watching these endless stupid cycles. I just wish they had some more knowledge, but they don't and they're not even a tiny bit interested in learning either. I really hope we see some long term preventative solutions soon, but hey, I'm not superstitious. I know it won't happen. It's just another illusion of hope given to it's superstitious and naive Thai citizens.

As you point out, it's the ability to look beyond now, to look to the future, which seems to be missing from Thai culture.

In education, in infrastructure, the same story. It needs fixing but there are no ideas or incentives to make it happen.

A better Thailand isn't a sufficient goal.

Then, all of a sudden, the magic cure for all Thailand's woes is determined (apparently overnight), the price of the fix is determined and hey-presto, money talks.

I assume I'm not alone in thinking that the government are telling porkies about their actual intentions.

Thailand deserves better. This government has a popular mandate, not least from those who need the investment most. As usual, they're at the bottom of the heap. Never mind, they'll still vote for Thaksin.

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A real upgrade of infrastructure is something Thailand desperately needs, sadly we all know what upgrading infrastructure in Thailand means.... Filling potholes with sand or at the very best, a squat of it's local (special mix) asphalt (and of course with 7 paid men working on each pothole). After a week the holes are larger than ever, and 2.2 trillion has vanished.

I've never understood why the villages waste their precious money fixing the roads like they do (or anything they do for that matter). Why not save the money for good quality asphalt. It's a great investment, and the villages will save loads of money on a long term basis, and it's also good for business on all parts. It's really annoying watching these endless stupid cycles. I just wish they had some more knowledge, but they don't and they're not even a tiny bit interested in learning either. I really hope we see some long term preventative solutions soon, but hey, I'm not superstitious. I know it won't happen. It's just another illusion of hope given to it's superstitious and naive Thai citizens.

I appreciate your feelings but I believe you are talking to the wrong people. I can not say for sure but if the village does not spend it's money they will get less next year.

Granted if you teach them the proper way it will not make any difference the people who should know and understand this is the people who make the decisions as to how much money to give to them.

I wonder if the Government has reconsidered what they are going to spend the money on if they get it. What with the obvious collapse of the regular rail system.

Also are they going to make it common knowledge that it will be are children, grand children and great grand children paying this loan off. Not really sure I would want to commit my descendent's to that kind of a bill even if it was all spent on projects and they were properly carried out.

It is needed but as I say not sure if I have the right to commit that kind of a debt to them. I believe they were talking 50 years. This is a bill over and above the regular cost of running a government.

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This is a confusing headline. With the iron grip PTP has on parliament, I thought the passing of this bill was a slam dunk.

In some ways this is a truly stupendous attempt to fill the feeding trough to the brim for the last gasp looting before this

government either collapses or is overthrown. And then fifty years of debt for the Thai people......Wow, what a legacy.

I am also puzzled as to where this money is going to come from. The Thai banks certainly know what is going on,

am pretty sure they would steer clear of this mess. Also am thinking foreign banks would be thinking along the same lines.

So where is this money coming from ??

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