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Phuket Immigration cracks down on yachting, marine industry


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The article says; building their own boats. But it doesn`t mention whether or not they had intentions of selling these boats as a business, for a profit?




And who gonna determine what someones intention in the future will be.





Thinking might actually be illegal, should we think of a profitable idea and use it later on.




*Looks nervously around to see if there are any Thai Immigration police coming in the front yard*

Edited by pilm
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Things I've done that I can be arrested for:

1. Cut some bananas off a tree.
2. Picked up some coconuts off the ground and put them in a basket.
3. Built my own computer.
4. Fed some cats that didn't belong to me.
5. Washed the pickup and pumped up the tyres.
6. Put up a shelf in the kitchen.
7. Oiled the front gate.

Immigration, just come and shoot me.

Is owning 2 taxis illegal? I dont drive them but my TGF pays the bills with the money we get from them



Owning them in itself is certainly not. Making money of them is not if you set up a company, registered it, and pay taxes and social security for the workers.


This would not require a work permit for yourself, as long as you "do not lift a finger" which includes bookkeeping, which is reserved for Thais apart from occasional audits. Well, I suppose TGF does it.

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which includes bookkeeping, which is reserved for Thais

Whoops - 'bookkeeping'.


Things I've done that I can be arrested for:

1. Cut some bananas off a tree.
2. Picked up some coconuts off the ground and put them in a basket.
3. Built my own computer.
4. Fed some cats that didn't belong to me.
5. Washed the pickup and pumped up the tyres.
6. Put up a shelf in the kitchen.
7. Oiled the front gate.
8. Keeping track of my incomings and outgoings on a computer.

Immigration, just come and shoot me.
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Has no one actually bothered to read and understand the labour laws here. As LiK has alluded - yes most of our hobbies are considered work. Gardening, car repair/modify, yacht building... Not that I agree with it but these guys got popped for an antiquated but valid law. We all suppose that no one is gonna bother with our little bits of 'work', BUT there is always the chance!
I know of many farrang who build their own boats/ultralights/hoovercraft etc... in their own yards (or buy and sell cars/bikes) and surprisingly about a week or two after their 'project' is done they sell it. Don't bitch if you are trying to avoid the work permit and legal Thai company...

Great post, you could sell this gem. I'm going to report you.
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The article says; building their own boats. But it doesn`t mention whether or not they had intentions of selling these boats as a business, for a profit?




And who gonna determine what someones intention in the future will be.


Phuket Immigration!

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The Mrs. is gonna be pissed when I tell her she has to mow the lawn from now on, and fetch my beer.

Now I'm liking the law in this perspective. 

My wife wants me to park her motorcycle, 

and the car each evening after she gets done running around.

She thinks I'm her bellboy...well now I have a reason why I shouldn't.

Sweetness in the LOS.

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surely building a boat for yourself on your own property is a hobby not work......if i do my own gardening am i working?

Actually you are! WP required!! no joke


Seriously though, how would you obtain a WP for such a thing?

You'd first have to create a thai registered company, 

and have assets in that company of 2 million baht to be able to qualify to sponsor a foreign worker.

Then you'd have to show you were paying this said foreigner worker more than 60,000 baht a month so he or you could qualify for a WP.

So all you guys stating to follow the law,

how can you,

when the requirements for a WP are as such?

Most people living in any country, 

don't need to pay someone to fix their car or their motorcycle, 

repair the house paint or simple plumbing.

If Immigration wanted to truly catch these guys illegally working, 

then why not set up a sting, and catch them selling the boat, 

with photos showing they had built it.

Then they have a valid case, 

in working for a profit.

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I don't get you lot... I luv my herbal remedies and really, really wish it was legal. But it ain't. I love workin'

 on my bikes, cars, house, boat... wish it was legal but I know it ain't! Doesn't stop me, never had an issue. But at least I know the laws of the country I'm living in. There seems to be a whack of y'all out there that have absolutely no concept of the laws of this sovereign nation and absolutely no concept of your lot as an expat/immigrant. Thailand ain't Kansas kids and no-freakin-body here could give a shite what you think. Kinda like life for Chinese, Irish, Italian, eastern european immigrants to the good ol' USA around 1900...

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A brief aside.


I know a farrang teenager who is kind of 'stuck' here. He works for a Thai during the day doing deliveries, and at night bussing in a Thai bar. This is NOT in Phuket, Pattaya, or Samui it is 'up country'. Everyone, both Thai and farrang in the village know it - cops, mayor, big dicks... No one gives a shizzle, in fact everyone does anything they can to help. He's just another kid trying to get by. All of Thailand ain't the shite-hole of the big three tourist dollar vacuums ya know.

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So, I guess repairing the mess the Thai mechanic made of my Harley because of his incompetance and mai pen rai attitude was illegal.  I actually had no problem with paying for it as I am lazy and that's why I took it there in the first place.  And this is one of the better of the bunch from asking around.


I agree it's not only about working for money but depriving a Thai of an income (in their eyes).  However I think (would hope) there is some lenience when no Thai can do the job and it's not for profit.  However whether the Immigration dept. would acknowledge the shoddy workmanship is another matter!

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The law is very clear, any work that as a foreigner you do not have a permit to perform is work that is illegal! very clear.so if you are in Thailand as a retiree and you do your own gardening you are working ilegally in Thailand, very clear indeed.


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surely building a boat for yourself on your own property is a hobby not work......if i do my own gardening am i working?


Expats are supposedly not allowed to work in construction OR agriculture. Hiding a boat is a little harder than hiding a gardening trowel. Older ThaiVisa members might remember the story of of an expat arrested for fixing his own motorcycle in front of his apartment in Bangkok (was 12+ yrs ago)

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I don't get you lot... I luv my herbal remedies and really, really wish it was legal. But it ain't. I love workin'

 on my bikes, cars, house, boat... wish it was legal but I know it ain't! Doesn't stop me, never had an issue. But at least I know the laws of the country I'm living in. There seems to be a whack of y'all out there that have absolutely no concept of the laws of this sovereign nation and absolutely no concept of your lot as an expat/immigrant. Thailand ain't Kansas kids and no-freakin-body here could give a shite what you think. Kinda like life for Chinese, Irish, Italian, eastern european immigrants to the good ol' USA around 1900...

Chinese,Irish,Italians etc. were top earners in good ol' usa right! kinda same,sure.

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When I built my house in Udon Thani in 2004, I wanted to bring a lawnmower over from the U.S. The developer said my-pen-rai, that it would be better if I supported the local community by hiring Thai workers to take care of it.


It's beginning to seem clear to me that Thailand doesn't mind our presence in their country, providing we do all we can to support Thai people. Considering all the obstacles a foreigner must go through to even own land (e.g., 4M baht investment among other things), I can only surmise that the government's reasons are nationalistically-based.


No matter how we feel about not being able to work on our own boats or paint our own houses or mow our own lawns, we have to admit that Thailand has pretty much succeeded in remaining Thailand. If the U.S. had adopted such policies in the 1800s, perhaps Congress wouldn't be dominated by so many anger-spewing supremecists today. Of course, we wouldn't have the same values as we do now, but that's another subject.

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As much as I agree with most of the complaints here, I have to say that outside of the main tourist 'hubs' it is not a problem !! I used to live in Phuket but now that I am out in the sticks of Suratthani I encounter so much less bulls**t.

Plus the poster that went on about building 1, then 2 and then 3 boats for profit and claims to have owned 2 boats himself is full of sh*t, as there is no profit in boats. There is truth to the saying "if it floats, flys or fu*ks, rent it"...

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surely building a boat for yourself on your own property is a hobby not work......if i do my own gardening am i working?

Actually you are! WP required!! no joke


Seriously though, how would you obtain a WP for such a thing?

You'd first have to create a thai registered company, 

and have assets in that company of 2 million baht to be able to qualify to sponsor a foreign worker.

Then you'd have to show you were paying this said foreigner worker more than 60,000 baht a month so he or you could qualify for a WP.

So all you guys stating to follow the law,

how can you,

when the requirements for a WP are as such?

Most people living in any country, 

don't need to pay someone to fix their car or their motorcycle, 

repair the house paint or simple plumbing.

If Immigration wanted to truly catch these guys illegally working, 

then why not set up a sting, and catch them selling the boat, 

with photos showing they had built it.

Then they have a valid case, 

in working for a profit.


Your last five lines...

They truly catch these guys!

They have a valid case by the law and they don't need fotos to prove anything.

Work permit is a work permit,not employment permit.

It's got nothing to do with profits or salaries! Working is working,getting paid or not.

Too strick and stupid, but that is the law.

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WOW, What a joke. 


Wonder what they would say about trading financial markets in that case.!!!!!!!!!!!.  Living in Tland and trading offshore.




This question was answered by an Immigration officer on their dedicated Q&A section on a Phuket weekly publication, not too long ago. Answer is that is perfectly legal to do so. I for one will be more than happy to do that.


One have to understand that in Thailand is all about apparences. If something is not seen, is not happening, then it's OK.


Then regardind the law, it's not a "stupid law" at all. It's exactly what 99% of Thai want and demand that remains unchanged. Same goes for property laws, etc.

Edited by paz
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If Immigration wanted to truly catch these guys illegally working, 

then why not set up a sting, and catch them selling the boat, 

with photos showing they had built it.

Then they have a valid case, 

in working for a profit.

That might have required a long time. If I'm not wrong the boat in picture was being built on Soi Palai, near to the sad place they call a Zoo. I lived there starting Jan '12 or so and the boat looked exactly the same as in pic, it was certainly not being worked on daily, if anything at all.


Anyway as many others have pointed out, it is not about money. It's about doing anything outside your WP if you have one, or just anything if you have not. 

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Has no one actually bothered to read and understand the labour laws here. As LiK has alluded - yes most of our hobbies are considered work. Gardening, car repair/modify, yacht building... Not that I agree with it but these guys got popped for an antiquated but valid law. We all suppose that no one is gonna bother with our little bits of 'work', BUT there is always the chance!


I know of many farrang who build their own boats/ultralights/hoovercraft etc... in their own yards (or buy and sell cars/bikes) and surprisingly about a week or two after their 'project' is done they sell it. Don't bitch if you are trying to avoid the work permit and legal Thai company...


I agree with you entirely ( build as hobby Sell at profit Build new another) I would say business not hobby simple law no working with out a permit... seems like a few have missed the point here..  Along with In Foriegn land,  With Foriegn rules, No rights No Say,,no like then go home EASY...

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I agree with you entirely ( build as hobby Sell at profit Build new another) I would say business not hobby simple law no working with out a permit... seems like a few have missed the point here..  Along with In Foriegn land,  With Foriegn rules, No rights No Say,,no like then go home EASY...


The indignation many shows may have to do with the way is in 'our' countries, where foreigners have rigths, have a say, and are not easy to go home. Try that in an Asian country.

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The Mrs. is gonna be pissed when I tell her she has to mow the lawn from now on, and fetch my beer.

Now I'm liking the law in this perspective. 

My wife wants me to park her motorcycle, 

and the car each evening after she gets done running around.

She thinks I'm her bellboy...well now I have a reason why I shouldn't.

Sweetness in the LOS.



You will have to choose the lesser of evil..

Dealing with immigration... or dealing with your lady....

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