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What To Do With An 18yo Girl Straight From School?

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My GF's young sister has just left school with fairly good grades and moved in with us because there are zero prospects or jobs for young people up country.

We have been driving around Jomtien for a couple of days or more looking for staff wanted signs and knocking on doors but the only one job we can find is 180baht a day at 711 store. Not a very good start for a bright girl :o

We absolutly don't want her hugging a chrome pole or working in a bar in town but there has to be something better than a 711 store on the corner.

Maybe somebody knows a restaurant that wants a pretty waitress or something?

Anyone got any ideas at all?

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


Get some idea of what she's good at / would like to do, then try and get her to knock on doors and contact companies, not just look at what's obviously available.

Push her to further her education, take courses to build up some skills (e.g. computer, typing etc.). She could combine that with a start in 711.


Take the 7 eleven job to start with, at least she will be learning about working life (legit, even if a bit unchallenging) she can apply for other jobs while bringing in some cash.

It will also help on the CV to show she wanted to work.

I agree. Take what she can get at first. We all worked <deleted> jobs when we were that age. But, we learned something and if we stuck it out it looks great on the resume; at least for a while.

But, without further education she's probably always going to be at the low end of the wage scale.

Hi there Rimmer,

Some good advice here.

You know Thailand - very difficult to make much progress on the job front without a suitcase full of certificates that mean shit-all, but without them, no company will talk to you. Experience, willingness to work hard, intelligence, 'get up and go', initiative, etc. etc. all count for nothing. Bullshit qualifications, nepotsism and personal connections, are standard fare for securing a decent job in Thailand.

My wife has succeeded in getting her 3 younger brothers and sister-in-law in work. Mainly by knocking on doors and getting all the required pieces of paper in order. There's not too many "help wanted" signs out there. You have to network and knock on Companies' doors, and get her going at further edcucation I'm afraid. It's a hard grind, but if she's willing to put in the time, you should get there in the end.

Good luck. :o

P.S. I don't know how much they pay, but Tesco hire a lot of folk around here. Both my ex wife's younger brother and his GF have got jobs there recently.

My GF's young sister has just left school with fairly good grades and moved in with us because there are zero prospects or jobs for young people up country.

We have been driving around Jomtien for a couple of days or more looking for staff wanted signs and knocking on doors but the only one job we can find is 180baht a day at 711 store. Not a very good start for a bright girl :o

We absolutly don't want her hugging a chrome pole or working in a bar in town but there has to be something better than a 711 store on the corner.

Maybe somebody knows a restaurant that wants a pretty waitress or something?

Anyone got any ideas at all?

let her go university, if she is smart, Masterdegree of something

[let her go university, if she is smart, Masterdegree of something

Yes, A masters degree that gives the most impressive looking certificate which will grant entry to the widest selection of jobs. :D

I'm a bit cynical about this education thing in Thailand because I know of so many bright kids who are condemmned to a life of low paid servitude, because their families couldn't afford to send them to bullshit universities which give them bullshit degrees for swanning around doing pretty much bugger all for 4 years, and without which they have no hope of ever securing a decent job.:o


If she's graduated from secondary school, and she's bright like you say pay for her to continue her education. To get a decent job in Thailand you need a degree at the minimum. If she wants to work part time try carrefore as a cashier.



I agree with some of the posters.

1. Does she speak/write/read fluent English? If not, send her to a university/special school and support her. Let her study Chinese/Mandarin as well.

Her opportunities if she learn these are endless, especially Thailand (or abroad).

2. Don't send her working (yet)!!!

3. If she's such a bright girl, and I assume she is, try to convince her that KNOWLEDGE and EDUCATION is the key to a better life....not working in some shop for a lousy salary.

Good luck


grab the 711 for a start things work themselves out

Gotta agree with you there Bronco. Take a half decent job and start your future from there. I did it, and I would say most people here did it also. I started life as a junior cahsier at Grace Bros kitchenware in Sydney at about the same age.

Learning a bit of customer service and dealing with people every day is a good skill to learn. The $$$ are also nice.


[let her go university, if she is smart, Masterdegree of something

Yes, A masters degree that gives the most impressive looking certificate which will grant entry to the widest selection of jobs. :D

I'm a bit cynical about this education thing in Thailand because I know of so many bright kids who are condemmned to a life of low paid servitude, because their families couldn't afford to send them to bullshit universities which give them bullshit degrees for swanning around doing pretty much bugger all for 4 years, and without which they have no hope of ever securing a decent job.:o

I know a couple of guys (were my employees) with amazing degrees, but knowing basically nothing "bullshit degree". But there is also good education arround (guess that universities does not have the 100 % pass guarantee).

But any education is an advantage, I guess if you learn english and make the diving instructor (which every idiot can learn) you earn double as a doctor at hospital (gouverment hospital).

Or learn japanese, russian whatever....


there are some bars she can work and carry on her education, i know the stereo bar soi lk metro employs girls but the are not obligated to go with anyone, she will find a couple of girls there doing same, if she is good she will make tips without having to do anything other than smile, let me know if you want, the owners are good guys


Hello Rimmer, what grades did she get? any further education? what are her intrests? can she speak good english? If she can speak english itll vastly improve her chances or working in better paid jobs


"Fairly good grades" compared to what?

As a starter she needs English speaking skills, customer relation skills, leadership skills, perhaps some accountancy skills.....but more than any of that, she needs to be motivated, ambitious, energetic and able to learn and capitalize from the many mistakes she is sure to make.

She needs to seek the type of employment that has scope for advancement.

I suggest that you take her to some of the major hotel chains in Pattaya and let her speak with the general managers about what is required for a hotel management career.

Once she knows what is required, she can then take the necessary steps to obtain the qualifications needed for such a profession.

A good hotel manager can find employment anywhere around the world, as can an international style chef. Many hotels offer apprenticeships.


As I'm sure those GM's have all the time in the world to sit down with her and give her some career advice.

Maybe somebody knows a restaurant that wants a pretty waitress or something?

Anyone got any ideas at all?

I think the sponsor you see at the top of the page (Mantra) was looking for new staff. Give him an email.



I hate to be the voice of pessimism, but I think Pattaya gets flooded with girls her age because they hear it's a place to get a job. Some of these girls are willing to do more than others.

The good thing is, she doesn't have to pay rent as long as she's with you.

If you don't want her pole dancing, then tell her she can stay with you as long as she doesn't do that.

I'm not saying to kick her out if she does, just say you will.

I'm assuming she's in Pattaya because she can't afford university, so that's out of the question, right?

The next best thing for her to do is train to become a beautician or masseuse.

(and maybe she'll find Mr. Right)


Hey Rimmer,

How about getting her trained as a plumber?

I've yet to find a single Thai who knows the first thing about pumbing - just botching and guesswork is order of the day.

Apparently female plumbers are all the rage in England.

I reckon a pretty young female plumber would clean up in Pattaya :o


Let her do some coures at local schools. English is a good starter thereafter HTML/webdesign. Even with University she has to start at the bottom and will not earn more than 10.000 BT the first couple of years waste of money and time. (Minimum wager for a Univ. Grad. is i believe 7.800 TB)

But girls who are fluent in English, can earn here very well at Hotels and service related businesses. See a huge prospect for local thai webdesigners. Not the PHP Mysql stuff, but just the basic webdesign for Hotels and Restuarants/bars to promote themself.



forget webdesign. there are already more webdesigner than webpages....

maybe asking her, what she is interested in would be a good idea....

Let her do some coures at local schools. English is a good starter thereafter HTML/webdesign. Even with University she has to start at the bottom and will not earn more than 10.000 BT the first couple of years waste of money and time. (Minimum wager for a Univ. Grad. is i believe 7.800 TB)

But girls who are fluent in English, can earn here very well at Hotels and service related businesses. See a huge prospect for local thai webdesigners. Not the PHP Mysql stuff, but just the basic webdesign for Hotels and Restuarants/bars to promote themself.



I know that sounds like terrible wages and to us it is, but to keep things in perspective. A contruction worker in Issan makes a 170 baht day for a ten hour day and that includes young ladies hauling bricks around all day, in the sun.

If you can afford it give her some work in your house, and send her to school. Make her earn her way in some form.

Don't think for a minute she is not going to learn what pole dancers make and not be tempted.

As youngsters we all paid dues until we developed whatever trade we did that earned better money for us, she probably will be no different.

I think with class hours involved here (just guessing) it might be very dificult to go to school and work.

Of course education is the long term answer, but at 18 it's very hard to see that.

Good Luck :o


My GF's young sister has just left school with fairly good grades and moved in with us because there are zero prospects or jobs for young people up country.

We have been driving around Jomtien for a couple of days or more looking for staff wanted signs and knocking on doors but the only one job we can find is 180baht a day at 711 store. Not a very good start for a bright girl :D

We absolutly don't want her hugging a chrome pole or working in a bar in town but there has to be something better than a 711 store on the corner.

Maybe somebody knows a restaurant that wants a pretty waitress or something?

Anyone got any ideas at all?

let her go university, if she is smart, Masterdegree of something

It's sad ... but even a good degree will have a limited impact, since she is from "Upcountry" :D

If she was from a "respected" Bangkok family :D , she could be thick as spit and

still get a good job. :D

It's also amazing that Thailand puts so much emphasis on womens looks

rather than ability. And some posters here I might add !

To Rimmer who said :-

Maybe somebody knows a restaurant that wants a pretty waitress or something?

How would you react to a prospective employer who required a photo

of you in your skimpiest underpants ? :o



Like Tarragona said, find out what she would like to do. You have to like what you are doing to be any good at it. If you are good at something you will usually make money out of it or at least you will enjoy what you are doing.

Then write down a plan how to get there. Could be university, trade courses or whatever, add English to this.

Follow the plan.

7/11 would probably just be a waste of time and drive here to the chrome pole joints, unless managing a small convenience store is what she wants to do.


Well they say a problem shared is a problem halved.

What great feedback and positive encouragement. Thank you all so much. I always new that Pattaya was full of caring thinking people.

We all sat down around the computer and discussed the pro’s and cons of each post.

She likes the idea of grabbing the 711 job and letting things develop, partly I suspect because she can stay here and walk to work.

I personally like the idea of her becoming a plumbing engineer, thanks for that one Mobi.

Maybe a couple of months in the retail trade will be good exposure by which time we should have finished the new house at Phoenix. Then pretty much in line with what everyone here is saying I’ll send her back to school for further education.

I believe the school at the junction of Phoenix road and Sukhumvit is for further education so that should work for the next couple of years or so, then we can review where to go next.

Thanks again guys you really helped crystallize our thoughts.

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf

Well they say a problem shared is a problem halved.

What great feedback and positive encouragement. Thank you all so much. I always new that Pattaya was full of caring thinking people.

We all sat down around the computer and discussed the pro’s and cons of each post.

She likes the idea of grabbing the 711 job and letting things develop, partly I suspect because she can stay here and walk to work.

I personally like the idea of her becoming a plumbing engineer, thanks for that one Mobi.

Maybe a couple of months in the retail trade will be good exposure by which time we should have finished the new house at Phoenix. Then pretty much in line with what everyone here is saying I’ll send her back to school for further education.

I believe the school at the junction of Phoenix road and Sukhumvit is for further education so that should work for the next couple of years or so, then we can review where to go next.

Thanks again guys you really helped crystallize our thoughts.

Just a follow up comment on my suggestion of a plumber - which certainly was not made in jest.

(Most so-called plumbers in this country don't know their ball cocks from their stop cocks. :o )

I can't see the boom in house building slowing down here for many a year, and there is clearly a shortage of skilled artisans in the construction business.

If your sister in law can combine a knowledge of working English with a building trade skill - plumbing, carpentry, tiling, electrician or whatever, I think she'll never look back.

All the best



I can personally concur with what moby is saying...

My girlfriend just finished building 7 houses, and now she's getting pretty close to finishing a 23 room resort...

Not bad for being just in her twenties... She does have to boss 40+ people around, which gives her a fair share of headaches :o

If she would accept all jobs offered to her, she probably can keep her team going for the next 10 years!

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