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Soi Dogs


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My neighbor's bitch was deep in heat last week. Every night for four nights at least 20 to 30 dogs from neighboring houses, would congregate at her house and get in serious, knock-down drag out fights. One dog expired from battle wounds, others were chased in front of cars and motorbikes. No one came looking for their "pet."

Let me tell you, OP, the sound produced by two dozen horny hounds is unbelievable. Barking, snarling, yelping and howling.

When I talked to the neighbor about it the first morning, she claimed it wasn't her bitch. Oh, no, stupid farang!

She said the dogs saw ghosts.

Just shows what you are up against in Thailand......unfortunately.

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People are such hypocrites when it comes to animals. One the one hand they are quite happy for other people to kill them by various cruel means so they can eat them, on the other they become outraged when it's suggested pests like soi dogs are killed.

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Badly behaved farangs are a direct reflection of all farangs how many men have you thrown a sinker at maybe none as they will fight back

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I will start another thread and post pics next time I scon a human being with a lead sinker after annoying the neighbours. Black, white or brindle

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Soi maas dont have owners. That's why it's called street dog. Maybe it has never had an owner. Maybe it grew up on the street. Maybe they bark because that's how they communicate.
Looking forward to be there next time you hit a dog.

Edited by A1Str8
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Excellent idea, let's have another hate thread. No doubt the haters would be around shortly to spew more venom and make you feel great about yourself

Why play the man and not the ball? Maybe you don't like the ideas expressed in op, but the content doesn't necessarily lend itself to hatred. It is true dogs here are often a source of annoyance, and in some cases danger to humans who happen to be harmlessly passing by. If someone feels a need to vent, let 'em. And maybe some reasonable suggestions may come in.
Let's compare the amount of dog attacks to murders, assaults , and other crimes human on human and then decide the real dangers.

Suggestions??? The only one I can think of is either to move into the jungle or get a life.

I get woken by by a loud bike, screaming taxi guys, trucks , crying baby next door , domestic disputes , loud music, chickens and the list goes on.

And that my dear friends.....IS LIFE!!

Sent from my GT-N7000B using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Ladt time I communicated with a dog it couldnt speak. But I know many people who bloody well bark all the time.

Yrs animals let go stray are not nice. Yes they should be rounded up and euthanized humanely. You know people...it cost 300 baht for one dog. Better than scrounging for food...living what most soi dogs face...a really terrible painful life as no one cares for their injuries

Sent from my GT-N7000B using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Dunno...got mixed feelings here...

Howling dogs are a <deleted>' pest, but so are half of all posters here, and I dont see anyone chasing down another poster to expedite an execution. If there's something I dont like here on TV I simply dont read or even stay out of that topic; the same goes for Soi dogs, it can hardly come as a surprise that there are packs of dogs here and there and if I dont like them there's always the option (not for the dogs) to move.

Having said that, if the nuisance turns in to a safety concern including nightly attacks, I'm all for a swift and efficient termination of the little buggers miserable life.

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I know each and every dog, soi or otherwise, in my area. Some by name. There was just this one dog who would go into a frenzy of barking whenever someone walked past his spot on the side of the road. He even bit me on the arse once. It was odd as I get on well with all critters, I respect their right to their space on our shared planet and they, mine.

After putting up with him for a year or more, I began to feel sorry for him. he was being fed by locals, as are most community dogs here, but began looking a tad forlorn. So when I last picked up some fried chicken, I decided to cross the road and give him some. 'You me square now?'biggrin.png Since then, he doesn't bother me, chicken or no.

You may ask why I hadn't tried this before. I didn't feel like carrying bits of greasy chicken with me every time i had to pass his spot. But he's a good natured dog now. You could try the same. It's their planet too after all. Remember that.

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t. But he's a good natured dog now. You could try the same. It's their planet too after all. Remember that.

It's the planet of cows, pigs, sheep, chicken and fish as well.!! You can't be an animal lover if you are eating them.
Edited by sms747
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t. But he's a good natured dog now. You could try the same. It's their planet too after all. Remember that.

It's the planet of cows, pigs, sheep, chicken and fish as well.!!

You point? I'm a lifelong vegetarian, if that's what you're getting at, in a somewhat oblique way.

Oh, seems you are. Twice, in a rather clumsy way blink.png . Ever heard of the ASS in assumption thing?

Do try getting used to the edit/posting functions.

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My neighbor's bitch was deep in heat last week. Every night for four nights at least 20 to 30 dogs from neighboring houses, would congregate at her house and get in serious, knock-down drag out fights. One dog expired from battle wounds, others were chased in front of cars and motorbikes. No one came looking for their "pet."

Let me tell you, OP, the sound produced by two dozen horny hounds is unbelievable. Barking, snarling, yelping and howling.

When I talked to the neighbor about it the first morning, she claimed it wasn't her bitch. Oh, no, stupid farang!

She said the dogs saw ghosts.

We've had that too. If they are outside your property a few BB pellets in the but will disperse them. If they are out of range, a real pistol shot into the ground on your own property will have the same effect. A friend has told me that the cracking sound of a zapper works too but I haven't tried that yet.

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Ladt time I communicated with a dog it couldnt speak. But I know many people who bloody well bark all the time.

Yrs animals let go stray are not nice. Yes they should be rounded up and euthanized humanely. You know people...it cost 300 baht for one dog. Better than scrounging for food...living what most soi dogs face...a really terrible painful life as no one cares for their injuries

Sent from my GT-N7000B using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

My view, as I have written previously, is that the fencing or caging of dogs should be made compulsory and the remaining strays rounded up on euthanised. The problem is that, although the locals will kill pigs in the cruellest way, no vet that I have spoken too would put down a terminally ill and suffering pet. Perhaps the alternative would be to neuter them in the hope that calms them down.

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